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15160431 No.15160431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are white people capable of being proud of their race and heritage? Blacks, Mexicans, Jews do this all the time and no one bats an eye but whenever whites do it they get called nazis by basically everyone else. Does that just happen out of jealousy? Seems like whites are just subtle about it, they secretly feel dignified but they're afraid of getting attacked by everyone else and losing that PR advantage to the other whites that put on a diversity hat during social hours. Is this just the way it works?

Like ancestral veneration used to be a normal thing to do, it's a celebration of the life they passed onto you. If someone convinces you that that life they passed is without value because they were horrible people then the onus is on you to understand how to strengthen your tradition's position, not just declare your life worthless.

The whites that completely tune out that "someone" are the actual bigots, and they seem to get worse the more everyone else attacks them. It just strengthens the oppositionality.

Anyway if anyone has literature that explore these thoughts do tell me what they are.

>> No.15160467

"White" is a spook. It's a lazy construct. My own heritage is Italian and I'm proud of that, but I don't have "white" heritage. There is no uniform "white" culture.

>> No.15160480

Yet all the people who want to celebrate "white pride" are literal nazis. Don't pretend we can't see through your guise

>> No.15160494
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Heritage is also a spook

>> No.15160503

Sure but "white" is a propaganda concept designed by southern dixiecrats to get us to unify against whoever they want us to unify against (blacks, yankees, huns, etc).
My heritage is Danish by way of the rocky mountain west, my ancestors were tough hard working proud people who have steadily improved quality of life for each generation following them and I intend to do the same.

>> No.15160506

Oh wow, another /pol/ thread. How interesting.

>> No.15160510

There's no such thing as white people, it's not a real identity.

>> No.15160511

Being white and proud of your heritage is great and fine. I am very proud of Joyce and Newton etc., and I express that and no one seems to bat an eye.

These bugmen are uneducated, smelly, fat, just plain ugly. They are proud of slavers and failed reactionaries. Of course we think they are repulsive.

>> No.15160523

so i guess st patrick’s day doesn’t exist and isn’t extremely popular lol just say you’re a nazi and accept that people don’t like you

>> No.15160526

White is an American concept. In Europe we have all sorts of different cultures and peoples and languages. A spaniard has a different culture to a Lithuanian. Everyone recognises this in Europe. But in America, because it's a 'nation of immigrants' with one language, they had to create a 'white identity' to separate themselves from the browns.

>> No.15160531

My heritage begins when I was born. Whatever came before then was none of my business. Race is something that either the poor, disaffected, and dumb believe in, or the powerful use as a tool to manipulate others (like Hitler). In that way it's the same as religion.

>> No.15160535

white was forced on us so we wouldn't notice that we had nothing in common with the rich fucks exploiting us and turning us against others besides some links to europe (the continent) in our ancestry
it's saved them from the wall thus far but will not protect them much further

>> No.15160537

White people heritage is the systematic looting of countries who are rich in resources and slavery, I don't know if that's something to be proud of.
While doing that, the white man destroyed the cultures of those who where dominated, that's where the pride comes from, accepting that and still keeping our customs and being proud of being the people we are is different that being proud of just being white.
We mexicans got fucked in the ass by spaniards and got our culture was amputated from us, then gringoes came to expand their empire and we've been fucked by them since then. We learned that our culture is shit and we should aspire to european life, so being proud of being mexican is more than just being proud of our race, it's a needed call to our roots and to not forget them, that's all we have.

>> No.15160539

This. White heritage is a burger buzzword.

>> No.15160543

Other people can also join in on the fun during st Patrick's day, the same would go for various other ethnic celebrations. What distinguishes white nationalists is their hostility towards everyone, and shitflinging

>> No.15160554


>> No.15160556

>White people heritage is the systematic looting of countries
No it's an enormous constellation of cultural history.

>> No.15160562

The only thing that matters is your microcosm, you're inextricably bound to other people present in your life, but most racists are alienated from genuine community and kinship.

>> No.15160565

burgoids are giga cringe

>> No.15160573

Pride in anything beyond personal accomplishment is a sad state of affairs.

>> No.15160579

>Systematic looting of countries who are rich in resources and slavery
This is your brain on liberalism. Come on bro you don't need to feel guilty about anything, ever. You didn't do any of that shit. Natives didn't do shit to stop that stuff either
Your future is full of possibilities. Heritage is but one source of inspiration, and I hope it serves you well, but don't put too much into it either way.

>> No.15160581

Not really true.

We had a concept of White across the British Empire.

