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15157091 No.15157091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>point out contradictions in the bible

>> No.15157104

>what is dialetheism

>> No.15157114

I feel bad for the early church fathers, they really tried their best to sew the gaps and patch up the contradictions whether its the nature of Jesus or the differences between the Hebrew bible and the gospels, but no avail. it's still completely bullshit

>> No.15157123

>what is coping

>> No.15157124


Life is full of contradictions

>> No.15157130

couldn't you make this shit post in one of the 10 jesus threads going on? there was no reason to make a new thread for this.

>> No.15157139

>Can't point to these gaps and contradictions

>> No.15157140

I'm Shure they have been answered . Probably in the fist few centuries.

>> No.15157151

go ahead, point out one then.

>> No.15157154

There are no contradictions in the Bible
read Calvin's commentaries and Institutes of the Christian Religion

>> No.15157155

you want me to point to every single one?

>> No.15157160


>> No.15157175


>> No.15157179

Yes, and before you post it, look up Aquinas’ reponse to it.

>> No.15157186

Religion is paradoxical, you are supposed to rejoice in that

>> No.15157193

nice tactic chriscuck, it will take me days to fully compile them all and by then you would move on. I'll give you just one. According to the Hewbrew bible the messiah is a man and a servant of God, not once in the messianic prophecies has it been mentioned that the messiah will be God in the flesh who die for our sins. thats greek/roman influence on the early christcucks

>> No.15157199
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>Yes, and before you post it, look up Aquinas’ reponse to it.

>> No.15157203
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Can a christcuck tell me this how can a man be responsible for his evil if god made him so?
Hes genetics+environment all predetermined, if hes traumatized and born with mental illnesses what choice does he have?
While another man born with good parents, no illnesses makes an easy choice for good.
How can man be responsible for the script he was given?
The choice was made for him its merely an illusion that hes making a choice.

>> No.15157204

this, the Orthodox are the only denomination of Christianity that really embraces that aspect of religion nowadays though

>> No.15157212

>I do not have facts to back this up.

>> No.15157235

did you ever notice that most of the Old Testament is about how often the Jews either misinterpret or deliberately disobey God's words?
and then God needs to get involved as a result of Jews fucking up, isn't it funny how often that happens?
Have you ever thought that you might be reading the Old Testament too literally?

>> No.15157239


>evil if god made him so?

Evil is the absence of God, where he has hidden himself. People are not made evil.

>all predetermined

Is not.

Any other questions?

>> No.15157245

>all predetermined
>Is not.
b-b-but I thought god has a plan for all of us?

>> No.15157250

>He will be a servant of God: "Behold, my servant, whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles." (Isaiah 42:1).
thats proves that the messiah is a servant of God, not God himself. now its your turn. prove your claims, where in the Hebrew bible does it say God will incarnate in the flesh as the messiah? bonus points, if you don't take passages out of context or use mistranslations

>> No.15157261


This is exoteric self help newthink that people parrot. Nothing to do with Christianity. Ignore it.

>> No.15157276
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name 1

>> No.15157283

the whole point of the new testament is to contradict the old one DIPSHIT

>> No.15157301

really? then that means God contradicted himself, since christcucks claim both testaments are Divinely inspired. I thought he said he doesn't change his mind in the book of numbers?

>> No.15157304

What no its not? The old testament is a foreshadowing of Christ

>> No.15157307

So which came first, man or animals?

>> No.15157315

God literally changes him mind from the book of exodus to deuteronomy cause a group of women ask Moses if God can change the laws about female inheritance and God says hmm good idea lets change them

>> No.15157316

Jeebus comes first, always

>> No.15157320

Is there a mention of a grand plan in the bibble?

>> No.15157325

I am going to send an angel in front of you, to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Be attentive to him and listen to his voice; do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression; for my name is in him. But if you listen attentively to his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and a foe to your foes. When my angel goes in front of you, and brings you to the Amorites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, and I blot them out (Exodus 23:20-23).

The Israelites were told that they must obey the angel because the name of the Lors was in him.God would never share His name with any created being so the Angel of the Lord is God.
I am the LORD, that is My name; My glory I give to no other, nor My praise to idols (Isaiah 42:8).

>> No.15157338

I forgot to include the Angel of the Lord = Jesus

>> No.15157351

How does this prove what you were saying, and exactly what claims did I make that you want me to back up?

