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15169252 No.15169252 [Reply] [Original]

Describe this image in your finest prose.

>> No.15169258

jet fuel can't melt steel beam

>> No.15169261

Plane crashed in Tower

>> No.15169275

Based AND redpilled

>> No.15169279

No puede ser

>> No.15169300

Le vroom vroom go boom

>> No.15169324

And so History woke, rose from his bed, stretched his limbs, ate his meal, sat at his chair, and wrote once more.

>> No.15169330

Oh, shit!

>> No.15169370

The building’s burned like the towering fires of hell. There was much beauty in its destruction, it intoxicating, like the sight of a midget raping; you know it's wrong yet you can't intervene. You are simply hypnotized in. The fiery infernos of hell and depressive rot global capitalism came finally met eye to eye, and it is at this sight that you realize they were always one and the same. God had lost to industrialization. Corporations had become inseparable from man, perhaps this was a gift from the Heavens afterall. There are only rules through the absence of rules, even the breaking of rules become totalitarian at a certain point, the only way to be truly human is to live through anarchy and vice.

>> No.15169388
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inside. job.

>> No.15169393


>> No.15169398

t. CIA

>> No.15169401

le pleb cuck

>> No.15169419

smokerun, past North and South from swerve of jet fuel to bend of steel beams, brings us by a moderatus demolotio of towers back to Iraq and Afghanistan

>> No.15169423

The tiger
He destroyed his cage
The tiger is out

>> No.15169464
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Two lit cigarettes, their embers burn bright over the city of new. Little fleas in their clean business casual outfits, leaping out of the windows to everyone's horror. Their stomachs probably still full of coffee. If you were to squint you'd mistake them for debris. All the same to some insurance adjuster. It's still morning, and gods eyes are closed.

>> No.15169556

"It really was such a horrible tragedy." Anne said, folding a commemorative addition of Time
bearing the iconic image of the towers consumed in fiery inferno.
"9/11 was an inside job," I offer, an innocent observation based on facts and logic.

The waiter, Scott, Anne, and even Courtney - they all stare at me as if I've offered some kind of diabolical, apocalyptic observation, as if I were shattering a myth highly held, or destroying an oath that was solemnly regarded, and it suddenly seems almost hushed in Deck Chairs. Last night I rented a movie called Inside Lydia's Ass and while on two Halcion and in fact browsing /pol/ on my phone, I watched as Lydia - a totally tan bleached-blonde hardbody with a perfect ass and great full tits - while on all fours gave head to this guy with a huge cock while another gorgeous blonde little hardbody with a perfectly trimmed blond pussy knelt behind Lydia and after eating her ass out and sucking on her cunt started to push a long, greased silver vibrator into Lydia's ass and fucked her with it while she continued to eat her pussy and the guy with the huge cock came all over Lydia's face as she sucked his balls and then Lydia bucked to an authentic-looking, fairly strong orgasm and then the girl behind Lydia crawled around and licked the come from Lydia's face and then made Lydia suck on the vibrator. The new Death Grips came out last Tuesday and at Tower Records yesterday I bought the compact disc, the mp3 and the album because I wanted to own all three formats.

>> No.15169637

They had hoped it would please their God. Alas, it had only turned a wincing destruction's face turn, as mercy grovelled at the footbox of greed.

>> No.15169692
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I'm fond of direct writing.

>> No.15169811

An orangered mass expands against blue morning. The sound hasn’t hit us yet. It grew from a piece of flying machinery that is now plugged into the side of a grey obelisk, this theatre of chaos having an exact replica about 60 metres away, and 15 minutes behind.

>> No.15170232

Fire and smoke rained down from the heavens as a million eyes looked on in horror.

>> No.15170247

Plen into tall hous go BOOM

>> No.15170268

Conflagration. Death. All within a couple of seconds. Wounds that will last a lifetime.

>> No.15170278

The pillars of the sky came crashing down unto the heads of its builders! Ouch!

>> No.15170284


>> No.15170288

>Really they said "Kite, Kit, Steal, Playing, Must". Just a random collection of words.

>> No.15170303

Uhhh Buzz we missed the truck
We're not aiming for the truck

>> No.15170346

Islam is in me
What else could i be?
This feeling so strong in my heart.
Turning from islam, i would fall apart.
Islam has made me what i am today,
I feel i am muslim in every kind of way.
Where would i be without this way of life?
I would be lost without any form of faith.
For Allah's guidance i do pray
And ask for his forgivenvess every single day.
Question myself if i may,
A muslim forever i will stay
Oh God Mose Gracious, Most Merciful
I love you, for life is so beautiful

>> No.15170372

boom! A huge explosion filled the citizens with shock and confusion.The second explosion filled them with horror. The aftermath filled them with revenge and paranoia.

