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15161688 No.15161688 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying so fucking hard to be open minded about this shit, but I can't have any experiences of my own despite my best efforts using their techniques. I think I have finally realized I'm a materialist nihilist despite my loathing of the mindset. This all just feels like LARPing, but everyone throughout history has been religious or spiritual in some way, it can't all be made up can it? If you're just going to laugh at me don't comment. Also for anyone who hasn't read this it's not about Harry Potter fireballs or anything, You aren't asked to "believe" in anything simply to try to experience it, well I fucking tried and I haven't seen shit, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.15161721
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Learn to lucid dream. It will make you question materialism unless you really are that much of a hylic. Lucid dreaming is extremely helpful when it comes to esoteric practice anyway because rituals are more effective in the dream state (you are in a very deep meditative state, in a way) and you can reprogram aspects of your subconscious directly without much repeated affirmation bullshit.

>> No.15161725
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You didn't pass level one.

>> No.15161738

Oh, yeah, in case you ask for a book recommendation, Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.
Go back to Tumblr with that shit.

>> No.15161753

Which techniques did you use? List them all and analyze if you did them correctly

>> No.15161784

Try reading Liber Null/Psychonaut. The old books are good when you understand what the magickal praxis is for. Most people just get upset because of the exesive larping and "muh secret club" attitude that brainlets like Evola have.
Also, try to avoid contemporary retards and magickal weebs, they are the worst but an useful filter to magick bibliography.

>> No.15161787

I had genuinely frightening experiences when I tried to lucid dream. Am I just a pussy or is it fairly common??

>> No.15161809

Did you get sleep paralysys either when falling asleep or wakint up? If yes is fairly common, it's not scary once you learn what it is

>> No.15161810

Study Husserl’s phenomenology and William jame’s work on the variety of religious experiences.

From there take up a regime of meditation, ritual work and prayer and so forth. Trust me you’ll approach occultism better if you approach it with a mind full of sobriety. Don’t worry about some existential crisis. You know for a fact people experience something and you also desire to experience something. Learn about consciousness and the variety of conscious states, once you understand consciousness a bit you’ll be primed to study occult traditions themselves without the worry of real, not real, or what have you. Pure investigation of consciousness is the proper attitude.

>> No.15161817

Evola is one of the biggest thinkers of the 20st century and translated almost every book about magic ever written since the egyptian while at the same time explaining in plain Italian in a almost scientitic manner what magic is about

>> No.15161821

Yes, I had sleep paralysis. What do you think it is? Also, entities in the dream, who took on images of loved ones, were hostile to my presence

>> No.15161824

>rust me you’ll approach occultism better if you approach it with a mind full of sobriety.
This is what many in the Ur group reccomend, including Evola.

>> No.15161841

Not OP, but thanks for the recs

>> No.15161842

It's your body thinking you are dreaming while your mind is alert and awake. This is why it happens commonly with lucid dreams.
The imagine you see while in your sleep paralysis depend on your emotions. If you are not scared and don't try to run away, they don't scare you.
The same is true for dreams, but when it's not lucid you can't control it much

>> No.15161843

I’m kind of close to you but facing the other end of the spectrum, if that makes any sense. Basically, I had an extremely profound and spontaneous mystical, religious, spiritual, whatever you want to call it “experience” maybe a year ago so I’m absolutely certain of the reality of certain things. However, it faded and I haven’t been able to recreate the “experience”, maybe more appropriately the state of consciousness since. I’m not sure why.

>> No.15161861

>Evola is one of the biggest thinkers of the 20st century
You wish.

>> No.15162038

is jacking off to porn for 3 hours a day hurting my chances of learning about spiritual and magick stuff?

>> No.15162052

You are spilling your vital energy to pixels LMFAO

>> No.15162063

Yes. Being a coomer like that does indeed waste energy. Once you know a bit more you can get into various sex magic techniques or just know how to not spend all your energy - but in general yep, leave it alone.

He is though. Even if you're not in agreement with him politically, he did some great work.

>> No.15162064
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d-don't laugh pls

>> No.15162133

I also don't agree that "belief is just a tool" any more. Look into things like color psychology & whatnot - specific colors, shapes or sounds do seem to have more intrinsic connections to particular states of conciousness than others. Try using blue to represent fire or something. Just as particular mythic themes recur through human cultures (perennialism), some sort of "perennial" magical system probably also exists in principle.

>> No.15162138

Yes, it's actually making it impossible

>> No.15162151

I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say. Blue doesn’t represent fire because generally fire is red, yellow, and orange. Blue fire exists but it’s not as common. It’s only natural that blue doesn’t represent fire.

>> No.15162172

This. I experimented with meditation and magic for a year and nothing happened. I went vegetarian and stopped drinking alcohol. After a year I started having experiences almost every night and they were fucking terrifying. I started going to church, praying and eating meat again. It still took some months for the. To completely stop.

>> No.15162198
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>> No.15162207

I was a vegetarian for 2 years and I’m never going back. Made me suicidal. I’m 100% convinced eating anything other than meat and animal products is a surefire way to slowly suffer then die.

>> No.15162232

Read the pic posted. The implication made is that ALL elements of ritual or symbols used etc are totally arbitrary. Which is consistent with the whole "nothing is true, everything is permitted" dogma of Chaos Magic.

>> No.15162278
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Read this. A common mystical truth underlying all the major religions. Think about simulation theory and the impossibility of *truly* knowing without diving head first and experiencing yourself. That's the leap of faith you have to be ready to make. Think of "the Bible being an allegory" as not affecting whatsoever its ultimate Truth. Think in terms of the usefulness of narrative in a fractal universe. Applicable on multiple levels. Why not the physical? It's well documented historically compared to many other subjects we speak confidently about.

I would avoid magick, you'll notice the effects later rather than sooner. And the bad ones will be more noticeable and long lasting.

