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/lit/ - Literature

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15164148 No.15164148 [Reply] [Original]

Going to my first therapy session for depression today. Have kept it secret and under control for 14 years, but lost control this winter. Parents saw my exam results and secret alcoholism and drug abuse, and forced me to the doctor.
Are some people just not made to enjoy living? What /lit/ can make life hurt less?

>> No.15164151

I hate to break it to you anon but most authors were just as depressed as you are

>> No.15164152

Lots of people go to therapy - me included. Don't ask /lit/ for advice on anything.

>> No.15164159

>Are some people just not made to enjoy living? What /lit/ can make life hurt less?
Why not ask your therapist this? Anyway, while going to a therapist is quite a midwit thing to do I do wish you luck anon.

>> No.15164164

Just C O N S U M E like the rest of the normies. Pop some SSRI's and go braindead watching TLC like a good goyim.

>> No.15164173

I really don't want to go, but I fucked up and made a mess this winter, so I had to come clean with my parents. They're scared because addiction is an issue in our family. I have no choice but to go. I'm not a midwit, I'm just a fuckup.
I have always been vehemently against the idea of using pills, but I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe it would make life better.

>> No.15164468

I went to therapy and am better for it. But don't make it out to be more than it is; therapy is just an outlet - a way to order your life. Gl anon

>> No.15164488

Therapy is good for you. You are not a fuck up anon. Absolutely no one on this website will give you any helpful advice, myself included, but please, please go to therapy and speak honestly to the therapist. There is no reason to ever lie to them. They have dealt with more screwed up people than you. Stay safe friend, and godspeed.

>> No.15164492

SSRIs should be a last resort anon. They'll fuck with your brain and leave your dick permanently limp.

>> No.15164500

Psychology masterstudent reporting in.

Therapy works and i'm sad to hear you didn't do it before.

I would stay away from SSRI's depending on how severe your depression is.


is right and also nice dubs

>> No.15164549
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''It was a study of those Romantic poets and painters of the 19th
century who experienced marvellous states of ‘transcendent consciousness’,
moods in which it was self-evident that the whole universe was a wonderful
place, so exciting that it seems absurd that anyone should ever want to die.
Yet when they woke up the next morning, they would find themselves
wondering what on earth they meant by it. It now seemed an illusion. Life
was now self-evidently trivial and dull and ordinary, and it seemed grimly
apparent that we are all trapped in this. This accounted for the despair that
led to high levels of suicide and death by tuberculosis among such

The Romantic poet did not feel he belonged in this boring, practical
world. He felt that he was, in some profound sense, a god. Yet everything
about the real world seemed to contradict it. Worse still, his proneness to
retreat into a world of dreams left him enfeebled, unable to face the real
world. Yeats was honest enough to admit in his Memoirs (page 125) that he
masturbated himself into a state of exhaustion in those early days when he
was writing poems about fairyland.
Come away O human child
To the waters and the wild
With a fairy hand in hand
For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand …''
Anon u havent even began to feel the deepest of feels

>> No.15164593

Therapy works anon, the earlier you apply to it, the faster you'll get out

What worked for me was always trying to say the truth, and when I didn't know what so say, just say that I didn't know, instead of lying

>> No.15164606


Good job OP, it's a tough problem, but it has many solutions.

>> No.15164626

therapy is a waste of time. Don't do it

>> No.15164634
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You are going to enter in a room with someone whose financial interest is to keep you depressed.Remember that.

>> No.15164653

Source on this quote? I relate to this desu

t. classical musician

>> No.15164803

After years of alcoholism and drug use it will be pretty hard to help you happy. But what I can definitely say is that if you continue on this path you'll be the most miserable wretch that you can imagine or worse. Ok, alcohol kills brain cells and by the time these alcoholics get to their 40s, they are starting to show some deficits in cognition. By the 50s it's a lot harder to keep a job. Stop now for the love of god.

>> No.15164826

Don't post hurtful lies

>> No.15165019
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Most therapists have waiting lists. They’re not hurting for business in this shit era we live in.

>> No.15165030
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Take your pills, cattle, and be reformed as a good member of society, ready to wage-slave again. Turn off your brain, bro, just watch some TV and feel good