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File: 45 KB, 280x402, 100205_walt52381861b21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15150895 No.15150895 [Reply] [Original]

I figured I'd see what he was so mad about. What can I expect? /pol/ larpers go away.

>> No.15150910


>> No.15151241

>What can I expect?
To see the light of National Socialism

>> No.15151272

A politician who thinks modern nations are vulnerable and in a state of decay insofar as they are conceived as borderless hubs of commerce, who thinks the Jews are disproportionately represented in sectors of the arts, media, and finance that support this decadence, and who wants to raise national consciousness and unity so that people will work together rather than having to be economically coerced to help one another.

>> No.15151306
File: 34 KB, 556x499, hitler didnt mind jews at first.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was redpilled on the JQ by what he saw and read in Wien

>> No.15151371

What if he was Wittgenstein?

>> No.15151431

There's some website that claim that but others debunking it it seems

>> No.15151451

It's a whiny bitchy little retard blaming all his problems on le joos. He was basically the Elliot Rodger of his era.

>> No.15151453

also missed how he was a schizoid who thought he was a legendary German hero that was destined by God himself to save the "Aryan" meme people...

>> No.15151460


There are ways to criticize anti-semites without being cringe. This isn't one of them. Stay on Reddit.

He was.

>> No.15151462

>he was redpilled on his own propaganda he constructed to scapegoat Jews that he and his family hated
yeah, no shit retard.

>> No.15151473

Gradually, you will begin to hate (((them))).

>> No.15151477

>There are ways to criticize anti-semites without being cringe
It's always cringe, /pol/tard. The only argument you people have is that zionists are mostly extremists. Everything else is literal insanity.

>> No.15151484

>It's always cringe

You said it, not me. Might want to read things before replying to them in the future.

>> No.15151485

>he was a German hero
kek, yeah plunged Germany into a second world war, killed millions of German citizens and hijacked the entire political system through force and political assassinations. What a guy.

>> No.15151496

I'm not that anon and he was mocking people's obsessions with jews, ESL.

>> No.15151500

Seething juden. He was redpilled by the ceaseless racebaiting (at the time it was some earlier ousting they used for sympathy points), the clear nepotism & the promotion of vice, all in a clearly coordinated fashion.

>> No.15151510

>imagine literally falling for 70 year old Nazi memes

>> No.15151516

You ever see movies or games where the villain starts to talk about his motives and gets crazier and crazier before slobbering and screaming and you just feel kind of bad for him? It's pretty much that. You can see senses where he has a point but he's just so out of control that a lot of it is clearly his own ego and insecurities pushing him.
Tbqh I feel that a lot of the typical leftist hatred of "muh straight white men" could be pointed at Jews as well (perhaps even more accurately). It's only really when individual evaluations are made that one realizes how ridiculous antisemitism is.

>> No.15151521

>the clear nepotism & the promotion of vice, all in a clearly coordinated fashion.
As opposed to...the Nazi Party? Who didn't do that at all, idiot?

>> No.15151525

>y...you can never judge us goyim
Oh, and yet it's always fine to criticise Whites, amirite? Only the sacred Chosen People are off limits to all criticism.

>> No.15151531

what do leftist boogeymen have to do with anything?

>> No.15151534

Does Wittgenstein ever do anything besides deconstruction? That is all that I have seen from him and it rings hollow to me if he cannot provide alternate premises to replace those which he critiques.

>> No.15151535

It all still happens right now. As valid today as it was then.

>> No.15151536

This. Here's a quote by Stefan Zweig, hardly a right wing propagandist.

>Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin.

>> No.15151539

Jesus, you types of autists are so easy to trigger and then you start crying about "LE WHITE GENOCIDE" and other stupid nonsense as if anyone is biting.

>> No.15151550

name one valid and non-schizoid criticism of Jews besides the obvious "zionists are cleary bad" that doesn't devolve into some cartoonish autism about Jews running the universe in 14th Dimensional chess?