>> No.15162294

In Views from the Real World, a book of material about Gurdjieff, the first chapter called "Glimpses of Truth" is a short story that I think you should read.

There is a proper mindset needed when going into this. You need to initiate yourself before you can just start doing all the rituals. Otherwise, its like trying to do calculus without learning basic arithmetic. The way you view basic reality could be fucking with you.
I recommend: Jung (whether mundane or mystical), Mahayana/Vajrayana Buddhist texts, Aldous Huxley, Rene Guenon, perhaps do something like dmt or dxm to see reality fade and "wake you up" in a sense to something beyond. Maybe what you need is to stop thinking about vague and meaningless terms like "reality" and instead think in terms of the mind and consciousness.
And stop cooming, yes. Sex magick is a thing.

>> No.15162307

How the FUCK do you do sex magiq

>> No.15162411
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You must believe in a spiritually true higher, and a deeper. One feeds into the other and so forth and the deeper is yourself and the higher you may understand as something outside yourself which must be given the acceptance of reality. Given these archetypal places, you can proceed and find the truth for yourself, but you must hold these prior; for it is not necessary that you will have a completely unintentional combustion of forces which enact on you at a specific time like did Paul.

I am not certain that it is all necessarily "outside" myself in a traditional sense like Evola and traditional mysticism advocates, or whether it is a Jungian representation. But either way you must acknowledge its presence. And when you do consider(given that you know the phenomena is there itself and of self explanatory value either by reference to a specific meaning or purely by the beneficial effect it has on you; or both) that the phenomena is outside yourself, you must genuinely believe it as a possibility. Going back and forth utmostly believing in the possibility of a psychological basis, or quote un quote "external" relations. You have to go between them once of course, as I have said have accepted the phenomena. It is no less real either way, however, so remember that. And it is also very useful to view the unconscious as an absolute base for all experience, either way as well. For when you think about it as a "real", Eriguena should be helpful for this. With the appreciation of mystical currents in the world and all, Ezra Pounds personal mystic beliefs as well. And of course Jung for that psychological approach, but he is just a very good introduction either way.

In the human respect, read Schopenhauer(and Wagner), for the metaphysical understanding, read Heidegger(specifically talking about Heraclitus and so forth). These should help:


Codreanu is interesting for this topic as well:


Just don't go running into the occult, it is dangerous and only do so once you have had a fundamental realisation of the ground in which you stand, an appreciation of the base of the world. So of course the Greeks are necessary for this, and Plato is almost the most necessary. And at least read some of the New Testament, like Mathews and John first. Just try a Hindu meditation to a mantra to awaken that so to speak "seed". Continue to do it and remove thought until you have an experience, and of course continue it as long as you like.

And of course remember that everything flows into everything, this is especially part of Heidegger's philosophy and the nature of truth, so develop art as you do philosophy as religion as exercise etc.

>> No.15162417

These nine pages should also prove useful: https://uncw.edu/csurf/explorations/documents/jeffguilford.pdf

>> No.15162675

Start with doing work with your breath & energy (ie, pranayama), do lots of kegels to develop your cock muscles, then learn to draw the force of the orgasm itself up & into your brain (eventually) while retaining your semen. Thats the one sentence answer for the most "core" technique. There's obviously a ton more than that (cycling energy with your partner for example, the effect is far more powerfuk with the opposite sexual & energetic "pole"). Tons of material on it around. Plus, you become capable of multiple orgasms & have effectively unlimited sexual stamina, which is kinda cool.

>> No.15162691

not if you're a thelemite

>> No.15162713

Is this the occult thread? Where do I start with Jacob Boehme?

>> No.15162733


Clavis, he lays out his basics in Clavis then explains how he himself wants you to read his works.


Imo you should make yourself familiar with the Hieroglyphic nomad of Dee and the corpus hermeticum and maybe Some of Agrippa prior but honestly boehme explains himself well.

>> No.15162734
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>if you're just going to laugh at me don't comment
well Im gonna comment anyway

>> No.15162741


Forgetting anything else, it’s just a waste of time you could be using for other things.

>> No.15162759

Thanks, appreciate it

>> No.15162781

As a person living with Schizophrenia magic is an everyday part of life

>> No.15162816

It’s bullshit. People who say otherwise are either

1. Lying

2. Schizophrenic or otherwise inclined to mental illness and “magic” helps accelerate the illness, delusions, and hallucinations

2a. And / or lying

3. Doing drugs and are fried, gullible. Or lying

4. Expecting very vague things to happen that were eventually going to happen anyway given time and generosity of interpretation (“I want to experience peace” or “I hope to do something interesting”)

If someone could cast a spell that would make Covid vanish overnight, I’d believe in magic. Oh, but that not how it works. The results are “ineffable” and “personal” and basically boil down to “insights” that can’t properly be expressed or vague “feelings” or behaviour changes and effects that are the result of getting a bit of self confidence and focus, and working towards a physical / material goal using physical / material means that in the end didn’t need any spells to prop them up.

>> No.15162822

>occult thread
It's not, but I kinda wish there was a general or something. I miss /fringe/ over on cripple. Don't need to clutter up all of /lit/, but a containment thread would be nice. Get a bit of a reading list going.

>> No.15162844

If someone banished covid, it'd manifest as a sudden cure & you'd still dismiss it anyway. Nobody ever said it was possible to fire fireballs or something (sadly) - that's what gunpowder is for. Those bits of magic devoted to natural properties of the material world are just part of science now.

>> No.15162866

there's a general on /x/ im pretty sure, but it seems like that board's interest in the occult is very shallow and basically just X-files tier stuff

>> No.15162883 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 461x666, 240BCEC2-9C05-49D7-A94E-A7EACB485187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /lit/, I was a very young kid when I watched Guardians of Ga’Hoole in the cinema, but it really stroke me with some very strong honor sense and all

The book series is just another children’s book series or is it actually something worth reading as a Fantasy reading?
Does it have some interesting themes touched?
Or am I just making this up in my head by a child’s impression?

