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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 108 KB, 816x815, 92083553_513905205963789_4763587353819486003_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15161360 No.15161360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>still have yet to win the lottery or recieve a huge inheritance or become famous
>about to turn 25
>all of the best years to have all of that are now gone forever

What's even the point now? I'm serious. Even if I end up with any of that, it will be when I'm older when i'm uglier, not as sharp, less energy etc... It's literally pointless. The rest of my life is relegated to just going to college and being some white-collar nobody at best. I don't want to do that. I wanted to be someone.

>> No.15161377

If you are dumb enough to think that the peak of our lives is when we are young and stupid, you're never gonna make it

>> No.15161385

How’s about you figure out something to work at and get started? Uh oh you didn’t get lucky and receive a free ride through life. Tough shit. Get over it and do something with the time you have left.

>> No.15161393

>He feel for the 16-25 is the peak of life meme
Stop consuming so much garbage media

>> No.15161422

After the final resignation comes the leap of faith.

>> No.15161428
File: 604 KB, 600x753, 79BDA20B-E1B7-488A-B638-2562BAD72876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re you actually banking on the lottery to enjoy your life? Oh Jesus Christ that’s hilarious

>> No.15161442

Your brain just finished developing rort

>> No.15161497

Hit the gym and/or learn a martial art. You will look better over time, have a sharper mind, and have more energy.
I'm also assuming you're a man. Plenty of girls date and prefer older guys.

Also, from my own experience, fuck individuality. There's nothing like being the sole person who can make a difference as part of a team, and measurably improving others' lives (where no one else could've achieved the same result).
Look into interesting fields like computer science, medicine, engineering, hell, even English literature if you can network and get into government.

Even if you get that white collar job in the end, you can spend so much time on engaging pursuits in your free time like reading, writing, volunteering, and art.

Then you'll wake up someday and think, "Huh, I made a difference. My life meant something to others."

>> No.15161520

What a lame life; cog-in-the-wheel.

>> No.15161542

nice blog dicknips. Where is the book

>> No.15161557

you will get more satisfaction being some white-collar nobody than being nobody and imagining being somebody

>> No.15161565

what a praise to mediocrity and pathetic middle-class self-indulgence. If you call yourself "something" by living like this you are a suburban midwit

>> No.15161597 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 1024x1022, 1587516968893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All depends, if you are female you are close to the wall. If male your life is just starting...

>> No.15161611
File: 257 KB, 1261x776, the wall for girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15161614

Lmao you guys can't see that OP is a woman?
It's over for her unironically

>> No.15161620

im banking on bitcoin to enjoy my life, is that delusional?

>> No.15161621

I thought that image was fake, but it's real. God damn.

>> No.15161630

If someone attacked me, I wouldn't even care anymore. I'm worthless and hate my life. Learning a martial art is a waste of my time.
I watched a video on trigonometry today and couldn't answer one single question correctly. I'm just useless.
I'm a male.

>> No.15161661

There's no evidence of OP's gender. Even if a woman, you can be a brilliant academic or professional.

I'm a man, but fuck. I'm so tired of the toxicity of posters here. I'm so tired of it in real life, and I just want to discuss books instead of see others cut people down.
I'm just going to close the tab and find moral redemption on a porn site or something. Fuck.

>> No.15161662

A friend of mine won a car once in a raffle, a brand new Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe. He sold the car for 60 grand, put down payments on a bunch of cheap single family houses (this was in the aftermath of the 08 market crash when they were cheap), fixed 'em up,, rented them out. Couple years later he cashed out as a multi-millionaire. Guy was 24 at the time. Ended up dropping out of grad school to "travel the world" (i.e sex tourism).

He got into a really bad car accident about two years ago. He lived but suffered a traumatic brain injury that makes it difficult for him to learn new things (kind of like that movie Memento, but not as extreme) he also suffers from PTSD from the crash and developed a pill addiction from the painkillers he had to take. The guy still has millions in the bank but gets panic attacks if he tries to drive anything bigger than lawnmower. He can't sleep, he can't enjoy food (because of the pills), and he can't work any job more complicated than making french fries. Unfortunately, his money can't fix any of his problems (and in the case of the pills, is sustaining them). I've been thinking about my friend a lot since the quarantine and trying to figure out which of things I really need to be happy, and how much money they actually cost. So far, most of the stuff doesn't require any money at all.

>> No.15161668

>mental health and physical health going to shit
>not even 30
The pains of getting old

>> No.15161675

Tom has had botox and plugs and still doesn't look that great there

>> No.15161683

pussies like you make everything ugly with your sickening stench and soft shapelessness. Off you go!

>> No.15161690

yet here you are, feeding a thread where not even a single book was mentioned. You think the board is getting worse but you don't see yourself as part of the problem.

>> No.15161694
File: 84 KB, 1123x1204, Self-Improvement-Guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about defending yourself, as the best response is always to run.
It's about getting physically healthy, going out and making friends with people, and building confidence over time.

If you really want to learn trigonometry, read Simmons' Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell and/or Gelfand's Trigonometry.
It's natural to forget mathematical foundations over time, and doesn't speak to your intelligence.

Give yourself a goal, no matter how arbitrary, and go for it. Try to volunteer for an organization after COVID-19 blows over, or even participate in volunteering with it. Try and talk to real people.
Start with image attached. Also read Scott Adams's How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big.

>> No.15161695

boo hoo

>> No.15161702


>> No.15161708
File: 919 KB, 268x196, dss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with this, shes just as pretty as the earlier picture, just a worse angle and lighting.

>> No.15161723

back to /fit/ self help bullshit

>> No.15161744

you're just making excuses as to why you can't improve yourself and as to why it's too late to do anything. Instead of looking towards the future and looking towards the past you should live in the present. Try to find meaning in what you can do right now. I recommend reading The Myth of Sisyphus or watching/reading stuff by Alan Watts to try and escape the prison you've put yourself in.

>> No.15161777

What do you do when you feel that you don't possess the intellect to solve any hard problems people care about(physics, math, engineering) or create any great art, and you're also not able to coast on appearance because you're not tall and handsome, but you don't want to give in and become an accountant or a nurse or something equally as miserable and worthless?

>> No.15161790

I won't even give you the dignity of a basedjak post, you're a fag anon lmao

>> No.15161792

We are all star dust baby. Our achievements mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. When our species go extinct, so shall the evidence of our existence in this wide Universe. Take it easy and enjoy the ride.

>> No.15161793

>/lit/ - literature
The world would be a much better place if every /r9k/ loser killed themselves and stopped making all these shit threads. Kill yourself if you’re so unhappy.

>> No.15161826

We are not involved in the grand scheme of things. It's irrelevent. We feel right now because it does matter to us. Your answer is a cop-out.

>> No.15161845

Sub specie aeternitatis

>> No.15161854

good post

shit post

>> No.15161897

>win the lottery
gibs me that mentality
>recieve a huge inheritance
major gibs me that mentality
>become famous
What the fuck. Jesus.
>about to turn 25
>What's even the point now?
Well seeing as you're posting your entitled and egocentric shit in /lit/ like it's your fucking blog, instead of say, facebook or some shit, ask yourself this: Why don't you write something of value? Get off your proverbial ass and make something good, maybe you'll get 'famous' by earning it.