>> No.15157357

it’s good you forgot that because it’s clearly wrong

>> No.15157358

>he does exactly what I told him not to do and goes and takes passages out of context
>he also brings passages that have nothing to do with the messianic prophecies
I'll refute your retardation anyway. God says my name is in him, not I gave him my name, as in the angel is called YHWH.
>I am the LORD, that is My name; My glory I give to no other, nor My praise to idols
okay, how does this prove your claims? God said my name is in the angel, not I have gave the angel my glory and my praise. fucking hell, you can probably do better than this

>> No.15157365

>God would never share His name with any created being so the Angel of the Lord is God.
What? God shares his name with Moses

>> No.15157371
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>> No.15157373

Islam's claim to the truth is far more convincing anyway.

>> No.15157383

Lol no it isn't

Matthew 5:17-18
>Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.

>> No.15157384

here's the (you), you ordered

>> No.15157385

Giving the Angel his name gives the Angel his glory

>> No.15157389

Thank you friend, now read the Qur'an.

>> No.15157394

Why are there parts of gnostic gospels in the Quran?

>> No.15157419

no, he didn't GIVE the angel his name, he said "My name is in him". it's a huge fucking stretch to go from "the angel has God's name in him" to "the angel is God". so, what am getting from this is you didn't find a verse or passage that says God will incarnate in the flesh as messiah? and so you're resorting to completely unrelated passages?

>> No.15157435

there’s nothing in there about jesus and it doesn’t sound like him at all. did jesus come to btfo the hittites?

>> No.15157445

Right but the trintiy consists of three peoples: The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father and the Holy Spirit are mentioned by name and since the Angel of the Lord is equated to God at many times then its likely the Angel of the Lord is Jesus

>> No.15157453

why'd you respond to me with this bait when it doesn't relate to Orthodox theology and their view of sin and the function of Jesus at all?

>> No.15157461

15 Manoah said to the angel of the Lord, “We would like you to stay until we prepare a young goat for you.”

16 The angel of the Lord replied, “Even though you detain me, I will not eat any of your food. But if you prepare a burnt offering, offer it to the Lord.” (Manoah did not realize that it was the angel of the Lord.)

17 Then Manoah inquired of the angel of the Lord, “What is your name, so that we may honor you when your word comes true?”

18 He replied, “Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding.[a]” 19 Then Manoah took a young goat, together with the grain offering, and sacrificed it on a rock to the Lord. And the Lord did an amazing thing while Manoah and his wife watched: 20 As the flame blazed up from the altar toward heaven, the angel of the Lord ascended in the flame. Seeing this, Manoah and his wife fell with their faces to the ground. 21 When the angel of the Lord did not show himself again to Manoah and his wife, Manoah realized that it was the angel of the Lord.

22 “We are doomed to die!” he said to his wife. “We have seen God!”

Ok this is a direct refrence to the Angel of the Lord as God

>> No.15157469

It's impossibile to argue with Christians. Their entire worldview is predicated upon making shit up in order to make a collection of random semitic myths appear reasonable (to themselves).

>> No.15157500

Okay and? Kek. how do these passages prove any of your claims? they're completely unrelated, If the angel of the lord was God, then Manoiah and his wife would've died because they saw him, because as God said to moses, no one can see God and live but thats not the case with Manoah. You refuted yourself. for the last time, you fucking retard. bring just ONE passage or verse that says God will incarnate in the flesh as the messiah and will get sacrificed. it's not a complicated request. you would think God would mention something as important as that

>> No.15157503

You arent going to get anywhere with the christcucks. Even the christian scriptures you wont find anything with jesus=god except in tbe John school. Jesus himself says hes been given authority to forgive sins. Why would god need to be given authority?

>> No.15157510

It's almost like it has a tradition that Christians base their apologetics off

>> No.15157513

Something something the tree impostors

>> No.15157519
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Christianity is a form of mentall illness

>> No.15157528

Im not the other guy you were arguing with spastic lol

>> No.15157530

still refuted yourself, christcuck

>> No.15157535

Where? You want to be spoonfed?

>> No.15157543


>> No.15157547

here >>15157500
the angel of the lord isn't God. so therefore, it isn't Jesus being foreshadowed here, as you fags claim.

>> No.15157556

The funny thing is that there are clear passages against race mixing in the OT but no christcuck ever bothers to mention Solomon or what happens in the book of Nehemia and they preach the same crypto-globalist "we're all one in jebus" narrative. These fags don't even read the book that shaped their kike cult.