>> No.15162891

Yeah, it is pretty shallow, usually degrades into "how do I turn my waifu into a tulpa" or "how do attract a succubus" or something. I avoid /x/ these days.

>> No.15163030

Oh what a philistine this man is, he does not know of the hidden truths which are most certainly true.

A man who 1. Does not even understand the history of mysticism(repeatedly makes claims that are just false such as as mysticism's only goal being states of mind, one of many factually stupid statements) and 2. Lacks all intuitive and philosophical insight.

>> No.15163036
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ok so as a 20 year old philosophy major I like learning about stuff. I believe in God and have progressively become more and more religious since middle school. This past semester I had a good prof and class and so I decided that I probably want a virgin wife and that I want to start going to church on sundays as well as meditating and praying multiple times a day. I am not a materialism, obviously, but I'm unsure of the extent of the non-material world and the nature of souls, spirits, the mind, magic, etc. I want to learn more about magic. I'm pretty sure that the general religious view of magic is that it is satanic and blasphemous. I also get from this thread that I should probably avoid magic until my soul is more pure and I am more mature and settled in my worldview. I struggle to stop masturbating and watching porn and I havent got into the habit of praying.

Any advice for me concerning magic or anything, from religious, God-fearing, people that are a part of an authentic religion?

>> No.15163060

God-fearing is the highlight of spiritual ignorance

>> No.15163069

I thought it’s the beginning of wisdom

>> No.15163087

what I mean by God-fearing is moreso trying to address 'actual' believers rather than people who fear God's wrath

>> No.15163092

not op, but since i either don't dream or forget dreams instantly upon awakening, should i embrace it and become the fedoralord?

>> No.15163159
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That book isn't very beginner friendly. Most of the teachings are quite advanced. A better introduction to Hermetic style magic is Initiation Into Hermetics. It offers a more detailed, step by step approach to accomplishing things like transferring your consciousness into objects and uniting with the Absolute in the final step. There are several commentaries available online by accomplished practitioners (Rawn Clark being the main one) which can help you if you get stuck or help build your belief in the legitimacy of the teachings.

>> No.15163242

>Virgin wife in 2020
yeah ok bud good luck

>> No.15163275

Mormon chicks don't put out

>> No.15163294

Avoid magic and anything non-Christian like the plague. You'll thank me later. There will be people tempting you, but you should resist temptation with prayer and honestly listening to Christ's words. You're on the right path, anon. It's good that you found this at 20 when some people go until 40 without doing so. God bless.

>> No.15163308

Personally I'm a big fan of Evola, but my first "occult" book was in search of the miraculous. I always find myself relating back to it when I am studying this stuff and I highly recommend it. Certain things Ouspensky writes have a way of sending pings of truth reguarding life in the day to day.

>> No.15163320

Not him, but what are it’s goals?

>> No.15163393

i live in southern alberta, probably one of the most religious parts of canada, and north america for that matter. >>15163275
as this guys says, mormon chicks dont put out, and this is the area for mormons in canada. plus multiple religious churchgoing qts at university

the thing is that I want to be aware of when others are using magic for malicious purposes. For example, hillary clinton in the 2016 campaign. There was some really fucky shit with tony podesta and those satanist stuff plus pizzagate. I want to know who is in the know and who the enemies of God are. I'm not sure ignorance is as useful when fighting the "forces of evil", to use a cliche name. I probably won't look into it for awhile but idk if its right to never look at it. Thank you for your response though, man

>> No.15163418

King James wrote a dialogue called "Demonology" to instruct people of these dangers. Check it out on libgen.

>> No.15163428

Rather than explaining its goals, it must be understood within a specific character of life, given an understanding of truth not too different, or even at all from Heidegger's. In a general introductory sense, both Heidegger and Underhill provide this.

>> No.15163431

Anon it tells you on page 14.

>> No.15163438

are you that brainlet from yesterday who said sweden was a world power?

>> No.15163502

>the thing is that I want to be aware of when others are using magic for malicious purposes.
Magic is more pervasive in the world, like way way way WAY more pervasive. There is even magic going on in your own home, even in your bedroom.

>> No.15163563

Your miniscule iq is pervasive

>> No.15163589

>20st century

>> No.15163597

Answer me this, are your thoughts really your own?

>> No.15163599

Hylic's Law

>> No.15163614 [DELETED] 

If you want to learn about the spiritual world get into astral projection, start with Robert Monroe's Journey trilogy.

>> No.15163726


Lucid dreaming is literally a malfunction of the brain anon, nothing to do with magic. There are studies on this. Everything can be explained through material properties, intrinsic and extrinsic.

>> No.15163739

well start avoiding this board too. where did all you playground mystics suddenly show up from? we've got enough trouble here with all the religion shit without you fucknuts

>> No.15164158

You're living in the kali yuga just like everyone else. Do you even meditate? Have you been at it for years already? Fasting, abstinence? Tantric sex?

>> No.15164163

The molecular structure of DNA was allegedly discovered as the result of an acid trip, which is as close to magic as you're going to get (as in, the brain frying hallucinations actually turn out to be useful in a sober state of mind) but you'd still dismiss this.

>> No.15164223

I tried lucid dreaming I even bought a watch to check autistically and counted my fingers and so on but I never willingly lucid dreamed despite it.

>> No.15164873

>everything can be explained through material processes
Except that's completely false. Look up the hard problem of consciousness you nerd

>> No.15164884

>there's a problem that has yet to be solved
>therefore magic is real
of course anon

>> No.15165002

Didn't say that at all, now did I? It is, however, a very big blow to any materialist framework that the more we discover about the brain, the less a one-to-one mapping of subjective experience to neurological processes seems possible. Idealism is a very big blow to your premise. It doesn't imply magic, but it does imply that you're a whiny little manchild that seeks stability instead of the truth

>> No.15165095

>the more we discover about the brain, the less a one-to-one mapping of subjective experience to neurological processes seems possible.
few people claim there is a "one to one mapping". however few serious researchers would claim there is anything outside the normal realms of physics, chemistry and biology at work.
>you're a whiny little manchild that seeks stability instead of the truth
no anon, the fairies are real, i'm sure of it

>> No.15165154

I just want to say that you should seek out real teachers in real life. When you come to ask questions on this board, you’re opening yourself up to the anonymous masses who may or may not even know what they’re talking about. It’s the wrong place to look for such things unless you have a particularly developed sense of discernment in all honesty.

