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/lit/ - Literature

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15155767 No.15155767 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss and honor one of /lit/'s most remarkable users who has given us much to think about regarding literary issues, politics, society, and much more. Without further ado, enjoy, /ourguy/, the one and only Mad Anon:

https://vocaroo.com/8kCHt4ELkj0 - On discord trannies
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0Zs3oNx4SOq - On stoicism and philosophy
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0vzCaAbm44Q - On Butterfly poster
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1fyZdrGLCa0 - On lifting and one's back
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0WPq5YwF8Sg - On n*****s
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1FT9Q24LyLC - On Russians and Diogenes
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1WaMLWtnRaL - On anti-human people
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1B3YKQ4iGnw - On reading gay stuff
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0eJulZnDC50 - On circumcision
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1DDlW1RqTQo - On Russian literature
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0zYRROEGVGW - On Butterfly's fans
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1jHJcUed2UW - On anime and manga
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1DVYiQ232PZ - On readers wanting motivation
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s197Nb8zkDrE - On riddles about bookmarks
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0Lhw4tIbXM0 - On "smart" loners
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1HTFRS9Sjxs - On Butterfly's board tourism
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1BWN4AD7WLw - On Russian communism
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s04EGnHU43wv - On people not reading Seneca
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1S8Y93N2W1J - On surviving Greek plays
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s03x4ldlSGF1 - On Chomsky (parody)
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1dJzzfQ7JIh - On baiting trannies
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1algs9YW5Rv - On autist's boasting of big vocabulary
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1ZshNIvfbo3 - On other guy's Vocaroos
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0DqaW8HoOlh - On posting Reddit screenshots
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1cEccn5831b - On title-drop jokes
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1zC1DM0LBw0 - On anti-centrist attitudes
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0rWylFF1286 - On "cope" spammers
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0NebUQ2Qv2h - On low IQ trannies
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0dejnKRQCqJ - On "you are part of society therefore can't critique it" arguments
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0FPdTRzZWFk - On Butterfly's views on abortion
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1qkpJgua5op - On incorrect use of "cope"
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0AiuTXFLVa9 - On personal resposability
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0JR4O1O19C3 - On the relation between writing and talking
https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s0Gd0ooUbqsJ - On reading Anon's work (parody)
https://vocaroo.com/2Y6ZJSAx0pa - On trannies who jerk off to bestiality
https://vocaroo.com/aPYGCMo17wO - On bad wannabe poets
https://vocaroo.com/49w11EvgAVL - On /x/ users sharing their wisdom on /lit/
https://vocaroo.com/cWvRPnYkCOF - On Bukowski's fans attacking an Anon for saying he wrote similar stuff in school

Truly the Montaigne of our time. Pic not related.

>> No.15155871

cringe and too retarded to form an actual argument

>> No.15155895

Is this what a New York accent sounds like?

>> No.15155907

dean was based. what happened to that canuck?

>> No.15155982

kinda cringe desu

>> No.15155994

Only among Italians/wannabe guineas.

>> No.15156004

that's gonna be a yikes from me

>> No.15156009

Finally. I love this guy. Fuck off haters, go eating some cocks.

>> No.15156048

> https://old.vocaroo.com/i/s1jHJcUed2UW
Oh god I'm crying

>> No.15156063

Last recording I've heard from him was like three months ago. I think he is still around.. It would be great if he answer this thread, he would probably destroy it

>> No.15156148


>> No.15156791

Hes ugly af and saddest thing i look like him fml

>> No.15156797

>he thinks the OP pic is him
Anon, I...

>> No.15156804


>> No.15157110

>mfw the people who love vocaroo fag is just vocaroo fag himself samefagging and forcing his shitty meme in an attempt to become an internet personality
Maybe next year

>> No.15157111

who is he?

>> No.15157132

is this what he actually looks like

>> No.15157147

This thread makes me glad I never listened to vocaroofag's vocaroos.

>> No.15157170

Lol you are such a looser bro ahah

>> No.15157217

The fun fact about 4chan is that nobody will really appreciate you or your work, 4chan is a bunch of repressed and depressed ppl. Maybe the only boards where people say positive things are the requests and the wallpapers ones. The others are shit. Obviously this guy is funny but people say samefag rather than make a smile, what a shitty place.

>> No.15157857

Just sounds like someone raging on voice chat in an online game.

>> No.15158121

It says right there the pic is unrelated. That's a YouTube guy.

>> No.15158129

>https://vocaroo.com/aPYGCMo17wO - On bad wannabe poets
This is a masterpiece. Top kek.

>> No.15158193

Literally who

>> No.15158233


>> No.15158299


>> No.15158307

I would feel honored about getting roasted by based vocarooo guy.

>> No.15158627

I thought he was funny. Keep up the hard work anon :)

>> No.15159324


>> No.15160344

glad you liked it :)

>> No.15161427

I thought he was just a /fit/ poster.

