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15160479 No.15160479 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting real fed up with the direction LGB, and women's-lib have taken. Is there any essential TERF readings? The entirety of the trans movement is turning everything into nonsense.

>> No.15160527

here are a few good second-wave recs:

robin morgan – sisterhood is powerful
germaine greer – the female eunuch
adrienne rich – blood, bread, and poetry
shulamith firestone – the dialectic of sex: the case for feminist revolution
kate millett – sexual politics
jo freeman – the tyranny of structurelessness
andrea dworkin – intercourse
andrea dworkin – on pornography
catharine mackinnon – toward a feminist theory of the state

i recommend digging deeply into dworkin/other contemporary women’s lib listed above to help contextualize the gender-critical movement. (most of these women were/are gender-critical) raymond’s transsexual empire is pretty popular but radical feminism encompasses more than that. i hope these books help, anon.

>> No.15160536

Based trannies discrediting feminism by association

>> No.15160560

Oh...so NOW you want our help, feminazis? ;)

>> No.15160587
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Thanks, I actually work in humanities academia so dworkin, butler and most of your list are people I'm very familiar with. I'm wondering if there's stuff that tends to react against these authors from a TERF viewpoint. I'm seeing ground that womens lib won being melted away by trans groups, and rather odd, violent graffiti against women by trans people popping up.

If jannies are trannies, how long till this thread's nuked?

>> No.15160628

most of the literature trying to jab at women’s liberation isn’t written from a gender-critical POV because trannies are up in arms that nobody in the 70s wanted to suck their ladycocks. i’ll see if i can find gender-critical anti-dworkin stuff but generally radfems are fond of 70s feminism and everyone else is not. lots of radfems have gone after butler though as they should because she’s a shoddy scholar.

>> No.15160678

Given that its basically impossible to get published as a TERF (as that's now a way of excluding women & putting them in the same basket of deplorable outcastslike White Nationalists etc), I really can't make any recommendations and I'm not aware of any fictional works that deal with it. So other than the handful of women still trying to hang on in academic circles, I'd recommend Germaine Greer's books to begin with, as I think she's the clearest voice on the topic. If you're content with OpEds & blog posts, then there's now a huge number out there (start with the infamous Cathy Brennan). Most TERFs still see the term as derogatory though, although the few lurking on places like imageboards will generally wear it proudly - it does mean you need to sift through the overwhelming amount of libfem bullshit to find though as you can't just Google "TERF" and get good results.

Really, any true feminist literature is implicitly a denial of the whole concept of some "socially constructed gender-soul" outside of patriarchal constructs. Socialised roles obviously exist (which is what radfem criticism is oriented towards) & biology exists, but just "feeling" like something else, especially when that something is some stereotype invented by men doesn't magically make you a women.

>> No.15160712

Yeah, I see what you mean. Maybe there's some wordpress or other articles that aren't published in a traditional sense? That's the way accelerationism and articles written on it seem to be locatable, so I was hoping some anon's might know.

Any keywords or things you could point me in the direction of? I've seen people using "gender cynical" instead of "gender critical", and things like TiM instead of MtF but that's about it.

>> No.15160731
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Where would Sandra Bartky fall on the tranny enabler spectrum? I liked "Toward a Phenomenology of Feminist Consciousness"

>> No.15160757

Back to Instagram, cunt.

>> No.15160811

I just looked up TERF acronym and found this:

Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. That group of feminists that claims that trans women aren't really women, as biological determinism is only a fallacy when it used against them, not when they use it against others.

>> No.15160813

These roasties hate trannies. Even if you don't care about the political utility of setting roasties against trannies, it's still really, really funny whenever normies get confused that women increasingly disagree with the progressive tranny-lover narrative.

TERFs should be encouraged to further irritate trannies. It's funny, it's politically useful if you hate trannies and their degeneracy, and it's frankly the moral thing to do: the more women become TERFs, the less dumbass basic normie women will see it as default consensus to love trannies as the latest flavor of the month charity case, the less they will give saccharine encouragement to the trannies out of their overpowering desire to conform to consensus, the fewer confused fags will become trannies, and ultimately, the fewer fags will mutilate and later kill themselves for the sake of autogynephilic roleplaying.

>> No.15160874
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Not really, it's the position that men can't be women. Only women can be women. Trans is a fetish, not a gender. Anyone that isn't a woman, can only attempt to be a woman by playing out stereotypes.

It's a fetish disguising itself as a political problem. Only women are women.

>> No.15160892

sounds based to me

>> No.15160921

It is the funniest thing that happened in the entire 10s in politics. After decades of spouting gibberish and forcing everyone to repeat their inane dogma they are suddenly subject to the same thing coming from insane men in dresses.

>> No.15160939

The one tranner mod usually gets bullied on sight you're probably fine lmao

It's not cause of her being trans it's cause she's just a fuck. I'm sure that if she was cooler to be around the nerds here would magically come up w science reasons to support transexualism.

TERFs might be helpful to encourage downtrodden men as well as /repgen/ on /lgbt/ to man up and talk about their feelings. That's really what it comes down to, fear of judgment and rejection, it's not about being insensitive manly men it's about using insensitivity to confront their own sensitivity underneath and make their own opinions about life and stuff. Some manosphere tards like to accuse women of "hypergamy" after the sexual revolution, their standards too high etc., see "Sexual Utopia in Power".

Also if TERFs could make a gender studies major that includes a bio-physiological cross-section that would be so great.

>> No.15160970

Brehs why's Dworkin so fucking thick

>> No.15160981

/lgbt/ is a hive of trans people. That and twitter trans make les and less sense until you look at it as a lifestyle based off a sexual fetish. Once you realize that's what it is, it makes sense. You can't claim your degenerate fetishistic behavior as a part of women's lib.