>> No.15165169

>few people claim there is a "one to one mapping". however few serious researchers would claim there is anything outside the normal realms of physics, chemistry and biology at work.

You’re simply wrong. Even the cutting edge of physics and psychology contradict this. Are you well read on psychon research or parapsychology?

>> No.15165265

The state of the west...

>guénon is voodoo magic its irrelevant
>see this introduction to magic 101 we'll summon succubus to get laid and/or manipulate space-time to get 3% returns on our investments

This is what happen when intellectuality is relegated to the realm of history, you get alienated bug people who are incapable of understanding basic metaphysics and larp as harry potter instead. We're nearing the end.

>> No.15165320

I just cant relax when sleep paralysis occurs. It has kind of sticky feeling to it.

>> No.15165600

I'm actually on a similar path, anon, and I feel as though a great book to recommend for study is Meditations on The Tarot. It was written by a Hermeticist (the bro of occult traditions) on pervading occult symbolism and how it loops into Christianity.
Christian magic is possible and it's called thaumaturgy, but it's the opposite of geotica. To do it properly you must become virtuous, actuate and develop all of your God given talents in body, mind, and soul, and live a righteous life so much that you will aligns itself with that of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You'd be amazed how much you can get out of routine, meditative prayer after working out, before eating anything, and without masturbating for a few days.

>> No.15165621

bro I’ve been on nofap for like a week and I haven’t gotten shit. how many Hail Marys do I need to say before I can cast a fireball?

>> No.15165637

>Are you well read on psychon research or parapsychology?
pffffftt oh anon i almost spat out my drink. you're an idiot

>> No.15165644

Hail Marys are for after confession if you're Catholic. The goal of meditative prayer is not saying the Christian equivalent to OM 50 times but to achieve a meditative state while addressing supplication to God in something whole and heartfelt. You must examine what you truly seek and to pray for the wellbeing of others.
And you'll never be able to cast fireball. That's what guns are for.

>> No.15165650

Read chapter ten a few more times and the story that the judge tells about the wanderer who tests the old man's honesty and virtue and ends up getting murdered by the old man

>> No.15165651

Meant to reply to >>15165644

>> No.15165660

>I'm trying so fucking hard to be open minded about this shit
What's her name bro?

>> No.15165852

Wtf mods deleted the other occult thread

I was responding to an anon that posted this


The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung (1921/1971) understandable and useful in people's lives. The essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation in behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, being due to basic differences in the way individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment.

Adapted from the original manual written by Isabel Briggs Myers in 1962.

This does seem to be based on Jungian psychology, but not on Jung’s theory of archetypes. You see Jung was not just about archetypes, he also had a theory of personality types, — introverted, extroverted, etc. — which I think this related to. Jung has a theory also about meaningful non causal relations or synchronicities, which is even more “controversial” (in dogmatic materialist academia) than the theory of archetypes, among other things.

>> No.15166047

what about cakes of light?

>> No.15166147
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Stop doing gay exercises and reading books written by LARPers and go work on your fundamentals if you want to do real magic (which is causing tangible change in the physical world using supernormal means; anybody who has a different definition is a LARPer and should be ignored).

>> No.15166253

Any recs for true practice?

>> No.15166307

>which is causing tangible change in the physical world using supernormal means
please describe one (1) time that you have done this in a way that cannot be explained in any other normal way

>> No.15166321

You have to read the satanic bible first.

>> No.15166396

franz bardon ?

>> No.15166406

i thinks it's from this but not sure

>> No.15166413

english link

>> No.15166417


>> No.15166431

et rougepilé

>> No.15166494

Start by experiencing the afterlife, fascist christian larper

>> No.15166529

>he fears Yahweh the Jewish tulpa
Not gonna make it

>> No.15166542

A few years ago I took one of these tests and tested as an ENTJ. More recently I tested as an INTJ. That’s might not seem like a huge difference but seeing that it’s apparently a swing in 1/4 of the factors that make up personality it actually is a huge difference in my opinion and makes me suspicious of these tests. It seems that these things are inherently dynamic and obviously subject to bias so I don’t know how legitimate or useful these are. These is the problem with Jung in general in my honest opinion. His attempts to psychologize the sort of things being discussed here only leads to confusion.

>> No.15166563

> a 20 year old wants to understand reality and maybe have a decent wife
> must le evil fascist
> religion bad

You’re insufferable.

>> No.15166608

You better off reading Jungs original writings about functions or atleast something about cognitive functions. Tests are largely inaccurate and causes mistyping.

>> No.15166630

From the perspective of someone who is getting into Eastern philosophy, one problem with Jung might be that he posits a personality at all, while in Buddhism for example there isn't a hard-and-fast personality but moments in a continuum. Jung is closer to Vedantic philosophy in one aspect in that he posits an ego/Self distinction, which Self, in Jung, is explicitly non personal, but he veers from Vendanta when he denies that the ego should be merged into the Self. According to Jung, the ego and the Self should be integrated in the individuation process, giving rise to the true individual. Jung is a Western after all. We cringe at the idea of losing our individuality.

>> No.15166659

Anybody who did the exercises of the Arcane Formulas reading this?

>> No.15166705

Who is the artist for this image?