>> No.15161719

he's probably /fitlit/

>> No.15162529


I don't know why people say samefag, this guy is great, he's the king of /lit/.

>> No.15162535


That's right anon who isn't me, what's with this samefag shit? This guy I've never heard of is great. Who could dispute that?

>> No.15162539


Fantano threatened him with a C&D saying he was stealing his style.

>> No.15162540


Yeah yeah that's two different guys, you and that other guy, both of whom are not me, and thus are not samefags. And all three of us like this guy who no one has ever heard of, because he's a tough guy, and he talks about /lit/ but in a tough guy voice. And that makes me feel like a tough guy too.

>> No.15162551


Hey this is a fourth guy, not any of those other three guys, a totally different guy, and I don't have a cool New Jersey accent like the OP, I mean the guy who isn't the guy in the clips because he wouldn't just post his own clips for attention. A different guy, the OP. I'm not him, or any of these other guys. But what I'm saying is I like this guy, and we should all pay attention to him.

>> No.15162552

>who no one has ever heard of
newfags begone.

>> No.15162568


That's right guy #4, I'm not you or any of those other guys, but I like this guy's stuff too. The Jersey guy, the guy who obviously has mob connections, like my cousin could kill you if you don't like my rants about literature. Not my cousin, his cousin, because he's not me. But I love Mad Anon's stuff because who doesn't?

>> No.15162579


Hey guy #5, this is another guy, not Mad Anon, because that would be weird to shill your own shit. I'm another guy, and I like Mad Anon's Jersey accent rants that don't say anything but are in a Jersey accent. And that adds credibility because I'm not him.

>> No.15162598


Whaddup Guy #6? I'm not you of course. And I'm not Mad Anon. And I don't know who gave him that name, because it wasn't him, because even though Mad Anon is a really cool name, it's not cool to give yourself your own nickname. But let's call him Mad Anon, because it's cool, and I'm not him so I can give him a nickname.

>> No.15162622


Whaddup Guy #7? Mad Anon is truly the Montaigne of our time. Whoever he is, who isn't me. He picks any topic and he says "Yo, this is me, yelling about the topic, like fogeddaboid, I'm yelling about the topic!" He needs his own thread, which I will give him, because I'm not him.

>> No.15162632


Hey Guy #8 you're a fucking douche. Like just agree that Mad Anon is the coolest and stop trying to not be him. Gym Tan Literature that's how it goes. Mad Anon is the shit and he's not some French guy, he's some other guy.

>> No.15162649


Fuck you guy number whatever you are who isn't me, this is one of those other guys, I forget which one I was shilling under, but Mad Anon has these awesome rants we should listen to which are not all the same and which are not all stupid. And he could be French, they have shores, just like the Jersey Shore, and don't make me start shit because I will.

>> No.15162654

He hates fiction. Not based.

>> No.15162661

Only the useless one. On the bright said he's a poetry/philosophy chad.

>> No.15162669


God all you guys are awful, I'm glad I'm not any of you guys, which I'm not. If I was I would be a shill. But hey all you guys who are not these guys maybe you should go listen to these 72 clips of this guy who isn't me, because he deserves some attention despite these guys.

>> No.15162684


His name is Mad Anon he has to be cool. I don't know what all you other guys are saying. I'd have a drink with him and I'm not even him, or you. Just look at his name. He's mad. Like maybe angry, maybe crazy? I don't know, because he doesn't really say anything. But he's mad, and he's anon, and he has a thread someone else made about him. He's a pretty popular guy. I'm paying attention.

>> No.15162724

stay mad

>> No.15162730

Stay hungry, stay foolish - Bill Fuckerberg

>> No.15162853


Don't call me mad, that's Mad Anon's nickname, and I'm not him. And I'm not the coolest so I can't have such a cool nickname. Somebody else would have to give it to me, not myself.

>> No.15163158


>> No.15163286

pic related isn't faggy vocaroo guinea, it's dean goranites who was based and supremely /litty/.

>> No.15163329

So what's his shtick? Saying fagot over and over again? Even the anon spouting schizo theory is more interesting

>> No.15163356

you're missing the one where he got mad at me for saying academics are smarter than him

>> No.15163365
File: 33 KB, 480x454, 1482012950147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that voice
>he posts on /lit/

>> No.15163368

kek what was the conversation about? do you remember the words you said? I could try to look it up in the archive. He also got mad at me for saying it was a tragedy that very few Greek plays survived (my roast is the "On surviving Greek plays" one).

>> No.15163373

>radical centrist gang in the house
does this mean he would die for Joe Biden or something? Pretty cool guy

>> No.15163378

>Joe Biden
>radical centrist

>> No.15163621
File: 276 KB, 1024x1006, IMG-20200421-WA0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a king

>> No.15163936


>> No.15164320


>> No.15165838