>> No.15161017
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TERFs are retarded, I've yet to see a single one accurately point out the problem with transvestites. It seems the major complaint of TERFs is that a zoomer tranny tagged them on twitter with a meme captioned "fuck terfs" over a scantily clad anime girl. The real problem with transvestites is that they are fine young men ruining their own future, womens rights do not come into play in this matter (unless you take the daily mail to be an accurate picture of what trannys get up to in the world). I have more empathy for the effect of the tranny menace on Incels than woman.

>> No.15161028

/lgbt/ literally has a cis lesbian thread with a chick with MAGA hat on it lol

>> No.15161032

>I've yet to see a single one accurately point out the problem with transvestites

Being a woman belongs solely to women, if you're a tranny you're like a little kid playing at being an adult. You're acting out stereotypes, and devaluing the existence of women. That's the issue, women fought so hard for their own liberation, and a sexual fetish hijacking it will set everything back, and take away the independent identity of women.

>> No.15161035

"Gender Critical" is a good term to use actually, yeah. You'll still run into a lot of libfem stuff criticising it of course.

>> No.15161073

>You'll still run into a lot of libfem stuff criticising it of course

Yeah I've used that to backtrack into stuff.

>> No.15161119

>downtrodden men.
Men hardly need help. The focus has to be brought back to Women & the issues facing Women.

I'm weirdly not opposed to the whole mgtow or incel phenomenon in a own way though - they're effectively deconstructing patriarchy itself, although they don't see it that way of course & they're doing it in the most autistic (and Male) way imaginable. In theory it could be a positive if they channel it correctly, although I do think it should remain a seperate movement. But then, just as there's a surprising number of TERFs lurking on imageboards, there's a surprising number of /pol/ types lurking on TERF forums & subreddits, so there's probably more crossover already than anyone wants to admit. Enemy of my enemy or criticising the same problem from different sides or something.

>> No.15161139

Trannies are from this point on officially based.

>> No.15161167

the entire tranny movement is overrun by coomers who think the idea of having a dick and tits is hot—who think they can identify into a biological reality because they either want to fuck women as a woman, or to be fucked by a straight mab. it’s a farce and a delusion and mainstream feminism has been reduced to a toothless movement that blindly celebrates male fetishes and places utmost priority on male voices. there is also this phenomenon of clown-haired huffpo parents feeding their children hormones and talking them into genital mutilation, which is normalized child abuse.

>> No.15161212

Being a woman is about wearing dresses and cutting your balls off.

>> No.15161253

It's okay. Janny is taking a dilation break.

>> No.15161293

Why do you think mtf's have such exorbitant mommy fetishes? Imo the same shit happens in femdom relationships frankly. Everyone naturally seeks out those figures when they weren't provided to us at an early age in different people, like honestly what horrible issues do women face? Media caters to them constantly and they're treated like sacred objects behind glass, it's also a Christian ethic which hasn't left them. To me seems like yall have problems stepping the fuck down for once and admitting you aren't the precious hellenic jewel everyone tries to pretend you are. Really hot chicks are sometimes weirdly into sexual degradation and it makes sense.

Meanwhile men are tools too afraid to leave the fucking closet wearing layered clothing without feeling like a faggot like what did you think would happen? They had to transform into something else entirely feel their own self worth in creative expression, like goddamn incels are horrified of aesthetics and they simultaneously try not to find value in it due to what they call superficiality. Though I guess if you're that shitty of a person you don't deserve to dress decently.

So no I guess men don't need help if the solution to help themselves is to cross dress. Personally I think everyone should cross dress at least once. What you're saying though is just a tired fucking rehash of shit that doesn't work anymore. Please tell me though how tf is mgtow this small electric elite force of autists is destroying patriarchy?

>> No.15161295

The Collected posts of Butterfly- Butterfly

>> No.15161314

Literally if your choices are fuck a wound that was carved out of a guy's ass and it is filled with blood and intestines or visit a prostitute, you should visit the prostitute. That is common sense.

>> No.15161325
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If a tranny can simultaenously pass as woman and devalue a woman through acting out stereotypes, then the only logical conclusion is that there wasn't much to being a woman in the first place. There's no support for transvestism being a sexual fetish. If you look at actual transvestite communities on reddit and such (as degenerate and uncomfortable as they are) you can clearly see that the vast majority of them do not exhibit any sexual need to be a woman, instead there is a prevailing mood of autistic thinking. Breasts are just necesary objects for passing for most of them, having a neo-vagina is just the ultimate response to trauma. My theory is that transvestism is just the modern cope for an unwelcoming life. People who have depression often struggle with pinning down a precise reason, and much less a reason which they can deal with. Transvestism has successfully established itself as the solution to this problem. Look at the facts, depression is on the rise, as is transvestism, and transvestism can easily be established as the cause of the depressed man's troubles because when he looks into his past he can think of those times he played the female character on a videogame. It is the easiest answer to a hard question, transitioning represents a struggle against depression. Once you transition fully and pass, your depression will be gone! Transvestism latches on and becomes an identity which is embarassing to get rid of. The only evidence for transvestism being a fetish is tabloid articles, and here we have the perfect example of what happens when you read too many >>15161167 . Listen, I dislike trannies as much as the next guy, but that children are being fed hormones is a retarded myth. I do agree that "questioning your gender identity" is becoming too normalised, but get a fucking grip schizo/winemom (whats the difference nowadays). picrel is what TERFs mean by misogynstic oppression from the tranny menace.
t. Psychology student that doesn't get any chance to speak honestly about the trans question in uni

>> No.15161327

the self-identified mgtows are an irrelevant group of autists, but the trend they represent is a real thing

>> No.15161335

you cant give birth your aren't a woman simple

>> No.15161342

i knew barren women were genderless monsters

>> No.15161362

If you were born with XX chromosomes you are a woman, XY a man and anything else, an intersex person or Kleinfelter's.

>> No.15161373

they were treat as such historically

>> No.15161378

And yet carved-asshole understands men better than you do. Strip away the symbolism and you have the same person. Guys and gals aren't that different.

