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15159440 No.15159440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about the trans experience?

>> No.15159470

is it weird that i like futa but not traps?

>> No.15159479

You're valid

>> No.15159485

The protocols of the elders of Zion

>> No.15159510

Lucy Ellmann, a dead feminist; Lucy Ellmann, sodomized by a pipe iron. Contorted Caucasian body twisted around so you see half her breasts and all her ass on a stairway awash with semen. Stairway is important---important upstate apartment, stairway into the attic. The attic is not alive and it is not important. An aqueduct made of just uterine debris that pumps blood and fetal cells. Lucy Ellmann a corpse. Lucy Ellmann a hallucination that nobody ever had but happened subconsciously to everybody at once. Lucy Ellmann is mouthfirst on my groin. Lucy Ellmann is dead. I killed Lucy Ellmann with my big fucking dick.

>> No.15159512

The modern left is fundamentally anti-revolutionary. If you want men to go out and die for a cause you need to build a strong, masculine culture around that cause. Not this “you’re valid uWu” shit. One wonders whether intersextionalism was created by capitalist Jews to neuter the left.

>> No.15159522
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40%. Join them.

>> No.15159527
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Based and redpilled

>> No.15159543
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>> No.15159544

If gender is a social construct, what does it matter if you're a 'girl' or 'boy'? I thought we were all equal, human beings?

>> No.15159547

Can't fucking stand this image

>> No.15159561

That's gender erasure. To say that gender is a social construct is not to say that gender doesn't exist, that's totally bigoted. But some people mentally are just not congruent with the bodies they were born with and if they identify as a woman then they are a woman it's that simple.

>> No.15159567

Human rights are a social construct

>> No.15159595
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Fanged Noumena or just any corporate marketing these days.

>> No.15159604

If gender is a "social construct" then how is it that a single person can determine their own gender unilaterally, without input from any other part of society?

>> No.15159616

their use of the word valid intrigues me. a 'valid human' or whatever, what could this mean?

>> No.15159620

russian fiction
trannies will always be second rate women at best

>> No.15159626

This is the point of the trans movement, to critique and reassess the hegemonic idea of gender. Cisheteronormativity causes a massive amount of bad like the amount of trans folk that take their lives, as a society we'd be better to let people identify their own gender and that'd be more congruent with how gender occurs psychologically.

>> No.15159629
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>Gender is always a process of objectification: transgender women like Gigi Gorgeous know this probably better than most. Gender transition begins, after all, from the understanding that how you identify yourself subjectively as precious and important as this identification may be- is nevertheless on its own basically worthless. If identity were all there were to gender, transition would be as easy as thinking it - a light bulb, suddenly switched on. Your gender would simply exist, in mute abstraction, and no one, least of all yourself, would care.
>On the contrary, if there is any lesson of gender transition - from the simplest request regarding pronouns to the most invasive surgeries - it's that gender is something other people have to give you. Gender exists, if it is to exist at all, only in the structural generosity of strangers. When people today say that a given gender identity is "valid," this is true, but only tautologically so. At best it is a moral demand for possibility, but it does not, in itself, constitute the realization of this possibility. The truth is, you are not the central transit hub for meaning about yourself, and you probably don't even have a right to be. You do not get to consent to yourself, even if you might deserve the chance.
>You do not get to consent to yourself - a definition of femaleness.

>> No.15159634

So if trannies are real women then when will they get the XX chromosomes?

>> No.15159635

If peoples' minds can be incongruent with their bodies then that means there are objective measurable differences between men and women and therefore gender is not a social construct but a social reflection of natural fact.

>> No.15159641

The usage of the word "human" by progressives bothers me anyway. The way they use the term "decent human being" when talking down or calling someone a "shitty human being" makes them sound like aliens presiding over some weird foreign species, like they've been so ostracized from normal thinking that they use "human" as a unit of thought and not as an animal with flesh, bone, and blood

>> No.15159644

A social construct can be natural.