>> No.15170421


>> No.15170499

"Several other ladies from church are already over here, but I don’t know if I exchanged greetings with anyone because I remember when I came in everybody was staring in transfixed horror at one of the very few pieces of video CBS never reran, which was a distant wide-angle shot of the North Tower and its top floors’ exposed steel lattice in flames and of dots detaching from the building and moving through smoke down the screen, which then that jerky tightening of the shot revealed to be actual people in coats and ties and skirts with their shoes falling off as they fell, some hanging onto ledges or girders and then letting go, upside-down or writhing as they fell and one couple almost seeming (unverifiable) to be hugging each other as they fell all those stories and shrank back to dots as the camera then all of a sudden pulled back to the long view – I have no idea how long the clip took – after which Rather’s mouth seemed to move for a second before any sound emerged, and everyone in the room sat back and looked at one another with expressions that seemed somehow both childlike and horribly old. I think one or two people made some sort of sound. It’s not clear what else to say. It seems grotesque to talk about being traumatized by a video when the people in the video were dying. Something about the shoes also falling made it worse. I think the older ladies took it better than I did. Then the hideous beauty of the rerun clip of the second plane hitting the tower, the blue and silver and black and spectacular orange of it, as more little moving dots fell."

>> No.15170514

Oh look, one more failure of America's intelligence apparatus

>> No.15170554

A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.

>> No.15170590

It'd have been antisemitic to prevent this.

>> No.15170608

Based...Pychon is still alive...

>> No.15170615

Last two stanzas feel kinda forced, rest is good.

>> No.15170641

there was an plaen, then a explosion, then a smoke, and a crash, people screaming, and police, and more explosion.

>> No.15170654

shaking my head
shaking all over
i knew the jews were at it again
i knew it.
i'd called the president.
i'd said "mr. president, the jews are after america's dick. sir you have to do something."
and do you know what he said?
he said "I am jewish."
but i gave up at that point.
i figured just let the world burn you know. an aryan can only do so much.
sometimes people don't want to be saved.
that's why i buy beans.
lots of beans and guns.
when the world ends the president will ask me "can i come over, can i come in? i heard you're the president of beans."
and i'll laugh
"what about 9/11 mr. not-president."
I'll close the vault door in his face and save all the methane i can for the coming winter.
beans have a dual function after all. legumes are useful like that, protein and methane, if you're canny.
and i'm a canny man. i fucking love canned foods.
love spooning wolf brand chili in my step daughter's pussy and eating her out. we're not genetically related. besides incest is in the bible.
anyway 9/11 never really happened, like the gulf war.

>> No.15170669 [DELETED] 


Then I heard the sky itself let off the biggest, fattest fart on the city. All street goers stopped in their tracks and turned their heads like a sinchronized swimming team, their gaping eyes focusing on the the thick cloud of ashen fumes rising from the upper floors of the north tower. My first istinct was to blame an uncospicuous tenant who ate too many tacos. It was later in the evening, if I recall, that I learned about the planes.

>> No.15170672
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>> No.15170677

Start shit
Get hit

>> No.15170700

Twin Töwers.

>> No.15170784
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We first thought of the Crusaders as liberators. We thought the end of the World Wars would bring a unified Arab nation, but tribal squabbles and imperialist lies crushed those dreams. As the decades passed, we saw the poison fruit of the crusaders' charity converge into the Soviet and the Israeli threat. We saw our people pulled into domains corrosive to the faith. They began to stray. Our holy lands had become a setpiece for the infidel's hubris.

Our target is the symbol of Western commercial glory, of the unrestrained internationalism that defiles the Holy Land. I saw in my new dreams the result of our action -- crumbling pillars wrapped in plumes of smoke and fire, endless carnage for this world, and absolute glory the next. God willing.

>> No.15170894
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>> No.15170923

you use past tense for the first 'said' but otherwise BEE/10

>> No.15170944

Took five words for me to recognize

>> No.15171007
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>Financial records related to the economic blitz that truly felled the Soviet Union were expunged in the towers, and building seven on that day. There is no good reason for cars over a mile away to have spontaneously fried, nor Bush Jr. to have been re-routed in flight to Texas to reassert personal control over the ICBMs unless some third party to the operation (if you think this was strictly NeoCohen shenanigans) showed their hand in a backdoored-out-the-ass manner -- along the lines of PROMIS/INSLAW and Pollard case (the latter was decried vociferously by Cheney . . . perhaps the stand down was not only justified, but necessary, as in blackmailing an entire country-necessary?) Pure speculation.