>> No.15161394
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At no point in time did I say they were passing. Listen man, if you get a realistic cat costume, have everyone treat you like a cat, act like a cat too, guess what? You're still a man. I'll dump some screencaps from reddit for you. Here's another one, your idea of thing=response to trauma is one of the shittiest fads in psychology,and your overall stance here is you blindly tossing fads at a problem in a way that's consistent with other modern psych models, rather than actually offering any real insights.

>> No.15161402
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>> No.15161406

Goodbye Horses, I'm flyin'-flyin'- flyin' over yoooooou

>> No.15161413
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>> No.15161420
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>> No.15161423

Trannies are incel class traitors, listen to them for just a minute and youll see they just found a politically correct outlet for the autism misogyny and sexual frustration. Maybe i can respect the few remaining high iq classic 4chan schizo trannies but as things stand nowadays the transgenders are the opposite of counterculture, the hugbox-movement cannot help but attract the lowest dregs of society looking for unconditional acceptance.

>> No.15161430
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>> No.15161438

"I'll send you a copy of Goodbye Horses." Come on, don't say that wasn't funny. Gina or Fanny laughed (it was probably one of them).

>> No.15161440
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>> No.15161444

Don't bother, I used to go there when I made the mistake of thinking myself a transvestite as a younger lad. The feeling passed as soon as I learned to deal with my underlying depression, but I can assure you, you're completely wrong about transvestites. Besides hating them, that's probably the right thing to do. That psychopathologies are culture dependent responses to stress is not a fad retaaaard. As much as modern liberal feminists may dislike the idea, hysteria was completely real, not just a way of oppressing woman. And transvestism too is completely real, and is in no way a plot to discredit women.

>> No.15161458

Trannies are what happens when psychology abandons sound freudian science for 'self esteem' feel good tosh. Absent or distant father/overbearing mother explains most cases of transgenderism. The rest ended up that way from being Horribly Raped and Molested, obviously.

>> No.15161472


>> No.15161473

hysteria is still a thing, hell I have seen even men do it

>> No.15161503
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Nice trips. The issue is that you're taking an incredibly common and basic psychological model that's applied to any sort of becoming-other. Whether it's people joining an extremist group, or some other form of identity cloaked in the allure of alterity. There's so much more to it than any of what you've said. In fact, we could just take your language and replace it with another generic term and look what we have.

>Don't bother, I used to go there when I made the mistake of thinking myself a Nazi as a younger lad. The feeling passed as soon as I learned to deal with my underlying depression, but I can assure you, you're completely wrong about Nazis. Besides hating them, that's probably the right thing to do. That psychopathologies are culture dependent responses to stress is not a fad retaaaard. As much as modern liberals may dislike the idea, Naizsm was completely real, not just a way of oppressing People. And Fascism too is completely real, and is in no way a plot to discredit people .

I really hope you're not going into debt for that degree.

>> No.15161510

>sound freudian science
Ok now I'm just going to call you a dumb whore. Do you happen to have any Jungian star chart analyses on hand to prove once and for all that trannies are unredeamable degenerates? Don't tell me, are distant gemini mothers with massive kahonkers denying their sons erect cock responsible for this whole mess? God I miss being in the middle east, by Allah all TERFs and arthoes deserve my shoe.

>> No.15161538

that pic there is he talking about dicks when he says clitties?

>> No.15161545

Post punk is quiet and solemn cause it's trying to be like sentimental or meaningful like fuckin norah jones, that song is straight grocery store tier I'm sorry

>> No.15161554


>> No.15161558

not that poster but yes, they do call their schlongs clitties. it is unfortunate.

>> No.15161571

I sure ain't going into debt because I'm not from a culture that breeds degenerates as fast as it racks up student loans. I sure am glad to not be an American constantly desiring to be stuck in some unimportant culture war. We could just take your vagina and replace it with another dick and look what we have, a man.

>> No.15161575
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Any legitimate academic literature about transgenderism as a fetish?

>> No.15161589

He mad.

>> No.15161594

trannies do not even get to be unredeemable degenerates, they are cringe, utterly unerotic, those queers with their sanitised PC sexuality are disgrace to true perversion and sodomy. these people don't have sex, they virtue signal at the behest of the DNC and george soros.

>> No.15161609
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Feminists began to accept trannies for a reason. If people start thinking in terms of biological reality, there would be very few arguments in favor of women.

>> No.15161610
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Actually yes, quite a bit.

Unironically based. As with so many different things today, trannies devalue so many aspects of what was once interesting.

>> No.15161631

Your best bet is Blanchard, but only if you're comfortable calling a series of anecdotes and personal examples "legitimate academic literature".

>> No.15161649

man this reminded me of teenagers on twitter talking about how BDSM is abusive and problematic; I used to be pretty involved in a BDSM club in college and they hated young people for "not doing things the right way" haha

>> No.15161728

based af

>> No.15161768

Jung dated a tranny, genius

>> No.15161789

the best argument against trannies is that they are objectively cringe and aesthetically revolting, the second best is that they are unanimously unpleasant and unlikable on a personal level

>> No.15161814

Or that their entire argument for being a "real woman" or "real man" is necessarily faulty - for multiple reasons.

>> No.15161835

based consciousness raising

>> No.15161858

Is Camille Paglia a crypto-TERF?

>> No.15161863

i would not call her crypto

>> No.15161881
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Blanchard's transsexualism typology.

>> No.15161954

Most reasonable argument I have seen against terf arguments but still have a few questions.
You have convinced me on it not devaluing women.
Wouldn't wanting and longing for sexual organs have to be inherently sexual though? You made the correlation of depression being on the rise, but isn't porn use on the rise as well? Couldn't that be it too?
What do you mean children aren't being fed horomones? Aside from BPA and other endocrine disruptors being found in food, what about the fact that in Canada and such there have been cases where courts have ruled it's abuse to not let a child take horomones?

>> No.15162104

That's just shitty semantics, >>15161789 is right at the end of the day. Read Hume.

