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15158898 No.15158898 [Reply] [Original]

>try listening to an audiobook for once
>actually understand everything that happened in the book
The written word was a mistake

>> No.15158902
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>The written word was a mistake
Derrida said sumting like that

>> No.15160015

The ending of that book was disapointing to me. Whole book we are hyped about how Kvothe is this lvl 99 powerful wizard, and when the time comes to see him in action in present day, he totally flops.

I wanted to like this book, but there were a lot of small details that just didn't land right for me.

>> No.15160180

Read the sequel maybe?

>> No.15160532

Daily reminder the beta male who wrote this power trip fantasy cannot finish the third book because of Trump lmao.

>> No.15161244

You're listening to a book written for 14 year old girls so good job being able to follow along.

>> No.15162241

He’s kind of the most pathetic man I’ve ever met. He is a sorority mom because they basically get the neck beard to do whatever they want

>> No.15162257
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>> No.15162273

Based and Phaedruspilled

>> No.15163055


You mean how he kept fucking Felurian? Honestly that shit was pretty annoying.