>> No.15157566

>If the angel of the lord was God, then Manoiah and his wife would've died because they saw him, because as God said to moses, no one can see God and live but thats not the case with Manoah
Yes but its precisely because the Angel of the Lord is the Son that they dont die when they see Him. That part about Moses is in refrence tonthe father. This is basic theology please read before seething about Christianity :)

>> No.15157571

thats because the old testament is no longer valid and Jesus isn't like his father, he's more liberal

>> No.15157582
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Thats because your listening to pr*Testants

>> No.15157584

>Christcucks claim Jesus is God
>Then say Jesus is different from God
Mental gymnastics in full swing. Christians are polytheists in denial

>> No.15157591
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>> No.15157597

damn, but the angel of the lord isn't even the Son. no where does the angel say "I am the son" or even something close to that. why do you like to pull things out of your ass? is this what christian theology all about. pulling things out of your ass?

>> No.15157601

BASED BLACK MAN, I’m gonna go join this universalist, spiritually egalitarian slave morality cult now!

>> No.15157603

see >>15157445
Again anon I urge you to read before criticising a religion

>> No.15157605

>look at this based nigger
>b-but pls don't look at what the current pope has said about refugees

>> No.15157613

sure sure, the father and the son and so on. But the Angel is never mentioned to be the Son. "he has God's name in him" doesn't mean he is God/Son. how much space do you have in your ass to pull things like that?

>> No.15157615
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see >>15157591
Yes pope Francis is indeed wrong
Larpagan cope?

>> No.15157627

Again Ive already shown that the Angel of the Lord is God. But can there be two Gods? No hence the trinity is correct as ive already mentioned why it makes biblical sense.

>> No.15157638

>God changes his mind
Are you fucking kidding me? An all-knowing, all-powerful being can be persuaded to change his mind even though he is the most objectively "correct" being to ever exist? The bible is truly a load of contradictory horseshit.

>> No.15157640
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Materialism is the greatest crime against humanity after religions.

>> No.15157652
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Accusing pagans of cope? Top kek, Christianity is the greatest of copes and mental gymnastics. How can can there still be Christians on this board in the current year. Any religion which denies the Natural Order, its hierarchical character or runs contrary to what can observed in nature should be rejected out of hand for what it is — falsity, especially when this falsity is so obviously centered around (1) the Old Testament which preaches Jewish supremacy and (2) a New Testament riddled with interpolations, inconsistencies and slave morality which depicts God himself manifesting as a Jew among tons of other Jews, where he goes around calling gentiles dogs, saying salvation is of the Jews, and later sayings not from Jesus which say Salvation is first for the Jews, then the gentile! (Romans 1:16). To follow the teachings of Jesus is turn yourself into a cuck to the Jews and pave the way for your own extinction.

Likewise it is universalistic, seeing only “man” – there is no such thing as “man” – there are men — Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, Africans, etc. Of course, “spiritual equality” is claimed, that subversive lie which paves the way for equality under the law today.

Not only does Christianity set itself up for racial suicide, it sets its own God up for suicide by shifting the center of gravity of life out of life and into some mysterious “beyond”, into the afterlife, into nothingness. First monotheism demythologizes and desacralizws the world, saying that the nature pagans saw as alive with gods and spirits is dead, and then it consumes itself and falls victim to itself. The world desacralized there is no longer any place for the sacred, the Jewish god is dead, but his values live on in other forms of Jewish-influenced political strands like Marxism and liberalism.

Not to mention that the concept of Hell is an obvious cope for betas and weaklings. lIf you don’t obey the Jewish god you’re gonna burn in fire FOREVER, so don’t be bad! If you refrain from doing what we don’t want you do, you’re going to live in a paradise AFTER YOU DIE”. Pure cope

>> No.15157659

>Again Ive already shown that the Angel of the Lord is God
No, you attempted a weak stretch and I already refuted it, here >>15157419 and here >>15157500. and then for the rest of thread you kept dodging a very simple request. for the last last time, Bring me a verse or passage in the Hebrew bible that says God will incarnate in the flesh as the messiah and will be sacrificed for our sins, this is your last chance at proving the legitimacy of your christian claims

>> No.15157661

As soon as i saw u were an unironic pagan i stopped reading lmao. Stop larping if u care so much and revive worshipping tranny gods like hermaphrodite again

>> No.15157662

Israel is God's first born son, not jesus. God himself says this clear as day, exodus 4:22. Later fan fiction cannot override the original soirce text.