>> No.15162121

Straight men are fucking cursed to the grave the image

Middle far left looks fine though

>> No.15162518
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Trannies are based for the sole reason that women need to be constantly reminded until its engraved in their brains that males are superior in everything even in being women.
They were too cocky with feminism now they get their karma back, the pendulum swings in different direction.

There is nothing more hilarious then a based tranny dominating women sports ,all those women who spent countless hours training to be dominated and manhandled by the superior gene.

>> No.15162565

I do find it hilarious that women have been ruining and breaking up male spaces for decades, and are now throwing a hissy fit because trannies decided to infiltrate THEIR spaces. Talk about karma.

>> No.15162577

Women's standards are too high though. The number of men that are sexless has gone up massively since Tinder was invented, while women rarely experience such a thing.

>> No.15162600

A lot of trannies unironically get a boner from wearing women's underwear and "shaking" their titties. It's weird as fuck.

>> No.15162670

>violent graffiti against women by trans people popping up.
pics or it didn't happen

>> No.15162709

90% of Internet drama these days is somehow started or fueled by trannies. They're fundamentally insufferable.

>> No.15162802

>Actually yes, quite a bit.
>doesn't provide a single example

>> No.15162833

>It's a fetish disguising itself as a political problem. Only women are women.
It's understandable to think that, as it is true for pretty much everybody making it a political problem. People who have gender dysphoria, a rare diagnosable medical condition, usually just want to live as the other gender and emphatically don't want to get the attention being a political problem brings. They are vastly outnumbered by the fetishists who have realized that they can be an oppressed group and bask in all the attention that brings by making their fetish into a political issue. It also doesn't help that, having noticed that feminism wants all the advantages of being a man without giving up any of the advantages of being a woman, some (mostly homosexual) men have decided to join the other team, further swelling the ranks of the attention-seeking trannies who don't have a real underlying medical condition.

>> No.15163128

based trannies

>> No.15164466

>wanting and longing for sexual organs have to be inherently sexual
I think it is more of an insane desire to fit in. If we look into ancient history I think we can see some evidence that sexual organs aren't inherently sexual. We see that many statues from Greek times are nude, yet not erect. Of course this can be said to be down to a different culture regarding what was sexy, ie:small dicks very good, but ultimately I think it shows that sexual organs have always played a key part in gendered aethetics above sexual desire. Another point is that neo-vaginas are absolutely horrendous when it comes to anything practical such as sex or masturbation (and most transvestites are well aware of these horrors of "dilating"). For young people who get the operation there often ends up being no/minimal sensitive tissue (again, most are well aware of this risk). And you've probably heard what the upkeep of a neo-vagina looks like: urethral tubes, leaking shit, hours of dilation everyday, if anything masturbation becomes a chore. I've read through a fair few experiences of transvestites getting that operation and while they moan about how generally painful it is, they're by and large happy just to have the final touch to their feminine aesthetic.
>isn't porn use on the rise as well
This is true. However I don't believe that watching porn leads any sane person to think "god i wish i was her", depressed or not. Rather it is the manipulative element of trans communites that creates these thoughts. They call people "eggs" - transvestites in denial. This egg term allows for the possibility that every depressed young man that wanders onto a tranny community can plausibly say to himself "why maybe ive just been unconsciously denying that the real root of my problems is gender dysphoria!". Porn absolutely may come into play in terms of the unrealistic body image most transvestites aspire towards, but I don't think it can act as a sole trigger. A good point regardless, porn is almost certaintly a factor in this whole mess. And word limit, cont:

>> No.15164475

>what do you mean children aren't being fed hormones
That there are hormones hidden in our food and water is absolutely valid, I'm just not a fan of the more extreme narrative that it was intentionally put there. The meat industry is chockfull of hormones, that some of them end up in our food is unsurprising. I think such court cases are really in the minority. As much as Western society has become more liberal and generally accepting of LGBT people, this is a largely surface level acceptance for many people when it comes to transvestites. Most people will not have much knowledge of the why/how of transvestites, people who would be perfectly fine with a trans child are a smaller group, and people who would give their child hormones smaller still. We hear about these cases a lot because they are remarkable and ridiculous, but for such things we've got to remember that the media isn't giving an accurate picture, just what's exciting. That being said, transvestites should absolutely be removed as an influence from the media children consume. We're currently seeing drag queens strolling around with children being brought to Netflix, so the likelihood of confused children asking for hormones is increasing everyday, and as liberal parents are battered down with transvestite media the chance of them agreeing increases too. It's a complicated topic, your points are equally valid given how much uncertainity there is. Ultimately the only clear answer is to remove transvestites from media (social and otherwise) so that young people are never exposed to their manipulation.

>> No.15164484
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Jeez, good analysis and absolutely true. But why so many people are in denial? Everytime I talk about the issue, people start to ramble about transphobia and TERFs. Is it really a lost cause?

>> No.15164573 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= I8BRdwgPChQ

>> No.15164693

you didn't start this thread to discuss books

>> No.15164939

their only reason was hate to
>a)gay male couples
>b)bisexual people
for a), the gay movement begun with only homosexual males on the beginning, later join the lesbians and the bi, but, feminist aren't happy attributing all the "gains" in the movement thanks to the gays, so they success putting the transgender thinking they're stupid (on top of ill coomers) and they can control them, but now they have more power than the entire LGB who's now kneeling to their new "leaders" who are male fetishist.
for b) was just hate: male homos and female homos hate the bi and look at them like fucking fetishist

>> No.15165017

Germaine greers okay but holy fuck don't read dworkin unless you're a hate reader

>> No.15165027

>TERFs might be helpful to encourage downtrodden men as well as /repgen/ on /lgbt/ to man up and talk about their feelings
the only reason why TERFs hate trannies is because they hate men

>> No.15165044

>women fought so hard for their own liberation
the liberation to spend their lives creating powerpoint presentations and die surrounded by cats, which will proceed to devour the corpse

>> No.15165134

>a lifestyle based off a sexual fetish
Aka homosexuality

>> No.15165229

>You can't claim your degenerate fetishistic behavior as a part of women's lib.
Women's liberation is a necessary component of trannyism. Without it there is no reason for men to want to pretend to be women.

