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15160123 No.15160123 [Reply] [Original]

>Someone who has the same depth in his spirit as he does in his desires, and also that depth of goodwill which is capable of harshness and strictness and is easily mistaken for them – that sort of man will only ever be able to think about woman in an 'oriental' manner.
>He needs to understand the woman as a possession, as property that can be locked up, as something predestined for servitude and fulfilled by it.
>In this he has to adopt the position of Asia’s enormous rationality, Asia’s superiority of instinct, just as the Greeks once did (being Asia’s best heirs and students); we know that, from Homer up to the times of Pericles, while their culture was growing and their strength expanding, the Greeks were gradually becoming stricter with women too – in short, more oriental. How necessary, how logical – in fact, how humanly desirable all this has been: just think about it for a while!
So we should lock up women and treat them like objects, also Asia is great? What's he on about here? Would he have advocated for pic related or is he just playing?

>> No.15160150

Let me tell you something
Nietszche wound up talking to his horse.
And I know you're gonna tell me- Sartre.
Well Sartre was a fucking fraud
He copped it all from Husserl and Heidegger.
Ay, you should start at the beginning. Take a look at Kierkegaard.

>> No.15160188

Yes. Women love to be objectified. Obviously she wants to be the object of your desire. No. You do not need to do bdsm shit. It's completely controlled by women, otherwise your violently raping her. Being under a womans control is the opposite of treating her like property.

>> No.15160202
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I would be more able to believe him if he didn't suck chink aedeagus so hard. Orientalists are philosophical cancer.

>> No.15160258

>So we should
He didn't say what you should do. He said what a particular type of man does do. Basically that he wears the pants in the relationship, as the boomers say.

>> No.15160295
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>How necessary, how logical – in fact, how humanly desirable all this has been: just think about it for a while!

>> No.15160310
File: 323 KB, 909x1081, 1546335098539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche on how to treat wome-

>> No.15160319

He said it was necessary and logical, and "humanly desirable." Sounds an awful lot like a recommendation to me.
>It's completely controlled by women
Binding your slave girl in an illiberal Nietzschean orientalist paradise is not the same thing as consensually tying up your present-day wife/girlfriend, anon.

>> No.15160354

Forcing women so much happens only as a reaction to male weakness (it will happen in our society soon).
In ancient societies like Myceneans the woman was still submitted to the man, but it was more natural and less forced, because men commanded authority and respect just by existing.
In many oriental place the woman comands in the end because the men have become pathetic bugmen and without their strict rules they are lost (both men and women)
But yes, women prefer to be in a submissive position and men in a dominant position, not only in the bedroom, it's a fundamental thing to make everyone happier and freer

>> No.15160679
File: 115 KB, 768x1025, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The happiness of man is: I will. The happiness of woman is: he wills.
Uh, g-guys?

>> No.15160688
