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15160906 No.15160906 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you more kind to people /lit/?

>> No.15160926
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kindness is the final redpill

>> No.15160979

I try to :^)

>> No.15161070

I am, because I treat people the way I wish I were treated. I'm trying to break the cycle of abuse, indifference, and hatred.

>> No.15161121
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Very based. It feels nice to be nice.

>> No.15161127


they piss me off!!!!

>> No.15161150
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Why yes I do try to see the best in people, how could you tell?

>> No.15161153

I am beri nice

>> No.15161208
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I am kinda wondering where is the book/author that would turn this pointless thread into something /lit/ related. Can you give it to us my king?

>> No.15161223
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>Why, yes, I believe that the strong should help raise the weak so that we may all ascend as one

>> No.15161241
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>why yes I do volunteer at my local soup kitchen, how could you tell?

>> No.15161252

Because people suck and I want to kill them

>> No.15161257
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i try to be nice! i express fondness by caretaking so i seem very fussy - i just want to help people :’) it is nice to take care of people and in turn to be taken care of.

>> No.15161262
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>> No.15161337

Kindness won't give me anything. Everyone else is beneath me. I am better than everyone else. Anyone who fails to recognize this is less than nothing and should be killed.

>> No.15161343
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OK larper

>> No.15161400

based teenager

>> No.15161534

How do I be more nice? In theory, I exalt humans as the most beautiful of creations, signed with the image of God. I can admire people at a distance, but I sperg out and be mean whenever I converse

>> No.15161591

Cause they talk so much shit OP. Talk shit get hit. I tried being nice and open and when it fails u gotta hit, have you ever been in this way? Have you ever punched? Have you ever been to Jerusalem? Have you ever squeezed a coin between your asscheeks so hard it lost it's minting? Only in this way will you be noticed.

>> No.15161706

The New Testement

>> No.15161711
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No board on 4chan is nice, save for the one exception

>> No.15161716

You are people. Perhaps you could lead by example.

>> No.15161722

I never really antagonize people, but I often find myself in situations where I'm being put on the defensive. I try to be nice, but people want a fight most of the time

>> No.15161726

I am, but I don't recognize it as a virtuous act because it's just in my nature.

>> No.15161729

I'm better than everybody else

>> No.15161750

very cool. keep up the good vibes friend

>> No.15161767

If you're so great how come you haven't figured out how to be nice

>> No.15161783

A solid theoretical appreciation for kindness is an excellent start! You need to understand that the reason that you sperg out and say mean things is not because you are an inherently mean person, but because social interactions make you anxious and defensive. Start by noticing your discomfort and reminding yourself that other people really are beautiful and are not trying to judge you or hurt you. Even something as little as taking a deep breath or smiling can help align you with calm and goodness. Good luck, I'm rooting for you

>> No.15161791

If you're better than everyone else, and everyone else's problem is that they suck, then shouldn't you not suck (i.e. be kind)?

>> No.15161805

Modesty is a virtue too

>> No.15161819

Most people are not looking for a fight. You may be so used to looking for threats from others that you misinterpret some things as aggressive towards you which aren't. Even when people are actually being aggressive, normally it's because something else other than you is upsetting them. Try not to let it affect how you respond to them-- you are in control of your actions, and often kindness will defuse other's anger anyways

>> No.15161844

but acting superior makes people seethe and feel jealous

>> No.15161853

because i still dont wont get any friends. im just boring i suppose

>> No.15161919

You'd be surprised people tend to appreciate kindness more than any other attribute. Think about how you felt when somebody was consistently kind to you. Didn't you like them? Didn't you want to be their friend?

>> No.15161930

Sure, because a lot of the people you're superior to in certain ways (presumably intelligence) are superior to you in other ways (certain knowledge, certain skills, what have you). If you treat people like you have something to learn from them, they'll like you better and you'll often learn something as a result

>> No.15161941

Also, most "interesting" people are that way because they spend a considerable amount of time trying to cultivate an "interesting" persona. That's not time well spent, in my opinion. Although it's cliched advice, the most interesting thing you can be is yourself

>> No.15162018

I'm superior to people in every way possible

>> No.15162027

That seems unlikely. What do you know about gardening? What do you know about theoretical mathmatics? How about kabbalist texts? For that matter, if you're superior in all areas of knowledge, why do you read other people's books? Why do you seek out other people's thoughts on message boards?