>> No.15165253

hey nigger lover you know that "transvestite" just means crossdresser right? that's what the "vest" part means. Plenty of perverts crossdress without pretending to be women.

>> No.15165278

Incels? I’m pretty sure most trannies were raped and molested as children by their pedo dad, pedo uncle, pedo family friend, pedo teacher, or some sort of pedo mentor. This is why they turned out the way they did.

Maybe some drag queens pretend to be women to pry upon women, but we are talking men who take estrogen pills and do transitioning surgeries.

>> No.15165319

>I'll dump some screencaps from reddit

>> No.15165376
File: 46 KB, 560x560, nyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Nyx land is a AGP TS?

>> No.15165389

TERF's are obviously better than trannies since they can recognize nature it is, that men cannot be women, but because of some of the assumptions of their greater philosophy they can't truly answer the tranny question. The problem is liberalism itself holds individual liberty to be the greatest good and it would be a contradiction for a liberal to tell somebody that they're not a woman.

Stop with all this feminist egalitarian shit.

>> No.15165400

All trannies are transvestites.

>> No.15165535

>a gender studies major that includes a bio-physiological cross-section
Might reveal some uncomfortable truths though

>> No.15165649

I'm a feminist but not a liberal.

>> No.15165695

1- butterfly is that you?
2- we don't care about fem issues

>> No.15165718

I don't think you understand the philosophical tradition that you're a part of. Feminism and liberalism are inseparable. You may have a different conception of liberation or liberty but that doesn't make you illiberal.

>> No.15165832

>Personally I think everyone should cross dress at least once.
I went as my friend Victoria for Halloween once in high school (and she went as me).
does that count?

>> No.15165859

wait til you see the crossover correlation between trannies and autists

>> No.15165909

getting raped/molested doesn’t make you not an incel

>> No.15166220

>See that man in a dress over there?
>Wrong answer, bigot. That's a woman.
>But it's-
>Shut up bigot.
>Now, today is the anniversary of her transition, you need to bake her a cake for the occasion.
>What did you just say bigot?
>What about my liberty to not bake him the cake?
>Excuse me - did you just misgender her? I've had enough, I'll be on the phone with your employer immediately. There's no place for transphobia in our tolerant and pluralist society.

Why does a trans's desire for recognition override the guy's liberty to not bake it a cake?

>> No.15166259

I'm not arguing that it should so I don't know why you're replying to me. I'm against all liberals regardless of their positive or negative assertion of "rights".

>> No.15166267

I don't see how it's a contradiction for a liberal to tell someone they aren't a woman. They're just exercising free thought, aren't they?

>> No.15166343

In the progressive liberalism of guys like John Dewey, freedom requires the means to act. You're not truly free unless you have the means to feed yourself, you're not free to drive unless you have a car, and so on. A man cannot truly be free to become a woman until society affirms it.

>> No.15166375

Why should anyone be a Dewey-ist progressive liberal? Again, that's just his opinion. Dewey is advocating something closer to Communism really.

>> No.15166385

All modern progressives share this conception of freedom.

>> No.15166447

No one ever accused modern Progressives of being intelligent. In the Dewey conception, for example, no one would have true freedom of religion without freedom from consequences for doing so, right? So if someone wanted to be a Satanist, they would have to be protected from retaliation for it - but then they're just restricting others' religious freedom.

It's literal nonsense. Real liberty will necessarily disadvantage some people over others. All Dewey's conception can lead to is the preferential option for the most degenerate possible exercises of liberty, and the conception of such people as victims in need of protection, which is what we see today.

>> No.15166526

It's not a restriction of the freedom of religion to suppose that a Satanist is only truly free to be a Satanist unless he can actively worship as a Satanist because religion is not a zero sum game. Allowing or enabling the Satanist to practice Satanism does not restrict other people from practicing their religions.

>> No.15166583

I was talking about other people in the surrounding area who might object to that sort of thing. I was thinking of something vaguely analogous to "bake the cake bigot". If freedom means freedom to act, obviously the baker and the tranner are in a bit of a conflict over who is going to actually have the freedom to act.

>> No.15166648

this is a kind of common mistake people make, that any departure from P makes something not "true P".

newsflash, there are plural moral systems, and each is not a complete cover of the other. we should recognize rights based liberty as one amongst many of human moralities, but it's also obviously incomplete. incomplete as in it's not the only consideration, and incomplete in that rights is unable to specify states of the world completely and take into account all relevant moral facts, such as whether a situation is good, if there is suffering, or the dynamics of society as complex system. (e.g. we have the right to bomb this guy, ok, but that leads to deterioration of the politics)

then, we have a projection from ignorance. invent labels and positions for imaginary opponents because you are too ignorant or basic to understand the actual situation.

>> No.15166748

What specifically is feminism? In your own words

>> No.15166765

Look, I'm just trying to argue that there's nothing inconsistent with a self-proclaimed liberal telling a man who cuts his penis off that they aren't a woman.

>> No.15166895

this feminist vs trans rights thing is extremely weird and unnecessary, but i haven't looked too deep into it to see which side is the aggressive party.

your attitude is an example of the unnecessary transphobia. just let them be women, even fetishists. identity is a spook anyway.

>> No.15166956

There is always harm in deviation from the truth, and trans people are the embodiment of anti-truth. I cannot let them "live and let live" because their existence forces me to accommodate them.

>> No.15166965

Imagine having such an empty and stereotypically Anglophone worldview. Just be nice, man. Other people are heckin' valid and legit dude. Don't be mean.

>> No.15167387

this is just you not understanding life apart from crude identities. probably a side effect of being dumb.

this kind of essentialism about sex and gender is wrong. and even if it is defensible, who cares. you are actively hurting people and should stop.

>> No.15167397

Embrace the trannies, bigot, or we're going to make you eat your words.

