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/lit/ - Literature

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15154450 No.15154450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a thread started where we list our autistic habits that no one else does

I'll start
>Currently, I watch a candle burn for half an hour every morning

>> No.15154454

I post in 4chan

>> No.15154505

Currently, I also watch a candle burn for half an hour every morning, actually.

>> No.15154507

>fart every 2 pages
>picture the characters as anime
>don't read unless i can finish a full chapter.
>read fully naked

>> No.15154514

I fuck some MILF whore every morning. She has an autistic son who likes to watch candles burn or something.

>> No.15154521

I can't stop tapping rhythms into things like my skull or collarbone or a table
>>picture the characters as anime
I do this but only when reading dostoyevsky. His characters just seem so anime-like to me

>> No.15154540

I really like Batman so I glued a Batman figurine onto a barrette and wear it on my head.

>> No.15154551

I put on cowboy boots and pretend to ride a horse while watching westerns. I also am afraid of horses.

>> No.15154553
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I buy lots of books shilled on here and the western cannon and put them on shelves for people to think I'm literate. All my friends think I'm very well read until I meet someone who actually reads books, but when they start trying to prove me a fraud, I just shitpost /lit/ responses about the books we are talking about to put them in their place.

>> No.15154558

>I put on cowboy boots and pretend to ride a horse while watching westerns.
Thought I was the only one.

>> No.15154562

>until I meet someone who actually reads books, but when they start trying to prove me a fraud, I just shitpost /lit/ responses about the books we are talking about to put them in their place.
kek can you give an example?

>> No.15154573

I learn any language 10x faster when I think and speak to myself in said language. There's no answering so not shizo yet

>> No.15154597
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>"DFW is just for white guys and didn't he rape his students and kill himself? Good job being like every other white dude with a degree."
>Feign sincerity and talk about postmodernism, footnotes, sincerity, and cruise ships so much with what can only seem like honesty that they apologize
>"Dostoevsky is just boring rants and for incels, how can you read stuff that long?"
>Respond with something like "But the true nature and beauty of the written word is the ability to experience and live the thoughts of others, don't you think he does that beautifully with such fleshed out characters? You have read and experienced this, right?"
>Sees all the philosophy and classics on the shelf "The western cannon is just a bunch of dead white dudes!"
>I don't think the greeks would have considered themselves white, nor would the many north african and middle eastern writers would think that either, isn't this when you check your privilege or something?"
>Talks or recommends some modern feminist/minority/YA garbage
>"Is that like blood meridian or Pynchon?"
>"Oh I mostly read romance novels myself."
>I'll look into distance and pause, "Oh I loved lolita!"

>> No.15154610

How do you have this many retards over, Anon? Why are they so dumb?

>> No.15154615

I went to law school

>> No.15154625


>> No.15154626

Every so often I have to stand up and do weird zippy arm movements to get rid of my excess energy. Sometimes when doing this I make sound effects.

>> No.15154627

whenever i cut up a pizza, i do it into 7 pieces

>> No.15154628

When I read a passage in a book that I really like, I will reread it and pretend that I wrote it.

>> No.15154644

After I finish a book, I pretend I'm a famous author myself being interviewed about my recent reads and discuss the finished book with the interviewer.

>> No.15154687

when losing resort to semantics and sojak posting in irl as well

>> No.15154697

simply ebin

>> No.15154702

I chew gum 6 hours a day in the hopes it will improve my jawline

>> No.15154705
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>>"Oh I mostly read romance novels myself."
>>I'll look into distance and pause, "Oh I loved lolita!"
Made me laff

>> No.15154751
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I ritually burn tea candles while I'm reading (always an odd number)-- on Sunday and holidays all 13 holders get filled! Frequently the question is asked Does /lit/ listen to music while reading? For me, burning candles (even in broad daylight) are my music.

>> No.15154784


Have you seen The Commitments? The MC keeps pretending he's being interviewed.

>> No.15154791

i can't for the life of me read more than 2 fiction books at a time, and go for 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction being read

>> No.15154810

nah, thanks for the recc. (In return, Wonderboys. It is a great movie / novel adaptation of an author's life).

>> No.15154834

based af

>> No.15154859

Lot of autos have a fire fetish with the candles. Any of you tards ever burn a structure down?

