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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 191 KB, 299x299, Tourists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15160130 No.15160130 [Reply] [Original]

Tourists who have come to ruin the catalog with garbage begging for unspecific recs come on in.
Ask for your recs here so other more relevant or interesting threads can survive.

>> No.15160149

I am thoroughly convinced that, anything books can do, anime can do better. Why waste so much time with meandering descriptions when you can simply show plus still have words left over to use whenever you want? There is not a single subject, from history to philosophy to religion than, anime has not surpassed literature and to think otherwise is asinine, willfully blind, and slave to tradition and denying the very real, very present moment in time. Convinve me otherwise

>> No.15160162

Cheap animation and poor art direction ruins anime to me

The only one I've enjoyed in the last 10 years was Yamato 2199. Rest was trash

>> No.15160185

Are there any books about an emotionally unstable European pedophile who loses his lover, travels a long distance, and kills a guy before dying himself?

>> No.15160192

Books can't even have art or animation, so surely if this is standard we look to when judging art, books, by definition, are WORSE

>> No.15160209

The Iliad

>> No.15160213

The opposite of bad is good. Not having something is a different thing.

>> No.15160228

Please for the love of god let this thread become a thing.

People don't even realize how much the "Write what's on your mind" threads cleaned up the board. Every single post in those threads is a potential blogpost that didn't become its own thread. I am not a huge fan of megathreads, but a couple like this are disproportionately useful and worth keeping around.

If /lit/ just had a gently enforced rule like "no 'Books for when your arms are cold?' threads," the board would improve tenfold. The most egregious of these are usually deleted already, but there's a lot of "Books for when ur sad?" or "Books about a dog?" threads that go fucking nowhere. Confine them to a megathread that doubles as discussion, and the blogposting fucks who make them will have a better time anyway since they won't 404 right away.

>> No.15160496
File: 418 KB, 500x500, I wonder if Eugene goes clubbing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make them whenever I'm on the board, but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHhqMYsoPMs so I'll need other anons to help.
As you said, including mention of "books for feeling sad" in there too, I'll give specific examples like "books about dogs" as well.
Anything else that needs to be mentioned?

>> No.15160524

which books cure my existential depression?

>> No.15160542
File: 519 KB, 1500x436, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask for your recs here so other more relevant or interesting threads can survive.

>> No.15160553

Moby Dick and The Ethics helped me cure mine, accepting that we cannot now the ultimate truth from the former and a metaphysical basis for self improvement through denying sensation in favour of expansion of the intellect and increasing your power of action from the latter. Also biology textbooks will explain that you have at least one purpose: procreation, so prepare to have kids

>> No.15160567

sexuality is disgusting for me so no kids ever.

>> No.15160569
File: 47 KB, 405x720, 1546514389257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moby Dick and The Ethics helped me cure mine, accepting that we cannot now the ultimate truth from the former and a metaphysical basis for self improvement through denying sensation in favour of expansion of the intellect and increasing your power of action from the latter. Also biology textbooks will explain that you have at least one purpose: procreation, so prepare to have kids

>> No.15160593

>WWOYM and Confessions
serve the same purpose as this thread and are welcome, they absorb less effort posting
>leftist hegemony thread
A thread discussing a relevant topic that the OP structured around a specific book, he has put in the effort even if the replies are garbage.
>why do you write?
an interesting thing to ask although the image is baity and the OP should've put in a little more effort, perhaps explaining why he does
>polbait cancer and peterson thread
yes, this is trash, but more elitist /lit/-posters who decry this stuff will prevent this, which generals are a part of

>> No.15160617

Why so disdainful, are you annoyed because i tried to answer the question?
That's a shame, why is it so disgusting to you? Instead you could devote your life to the search for higher truth or if you have siblings, care for their children as caring for your own blood is important

>> No.15160656

Unspecific rec threads actually lead to good discussion. I rank it highly near threads discussing specific books.
The Peterson threads, Guenon threads, and /pol/ bullshit are predictable and add nothing new.

Disagree. You can learn more about thoughts and character motivation for more effectively in books versus anime.
Consider Jojo's Bizarre Adventures. It's more jarring to have dialogue in the super-lengthy fall with dialogue in Phantom Blood, along with Dio's inconsistent stoppage of time in Stardust Crusaders, when it sticks out less in the manga.
So, having time-sensitive conversations is one aspect where books are more effective.

Also consider Legend of the Galactic Heroes. With a book, you get more flexibility to explore the tactics and strategy, as well as characterization, versus in the anime.
War and Peace is a better piece of art than LOGH, and I'm a fan of the anime.

>> No.15160657

>why is it so disgusting to you?
i just dont like to be vulnerable/being weak in front of others.

>> No.15160682

You don't need to be vulnerable or weak during sex, it's easy to take control

>> No.15160697

no anon, sex is the place where you put the real you in front of other person and that thought terrifies me. theres one thing imagining that one is pathetic and other actually seeing it.

>> No.15160758

I know you'll shit on me for this but could you recommend anything enjoyable similar to books like "The Library at Mount Char", "American Gods", "Dune" or "The Beach"?

>> No.15160809

>American Gods
Have you read Anansi Boys?

>> No.15160998
File: 520 KB, 1400x930, 1567459076350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of this thread, there are so many goddamned recommendation threads.

I want to read something that's "sad spooky". That sort of depressive breed of creepiness that you find in things like Silent Hill where half the plots are about lost loved ones in a desolate and hostile setting. Or pic related with the creepy bird man who also apparently lives in squalor and desperately needs help. Jack Stauber videos are also like that sometimes. I also guess Franz Kafka could count depending on the story. I want to be creeped out but also emotionally devastated.

>> No.15161012

Which translation of the Kalevala should I go for? I'm more interested in a literal translation than prose.

>> No.15161013

Stormlight Archive

>> No.15161583

Any recs for a horror-themed short story collection?

>> No.15161840

No, will give it a try thanks.

Nice, will look into it too.

>> No.15161868
File: 566 KB, 828x808, C67D3E75-3E48-4B23-B803-079C6921CBEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people I consider most influential to my understanding of philosophy, who else should I read in order to truly refine and transmute my conceptions? Who else is logical to read?

(Husserl, Hegel, meinong, boehme, Dee, Grant, Bertiaux, abhinavagupta and deleuze)

>> No.15161927

Have you read Plato ?

>> No.15161939


Well yeah, you can’t really study western occultism properly if you haven’t studied Platonism and Neoplatonism and to a small degree Aristotle.

>> No.15162015
File: 291 KB, 1200x1696, new england.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a chart or something about New England literature that isn't "dark academia"?

>> No.15162193

Capital-b Based

>> No.15162211

>the debate between the Straussian interpretation of America's essence and their opponents. Before the (overwhelmingly Jewish) Straussians took over every fucking department in America, it was normal to talk and think about America as a primarily white, European nation whose identify was a vigorous "republicanism" of the kind described by Pocock. The Straussians are absolutely insistent that America has always been an open nation, an immigrant nation, a nation with no identity of its own, and so on.

Books about this?

>> No.15162292

What do you think of Maximus Confessor?

>> No.15162305
File: 10 KB, 290x174, shankara3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely bugman take, you will suffer much before truth is revealed likely not in this lifetime

>> No.15162717


I really like his ideas on the Logos and Logoi

>> No.15163753