>> No.15162049
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>Why aren't you more kind to people
Being nice is for women and estrogen-laced leftist "men"

>> No.15162071
File: 136 KB, 465x750, 561F55E6-C235-4A22-A07D-1A5DE50D43E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gravitated to this site because people talked shit on here. It feels more real and unfiltered to me. If you want niceness try this website —-> www.reddit.com

>> No.15162102

I love my friends and parents everyone else can choke

>> No.15162118
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Sorry bro, I like the idea of being nice but it's hard for me to do it. I do have friends, I am decently sociable, but everyone frequently says that I'm too cold or that I feel negative/sad at times. It partly my fault, yes, but I think it's also my essence, my very nature.
How do I fight what was here before I started thinking?
Should I?
Will I ever be able to overcome the way I've been living my whole life?
Will I lose my individuality in the process?
What is myself? Should I consider every characteristic a part of me? How do we differentiate a mere characteristic from a defect?

>> No.15162200

read Schope
being social is overrated

>> No.15162249

but nice guys finish last

>> No.15162272
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A lot of people on /co/ are unironically nice. Maybe it's because they, including myself, consume media designed for children, where friendship and compassion are usually the most important ideals.

>> No.15162296
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I am kind to people, not because I'm a kind person, but rather, I'm a selfish person; being kind gives me a sense of self gratification, so even if no one is watching, being kind makes me feel good, so I greedily try to be as kind as often.

>> No.15162337

Oh look. We got macho man badass over here

>> No.15162359

this is honestly something i have a really hard time doing even though i feel like i understand the importance of it more than most people
jesus christ fuck i did it again

>> No.15162451

being superior is the best revenge anyone can do, nothing insults more your enemy than being superior than him
I see most people as my potential enemies therefore I'm kind to them

>> No.15162458

>try to be nice
>everyoneis just weirded out by me
>continue to be nice because I find weirding out funny as hell

>> No.15162493

it's a good way to be. don't let the negativity of the world drag you down.

>> No.15162503
File: 33 KB, 720x671, 1587216650094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your kindness... give it to me

>> No.15162571

Reddit lacks the potential for true kindness because it is mediated by an abiding concern for status. True kindness is an act for which you expect no thanks, and can only be done online anonymously.

>> No.15162578

I disagree. Anybody can be kind, and a big problem with leftism today is an abiding lack of kindness towards "unwoke" people

>> No.15162619
File: 3 KB, 114x125, Ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. There's something far more genuine and authentic about kindness here. There is no material gain to be had; no favour to curry; there is no reason to be nice here, so when someone is, it's that much more special. Have a nice day, anon.

>> No.15162635

if you meet with my parent or my sister you kinda wanted them to catch COVID-19

>> No.15162693

I really don't mind tho waking up to my family being dead. I think that is the best situation that could happened.
At least a dead mother and a dead sister.
I don't consider their lives to have any value whatsoever.
They are prick yet illiterate.
It is just embarrassment at this point.

>> No.15162771
File: 9 KB, 240x210, giga4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other week i was watching gore videos out of curiosity as i havent done in years. I only felt disappointment with humans in general , not sure if more so about the comments under such videos ,grown adults cheering for death of innocents or throwing judgements which is pretty pathetic on such content, cartels killing people for trivial reasons etc.

Its not entirely even our fault we are constantly sabotaging and traumatizing others and ourselves due to our ego parasite paradigm , in a constant maze of perpetual pettiness.Blinded by the obs-curation of false separation. It is all so tiresome...

There has to be a higher world a higher society of creatures liberated from the plague of such design.
Heres a spoiler you're not the body/mind complex but the one that observes and experiences it.

>> No.15162786

There was less there before you started thinking than you believe. Your essence is made up of your habits, and you can learn new habits-- you are free to do anything IF you are willing to put the work in to it. This includes being kind. You have that power in yourself, and you CAN learn to do it. I believe in you dood, do good works :)

>> No.15162798

There does not have to be anything. This could truly be it. Which it why it is especially important to truly do your best to be kind in every way you can.

>> No.15162806

It's scary not to know yourself but know also that this is a part of being a human, at least in today's world. But you can learn about yourself, and you can learn to be the way you want to be.

>> No.15162817

Strange! Do you think that is the way you want to continue being, or do you see yourself working to lose your selfish attachment to the act? I don't know if it's worth it or not

>> No.15162826

as good a reason as any I suppose. Do you really think anybody is your enemy in that way, though?

>> No.15162839

Have they really died? If so I'm extremely sorry for your loss. Unironically if there's anything I can do to help reach out to me @ 2147294729

>> No.15162851

Read Mencius

>> No.15162852

Why do you think I care? I’m a selfish man. I’m selfishly kind. I see no reason to change that about myself. If being kind did not give some sort of self gratification, there wouldnt be a kind soul who walks this earth.

>> No.15162871

I have! He had some interesting ideas but I didn't agree with a lot of assertions he had about the basic nature of humanity or the role and efficacy of governments. I also think Foucault frames a lot of his valid ideas better than he does. Nevertheless, Letter to an Open-Minded Progressive is interesting work and I enjoyed reading it.

>> No.15162878

I'm not trying to tell you that you ought to change. And maybe that's true. But if there's nobody who's kind without self-gratification, then you aren't really selfishly kind, you're just normally kind. There are a lot of people who don't manage that, so you ought to be satisfied with that aspect of your life.

