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15156328 No.15156328 [Reply] [Original]

how do you write good dialog?
I always find myself deleting most of the dialog in a scene

>> No.15156336

Do not write dialog, write thoughts instead

>> No.15156341
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.15156375

Try using dashes instead of quotes like Joyce

>> No.15156949

Act it out first. Yes, it's embarrassing, and people will think you're nuts as you switch voices. But the only way to get the inflections, the rhythms of dialogue is to say it and ideally gesture with it too.

>> No.15156980


A good motto: the audience is smarter than you think.

You can imply a huge amount and if your mental picture of the scene is coherent, the reader will infer it all with no problem.

>> No.15157055

this is what I end up doing, but it makes it come out kind of wannabe noir where everyone is very curt and secretive.

>> No.15158035
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What can I read about this nigga?

>> No.15158078