>> No.15171088

2 metal stick go boooom, metal stick melt???? and go doowwwn,,,,,,, booooom, big boom!!! whooooosh, everything go down, big fire! very big,,,,,,,, nigger kike jew was behind this!!! definetly yes.... allah people did not do this!!!! 3 letter people did boom,,,, judeo-israeli-america letter people!!! definetly.......... big hell fire like sodomy and gonorrah.... like in judeo-chistian bible book!!! booooom jewish metal glass box gooo, people jump from box windows!!!! whooosh white american people flying fast!!!!! even some nigger-american people!!! also fly very fast,,, but eventually fall, very sad big blood and brake bones

>> No.15171160

>One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth.

>> No.15171167


>> No.15171174

The car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
And a dark wind blows
The government is corrupt
And we're on so many drugs
With the radio on and the curtains drawn
We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
And the machine is bleeding to death
The sun has fallen down
And the billboards are all leering
And the flags are all dead at the top of their poles
It went like this:
The buildings tumbled in on themselves
Mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble
And pulled out their hair
The skyline was beautiful on fire
All twisted metal stretching upwards
Everything washed in a thin orange haze
I said: "kiss me, you're beautiful -
These are truly the last days"
You grabbed my hand and we fell into it
Like a daydream or a fever
We woke up one morning and fell a little further down -
For sure it's the valley of death
I open up my wallet
And it's full of blood

>> No.15171194

“I’ve become death destroyer of worlds”

>> No.15171243 [DELETED] 

Tues, grounder, geez Louise, no-doc, fronted ordinand, loaded, forfeiture mentality, steelworker, pant-hoot, tighten up, G-man, sign of the times, cowpoke, slam-bang, multiplane, in-universe, Gotcha Day, energy carrier, netherward, twofer Qudsi, unstopped pyromantic coup d'oeil, ruthful fantods, void, goosefleshed, figurehead, true density, heavens above, done up, dissemblingly, conceptualist, freeze peach, USAMRIID, underling, destroying angel, looming, unthreatening, long arm, screel, telestic, bastable, fleeciness, unlooked for, yesterday, noncomprehension, hardiment, deliracy, luridly renascent, consarn it, hole-and-corner, self-deceit, incenter, shut up, pyro-to-be, hermeneuticist, filk, devil dog, signalman, tutworkman, exaltate, dissipational, tackleable, broom up the wand of peace, lack-life, get screwed, domesticated, esurient, pulse-pounding sexual minority, orogenital, impex, guestfree, fit the bill to the manner born, superindividual, unpatriotically, unsense, alarum, brace

>> No.15171249

They deserve it a hundred times over

>> No.15171268

reddit tier

>> No.15171289

jews... easy on the false flags

>> No.15171312

9/12 really wouldn't've rolled off the tongue the same way. Their biggest mistake was performing it on a highly brandable day.

>> No.15171314 [DELETED] 

>Tues, grounder, geez Louise, no-doc, fronted ordinand, loaded, forfeiture mentality, steelworker, pant-hoot, tighten up, G-man, sign of the times, cowpoke, slam-bang, multiplane, in-universe, Gotcha Day, energy carrier, netherward, twofer Qudsi, unstopped pyromantic coup d'oeil, ruthful fantods, void, goosefleshed, figurehead, true density, heavens above, done up, dissemblingly, conceptualist, freeze peach, USAMRIID, underling, destroying angel, looming, unthreatening, long arm screel, telestic, bastable, fleeciness, unlooked for yesterday, noncomprehension, hardiment, deliracy, luridly renascent, consarn it, hole-and-corner self-deceit, incenter, shut up, pyro-to-be, hermeneuticist, filk, devil dog, signalman, tutworkman exaltate, dissipational, tackleable, broom up the wand of peace, lack-life, get screwed, domesticated, esurient, pulse-pounding sexual minority, orogenital, impex, guestfree, fit the bill to the manner born, the superindividual, unpatriotically, unsense, alarum, brace