>> No.15162886
File: 49 KB, 277x288, mencius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Oh, you thought I was talking about that pseud who gets posted around here sometimes.

I'm referring to the actual Mencius.

>> No.15162902

Who’s to say I’m not satisfied? When I hold open a door or put a dropped item back on a supermarket shelf, I feel no love for those I’m helping, I only feel the pleasure of action, the knowledge that I have done a kind act. However, I am not kind.

>> No.15162908

Oh awesome Mencius Moldbug is kinda a jerkoff lol. Where should I start with the actual Mencious? I honestly haven't heard of him

>> No.15162912

I guess the question I'm asking is why you are denying yourself of the pleasure of claiming that you ARE kind. Would it be unpleasant for you, or do you feel unworthy of the title?

>> No.15162923

He only wrote one work (the Mencius), and you only really need to read the Analects to understand him.

Those two plus the Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean are the standard primer on Confucianism. But I brought up Mencius since he is most relevant to the topic of this thread.

>> No.15162941

Because I’m selfish, and denying the ideas of being kind give me a sense of self gratification. Don’t you got no sense, boy?

>> No.15162964
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Materialism is the greatest crime against humanity after religions.
They both separate you from the greater reality and keep you in low states of consciousness.
Everyone here is capable of kindness.People only feel meaningless and depressed due to their current state of consciousness.
If one was in a higher state there would be underlying bliss,meaning,fulfillment and benevolence which compels you to act in kindness as you already have everything and you want to share it.

Perhaps one day there will be an awakening on a larger scale

>> No.15163074

Hopefully there will be. What should we be doing now to help bring that future about?

>> No.15163077

Well if you're enjoying yourself and helping others out there seems like you're doing something good. Keep it up :)

>> No.15163171
File: 272 KB, 1000x1300, krishna3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would helpful if culture embraced the spiritual life more.
One cannot force it on people who are not ready for it.
People are in different castes based on the evolution of their desires and such progress is stored within the soul. Once through enough incarnations you move from (basic needs-sex>wealth->power->knowledge)there is desire for higher meaning than material world can provide or when the suffering is too high can one be ready to go beyond it.
Most people are on the default path of suffering.

''My fiftieth year had come and gone,
I sat, a solitary man,
In a crowded London shop,
An open book and empty cup
On the marble table-top.
As on the shop and street I gazed
My body of a sudden blazed;
And twenty minutes more or less
It seemed, so great my happiness,
That I was blessèd and could bless''

>> No.15163197

I try to be nice, but then I feel awful afterwards. It's just so much easier to be dick to people.

>> No.15163209

I don't think you realize how terrible dying alone knowing how empty your life is will be

>> No.15163249

No good deed goes unpunished as they say. I get bad luck but i still try to help .

>> No.15163257

I pray that I will be able to answer to myself in the end

>> No.15163375

based beyond belief

>> No.15163390


>> No.15163409

If you're so nice can you post a link to the harry potter audio book where the narrator is just sentence mixed to say gay shit?

>> No.15163417

no im a bad boy now no more mr nice guy!

>> No.15163420

>harry potter audio book

Is it this?

>> No.15163424


>> No.15163427

YES. Thank you. I heard this a couple days ago and couldn't put my finger on the source anymore.

>> No.15163607

/m/ really is a nice and friendly board. Probably because it's so hard to find people who actually like mecha and toku.

>> No.15163773

Based thread

>> No.15163807

Im very kind, thats like the thing im best at actually, this discovery has made me a substantially more content person

>> No.15163825
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>> No.15163854

I had this strange realisation of love the other day and it was the most powerful thing I've felt in a long time. I thought what it would be like to simply love everything, my problems, my jealousy and anxiety and the things that annoy me. It felt so liberating to think about just giving myself to others, not feeding my ego in any matter possible because I don't matter. It lasted for a few minutes till I started stewing in self hatred and anger again but I think love and kindness might be on to something.

>> No.15163922

>I am better than everyone else. Anyone who fails to recognize this is less than nothing and should be killed
wish granted, you're now the last person on earth

>> No.15163934
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Why yes, I am patient with people's insecurities and draw out their better nature through force of acceptance, how could you tell?

>> No.15164002 [DELETED] 
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>Fuckbeak woke with a fully formed plan in his mind. He got up, dressed in the pale dawn light. As he stood up, he ripped a very noisy fart which echoed off the polished wooden floors like a firecracker. He was a big man, unshaven and unwashed, and looked quite uninterested - almost bored with life itself. His room was even messier than the rest of the house, in which he lived alone except for his cats, who all hated him.

>> No.15164014

This isn't /pol/. We are nice to people here

>> No.15164172

Absolutely Based and Carl Rogerspilled