Many British people at the time spoke of themselves as "Europeans" and "White men".

>> No.15160582

"white" isn't a race, irish, italian, british, french, etc. are
if you want to celebrate "irish pride" or "italian pride" no one at all will be opposed

>> No.15160585

"Italian" is a spook. It's a lazy construct. My own heritage is Roman and I'm proud of that, but I don't have "Italian" heritage. There is no uniform "Italian" culture.

>> No.15160586

Joyce was Irish. Newton was English. Being proud of them without being part of either ethnicity is strictly for weak faggots without any achievements in life.

>> No.15160591


>> No.15160592

Nigga, did you just read that part? I'm not white

>> No.15160596

"Roman" is a spook. It's a lazy construct. My own heritage is Volscic and I'm proud of that, but I don't have "Roman" heritage. There is no uniform "Roman" culture.

>> No.15160603

How does sharing their ethnicity validate you being proud of their accomplishments? You still haven't done jack shit, it's ok to admire people though

>> No.15160604

>"White" is a spook. It's a lazy construct. My own heritage is Italian and I'm proud of that, but I don't have "white" heritage. There is no uniform "white" culture.
by the same token "black" should be a spook, but you have black americans whose ancestors came from the west coast of Africa talking like they wuz kangz by loose racial association with nilotes on the other side of the continent, and who would have no qualms identifying themselves with the bantu people of southern africa, or even the khoisan for that matter.

But sure, "white is a spook" because ethnic Europeans clearly don't have anything in common when compared to non-European peoples and cultures. Yeah, right.

>> No.15160605

Brits also said that "the wogs started at Calais" and saw every European who wasn't Northwestern Germanic Protestant as inferior.

>> No.15160606


>> No.15160607

yeah but that was the direct result of propaganda from the governmento-corporate cyberpunk hellscape they created with the east india trading company (largest corporation ever, even including modern multinationals) and the monarchist crown.
They formed such an all encompassing propaganda machine it actually started eddying into itself and producing solid culture like some of Joseph Conrad 's and Rudyard Kipling's stuff

>> No.15160608

Mexican is an identity. Jewish is an identity. "White" is not an identity.

>> No.15160627

Because sharing an ethnicity with them means they are part of your culture and you aren't just larping. The English have every right to be proud of Shakespeare, the Italians of Dante, etc.

>> No.15160630

black is totally a spook yeah
you're not ready for this redpill but the southeastern scots-irish descendants have significantly lower average IQs than Germanic and Northern European descended groups in New England and the Midwest.
Significantly lower than even the local blacks, but that might be a result of malnutrition.
So. I have nothing in common with certain white people.

>> No.15160635

yes it is, no matter how much you wish it were not. Even if it didnt used to be it is one now purely as a reaction towards the ridiculous amounts of hate towards whites in recent years

>> No.15160641

Pretty much this. Irish Americans show their pride in St. Patrick's Day and no one really minds.

>> No.15160642

It is, black Americans have no connection to African culture, they just appropriate it. "Black" is not a spook though because nearly all black Americans are descendants of the slave trade.

>> No.15160645

It's not a spook, it's shorthand for the European genetic cluster. Of course ethnicities should celebrate their own ancestry and culture first, but it's wise for us to understand that our European ethnicities are more closely related to eachother than to the rest of the world. This means that our interests are more likely to align, and so a general alliance is advisable. Also consider that breeding between white ethnicities allows for genetic diversification without introducing a lot of destructive dominant genes.

>> No.15160646

>Significantly lower than even the local blacks,
uh no lol. They might be at the very lowest like 90, but I bet its more around 95. Black americans are 85ish

>> No.15160654

>, but you have black americans whose ancestors came from the west coast of Africa talking like they wuz kangz by loose racial association with nilotes on the other side of the continent, and who would have no qualms identifying themselves with the bantu peopl
That's because "Black American culture" had centuries to form and they had all their previous identity erased. With White Americans it's not the case, most still have some understanding of their ethnic heritage from the old world. European exist as a race/culture, but White is a skin pigmentation. The term "Euro-American" might be better than "White"

>> No.15160660

White guilt is just the inversion of the white man's burden. If a white person can only think about the other as savages that require civilisation, or as poor infantile children that need to be constantly saved or pandered to, then they're still operating within a racist paradigm. They can't think about other cultures without constantly making themselves and their guilt or their burden the centre of attention. "White" history is fucked, sure, but it is better to respect your independence than to treat you like children who don't know any better.