>> No.15167410

Women just mad that, soon, they'll be replaced with the superior tranny hybrid.

>> No.15167434

>wrong. and even if it is defensible, who cares. you are actively hurting people and should stop.

Fun fact tranny, you're only a woman if you're born a woman. Anything else is play acting and perversion.

>> No.15167476

funny photo to post because that person looks absolutely androgynous

>> No.15167540

play acting and perversions are fine

>> No.15167547

Stfu and get your gender colonised. All men had to do was dress as you and you submitted. Pathetic

>> No.15167564

Fuck off back to >>>/pol/. bigot. Youre not welcome here.

>> No.15167592
File: 1.23 MB, 750x1334, 1536772233113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not when they devalue actual women

Not sure where you're from, but you should go back there

>> No.15167756

>ultimately I think it shows that sexual organs have always played a key part in gendered aethetics above sexual desire.
Isnt that astehtic base off of beauty standards derived from sexuality? I am not saying there is no social acceptance element involved, but most of them strive to specific female standards. They don't want saggy boobs or loose vaginas. They want peak fertility bodies.
Fair enough on it not being exclusively porn.
>, I'm just not a fan of the more extreme narrative that it was intentionally put there
I agree but they are still there and despite infertility and LGBT being on the rise no concerns are being put out there.
>We hear about these cases a lot because they are remarkable and ridiculous, but for such things we've got to remember that the media isn't giving an accurate picture, just what's exciting. That being said, transvestites should absolutely
The world definitely seems to be going in this direction though and these things are setting precedents. Younger generations in the west are majority on board the acceptance of genderqueer theory and such it seems like. Not sure of the actual stats but if you look at pop culture or go to a college or high school that seems to be what is happening and I live in the Bible belt

>> No.15167921
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>> No.15168054

use recommendations general next time f*male

>> No.15168079

>argue stupid pro-tranny position
>get rightfully called out as wrong
>"well uhhhhh it doesn't even matter if I'm wrong!"
so this is the power of a hormone-soaked brain

>> No.15168100

i see you cant read.

>> No.15168135
File: 246 KB, 785x982, soyanger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no, i'm n-not wrong

>> No.15168157

trannies are victims of liberalism and the pornification of society. they are transparently male fetishists who derive their notion of 'gender roles' from anime and pornography. a calvinist or houellebecqian gazed can be fixed on many modern social trends, ie. cam girls,and the normalisation of 'sex work', polyamory,sodomy, atheism, looser males videogaming, smoking marihuana and watching cartoons well into their 20s, sex becoming either tinder contractual or falling under the jurisdiction of various sexual harrassment protocols, feminists celebrating abortion as a sacrament, teen vogue publishing articles on anal sex, Karl Marx white privilege and nonbinary identities for an audience of 35 year old milllenial childless cat ladies, our reptillian pedophile elites' nouveau riche fascination with quack immortality cure...

its almost like humanity is failing transhumanism and failing instead into a shapeless nauseous subhumanism, . trannies may tell you they are 'shattering the gender binary' or whatnot, but they are actually just porn addled neckbeards, their function is to serve as psychiatric clients, purpose engineered biopolitical cattle, for the neoliberal managerial therapeutic state and the progressive media, unlike the mentally ill faggots of days past, they lack even they have the virtue of being interesting, all tedious fetishism, really western culture has been running on the same tired marcuse CIA MKULTRA notions of 'sexual liberation',unconditional love and acceptance back since the 60s, degenerated into sadomasochist repetitions devoid of substance, corporate rainbow branded commodities and tumblr newspeak incorporated into the foucaultian power knowledge apparatus, the countercultural spark dried out, only the superego imperative to enjoy and dispense with 'shame' remains, everything is sexualised but nothing is erotic, reality has been replaced by tiresome pornography, hypermedia saturation, a take your pills regime of atomising psychiatric control. Everything is hopelessly cringe.

>> No.15168165

I don't think I've ever seen butterfly start a thread.

>> No.15168195
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>> No.15168234


That afghan girl is so ugly nowadays islam really did a number on her. She also wears burqa.

>> No.15168256

Camille Paglia, maybe? I just started reading her Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism and it's pretty TERFy. She's kind of an anti-feminist feminist.

>> No.15168285
File: 75 KB, 620x436, trumpandy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean experience has shown the alphabet people want anything but to be left alone, sorry absurd bigoted paranoid white male that I am I can't help but feel disgusted by these people and regard them as an existential menace to all we hold dear, bent on the normalisation of child rape and PC totalitarianism, even to love the freaks in a christian fashion as flawed human sinners seems like a step too far for me, they themselves having debased the notion of the christian soul and human dignity beyond recognition. they seem to me not like fellow human beings but like nonsentient NPC spectres and simulacra emerging out of this interpellation by pornography and the propaganda systems associated with Mr. George Soros and the Democratic party and progressive foundations such as Ford and Rockefeller. Better to allign my libido with the impossible, the forceful restoration of the phallocentric order, Hitlerism, the last possible form of sodomy perversion and blasphemy under an antinomian liberal order which worships as outright virtuous everything formerly condemned as sodomy, perversion and blasphemy.

>> No.15168312
File: 30 KB, 351x512, baseddepartmentfregg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically based and simulacra pilled.

>> No.15168344

Loving someone means to want "the good" for them, not "tolerate and affirm everything or you did a Hitler"

>> No.15168417
File: 5 KB, 210x240, Smug_NPAI (352).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can a handsome fascist lad such as myself find a cute mommy TERF gf?

>> No.15168435
File: 100 KB, 732x614, eJwNyEEOhCAMAMC_8ADaihbwNwQJmqgQWk9m_77eJvOaZ5xmNbtqlxVgOyS3sVnRNlIttrZWz5L6ITa3C5JqyvtVbhVwSITeYWAKYZ6I3Fc8IaOn2fsQF-IAHyMTLpGiI9vvan5_ubMiZQ.am65AsnehGSnQCBX2IR7aPq4kcM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Esoteric Hitlerist pilled

>> No.15168453
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>> No.15168470

He's the embodiment of AGP

>> No.15168475

step one is to stop being a mommy gf faggot, anon

>> No.15168483

all trannies type like they are on the autistic spectrum why could that be?