>> No.15151555

>Leftist boogeymen
They criticise "porky" and will happily racialise it by complaining about "Old White men". Like "Epstein or Weinstein were typical entitled White men" or something. Then point out that they're jews & observe the results.

>> No.15151557

It is incoherent but entertaining if you are interested in gradual descent of most infamous dictator, Mussolini thought it was shit

>> No.15151559

that's some astounding projection you have there, not really applicable to the conversation at hand, as nobody is doing that.

>> No.15151568
File: 161 KB, 907x1360, 71XxxYwEttL (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Werner Sombart's The Jews and Modern Capitalism.

Then go read modern reviews of the book by Jewish scholars and historians. They don't disagree with any of it, really.

>> No.15151574

>imagine believing Berlin was this bad
this has been revealed to be an entirely exaggerated book because Zweig was a nationalist sympathizer and actually really chill with Nazism.

But you know, facts are bad.

>> No.15151583

>The only argument you people have is that zionists are mostly extremists
Get a load of the buttressing on this strawman.

>> No.15151585

I'm not going to read that, I'm asking for YOU to give me a criticism that isn't rooted in schizoid ramblings.

>> No.15151588

It's not really a boogieman, I know people like that. They're relevant to the conversation about antisemitism because they're frankly the main cause of it these days.

>> No.15151592

How about what Marx had to say?

I don't personally believe in White genocide. Deliberate replacement through extensive propaganda efforts, sure. And it's not just targeted at Whites, it appears to be about breaking down all sense of ethnic identity entirely. But Whites are stupid enough to fall for it, so I have limited sympathy. I'm not White myself, so I like to think I have a more objective view on the whole subject.

>> No.15151593

Interesting, didn't know Zweig was so cool. Show some actual citations so I can read more please, thanks.

>> No.15151595

it's not a strawman if it's true.Unless you hold millions of people accountable to a fucking hivemind, in which case you're silly.

>> No.15151606

What's the deal with lefties and refusing to use capitalization? Is this some Chapo shit?

>> No.15151611

Yes, we all know how you have a reaction folder of Twitter screencaps from literal who leftists you don't like.

>> No.15151612

>I'm not going to read

We know, I was talking more to any people who happened to be watching our exchange and wondering how they could follow up on either side to see which is right. Good luck with your not reading, you're already quite good at it.

>> No.15151622

Why would I give a shit what Marx had to say?
>I think there is deliberate replacement
It's just an attempt to curtail decreasing birth rates, anon. It's literally nothing more nefarious than that.

>> No.15151636

>doing the whole "smug and le smart Antisemite" meme
People watching this exchange would probably just take away that you're dogwhistling as usual and not to take /pol/niggers seriously. Which nobody does to begin with and you don't fool anyone.

>> No.15151644

>I didn't know anything about Zweig
Why exactly does this board attract /pol/?

>> No.15151646

>1 of 1 match
No - you are the only one raising the subject.

>> No.15151649

No, you said "name one". Not "give one". But now you're just pulling out the usual pilpul tactic of deliberately trying to derail the conversation until your opposition gets confused & "slips up". I don't engage with people that don't argue in good faith. Bye bye juden.

>> No.15151657

>to see which is right
Look retard, we both know what you're implying "da Jews have run Europe through le usury memes for a gorbillion memes" just as a predication to justify your other less-than-digestible beliefs that you know you can't package to any sane person directly.

>> No.15151662

What? I don't have a Twitter account, and my only image folders are /lit/charts and wallpapers. What's the deal with the hostile flippancy? I certainly don't agree with antisemitic beliefs, so there's no reason to act like a Marvel character with these little quips.

>> No.15151668

>starts crying about pilpul when pushed to give any concrete stance that isn't rooted in literal fucking madness
Give me one criticism then? Why should that be hard? Write it out.

>> No.15151680

Are you unable to let go of the /pol/ lingo and discuss things rationally? Likely the cause of you being able to recognize the arguments of others is your own bigotry.