>> No.15160666

>it's wise for us to understand that our European ethnicities are more closely related to eachother than to the rest of the world. This means that our interests are more likely to align, and so a general alliance is advisable.
That's silly. Sharing a common ancestor who lived 10,000 years ago isn't the basis for any relationship.

>> No.15160668

You're over exaggerating what nationality entails, and what it means to admire someone. Just because I'm American doesn't mean I can't for example admire Hegel and German Idealism, nationalities aren't completely insular entities

>> No.15160671

There can be white Mexicans, white Jews, and so forth. Race is just one of various components in what makes an ethnicity. A White Americas shares more with an African American than with a Russian, a Persian or a Pole. "White" is not identity. Maybe European Americans have created their own monolithic bastard identity (just like African Americans) but that has nothing to do with White being an identity worldwide.

>> No.15160673

>The term "Euro-American" might be better than "White"
White is used by literally everyone to mean 'of european descent'

>> No.15160674

"Volscic" is a spook. It's a lazy construct. My own heritage is Indo-European and I'm proud of that, but I don't have "Volscic" heritage. There is no uniform "Volscic" culture.

>> No.15160684

Blatantly untrue. Whites in Europe and America have the exact same guilt about their race as some persecutor, and when they travel to each others countries they continue to view themselves that way as opposed to nonwhites.

>> No.15160686

nah they're right within each other's margin of error.

>> No.15160689

I wasn't talking about admiring famous figures, though. I was talking about appropriating them and being proud of them because "they're caucasian like me, therefore, their accomplishments are also mine xD"

>> No.15160690

That's excellent, although I hope the 'quality of life' your referring to includes more than just material wealth.

You're wrong about whiteness. There is a real cluster of ethnicities that are whites, and if we don't form a protectionist alliance then you will find your people under existential threat some day.

>> No.15160692

The people in that picture are not being proud of their heritage, they're being edgy fucks.

>> No.15160693

I’m German faggot i ain’t no fucking WASP

>> No.15160703

Do nation states themselves not also appropriate the accomplishments of individuals and communities?

>> No.15160704

Nigga was salty because Hegel got all the pussy

>> No.15160706

>German faggot
Close enough.

>> No.15160708

>don't believe your eyes goy
You're an idiot.

>> No.15160719

kek if they didn't want guilt, they should've stayed in Europe like decent fucking people intead of sticking their noses in foreign nations.

>> No.15160728

'White' is an intuitive concept for anyone who isn't blind. Europeans are genetically clustered together, that is what whites are.

>> No.15160730

>A White American shares more with an African American than with a Russian, a Persian or a Pole.

>> No.15160732

Are you the Mexican? Your ancestors also invaded and enslaved and murdered, you were just not that great at it.
>decent fucking people
The naivety is amusing

>> No.15160734

Ok so what about American whites specifically. Americans seem like they did something to European cultural diversity that seems fundamentally opposed and looked down on by everyone else. All we really have are capitalism memes like Rockafeller and WWII, some nature bros like Emerson and Thoreau, as far as cultural realness we have the cold calculated black business suit and it's just kind of shitty. Does white America just suck balls? They had something going in the 60s and 70s but they took the hippie business waaaaay too far, like fuck both white hippies and righties don't know how to chill at all.

>> No.15160740
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Why are they cosplaying as the popular Brazilian vaccination mascot, Zé Gotinha?

>> No.15160751

>Europeans are genetically clustered together, that is what whites are.
Not according to /pol/tards and neonazis. Whites are only blonde, blue-eyed, pale humans of Germanic and Scandi stock.

>> No.15160753

I'm right about whiteness, and I'm totally ok with your "cluster of ethnicities" going extinct. Bunch of neurotic anglos, the world is better without you.
I have no concerns about me and mine. We'll deal with threats as they come, if they come, and won't end up making retarded decisions to "protect our alliance" which always alienates you from the mainstream of decent people while suspiciously benefiting multinational corporations and local politicians.

>> No.15160763

lol, you are a pet of New England progressives, enjoy your imported Somalis

>> No.15160765

Americans confused "White/European American" idenity with White overall. They genuinely think that Whites all over the world are one and the same kek

>> No.15160766

That's a pathetically individualistic and myopic perspective anon.

We exist in a temporal context of our ancestors who came before us and our descendants that will follow... It's intensely ironic that you think this context is inconsequential, yet refer to those who recognize it as 'dumb'.