>> No.15154901
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I eat the skin around my fingernails. I don't really bother with the fingernails themselves, but I get such satisfaction about biting that little bit of hard skin right on the side of my fingertip.

>> No.15154911

holy BASED
thanks for delivering, lots of cunts never do kek

>> No.15154930

No. But I was hanging out with a friend who did, accidentally. We were making little hot air balloons with laundry bags and bottle caps packed with waxy sterno fuel and, well, to make a long story short, one of his sailed through the neighborhood until 'alighting' upon a half built house about a block or so away and within seconds the entire structure went up in flames! ..Same kid died in a motorcycle accident when he was 17, --first funeral of a contemporary I ever attended, and the only one to date in which I was a pall bearer. His parents are still inconsolable. He was a much beloved complete fuck up. Generous, had a great heart. His name was Bill.

>> No.15154933

same, i also pick my nose and gnaw on loose beard hairs. i havent been sick in years

>> No.15155039


>> No.15155113

Rest in Peace, Bill, beloved firestarter, biker, and complete fuck up.

>> No.15155119

do you also rip out your nose hair?

>> No.15155121

>>I'll look into distance and pause, "Oh I loved lolita!"

>> No.15155124

used to but i dont anymore, i occasionally trim them if they grow too long but nose hairs are good for ur nose

>> No.15155260
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>Currently, I watch a candle burn for half an hour every morning
I like that; a burning candlewick is akin in beauty to a selfimmolating person - the beauty of transcendental overcoming – the beauty of purification.

Whenever apt, I adjust my sleep pattern to fall asleep to waxing purple skies, and to wake up to waning purple skies.

>> No.15155307

shut up

>> No.15155317

when I was a kid I used to rip out my eyelashes.. up until both lids got infected and puffy and I had to get shots to reduce the insane swelling. I'm now thankful for having had the experience of being blind, if only for a few days.

>> No.15155342

I bite and eat the pages of my books like a mouse

>> No.15155349

underrated post

>> No.15155858

I smell my books excessively, like a fiend, except the weird smelling old ones. Some old ones smell good, mostly paperbacks. But a lot of hardcover older books smell moldy and weird. But yeah if a book smells good I’ll thumb the pages after every couple of page turns and give it a good whiff.

>> No.15156455

>When I put my clothes on, I go underwear, pants, shirt, socks (no creases), shoes or else I feel pain
>I will not eat unless there are clean dishes nor will I wash dishes, meaning that, to let me know food is available, my mom will say "there are clean dishes."
>I bite my nails
>If someone touches one shoulder I must touch the other in some manner as to balance myself out
>I have to move my mouse around the screen in a certain ritual or else my screen feels unbalanced and I become stressed/in pain
>I cannot have water fall onto my body unless I am in the shower, else I feel pain
>I cannot step on lines on the the floor, even if they're purely visual/painted on, without feeling pressure/pain stemming from my feet and rising into the back of my neck, demanding that I balance myself by stepping on the line with my other foot

>> No.15156503

We have a WINNER!

>> No.15156625

i bet you like cock in your ass too lole

>> No.15156652

Do you really have autism?

>> No.15156688

I didn't speak until four, but it was stubbornness according to the doctor. Doctor said I wasn't autistic, just gifted. At this point I'm old enough that I just stay silent, since every time I mention my experiences/sensations to my dad, he just laughs at me at says I'm trying to be special.
Officially I'm diagnosed with OCD but that's because after years of mocking I find it hard to talk about the fact that I can't eat vegetables because the food squeaks inside my head and makes me want to scream. I'm an adult so I just fake it, and hopefully at some point I will make it.

>> No.15156706

huh, yes, how does it feel having OCD? are you having a normal life? do you have a partner?

>> No.15156758

The OCD obsessions are different from what would be seen as autistic obsessions (although I technically would have both). As my psychologist explained it, autistic obsessions are "ego syntonic" and aligns with my perception of myself. If I consider, for example, an interest in anime to be something that is true of me, and I obsessively dive into this interest, it is ego syntonic.
OCD obsessions are the opposite, and much more hellish. They're ego dystonic and do not align with my perception of self. I obsess over cleanliness to the point of harm (bleaching hands) while also practicing avoidance over other topics I obsess over, such as driving or heights. OCD essentially translates to obsessions over intrusive thoughts and compulsions to remedy these thoughts. I would not say my life is normal, as my rituals actively interrupt social life. I could have a partner, as several girls at my college have expressed interest, but a major obsession of mine is a fear that I'll do harm to people I care for, or that I'll abuse a romantic relationship, so I struggle to pursue romance.