I'm a lifelong resident of Britbongistan and I've definitely seen that art style before in my old Gaming magazines. It was most likely a PC Gaming magazine like PCGamer since those always came with demo discs so you could play a bunch of different games for free which, for young, poorfag me, was great. Those always costed £5 though and my Dad was never happy to pay that much money for a magazine (to be fair though, adjusting for inflation, that's almost £8 in today's money. If a magazine came out today costing £8, I wouldn't buy it either).

>> No.15166710

read Abulafia and do his method

>> No.15166727

>posts literal nazi propaganda
figure its a nazi then desu

>> No.15166753
File: 31 KB, 300x300, whatthefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have lucid dreams
>can't stop raping women in dreams

>> No.15166757

No, you don’t know what words mean. The structure was (maybe) hypothesized on an acid trip. It was discovered by sober scientists in a lab running an experiment.

>> No.15166779

>CUTTING EDGE quantum physicist PROVES consciousness caused by magic with this one weird trick; materialists HATE him!

>> No.15166837

Distinction without difference.

>> No.15166848

are you me?

>> No.15166850

I mean, that's what I would do.

>> No.15167059

Yes, you should be using those orgasms to charge sigils.

>> No.15167183
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Glad I'm not the only one. I had one night where I kept moving in and out of the dream state, but as soon I had entered I would just fly around looking for women to fuck. I don't even know if it counts as rape since they were just sort of passively letting themselves get penetrated.

>> No.15167309

Well, magic and occultism is a dead-letter in the modern world. In fact it's actually a dead chain-letter.

All of these occult ideas could thrive in a world where political repression was rampant. All you had to do was come up with ooga booga that sounded like the ruler would say it about his religion, and then quietly subvert it. This is what spiritual parts of Alchemy were; it was a way of being Christian, while secretly investigating natural science research that the Church could not be relied upon to accept.

In the modern world, there is no need for occultist woo; it lost its purpose except for being edgy and having meaningless visions when you're stoned. The best practical guides to spirituality out there today I would say are the Tao Te Ching, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, The 4 Gospels, The Book of Ecclesiastes, Job and the Letters of Paul. The world doesn't really need more spiritual literature than that. All of these books give an advanced education in spirituality from various perspectives, and there are really two approaches. Either choose faith in the best possible outcomes, or practice indifference towards the external world. Of course, the third option is faith in the worst possible outcomes which is quintessential /doomer/ but nobody needs help doing that.

>> No.15167369

Will there ever be spiritual renaissance?

>> No.15167414

That system of magic will mess you up


>> No.15167450

And what makes Greer an authority on the matter? I’m highly suspicious of this guy and am pretty convinced he rejects people strictly based off a popular conception of their politics.

>> No.15167489

Why is this board so /x/-like at times. Are you guys that bored and dissatisfied?

>> No.15167528

>the reading Literature itself is an act of necromancy. One raises from the past dead minds that can still communicate to the living, giving impressions of the bygone days more vividly than the present, extending one's soul into another culture into many different bodies, possessing more memories than an immortal being.

>> No.15167558

Man, Greer on magic really isn't him at his best.

>> No.15167560

The most based answer in this thread, which is why it's got no (You)s

>> No.15167571

>Are you guys that bored and dissatisfied?
Why else would people be on 4chan?

>> No.15167597

fiction has killed the soul of man worse than materialism ever could. I feel sad that when confronted with real spirituality your mind defaults to "shooting fireballs" and other such nonsense.

>> No.15167604

Organic portal detected

>> No.15167933

>Are you guys that bored and dissatisfied?

>> No.15168004

This OP. It's all bullshit.

>> No.15168366

Describe it please

>> No.15168376

>no dude Magick is totally real it just turns out it happens to be totally indistinguishable from not-magic when it works haha how crazy is that? what a coincidence right?

>> No.15168396

No, not at all. That’s a very stupid thing to think.

>> No.15168414


>> No.15168516

Without the drugs they wouldn't have figured it out, or the discovery would've come later. Next you'll be saying that artists on drugs could've created the same art without psychedelics. You're basically denying every eureka-moment in history (having a sudden epiphany while doing something seemingly unrelated) just because you want to pretend LSD wasn't that important in the discovery of the DNA structure

>> No.15168520


>> No.15168589

>malfunction of the brain
Citation needed


>Actual magic is about manipulation of conciousness & synchronicity
>t. "Why can't you cast fireballs"?

>> No.15168603

No, dude, you literally just don’t know what words mean. Here’s an example: currently I hypothesize that you’re a retard with a small penis. Are you actually a retard with a small penis, or is that just an idea that I had that sounded reasonable at the time? I would have to check to find out, and only afterwards could I say I discovered something.

>> No.15168615


>> No.15168627

>no dude it’s like totally synchronicitous
>yeah I know it looks like I did nothing at all but that’s how you know it worked dude
>here, drop this acid with me and you’ll see what I mean

>> No.15168835

> it must be understood within a specific character of life, given an understanding of truth not too different, or even at all from Heidegger's.

So basically what >>15162816 says then? Vague feelings and psychological states?

>> No.15168874

In this example you'd never think of checking that because you didn't have the thought in the first place, because you're not on LSD. Try and think a bit further than your autistic semantics games.

>> No.15168918

>If someone banished covid, it'd manifest as a sudden cure ... Those bits of magic devoted to natural properties of the material world are just part of science now.

You’ve just proved >>15162816 point that it’s all just physical processes that don’t need magic to prop them up.

Unless you mean someone would cast a spell and then a vaccine would magically appear in another part of the world and reality would rewrite itself and generate a brand new past where the vaccine was discovered scientists, like in some Philip K. Dick story.

>> No.15169031

... chapter 10 of what book?

>> No.15169062

Well, have you read the post? he praises the occult philosophy essays in the book, he just says that the system of practice it outlines is not balanced, because the mithraic ritual is supposed to be a communion with the absolute, but in actuality is just a solar invocation. That will turn the personality excessively solar, and that is what blew apart the Ur Group.

As for what makes him an authority, well, his curriculum, if you ask me.