>> No.15160767

This is actually a carefully controlled narrative, and its aim is to keep you exactly as hopeless and cynical as you are in this post. Look into the debate between the Straussian interpretation of America's essence and their opponents. Before the (overwhelmingly Jewish) Straussians took over every fucking department in America, it was normal to talk and think about America as a primarily white, European nation whose identify was a vigorous "republicanism" of the kind described by Pocock. The Straussians are absolutely insistent that America has always been an open nation, an immigrant nation, a nation with no identity of its own, and so on.

Gee, I wonder why they do that? I wonder why they push this narrative so aggressively, to the point that they'll monopolize departments and use cynical nepotism and careerism to exclude people who disagree with it?

>> No.15160776

Imagine being a badass of Danish descent and the rest of America still views you the same as a wop American or a rusky American just because muh white lmao

>> No.15160782

The problem with America was federalization and mass cultural homogenization. The mainstream always has and always will be fake and gay.

>> No.15160785

So you firmly believe in the idea that group identity trumps individual identity?

>> No.15160788

I hope you're kidding... Mass-immigration of non-whites is a huge part of that exploitation. Understand that the problem of corrupt oligarchy doesn't preclude additional problems, like divergent populations salivating in anticipation of inheriting the West.

>> No.15160795
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>"N-no! Europeans are not a people! Only their individual nation states! Stop trying to restrict mass immigration from outside of Europe!

Buncha faggots in here must have got lost on their way to reddit.

>> No.15160799

Americans aren't Europeans you larping faggot

>> No.15160803


>> No.15160804

You're not European though.

>> No.15160807

White isn't a real identity, it's for new worlders who don't like their regional culture but still want to feel a part of something. I guarantee the average black American has infinitely more in common with white Americans than any European.

>> No.15160808

They don't want the West, it's not magic dirt. As soon as California is completely Latino theyll start clamoring to move to other states.

>> No.15160812

It's amazing. You fly to the east coast or the south for a conference or something, you realize the "white" locals are all two feet shorter than you, they all have greasy black hair, they're fat, and they have developed an accent around speaking like they have an impediment. Cruelty is culture for them, they take pride in acting stupid.
We are not the same.

>> No.15160817

The multicultural project is necessarily built on a white majority. Of course there are white people, it's the ethnical equilibrium of european peoples (the founding fathers talked about free white people for a reason) that made America the strongest nation on earth to begin with.
Any time someone is denying this they're either a) exhausting the white majority for political reasons or b) being acquiescent ("Oh, I'm not white, I'm italian!") by faking ignorance or really being ignorant of the political arrangement

Being proud of your white heritage is the same as saying that you're proud of being a part of the most important group in the American constellation. It's just not a very diplomatic thing to talk about, especially when you're in the business of getting more south americans, asians and africans in the country. Your political mode of being is defined by acquiescence and that includes not talking about your ethnicity

>> No.15160818

>My heritage is Danish by way of the rocky mountain west
Think you have to have had ancestors from Denmark to claim that, not the rocky mountains.

>> No.15160819

nice off topic faggotry

>> No.15160820

>genetics aren't real
>cultural continuity is not real
Right the US should be considered a descendant of the Aztecs and Mohawks

>> No.15160823

That's what you get when you rely on the state mafia to sustain and protect you like a good goy. Once people wake up they'll take control of their own communities instead of larping as xyz nation state, and every community plays by it's own rules

>> No.15160828

I think it's not about feeling "guilty" for what they've done, just accepting what you did and that you're capable of doing that so you don't repeat it.
We are dogs to gringoes and we can't do much about it, you're the empire. I'm not holding any hatred for what other did to us, it's just the way humans act, I'd love that my people could leave that behind but most of them still hate spaniards for our conquest so It's not going to be soon.

>> No.15160829

I don’t think, i know

>> No.15160832

That's not how things work retard

>> No.15160833

Now that sounds interesting. I had been read into thinking technology was at fault for our cultural degradation but I suppose that doesn't make sense compared to plenty of other 1st worlders that are more unified in their culture like Japan or EU or even China. Where do I find this debate.?

>> No.15160835


>> No.15160840

Attaching oneself or their worth to an artificial construct like nationality, which is meant to do nothing else but exert control over a populace, is pretty blue-pilled. So, basically /pol/ in a nut shell.

>> No.15160845

cool off topic thread

>> No.15160846

good argument lol

>> No.15160849

Whatever, you're still some fat American and not a European.

>> No.15160852

You will never be a European, get over it.

>> No.15160859

South Americans immigrate all the way to America? I thought it was mostly Mexicans (North Americans) and Guatemalans (and other Central Americans).

>> No.15160860

Wrong on all three counts