>> No.15159646

Lmao, if anything the corporate virtue signalling is targeted at liberals, not the minorities which liberals love. Trannies make up less than 1% of the population, to market to them would be a bad strategy

>> No.15159648

How is suicide of a group consisting of 1 percent or less of the population a problem worth starting a movement over?

>> No.15159649

But trannies always use the term to mean "non-existant"

>> No.15159650

>This chromosomes shit again

>> No.15159656

Maybe some do but the transgender community isn't a hivemind.

>> No.15159662

>transgender community isn't a hivemind
What is a political movement then?

>> No.15159664
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>why are thousands of preventable deaths every year bad

>> No.15159669

It's only weird people dying so idgaf

>> No.15159670

Are you and all the other Nazi chuds linked by little antennae that dictate you all must believe the same things and define everything the same way?

>> No.15159672

what are the benefits of cisheteronormativity?

>> No.15159674

And what does "identify" even mean? A real female experience includes material, biological realities. Period pains, natural hormonal differences, even just the completely different socialisation that takes place from males. I see no evidence that any man on HRT is "identifying" as a "women", so much as just adopting a bunch of stereotypical behaviours - "look, dress go twirly". It's the epitome of male gaze, femininity as reimagined by males that need to make everything about themselves & it's a disgusting erasure of the REAL ISSUES that ACTUAL women face. Take your autogynophelia issues and trashing of language in service of your perversions & push on. You aren't whatever shitty anime character you imagine you are.


Suck my clit troomer.

>> No.15159683

>there is only one reason trannies kill themselves and because people are mean

>> No.15159685

You called me a chud and nazi in the same sentence but you SWEAR you're not a hivemind?

>> No.15159692

I'm cis so it benefits me, tell me why shooting myself in the knee to help you should interest me

>> No.15159694

whats going on in this thread?

>> No.15159697

you should go over to /pol/ and witness the entire board constantly calling each other fucking retards to see the contrast from prog groupthink

>> No.15159698

There's really all kinds of people on this board huh

>> No.15159699

Look at any celeb with a ton of money and a ton of insecurity. No matter how many plastic surgeries they get, they'll still hate themselves.

>> No.15159706

Two types actually, retards and me

>> No.15159710

No, they're marketing at the virtue signalling liberals. It's a lifestyle being sold - all those shitty liberal IdPol lovers cream themselves over any marketing to their pet minorities. While it's obviously beneficial on a personal level if you are a minority, that doesn't make any of it authentic or good for society as a whole. Winning the right for women to also become exploitive plutocrats & oligarchs isn't the victory liberals think it is.

>> No.15159711

the fuck? i'm cis myself. i want to know if the trans people acknowledge any benefits to the thing they want to get rid of, or any costs implicit in getting rid of it.

>> No.15159715

Thomas Harris- the Silence of the Lambs

>> No.15159716

Based and, dare I say it, redpilled.

>> No.15159717

Some broad can't get over her penis envy and hates that trans women get all the benefits of being considered women (at least in some areas of life) without having to deal with lame shit like periods.

>> No.15159727

>trans women are like all the good parts of the wamen without the bad
So troids are superior to normal people? Play a sport or something jeez louise!

>> No.15159728

Their "vagina" is literally a hole drilled into their ass. Periods beat that by a mile.

>> No.15159730

Heh, good one.

>Unironic TERFs on 4chan

Pal, identity is completely subjective and it's absurd to tell someone that THEIR OWN IDENTITY is wrong? It's reductionist and ignorant to say that being a woman is purely biological, that's what we call sex essentialism. Sex and gender are different things and even a woman that hasn't undergone sexual reassignment surgery is still a woman if she identifies as one.

Can you not see the hate society has for trans people? Just look at this thread.

>> No.15159738


>> No.15159740

>Sex and gender are different things
Gender has always been a kiddy word for sex

>> No.15159746

>but the transgender community isn't a hivemind.