>> No.15169092

Thanks, man.

To be honest though, I'm beginning to suspect that this guy might not be the artist. He may have merely been inspired by the artist I'm thinking of. Oh well. Thanks anyway.

>> No.15169233

I did that but with a dog. This is a bad premonition.

>> No.15169626

>magic isnt real huur!
Okay, then why are there kids in china who can pass through the walls of shipping containers.

>> No.15169809

>dude you literally CANNOT picture a double helix without the help of LSD

>> No.15169828

Try meditation OP, and in particular I recommend poha . It is the meditative state where you're susceptible to visions. I had one about 6 months ago and I've never been the same. Death doesn't feel even a tad bit intimidating

>> No.15169985

Did you read part 2?

>> No.15169986

Lol. You are mistaken. Watson and Crick didn't do a single experiment themselves for their 1953 Nature paper about the structure of DNA.

>> No.15171163

What's a good book for a retarded, complete neophyte, no willpower slug? I'm hooked by porn, video games, and technology in general. Is there no hope for me or is there a book that can help me crawl out of this abyss?

>> No.15171211

>lay on your back
Fuck you. This retard wants you to experience sleep paralysis.

>> No.15171240

good take

>> No.15171685


>> No.15171934

I found that book to be boring as fuck too.

>> No.15172410

very chimly of you, vivvy

>> No.15172579

Magic is a waste of time.

Just get hit with the overwhelming power of the Holy Spirit instead. Even had you had 1M mystic occult experiences, God would surpass them in two seconds.

>former occultist; now Christian 10 years

>> No.15172612

How do I lucid dream?

>> No.15172633

>this thread
I thought this was about idealism, not sigils and sex magic and faff like that.

>> No.15172646

Beyond Based

This applies to christcucks and other religiousfags as well, you are all equally braindead.

>> No.15172653

>everyone throughout history has been religious or spiritual in some way, it can't all be made up can it
Of course it can. Even today ignorant people will believe in absolute any shit you can think of, and they will react aggressively in the face of any contrary evidence rather than simply realign their bogus notions to the new fact
It is all just bullshit and a massive waste of time

>> No.15172662

>Even today ignorant people will believe in absolute any shit you can think of, and they will react aggressively in the face of any contrary evidence rather than simply realign their bogus notions
Like atheism?

>> No.15172691

The a- signifies a simple negation of belief
Learn to read

>> No.15172696

>it’s not a belief if it believes that belief is not true

>> No.15172702

What I don't get is people trying to convince/convert materialists. The type of dummy who ends up a materialist in the first place is *not* who you want to suddenly have dabbling in magic. Don't encourage them.

>> No.15172708

>two seconds
>any quantitatively distinct amount of time
>any conceptualization of a higher
anon... i

>> No.15172717

the context of DNA, not just a random structure

>> No.15172724

Fuck off retard
Some guy says he believes there's a big man riding his wagon drawn by goats across the sky swinging his hammer every time it thunders
All of the 'atheists' laugh at him and show the actual simple cause and effect with no recourse to the big man. They are not professing a belief

>> No.15172769

Magic doesn't give you life, it gives you death.

>> No.15172771

>People who don't believe in what I believe in area just too dumb anyway
Why are you all so boringly predictable?

>> No.15172788

i dunno about this stuff bros but to go off that image you can easily make new input for your brain's model of the world or change how usual input is parsed. this implies it is quite arbitrary or at least capable of endless configurations. right now you have two main conditioners: social and sensory. the social is by far stronger and most relevant than sensory outside of very basic (innate) recognition like colours and space. it's possible to generate conditioning from within yourself, or as intelligent derivations of base biology and other conditioning. this has different tendencies to the other two though.

>> No.15172794

>Vague feelings and psychological states?
No, because it isn't vague, it is rooted in your being, and there are language-identifiable ends to it as well.

>> No.15172802

Yeah, that anon is a lunatic. Talking all elitist, meanwhile, no occultist or esoteric has ever even made a piece of string move an inch in a controlled environment. Any one of them could have accepted Randi's challenge and become a millionaire, but somehow they always have an excuse or a cope. Don't waste your time on this stuff, man.

>> No.15172819

Can you tell the story of this experience you had please?

>> No.15172833

If someone actually had magical powers do you think they'd be retarded and vain enough to go on that retarded neckbeard's show? If I had telekinesis I wouldn't let anyone know.
There is nothing more boring and predictable then a close minded atheistic, materialist.

>> No.15172844


>> No.15172879

Time is often irrelevant during a spiritual experiences. Your spirit can know things unknowable by normal means and you can see or have experiences in a moment which would have taken far longer in this world. It is difficult to even say how long most of the supernatural experiences I've had with God took, but many of them were probably a mere second or two, yet life changing.

>> No.15172917

Post modernist bullshit. Truth exists. Reality exists. Deal with it.

>> No.15172982

SJWs absolutely blown out

>> No.15173041

Try psilocybin or ketamine or something and see if that takes your mind beyond the material for a few hours. Do some nitrous oxide at the peak of an acid trip. Do your research first. And when you've heard the message put the phone down.

>> No.15173061
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>> No.15173229

The problem with you is you see the Hollywood style conception of magic. I imagine you think of a more avatar, hard style where we're earthbending with giant moles. That's not what's being discussed here

>> No.15173234

the problem with you is you are an actual idiot

>> No.15173239

finally somebody sane
feel like i'm going crazy just glancing through this thread

>> No.15173257

i'm still waiting for an answer to this one

>> No.15173326

>Randi's challenge
Randi was shady as shit. He never intended to pay anyone a dime, regardless of them passing his "test."

>> No.15173334

name one person who passed his test

>> No.15173577

The complete ignorance here thinking that anyone ever literally believed there was a big man in the sky riding a literal chariot swinging a literal hammer just like the atheists today insist that Christians literally believe there’s some bodies bearded man in the sky. It’s a refuting of something that nobody ever, besides the most unintelligent, ever believed.

