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/lit/ - Literature

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1515891 No.1515891 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,
What are some exceptional poets that have been active in the last 20 years?

>> No.1515939

Let me try that again.

>> No.1515942

The canon has a delay. Wait a fucking few years.

>> No.1515952

I don't care if they're going to be canonized or not. I'm just asking people for recommendations on modern poets.

>> No.1515959

Seamus Heany, Philip Larkin, Kay Ryan, and Billy Collins.

>> No.1515960

That's a sad question because I can't answer it.

I go to poetry readings occasionally (one a month or so) and I usually enjoy what I see, but nothing is crazy

>> No.1515976

Lemn Sissay

>> No.1516066

Geoffrey Hill, John Burnside, John Ashbery, JH Prynne, Seamus Heaney, Jorie Graham, Frederick Seidel, Paul Muldoon, Anne Carson, Charles Simic...

There's some. All English-language, of course. I've probably left out some several hundred; "exceptional" will differ depending on whom you ask, obviously. But I'd suggest it's a good idea to read them if you want to get to know the field. They're all of sufficient age whereby they have a substantial body of work to look into -- there are hundreds and hundreds of more recent-generation poets that would also be worth looking into.

>> No.1516117

Anis Mojgani

>> No.1516132

Myf avorite is Ben Lerner, he's only liek 30 something yrs old. I also like Tao Lin

>> No.1516589

Billy Collins.