>> No.15151683

What's the deal with thinking everyone who criticizes you is a chapohouse leftist?

>> No.15151688

>discuss things rationally?
A rational person isn't obsessed with Jews or thinks they are behind global plots, anon.

>> No.15151693

Lmao I wasn't the person they were replying to. I just notice that a lot of vocal leftists don't use capitalization online. Do you not feel like that's the case?

>> No.15151694
File: 634 KB, 2000x750, codr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignoring the white noise replies.

Please post a citation. Zweig is not generally known as a "nationalist friendly to the Nazis." Don't pose as if you know something and then refuse to prove your easily proveable claims, retard.

Marx's reading of the Jewish question is actually very good and agrees with Heidegger's.

>Bourgeois society continuously brings forth the Jew from its own entrails.
Karl Marx

>The question of the role of world Jewry is not a racial question, but the metaphysical question about the kind of humanity that, without any restraints, can take over the uprooting of all beings from being as its world-historical 'task.'
Martin Heidegger

>> No.15151699

>Do you not feel like that's the case?
It's the internet, retard.

>> No.15151714

Missing the opportunity to practice good stylistic and technical habits is foolish no matter one's political beliefs. I'm afraid that—in an ironic twist—you are the retard.

>> No.15151715

>there is someone unironically talking about Marx's opinions on "le Jewish Question" as if this is a scholarly discussion

>> No.15151719

Not him, but idiosyncrasies like rebellion against grammar are the types of things that gravitate there. I read an essay by one of these tards that refused to use capitalization, punctuation, or proper spelling. It was brutally difficult to read.

>> No.15151733

Why do you assume Zweig is some sort of ultimate authority on Berlin during the 20s? He once wrote that Germans were fucking animals. Come on, mate.

>> No.15151744

No one said he's an ultimate authority but it is worth reading what he said.

>> No.15151746

>I'm going to psychoanalyze bad grammar on the internet as chapohouse leftists
lol you're just being a goof now.

>> No.15151761

Why is it worth reading what he said? Seems like you only shill him because it gives weight to "muh degeneracy was the work of (you know)". As if there is a direct connection between his description of pig fucking and the ebul Jews in Berlin. Otherwise, you wouldn't bring it up.

>> No.15151773

You're sperging out. It's a thread about Mein Kampf. Hitler talks about contemporary degeneracy. Zweig talks about contemporary degeneracy. Relax.

>> No.15151837

yes it's a bait thread, I know.

>> No.15151866

My only question is why leftists aren't more against Zionist influence. Most of these pointless wars we start are directly because of the Clean Break doctrine shit. So I'd think people should be seriously considering how Israelis and the Jewish community actually affects shit like foreign policy in the west for a start rather than trying to give smarmy shutdowns to perceived antisemites.
If you guys spent time in these parts of the world you'd know how widely the west is hated because they're lockstep with the Zionist cause, and they're never going to negotiate for peace because they know they'll get fucked in the peace deals since the west and Israel are one and the same.

>> No.15151876

>he's just so out of control that a lot of it is clearly his own ego and insecurities pushing him.
he failed as an artist, got salty out of ego because some jewish soldier lied to him and a he thought jewish people were not buying his paintings on purpose.

>> No.15151888

Bait doesn't mean "thing I don't like," or the chapo faggots in this thread would be bait. Learn to let people be interested in what they are interested in. Trying to thought police 4chan doesn't work. Especially since /lit/ hasn't been a college commie echo chamber since like 2010. Nowadays you just come across as a tourist when you get this upset about mild nazism. Chill.

The real ones are.

>> No.15151927

>he thinks there are specifically chapo faggots that are just upset that he's a poor dindu soft stormweenie abloo abloo, can't you see I'm just interested in the JQ???

>> No.15151934

>come across as a tourist when you get this upset about mild nazism
imagine being a zoomie?