>> No.15171323

Tues, grounder, geez Louise, no-doc, fronted ordinand, loaded, forfeiture mentality, steelworker, pant-hoot, tighten up, G-man, sign of the times, cowpoke, slam-bang, multiplane, in-universe, Gotcha Day, energy carrier, netherward, twofer Qudsi, unstopped pyromantic coup d'oeil, ruthful fantods, void, goosefleshed, figurehead, true density, heavens above, done up, dissemblingly, conceptualist, freeze peach, USAMRIID, underling, destroying angel, looming, unthreatening, long arm screel, telestic, bastable, fleeciness, unlooked for yesterday, noncomprehension, hardiment, deliracy, luridly renascent, consarn it, hole-and-corner self-deceit, incenter, shut up, pyro-to-be, hermeneuticist, filk, devil dog, signalman, tutworkman exaltate, dissipational, tackleable, broom up the wand of peace, lack-life, get screwed, domesticated, esurient, pulse-pounding sexual minority, orogenital, impex, guestfree, fit the bill to the manner born, the superindividual, unpatriotically, unsense, alarum, brace

>> No.15171356

IThen, at the top of the gray tower, you could see how the smoke swelled with raging fire.

>> No.15171387

lmao rekt

>> No.15171451

There are points at which one can feel the historical record extend another paragraph, attaching a new piece of vellum to the back-end of a manuscript somewhere obscured to all sight. There are even, at some fixed interval from its codification, times when the manuscript is altered; palimpsests of revision from the Severans to My Lai, frictional with eraser shavings and passed-over graphite forming convex, stiff pages in the midst of a sea of prim and even-cut parchment. This was a time when the scroll was simply closed. The story had long been over, idling on the final page of an unsatisfying and defeated narrative, and this epilogue of craven violence and torment was but a pointless exercise of tragic form. It is simply, as was the discretion of some dramatic directors at the helm of Shakespeare's Lear, a final, extraneous scene of madness to be left off, replaced, cut to commercial and, at the discretion of the theatre-owner, pulled from the stage with a giant wooden hook. We who survived play on, dance beyond the endpaper, case, cloth-covering, of a work which had closed out our story ages ago.

>> No.15171555

Best Prose

>> No.15171991
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Boom boom!

>> No.15172045

Steel sun flowers
bloom in millenial september
and wither unto memory
the honey has stopped
the compost heaped unturned
as the seeds of hate get sewn in the street cracks, and dust.
to flourish and be offered up on a glorious easter

>> No.15172090

The two towers. Destroyed.
Passport. Intact.
Building 7. Pull it.
Insurances policies. Dumb Goyim.
Full name in phone call. To your own spouse.
CCTV footage. Seized.
Morons. Believed it.

>> No.15172186

The World Trade Center
hit by two planes, has fallen
now: live on the ground...

>> No.15173158
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More people die from the flu

>> No.15173525

Ohh wow Hillary! Look at all that smoke, Hillary. And how cool the plane looked. But couldn't they make it fall to the side more looks kinda fake don't you think?
Ah I guess you're right, frickin tower implodes no one will think its fake.
Call Jeffrey for me, will ya? Tell him we're going to take a vacation on the island. I gotta get off. You think we can arrange something again with Monica? You always liked watching us 'not having sexual relations' haha. It was a good time. But this is the biggest thing yet. Gets me hard when I think the USA taking over those terrorists in Iran. Iraq? I could have sworn we told them to make them Iranian. Doesn't matter. Russia will look so dumb lmao, they thought they got all the oil but who's got it now.
What's he saying? Some other bosses will be there? Ask him if I'm a good goyim. The best? He's so cool. I want to be like him Hillary. What do ya mean you don't like him, he's the coolest guy I know, has his own goddamn island with these cool massage rooms with the masseuses and the pools with the kids and all.
And that TV guy will be there too? He's so arrogant, thinks he's rich because he has some hotels, BLOW EM UP I tell ya, makes you feel really powerfull. Don't you think I'm strong babe? So cool stupid towers just exploded everywhere, they're gonna talk about this for months man. I hope he brings his daughter though, his sons are idiots but the girl is fun.

>> No.15173534

Suddenly, a large amount of non-fiat currency changed hands without anyone noticing.
The sales of tinfoil skyrocketed.

>> No.15173637
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I don't know, man. Dust fills the air, you can smell the smoke, it's an oily smell, but somehow it's all so far away. Here we stand, among the panicking crowd, but can you tell me what they're on about? There is something frighteningly abstract about watching concrete (as in cement) buildings burn and break. There are thousands like them and while this one ejects its human load, 10 or 20 or 100 more rise elsewhere, in distant cities that look and feel exactly like this one: empty and unreal. Is that why they're screaming? Maybe they didn't see it before, from the inside, dissected, but now it hits them hard. There's no hidden meaning, no beauty, no green grass below the asphalt. Tear them down, but the colorful world of yesteryear won't magically appear behind them. It's been ground up and made into grey cubes. The reality of this city, that we spread around the globe, is concrete hell.