>> No.15168499

this sounds like it was written by an angry but marginally-aware eighteen year old boy

>> No.15168514

I wouldnt believe half the shit you see in reddit screencaps. I have a feeling there is a huge practice of larping on that site

>> No.15168515

I hate women more than I hate trannies.

>> No.15168573

Fucking go back to >>>/pol/. bigots
Trans women are women.

>> No.15168579

paglia is a troll

>> No.15168601

makes sense, trannies are not like women at all and more like an autistic male's idea of a woman.

>> No.15168610

based lenny poster

>> No.15168629

>you are actively hurting people and should stop.
aren't trannies debasing society as a whole. I'm not saying gas them i'm just saying we should view this people through a loving but stern lens of condescending paternalism instead of pandering to their stupid whims and confusing our children with ideologically biased pedophile propaganda

>> No.15168634


>> No.15168640

Why? Is she a transexual?

>> No.15168651

they are just asking for recognition on an element of identity that's important to them. that's fine.

compared to individual lived experiences, society is just a spook. it should never be placed over the wellbeing of actual people.

>> No.15168656

just really dumb and craven

>> No.15168657

A gay board for you faggot

>> No.15168665

Well, she is a real woman.

>> No.15168680

She calls herself trans, as in a man, but with her tits intact

>> No.15168699

True. Hw did it to bash trannies.

>> No.15168716

Women in rape shelters, womens prisons & other similar spaces have been abused or excluded by trannies ffs. This is about womens rights & women's body integrity - having some twisted neckbearded freak that watched too much anime decide that he deserves the attention to fulfil his fetish & then have the law actually rule on his favour, in case after case is disgusting. You want a trans safe space? Fine. Nobody is stopping you. But stop forcing your dysfunctional male bullshit onto women you disgusting larpers.

>> No.15168722

Thanks. Its really astounding how many transphobes and general bigots there are on this board. Mods really need to do their job and ban them all.

>> No.15168730

>trannies and roasties trying to pander to the male /lit/ majority itt

Both groups here are absolute cringe and you both need to KYS's immediately, return to your containment board, go read literature, go pick up a sport, go and look at dog walkers, just fuck off /lit/ you're at best only going to attract simps from Twitter.


>> No.15168736

Janny is too busy cleaning his teratoma right now.

>> No.15168737
File: 981 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reap what you sow, roastie.

>> No.15168747

No, they're asking for legal recognition as biological women, to the point males get locked in women's prisons & can then rape with impunity. That's not a hypothetical by the way, that's happened already.

>My personal delusions are not a spook
>Other people are a spook

Fucking solipists.

>> No.15168748

Can always count on the left to eat itself.

>> No.15168752

>retarded myth
My nephew was put on hormone blockers when he was 13, even though he ended up detransitioning only a year later. It's absolutely real and it's obviously what trans advocates are pushing towards. Full hormone treatment for pre-prepubescents will be a normal practice in the next 5 years.

>> No.15168754

Trans women are women. If you want to live in a racist bigoted shithole, move to pakistan or saudi arabia. Asshole

>> No.15168765
File: 29 KB, 394x476, a_093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post-modernism says identity is free to be constructed. Stop being bigots.

>> No.15168766
File: 664 KB, 297x200, 5ac2455116f1ba17c2b4d5df33fde02d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoes mad

>> No.15168768


What pandering you retard? Not everything is about you and your inflated male ego.

>> No.15168770
File: 174 KB, 640x586, 3-celibacy-w640-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideological MGTOWs are obviously a fringe internet community, but the general tendency of men dropping out of sexual/romantic relationships with the opposite sex is actually becoming quite common.

>> No.15168774
File: 171 KB, 1500x500, transgender-in-military-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15168780

This thread was made almost immediately after the tranny one was literally raped to death which OP probably deleted, can't fool me slut.

>> No.15168782

Merely repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Also:
Are you transracial now too sweetie? Rachel Dolezal was truly just ahead of her time.

>> No.15168786

Only if they've gender dysphoria.
See >>15161881

>> No.15168789
File: 673 KB, 500x281, source (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigoted cunt. Stay mad.

>> No.15168793

i've read about this issue sparingly. it could be a valid point for the design of prisons etc, but i don't see the need to expand that into some sort of anti-trans position in general.

>> No.15168798

No idea what you're even babbling about. Leave the basement, go get some sun.

I can hear you seething from here tranny. You will NEVER be a cute anime girl. Dilate your axe wound again or join the 42% already.

>> No.15168801

Now you started caring about rape in prisons?
Fucking duplicitous cunt.

>> No.15168822

Not a tranny. Go make me a sandwich, bitch.

>> No.15168830

It's a mere symptom (one of many) of the deeper problem - that trans are expecting to be treated as actual women, when they clearly aren't. They don't think, act and certainly don't look like women. And after years of playing nice & getting nowhere, no - they can all go hang.

>> No.15168837

You have no idea what my position on prison rape is, but Ok.

Lmao, sure you aren't. Don't be grumpy, take your horse piss pills.

>> No.15168842

Holy fucking shit how hard is it to not be bigoted for one fucking second and treat another person like a human being?? I cant imagine what psychological issues there might be behind your blatant hatred of trans women.

>> No.15168845
File: 965 KB, 1080x1350, 14275612748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the future, honey.

>> No.15168856

nobody here is a human being. Im not even convinced human beings are a thing, but if they are they dont come here

>> No.15168866

And I can't imagine what's behind your utter delusion that putting on a dress magically turns you into a women, or why you'd have such utter contempt for actual women.

The future of rooftop diving.

>> No.15168869

Youre right, and the blatant bigotry clearly demonstrates this facts. Racist and hateful people are subhuman

>> No.15168879

pretty much all that needs to be said on this subject.