>> No.15173592
File: 83 KB, 1100x521, 524ffefe6bb3f7c865b018ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you never seen any art anon
this is literally what mainstream christians believed for centuries

>> No.15173661

So are you implying that all art is supposed an actual 1:1 representation of physical realities? Think about this for a second. How else would they represent these things? People did not believe this. Not even the Greeks with their anthropomorphic and muscle-bound statues believed this. They depicted them in that way for a reason.

>> No.15173677

>Any one of them could have accepted Randi's challenge and become a millionaire, but somehow they always have an excuse or a cope
Why would anyone care about that normie shit.
I'll give you just one thing, search for yourself or choose to stay ignorant idc, https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420017-1.pdf

>> No.15173681


>> No.15173688

>art is literal depiction of reality
Holy shit imagine having a mush brain

>> No.15173701

I can attest that lucid dreaming helps, at least with meditation. I meditated for an hour before going to sleep, and awoke in a dream the same night. The first thing that came to my mind was "quick, meditate right now".
I got in the space instantly and experienced something really powerful. An white, electric flower fractal exploded in the center of my head and blew my consciousness away. It was frightening. I don't remember the rest.
Woke up fresh the next day.

>> No.15173703

>So are you implying that all art is supposed an actual 1:1 representation of physical realities?
er no. that's quite a stretch, anon.


>> No.15173717

Oh I am? That's unfortunate

>> No.15173723

this is such a zoomer thread

>> No.15173816

still waiting

>> No.15173823

Life gives you death anyway

>> No.15173879

Everlasting life is attainable through the Lord Jesus.

>> No.15173884

How do you think Osama was found?

>> No.15173940

Except there is massive amounts of evidence that they did. The description is obviously Thor, which is the North Germanic variant of Zeus, who is Deus, God on high, and there are massive amounts of sources describing these beliefs
Just as otherwise normal people today actually, really, believe in ghosts, and spirits, and alien anal probes, and all kinds of absurd hokum

The simple point is this, disbelief or non-acceptance of claims of belief is not an equal statement of contrary belief, which is what you are trying to make it out to be
What you're attempting is simple and dishonest sophistry

>> No.15174023

No, what I’m trying to make it out to be is the fact this this silly gotcha of “you believe in sky daddy”. These are merely physical representations of transcendent realities and not literal depictions. The representational forms allowed for varying degrees of belief ranging from belief in a physical god up in the sky who swung a hammer to create physical thunder, which anyone could understand, to the representation of an immaterial natural principle, which few could understand. Moreover, these gods took on different forms for different peoples. The upper classes of the ancient celts, for example, were generally bitheist as opposed to polytheist. I don’t know what this “evidence” that you’re claiming is but it’s simply not true.

>> No.15174055
File: 13 KB, 657x527, 249BC136-34CE-4947-A09B-AA73A63398DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t fight frens

>> No.15174084

it is though. anon i went to a faith school for four years. a pretty unchallenging cake-or-death variety, but still we were taught the whole bearded man in the sky thing as the christian vision of god. the bible teaches that god made man in his own image, so why not?
we were also taught other bible stories, like the garden of eden, the flood and the feeding of the five thousand, as literal truth- no critical thinking allowed. the animals went in two by two, and that was that.
this is how christianity has taught people for eons anon. not this wishy-washy cod-mystical me-ism that is being pushed here.

>> No.15174220

That's degenerated renaissance art.

>> No.15174233

>i went to a ""faith school""
some watered down form of american protestantism is not Christianity.
and yes, Genesis did all happen literally as described, but that does mean it is only literal and not also symbolic.
>the bible teaches that god made man in his own image, so why not?
because that would be a bugman interpretation of the verse.

>> No.15174247
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>i went to a faith school for four years
>has taught people for eons
>for eons

>> No.15174260

i'm not american
>bugman interpretation
good grief. you're a moron

>> No.15174279

Every magician in this thread. Stop. Look down. Look at the cheeto covered belly and mantits. That's you. Why are you pretending to be some kind of sorcerer? Imagine writing things like this >>15161725 Are you mentally disabled? You're not Evola. You're a 4channer, that means everyday you're willingly exposing yourself to potent feminizing content. You're a faggot. Stop fucking crafting these retarded posts, there pathetic attempts at being cryptic and mysterious. Please kill yourselves

>> No.15174284

yeah, so? not even sure why this is up for disagreement. christianity has historically been very literal. maybe try visiting a church that is older than 50 years.

>> No.15174376

>has historically been very literal
okay tell me when historically in Christianity God was seen merely as an "old man on the sky"?

>> No.15174386

>i'm not american
Maybe not physically, but spiritually you are.

>> No.15174398


>> No.15174409

Not even a christian but God literally is forbidden from being drawn or portrayed in any way, silly.

>> No.15174427

"merely"? never.
as a standard depiction, by everyday christians? always

>> No.15174694
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>Post modernist bullshit. Truth exists. Reality exists. Deal with it.

>> No.15174713

This, imagine not having direct access to noumena.

>> No.15175238
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That book sucks. Not only is Huxley dry and boring to read, you can also tell he has little knowledge of non-Christian religions. Based on his understanding of them in the book, he has hardly read any primary source material and most of his understanding is probably thirdhand knowledge from New Age "gurus" (with a few misquoted excerpts thrown in to support his mistaken view). If I remember right, he even tried to cite the Bhagavad Gita as a document about "peace and love" at one point.

The premise seemed so interesting that I slogged through that nonsense book, the moment I finished I thought "That was a complete waste of time". If you really want a comparison between worldwide Traditions read comparative mythology books and primary source material.

The one commendation I can give to the book is that many of the excerpts he (mis)uses are pretty good. Obviously though, you would be better off just reading the source material though.