>> No.15173645

After years of the evil empire's attempt to oppress our culture and freedom we finally hit back where it really hurts.

>> No.15173659


>> No.15173671

By evil empire you mean Rome yes?

>> No.15173683

Based and redpilled

>> No.15174250
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>> No.15174368


>> No.15174516

Käfer, einfach auf den Karotten!

>> No.15174549

Huh, how did two planes get hijacked and slam into two buildings in the same city? You'd think that after the first one hit, NORAD would be on high alert, ready to shoot down another plane that was off course heading to the same city. Man whoever's at the head of NORAD must be about to get his ass reamed.

>> No.15174569

Steel buildings
Steel planes
It's coming down
In flames

>> No.15174595

Wish I’d called in sick today.
(That perspective is from about where I was in Battery Park City)

>> No.15174606

you didnt write this you fucking liar

>> No.15174630

Or nope, now that I look that’s from the east side and the south tower is coming down with me on the other side.

“Oh shit, a third plane just hit!!”

Black tsunami down
Rector Street, flocks of pigeons
flee ashy turmoil

>> No.15174746


>> No.15174765

Weaken =/= Melt
As a huge 9/11 and architecture autist I've studied this endlessly. Their biggest structural concerns when the towers were built was how they'd hold up against the wind and weather in New York. It was built to withstand fire, but what happened was nothing they could've expected. Each floor was built to hold up the floor above it so all it took was one floor failing and the whole thing goes house of cards. Obviously the floors weren't meant to fail but the impact of the plane + the almost 100,000 gallons of jet fuel burning + the bending and weakening supports above and below each floor was just too much for the buildings to take.

>> No.15174844

What book? Or is it a list you’ve compiled? If so you have skill. Stop posting here. All this needs is something coherent before or after but not too clear that it makes the whole thing kitsch.

>> No.15174867

Neat, now explain WTC7

>> No.15174896

Hey Anon, try
>down Rector street, black
>tsunami, flock of pigeons

>> No.15174982
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>> No.15175251

best one so far

>> No.15176459

this one I will gladly bump

>> No.15177081

The day the earth stood still. Panic, terror, uncertainty, all of these things shook the people of this nation to the core. As the flames rose and the debris came flying down, the sense of permanence and and bleakness of the situation set upon their faces. These 2 hours of terror gave white america a small glimpse into what it's like to be an african american.

>> No.15177118

I like it

>> No.15177128

Lucky Larry cashed out

>> No.15177291

The world has never been the same since.

>> No.15177317

Within your sight lay the buzzing metropolis of the new world, the iron towers beneath a glass sky. The two grandest towers taller then the dreams of those who made it stood as twins, two Brothers standing tall in unison the stolen bullet smashes Into the metal cage of the fuel hearts of the cities

>> No.15178504

Thank you anon but its a passage from American Psycho if you like this post i recommend reading the book.

>> No.15178791

America's comeuppance.

>> No.15179118
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>> No.15180220

The Saudis were, historically, a martial culture. Violent, clannish nomads with strict laws and a history of attacking anybody they didn't like. And dueling. Trial by combat, stabbing, raping, jihad.
The British gave them a modern economy to spite the Turks and keep the Persians and Egyptians and Yemeni off distracted, the better to plunder. But a modern economy cannot abide a martial culture. You can't have international, degenerate, investors and designers and planners travel in and out of a country with a murder rate from the thirteenth century, especially when the murderers like foreigner blood. So the Saudis tried to put down their own people.
It didn't work, and the details are fucking boring so why write about them?
Plan B: Send the worst percentage of the population overseas and export the murder rate. Over the seventies to the eighties and nineties it went from a peacekeeping venture to a moneymaking venture to onanistic glory. Afghanistan was about the glory of the Saudi race. Lebanon was about the glory of the Saudi volk. The CIA joined in because they liked the blood.
If you give violent and stupid men weaponry, money, praise and targets then deny them supervision you'll find that they'll eventually think for themselves. What do you think that plume of neon brown on every news channel was about? New York was made aware of their radioactive glowing shit, that fire called consensus.

>> No.15180472

Far from the eruption, a man sat in his little office, sitting in his little chair, smoking his little pipe, as a great spasm coursed from his head to his toes. He had never imagined that the instruments of history could possibly be so brutish as to necessitate this.

>> No.15180769