>> No.15168884

>he thinks he's human
you're a vaguely anthropoid mammal with a smearing of rote memorized squawks

Dont compare yourself to da Vinci or other humans

>> No.15168886

>tfw when I am Jewish Oligarch now
feels pretty based goyim

>> No.15168901

It was somewhat believable until the group of women coming over to berate the narrator. Stuff like that almost never happens in real life but always seems to pop up in fake internet stories. (eg everyone clapped)

>> No.15168907


>> No.15168920
File: 97 KB, 996x1280, 230453509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have anything against trans until I watched a ContraPoints video titled "Beauty". Seriously, he just shot himself in the foot with that one.

>> No.15168932

Why is that important if gender identify is simply a matter of arbitrary self-identification? Why are we suddenly gate-keeping the identity? You've already implicitly conceded that essential biological characteristics nothing to do with someone being a man or women, so why should a medical condition determine somebody's gender?

>> No.15168959
File: 793 KB, 706x768, 1561978105456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fucking shit how hard is it to not be bigoted for one fucking second and treat another person like a human being?? I cant imagine what psychological issues there might be behind your blatant hatred of trans women.

>> No.15168960

There you go again. What does race have to do with transpeople exactly? Explain.

Only because you've got no other response.

>> No.15168967

This. Feminists have no leg to stand on but pure gender relativism.

>> No.15168971

I'd hit it
and then i'd hit it

>> No.15168972

Trans hate is no different from racism. It's all cope by silly little insecure people.

>> No.15168978

Tfw no big titty TERF gf to dunk on trannies with.

>> No.15168984

Deeply cursed post

>> No.15168986
File: 181 KB, 852x960, 1538686346898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no muscular bf to dunk on trannies with me

>> No.15168991

>It's all cope by silly little insecure people.
Huh, no wonder their suicide rate is so high

>> No.15169009

Oh, meaningless drivel & conflating seperate issues together. Got it.

>> No.15169016

Nobody hates you, nor do they fear you. They just think you're retarded and the things you believe are silly.

>> No.15169022
File: 413 KB, 245x187, a4f53b83e5dd628c79035e21d2c1256b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a real pic bro.

>> No.15169029

You are a hideous man in a dress, not the beautiful lady you think you are, and this is humorous to us.

>> No.15169038
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>> No.15169040

I personally hate them when they seethe at everything and then turn around and act like hurt puppies when anyone tells them off. They are pure poison plain and simple

>> No.15169096

40%, baby

>> No.15169108

>tfw no high functioning autistic trans gf who gets off being degraded as a retarded faggot during sex

>> No.15169122

Its honestly all so tiresome. These are the same people who during Jim Crow would have protested that "blacks are pretending to be human like us". Bigotry and irrational hatred is always there, be it racism, xenophobia, homophobia, antisemitism or , like in this thread, transphobia. Its rather sad to see so much irrational hatred in a place that you expect to be well read and intelligent. And these are the same women who claim.to believe in equality and feminism. They obviously dont care about anything but themselves. All the talk of equality, advancing human rights, its all opportunism. Nonody actually cares for the oppressed. No, they want them dead.

>> No.15169158


Go back >>/lgbt/
Is that what you’re into? Makes sense

>> No.15169167

Im a cishet.

>> No.15169171
File: 18 KB, 336x263, 1586456472462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"blacks are pretending to be human like us".

I'm saying that too. I mean come on, thousands of years in africa and not one of them made a boat to colonize north america? They lost the war and are still mad about it.

>> No.15169196

Still makes sense lmao

>> No.15169206

Since when does equality mean entertaining the delusions of the mentally ill? If the treatment of bulemic was to give them all liposuction until they either died of the surgery or killed themselves, I'd protest that as well. You're conflating very different issues - like "feminism" for example, that's about womens rights. Not men in dresses. End of story - you injecting your agendas into it is just an attempt to exploit women for your own ends. And what do you even mean by "equality", the reduction of all people to some homogeneous blob of cells or something? You're literally just regurgitating colonial era White Man's Burden-tier propaganda & acting as though you're doing the world a favor.

>> No.15169243


>> No.15169257

This post is by someone who is mentally ill

>> No.15169277

>blacks are pretending to be human like us
They were pretending. After blacks were granted full legal equality, social welfare, and affirmative action in all areas, they went on to be the most perpetually criminal and socially degenerate members of American society, being the most depraved of any by miles. Racist attitudes, although cruel and immoral, have only been vindicated by history.

>> No.15169294
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>> No.15169350

thats not exactly a secret

>> No.15169375

Chads only date mentally stable women

>> No.15169501
File: 45 KB, 627x627, 1579515110018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know what chads want

>> No.15169674

That’s Igor. He has a harem of Lithuanian mail orders in his garage

>> No.15169725

>treat another person like a human being
checkmate, women aren't human

>> No.15169748

Yep, and trannies aren't women

>> No.15169854
File: 151 KB, 960x983, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15169860

Who's the cutie on the left? Anyone have her insta?

>> No.15169867

Thanks, I was looking for thid image. To the girls, he looks exactly like this guy but older. Same shoulders, face, body.

>> No.15169962

Yeah and doctors in the US are equally haphazard with prescribing opioids and methamphetamines. The US is madmax land and shouldn't be included in any reasonable judgement of what's going on in the world. In Europe we have reasonable 2 year long waiting lists for trannys. My uncle twice removed lived in America and he got executed by a McDonald's death squad for not filling in the blank in "I'm ________ it", it's amazing how that happens to so many people in the US.

>> No.15169975

i saw someone who had dirt on clymer (fella on the left) but didn't want to reveal it in case it counted as 'deadnaming'

the trans card is powerful

>> No.15169982


good post lad. recommend any books?

>> No.15169997
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 147985974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone. How many more surgeries do I need to get in order to be comfortable with myself? I was told that science can fix everything! including sadness!

>> No.15170175


>> No.15170336

lol, she looks like a freak

>> No.15170471