>> No.15151938

Like I said, you seem like a tourist. I don't care if you disagree with me, but using 2012 vintage reddit lingo makes you seem so out of place that it begins to seem more likely that you're trolling. That's how out of place you seem.

Consider just disagreeing with people without going "ABLOOBLOO LE EPIC DA JOOS XD CATURDAY FOR THE LULZS" like this.

>> No.15151945

>t. Muhammad

>> No.15151954

only tourists unironically fell for /pol/ memes and think there is any serious discussion to be had about Nazi ideology.

>> No.15151964

>u cannot discuss this thing, it is just CRAZY
Imagine having such a tiny mind

>> No.15151967

>Consider just disagreeing with people
Okay, Hitler was known to be clinically mentally ill and the Jews didn't destroy Germany, nor do they run the world, nor are they a valid scapegoat for Germany's economic problems caused on by their main involvement and instigation of WW1.

There will be some part of this that makes you seethe, because you don't fool anyone.

>> No.15151975

Why are jews so neurotic bros?

>> No.15151977

>you have a tiny mind if you disregard magic race realism about pure blood "aryans" and occultist death worship

>> No.15151982

There, now you know how to have a disagreement without encasing it in a bunch of cringey internet catchphrases from several years ago. Glad we made some progress.

>> No.15151989

My old man is a marxist, and it's pretty fun to hate on the jews with him.

>> No.15152012

We all know this is just an attempt to soft peddle Nazi shit, why else would you try to coat these shit arguments in "just asking the questions bro"? What insight other than "Hitler was a fascinating psychopath who preyed on German fears" do you want that doesn't devolve into the JQ or muh Clean Break? Fuck's sake, you cited a book about Jewish ursury..

>> No.15152014

the most basic ideas of nazis are stuff like
>the races are different
>jews are dicks
>fuck the press and banks
>capitalism but under the control of a dictator with total authority
>homogenous population for social benefits
>women in traditional gender roles
and so on. all easy to argue for even if you think they're wrong

>> No.15152021
File: 426 KB, 2000x1639, czce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it bother you so much when people talk about Jewish usury?

>> No.15152027

because ursury is largely a meme?

>> No.15152041

So far all you have done is try to bully people out of discussing things they're interested in, then reply "um that's a meme." Do you really wonder why people aren't interested in engaging with you? You're being petulant and you seem like you have an obvious ulterior motive.

Why do you care so much? Let people talk about what they want to talk about.

>> No.15152043

imagine being disingenuous because none of those things are where the Nazi ideology even remotely stop at.

>> No.15152051

>you're bullying me from being a Naziboo
lol ok.

>> No.15152059
File: 31 KB, 342x499, 51yryyxtGaL._SX340_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said you're trying to bully people, you're not very effective at it. You just come across like a whiny fag. Either have a discussion or stop crying like a bitch when other people have one.

>> No.15152230

It’s a good book with many good points that have nothing to do with Nazism

>> No.15152267
File: 21 KB, 420x591, F895E906-E3D6-4E63-B773-A0C3229803C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things Hitler was right about:
>representative Democracy is a disaster because it diffuses responsibility for fuck-ups across many people so that no one can ever be held accountable. This encourages selfishness and corruption
>”social democrats” are not interested in policy or debate, they want blood
>The media is the most vile institution on the face of the earth, and they are more or less all in cahoots with each other to manufacture a false public opinion and they will try to destroy anyone who gets in their way

>> No.15152295

Why are you on /lit/ if you can't even read?

>> No.15152334

>/lit/ is full of literate people and not a /pol/ colony

>> No.15152390

>muh Clean Break
Imagine thinking Zionist doctrine is less worthy of discussion than Nazi ideas. People who deny the Zionist power in the modern world are either uninformed or malicious.

>> No.15152420


>> No.15152571
File: 40 KB, 316x316, stressed-goofy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea youre right, the nation should have bent over for international capital and should not have fought a vallient fight at all.
They totally weren't forced into that war at all.