>> No.15157678

Damn you are actually braindead. If you cared enough about the religion you would actually read up on its theology rsther than denying basic things your pea brain cant cope with

>> No.15157679
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>s-stop LARPing
>worships a rabbi

>> No.15157697

Yes pagan tradition is dead anon. Jesus was not a Jew and referred to them as a syangogue of Satan

>> No.15157710

>what is dialetheism
a christcuck cope

>> No.15157716

>christcuck couldn't prove his gay claims
>r-read about t-theology
this is just sad, it must be soul crushing for you that you couldn't prove Jesus is God in the flesh. the cuck life must be hard. have a good day.

>> No.15157722

God and religion are distinct, separate and often conflicting concepts. Nature evidences the divine plan, for the natural world is the work of the force or the intelligence men call God. Religion is the creation of mortals, therefore predestined to fallibility. Religion may preserve or destroy a People, depending on the structure given by its progenitors, the motives of its agents and the vagaries of historical circumstances. According to those who have nested themselves in Christianity, and according to "vagaries of historical circumstances" Christianity has become an enemy of the white race and it is from the get-go, even besides what I have just said, a blatant falsehood due to its teachings. Look to Nature, contemplate it, observe it – here is the evidence for God, not in the dusty books of Semitic nomads or the muddled ramblings of Hindus.

>> No.15157725

I dont really have anything to prove to you anon. I hope you can find Jesus :)

>> No.15157727

The ancient jewish conception of divinity is not the same as the ancient greek and modern idea. God changing his mind in Deuteronomy is no problem to ancient jews and in fact is consistent with the culture. Christina Hayes has a good lecture on this called "whats so divine about divine law"

>> No.15157741


>> No.15157743

Such is the way of the christcuck

>> No.15157744

Hmm but how can you discern God in Nature?

>> No.15157746

>I couldn't prove anything from the Book that God apparently inspired
>but hey Jesus, amirite?
I would call you retard or cuck, but this is just very sad.

>> No.15157759

I have proved it but you can wrap your head around basic things. Why are you so insitent on winning an internet argument lmao

>> No.15157788

nah it's not about wining, it's just that am researching religions, trying to "find god" if you well, and throughout this thread, You've proven to me over and over that the christian claims and religion are completely retard. you didn't refute or rebuke anything from what I said here>>15157419. and just kept telling me to find Jesus. you also didn't give any proof from the Hebrew bible where God says he'll incarnate as a man and die for our sins.

>> No.15157797

>don't worry goy, God changes his mind to suit whatever purpose we need him for all the time! Nothing to see here, move along...

>> No.15157825


In Ephesians, sure. But it's a grand plan for the salvation of all the cosmos, not whether or not you'll wake up this morning and stub your big toe.

>> No.15157826

>God changes his mind, even though he said he doesn't
>watch this lecture

>> No.15157876

Zeus can change his mind why cant Yahweh?

>> No.15157965

because he said he doesn't. Numbers 23:19

>> No.15158018

that doesn't say he can't change his mind about things, just that he will not lie

>> No.15158027

Sounds like an atheist lecture :3

>> No.15158030

>Numbers 23:19
> not a human being, that he should change his mind.

>> No.15158068

Yeah according to Balaam

>> No.15158080

are you saying the book of numbers is non-canon?

>> No.15158102
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>> No.15158109

Balaam said what he said but hes Balaam, the wicked pagan seer. Its his dialogue and his words

>> No.15158185

>God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
works in my translation bro, how about you try getting the real word of God?

Works in my translation

>> No.15158202
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Why would I worship ever-changing nature or the “infallible mortals” nursed by it when I could worship the Creator of all who alone remains illimitable and without change?
You didn’t think that far because you don’t even care. Your belief in God is contingent on modern politics, which is why you worship “The People” like a communist. The only reason you say God is Nature is so you can pretend your conception of the “people’s” identity has an ironclad eternal nature or essence. You’re probably half Mexican too.
Not only is this unprovable (it’s an act of faith to believe it like any other form of knowledge), it’s a product of late modernity and will die like communism died, whereas my God was, is, and will be. ICXC NIKA, slave

>> No.15158221

*Gnosticism saves the day (again)*
heh nothing personnel, hylic.