>> No.15175274

you could have just let this thread die anon. but nooo
>dry and boring
do behave

>> No.15175363

I know. Because that is the only way you can justify your bogus belief. But you cannot demonstrate or show any reasonable evidence that what you claim should be taken as true. And therefore you are simply either a liar, a phony, or a moron. Sorry.

When these beliefs first came to be, they were believed to be literal and physical presences, just beyond the border of what was accessible. And then as what was inaccessible grew ever less, they shifted, and shifted and shifted
So now, what you are really saying, is that they are entirely imaginary. Yet everyone should take them as the TRUE REALITY, when it is really something you are pulling out of your ass.
So like I said to start out with, fuck you, and fuck off.

>> No.15176235

Based. Cringe to think it's an absolute truth that absolute truth does not exist.

>> No.15176271

You are just forgetting your dreams. Techniques of lucid dreaming will help you remember them as a preparatory step.

>> No.15176384

>In the modern world, there is no need for occultist woo;
Well thats not true, humans didnt come from africa and niggers arent human, occult literature makes this clearer.

>> No.15176403

>>no dude not-magic is totally real it just turns out it happens to be totally indistinguishable from Magick when it works haha how crazy is that? what a coincidence right?
You are stupid.

>> No.15176596

Where can I read more on that?

>> No.15177207
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This is a tough part with real magic (btw you are a cringe larper if you add a k to the end). As someone who has a dabbled in magic and also has a STEM degree (Physics), I think magical methods and the scientific method are two ways of building actionable knowledge about the world from separate angles.

The scientific method is fundamentally reductionist, it involves dissecting the world into more understandable pieces to build a model of them (this occurs implicitly when formulating hypotheses). The reason a quantum particle in basic QM has a chance of being observed on the other side of the universe is not because QM particles don't obey relativity, it's because in that model of the world (particles as solutions to the Shrodinger equation) relativity isn't included. Building hypotheses that can be tested by the scientific method requires reducing parameters that make things too complex.

On the other end of things, magic is about finding things that "work" to produce a desired effect in some anomalous way that simply can't be reduced or dissected. When you find that some ritualistic action somehow has an effect, you can't break it into the pieces that caused that effect. It's due to a complex series of correlations and strange analogies in phenomena that come together to produce an effect. Maybe a long time in the future, when we have perfected our science and integrated it with fields like dynamical systems theory and complexity science, we will be able to explain how magical actions work, but at this point we can only document the rituals that do work and use them, without understanding why.

>> No.15177469

If it’s not vague, define “being“ in a way that doesn’t use language that’s dependent on already presupposed definitions of being. The idea of being is already vague and barely (if at all) definable without circular logic and self-referencing syllogism. Heidegger devotes thousands of pages spinning his wheels on this problem and only comes up with something mysterious at best.

And language itself is one of the most vague of human constructions. The entire history of literature and philosophy attests to that. So saying that there are “language-identifiable ends to it” only reinforces its vagueness.

>> No.15177590

Which rituals did you use that wotk

>> No.15177776

I have tried many over the years with varying degrees of success. One book I'd reccomend is the "Key of Solomon" (not the lesser Keys which came later), which has some good practical rituals. Many are very understandable and won't offend the reductionists - the ones for improving memory clearly involve practicing your memory skills. Some like those to develop better speaking skills, are relatively understandable as it's understandable that Latin chants might make you a better speaker.

The less understandable are the erotic, love, and friendship rituals. I've found these to work quite well (even the one to make women dream about you). Sadly, I did find that the invisibility ritual does not work (not too surprising).

>> No.15177794

>practising things is magic
this is pretty pathetic anon

>> No.15177812

>ignoring the second paragraph
this is pretty pathetic anon

>> No.15177843

>The less understandable are the erotic, love, and friendship rituals. I've found these to work quite well (even the one to make women dream about you)
Wew lad, tell me more about the women dreaming of you, sounds rad
Like, can you describe precisely how it's done?

>> No.15177963
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>mfw a qt borderline girl im trying to fuck tells me she's into magic
>Ask her whether she's read Guenon
>To my surprise, she has not.
>instead shows me a link to a subreddit called WitchesVsPatriarchy
>It's full of unbelievably cringy armchair activism of fat goth girls who think that snorting crystallized cat urine will bring them in communion with Earth spirits so they can put a hex on Trump
Needless to say, it didn't work out

>> No.15177987
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Elephants only like thicc blonde girls.

>> No.15178068
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Has anyone here actually had something of a paranormal or 'magic' experience?
This all smells like a vain and superficial attempt to fill the spiritual, psychological and aesthetic hole that religion left.

>> No.15178143
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>fat goth girls who think that snorting crystallized cat urine will bring them in communion with Earth spirits so they can put a hex on Trump
Damn, where did you meet that girl?

>> No.15178151


>> No.15178244

I have a magic power to cook tater tots to perfection. I just wait for a voice in my head to tell me they are done and they have so far always been perfect except the first time.

Magic is real but really limited by the world because if we break our chains the evil's shit is gonna get all fucked up.

>> No.15178254

Thats just autism
Honestly, so much of this 'magic' is just autism or schizophrenia

>> No.15178261

No it's magic. I had a lot of other experiences believe me. 4chan itself only exists as it does because of angels.

>> No.15178324

Not sure if it counts as magic since it's been so well documented (e.g., look into CIA FOIA documents) but I'm a pretty good remote viewer. Mostly comes in the form of impressions of where people have been or where they currently are, even for places I've never been before.

>> No.15178998

Unfortunately people dont believe, and if they are skeptical will demand you rv the contents of a box on their desk that may or may not exist.

>> No.15179030

>4chan itself only exists as it does because of angels.
I knew today would be a based day

>> No.15179050
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>tfw can't shoot fireballs from my hands so no one believes I'm a mage

>> No.15179082
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>This all just feels like LARPing
That's because it is. Come to Christ, OP.

>> No.15179485

Do it then. Make people believe stupid made up shit. Or msybe is easy but you cant