So when you give sweeping generalized representations of the trans community that's cool, but this anon makes a point and you respond with this? You're an idiot, and trans people are fetishists

>> No.15159747

>Heh, good one.
it wasn't a joke.
do you have an answer?

>> No.15159751

>The modern left is fundamentally anti-revolutionary.
That's because they're not left-wing at all, they are neoliberals LARPing as radicals. Self-identity (and, by extension, intersectionality) is an entirely bourgeois concern. If these people really cared about making revolution they wouldn't be playfighting with fascist LARPers in the streets, they would be lynching wall street execs.

>> No.15159760
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I see the hatred for your kind, I'm just not convinced that you people are going to have any positive influence on society.

>> No.15159772

Okay unironically it's completely arbitrary and destructive. You're just looking to argue reactionary points while trying to appear like a moderate.

>> No.15159773

Wow, what a beautiful lady.

>> No.15159780

i wish that that man didnt exist. i dont think its okay to kill people, but i wish he didnt exist

>> No.15159783

>identity is completely subjective

Except it's entirely not, and never has been. You're identity is neither generated from yourself, or a result of subjective experience. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>Self-identity (and, by extension, intersectionality) is an entirely bourgeois concern

Not to mention that trans people aren't looking for self-identification, they're looking for others to identify them as a woman or as a man. If they truly looked for self-identification, they wouldn't require the gaze of the other. I've yet to talk with a trans person who's understanding of identity isn't entirely dependent on mass media consumption.

>> No.15159792

Who's this guy?

>> No.15159794

>Can you not see the hate society has for trans people? Just look at this thread.
4chan hates you people cause the vast majority of you on 4chan continuously act like triggered retards

>> No.15159803

okay bud

>> No.15159814

>identity is completely subjective
go read some hegel

>> No.15159826

It's the Other with a capital O

>> No.15159829


>> No.15159844

My bad king

>> No.15159846

is this book worth reading? seen it here before

>> No.15159857

what is transgenderism in the true sense if not a Nietszchean act of will? to go beyond, isn't human existence inherently masturbatory? You will never be a 'real' woman! you are living a narcissistic autoerotic fantasy! accusations which I affirm with pride, if anything criticism can be heaped on normie trannies for squandering the potentials of artificiality clinging to cliche politics and cliche identities hopelessly pinning for an absent signifier, just like those born women who having abdicated their femininity feel their hollow identity as women threatened by autistic males who do it better than them

>> No.15159860

Beyond based and redpilled

>> No.15159895

I'm not your "Pal" troomer. And no, you state your fundamental premise as if it was some sort of absolute, agreed truth when it really isn't. Identity is NOT completely subjective, not at all. I can "identify" as an Olympic athlete all I like, but if I'm a cripple with a leg missing, I'll only be competing in the special Olympics now won't I?

>unironic TERF on 4chan

Oh, you thought it was all "Nazis"? Anyone excluded from mainstream discourse ends up here or some other imageboard it seems.

>> No.15159897

It's only about 100 pages so it's worth the hour or two to knock it out. Parts of it are boring memoir and endless idolization of Valerie Solanas, but it certainly has some interesting ideas about gender as a whole that are upsetting to both cis and trans people.

>> No.15159903

>cliche politics and cliche identities

Lmao so you enjoy having stubble to go with your mishappen tits? This might be the most hilarious reading of Nietzsche I've ever seen.

Based TERF-poster. There's such an inherent anti-woman aspect in all of this person's posts that I have no idea how they can possibly believe that they're a woman.

>> No.15159907
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The people educating the next generation and ruining the lgb movement

>> No.15159911

>the people
But it's only one guy

>> No.15159917

Both women and trannies need to die horribly. /thread

>> No.15159919

>t. N..no you
Sorry sweetie. "Woman" is a biological sex, and I don't care about you thinking taking pills made from horse piss is somehow an act of the Overman. You're just coping with your issues by inventing some "gender soul", a weird invisible essence of woman-ness to cling too. So at what age were you molested? It's ok, tell me.