>> No.15152786

imagine thinking Zionists have cartoonish level of power literally anywhere or not understanding that Israel is basically a puppet state of the US and not the other way around?

>> No.15152812

>The German Empire was "le forced" into starting WW1
ok brainlet.

>> No.15152926

>another 4chan thread upset that you make fun of Hitler

>> No.15152934

>the Nazis were valiant in invading Poland

>> No.15152945

So, uninformed. The lobby's purpose is to ensure that the US will unconditionally support Israel.

>> No.15152981
File: 56 KB, 640x1138, 1584230684753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, retard. It's always been the exact opposite of your /pol/ delusion; Israel owes it's entire existence to the UK and mostly the US. Western powers inveted Israel in order to put a Western-influenced nation in the ME to curtail the rise of communism after WW2.

It wasn't a cabal of Jews who subverting the fucking universe to get a nation state, it was the US funding it and keeping the military afloat in order to have a foothold in the region.
>I owe billions of dollars, looks like I'm in control now
is literal retard logic. This is why you get laughed at.

>> No.15152984

Bruh moment
The Israeli lobby is by far the most powerful political lobby in the US. It's not even close. In the UK they got caught on camera trying to get an anti Zionist PM removed and you don't think they're a major player?

>> No.15152990

>The Israeli lobby is by far the most powerful political lobby in the US.
it's not, faggot.

>> No.15153001

I think you exaggerate how powerful you think they are, because that's your narrative. Zionist going to Zionist, they don't run every pro-Israeli lobby in the EU and the US.

>> No.15153009

>I ignore chinese lobbyists because you know, Jews and stuff

>> No.15153019

It's hardly one or the other, China is more dangerous as China than as a lobby in the US though

>> No.15153030

I didn't actually object to any of that, ir imply anything in your second paragraph, if you care to read.
What I said was that the purpose of AIPAC and the Israeli lobby more generally is, is to ensure that the US support of Israel is not contingent on any particular policy of Israel's, and that the US will continue to support Israel regardless. This is why Israel's policies are famously resistant to changes even when the US changes presidents. Under Obama there was a bit of a "moment" during a visit to Israel where the Israelis gave Biden the diplomatic equivalent of a bitch slap over a new housing project in their colonisation of Gaza, and the US pretty much got no movement from the Israeli side.
This is true at the same time as the obvious fact that Israel provides a military presence in the area, as well as the military supply being a huge funnel of cash into the military industrial complex. This is clearly not contradictory.
I suspect judging from your immediate strawman argument you set up for me that you don't know very much about this subject.

>> No.15153034

>It's hardly one or the other,
Except it is? The largest banks: Chinese. The largest lobbyist groups: Chinese. The largest nationalized companies: Chinese. Yet you don't construct even a fraction of a conspiracy for a literal global superpower that has the US by the balls in very concrete ways. Instead, you fucking on Israel that wouldn't and doesn't exist with Daddy US bailing them out from debt and issues with Palestine. And in your backwards fucking brain, you think they have some sort of control...over anyone.

>> No.15153040

None of this makes Israel the one in control here. Again
>I owe billions of dollars, I'm in control
Is just dumb logic to move forward with.

>> No.15153047

>you don't know very much about this subject
neither do you if you operate under any assumption that Jews are these nefarious legion of doom that runs anything or has any power over the US.

>> No.15153055

>Israel provides a military presence in the area
..that we fund. It's basically a US backed military, call it what it is.

>> No.15153058

you're making your case look worse by overstating it, jesus dude give it up. even hardcore leftists are aware of the israel lobby's insane influence in america. you know nothing and have researched nothing but you want so badly for your talking points to be true that you'll fudge all your assertions for the sake of the argument.

t. leftist, stop making us look bad retard

>> No.15153061

the fucking anti-/pol/ guy is now defending the US's involvement with israel as "not that big a deal," what the fuck is even happening? does he realize the irony?