>> No.15156869

I was just curious because I'm a student of psychology and yes it can be a little bit hard to have OCD. I know a friend of mine have and she used to be really sad specially because her rituals also interrupt her social life. I like touching things all the time and when I enter somewhere I just touch everything and she hated that when I used to touch everything in her room that later told me she had to disinfect all, but she is on medicaments and now she is doing just fine. Are you on meds?

>> No.15156890

>>Currently, I watch a candle burn for half an hour every morning
that seems pretty interesting. like a form of meditation. i know sometimes they instruct you to concentrate on the image of a flame in your mind.

my own autistic habits are just the boring ones. ignore my work, ignore emails about work, ignore it as much as possible until my boss sets up a meeting and then desperately try to cobble something together. after i've scorched the earth one too many times, i flee to another job. rinse and repeat every 1-2 years.

>> No.15156900

I dislike medications, a bit of an obsession for me is some weird form of sobriety. Things that affect my thoughts scare me, and recently it's gone as far as caffeine (not that I consumed it often, but before it wasn't a component to my thinking). I sometimes have to explain to my friends that I need time to recharge in social situations. I got lectured by a girl for detaching for a few minutes to listen to some music (she wanted me to be present) and I had to explain later that if I can't mentally focus on something comfy like my favorite song, I'll just feel terrible for the rest of the night. I had to do something similar when a friend tried to prank me by fake coughing on me and I had to explain after the fact that my night was ruined because the thought of germs, even knowing it was a prank, was disastrous.

>> No.15157222

>picture the characters as anime

I do this out of necessity. As a little kid I never understood why people liked to read, found out when I discovered anime it's because people can see what's happening in their head. I still can't picture a realistic, detailed human face or scene in my head, but the visual simplicity of anime I can do.

>> No.15157341

When I shower I like to fill my 4skin with water like a balloon

>> No.15157376


>> No.15157392

Everytime I use my stair I have to do the first and last step with the same foot

>> No.15157395

Whenever I learn a new fact I repeat it over and over again in my head for weeks until I feel like I can't forget it

>> No.15157429


>> No.15157450

this and i also rip my ass hair and pop my pimples compulsively

>> No.15157516

>a form of meditation
not OP, but some Buddhists use candles an aide in calm-abiding meditation, where the monk's goal is to cultivate a focused mind by strengthening the ability to truly concentrate on one object without distraction
lots of different things can be used as a focal point for this kind of meditation, I can see why candles would be an appealing one though

>> No.15157524

I very rarely tell the same story/fact/talking point to more that one group of people and despise when asked to tell a story again
When I'm in a car and not driving then I have to look down or use my phone otherwise I do one of two things i) stamp on an imaginary brake pedal if I feel braking is not done early enough(although mainly with shit drivers) or ii) nod, tap or or similar physical acknowledgement at the alleys or gaps between buildings that we pass
I hate seeing people touching their chin/neck, and also when people swinging crossed legs

>>I'll look into distance and pause, "Oh I loved lolita!"

>> No.15157551

>fart every 2 pages
Check your pyloric valve? Do you have an issue with the theology and geometry?

>> No.15157569

>I cannot step on lines on the the floor, even if they're purely visual/painted on
this happens to me when im driving/in a car. I have to picture the car jumping over the tar lines. first the front wheels and then the back ones. gets pretty tiring when they're every 15 feet, but im not actually OCD so i dont do it every time not do i derive severe stress from it.
when im walking i also imagine imaginary lines coming from the corners of squares whenever the texture of the sidewalk changes and i feel like i have to step on them to redirect them

>> No.15157598

Yeah this is, when I'm not hyperfocused on the issue, what it defaults to. I clench my teeth to imagine the car I'm in jumping over lines.

>> No.15157634

holy shit, Jack?

>> No.15157686

No, just an average functioning sperg.

>> No.15157720

I really wanted to shave my head out of stress, but I gave myself doc holiday facial hair out of my covid beard instead. I ordered a BB gun online and now I shoot beer cans and pretend I'm at the ok corral.

>> No.15157723

>don't read unless i can finish a full chapter.
i do this too

>> No.15157736

you probably make yourself look dumb