>> No.15153063

nigga, the largest bank on planet earth is literally Chinese. I know you're probably upset that blacks are in moobies, but this is "baby's first conspiracy" next to the moon landing hoax. I bet you think they run the media too.

>> No.15153069

lol faggot nazi larper

>> No.15153073

There's a reason your kind is hated so much

>> No.15153075

you mean, not being mentally ill?

>> No.15153079

no one is saying the chinese aren't shit, what i'm saying is that you're so desperate to combat antisemitism that you're DEFENDING ISRAEL, arguably the one thing that everybody on earth who isn't a neocon piece of shit agrees about hating

you can't even read, you didn't even read my post, you just replied "BUT CHINA" again. anyone who continues talking to you is stupid. have a nice day defending the illegal murderous war state of israel, neocon. go work for dershowitz too.

>> No.15153081

lol go back to redd*t

>> No.15153084

Listen to the audiobook as it was audio dictated, the ford translation gives some good explaination.

>> No.15153085

>you're defending Israel if you don't believe in /pol/ memes about Israel
never defended them, smoothbrain. All I said is that they owe everything to the US, which they do. That isn't a "defense" of zionism or a defense of the shit they do. If you are going to complain about Israel and cry all day, then point the finger where it belongs; at the United States.

>> No.15153086

okay bootlicker

>> No.15153090

1 Home life
2 Life in Vienna
3 Communitsts, Jews arnt Germans, Venice hates Germany etc
The failure of Monarchy
Failure of Weimar Republic and Corruption
Road to Campaigning.

>> No.15153099

Again, I never said they were a legion of doom. But they clearly have influence and a puppet state does not have the privilege of snubbing the US.
Where did I claim Israel was "in control" of the US? I think my specific claim was that the lobby's purpose is to keep US foreign policy in the middle east in support of Israel.
It's clearly a mutual relationship, where the Israelis have a narrower set of goals than the US. None of this is very controversial. But this doesn't actually mean that the US is always in charge, or that it's somehow a puppet state. Debt doesn't imply actually being subservient to another country.
And you guys somehow misunderstand this part. That money literally goes from the US taxpayer back into the US to Raytheon and their ilk, which coordinate with the whole middle east plan, and those lobbyists then use that money to lobby the politicians for the same thing again.
This isn't a situation where you end up having more power over Israel because of its foreign debt, it's one where you have less, because the senators get bought out while paying their lobbyists back with the same money that ultimately comes from the US taxpayer.
Again, puppet states do not get to talk back to the US like Israel has done, repeatedly.

>> No.15153102

ok dersh, continue downplaying the neocon/AIPAC alliance so you can own le nazis in the comment section of another youtube video.

with friends like you who needs enemies. pseudo leftist moron.

>> No.15153104

The Zionist machine is shit but that doesn't Israel has to go. 2 state solution bby.

>> No.15153108

>Again, puppet states do not get to talk back to the US like Israel has done, repeatedly.
What do you expect the US to do? throw a fit about it? They want to look tough in front of the ME, fine. Let them pretend, as the US signs the next check for their aircrafts and guns and tanks.

>> No.15153111

lmao the nazi is butthurt

>> No.15153115

I'm not downplaying it, I'm saying you personally exaggerate it because you have some obvious narrative to push.

>> No.15153119

>Debt doesn't imply actually being subservient to another country
get a load of this retard.

>> No.15153124

not an argument

>> No.15153130

You need to rewrite the logic of fucking geopolitics to pretend Israel is basically magical in how much "power" you pretend they have when they can't even prevent Palestine from blowing up busses full of school kids. AFTER we give them billions of dollars to stabilize the region.

>> No.15153133

all anyone has ever wanted is for israel to abide by the two-state solution, although that's still a compromise solution and they never should have been there in the first place. it's a military outpost of the US govt, run by a cabal of international war profiteers. individual civilians shouldn't be massacred or mass displaced for that, but that doesn't overwrite the fact that this is exactly what israel has done to palestine and other nations for generations.

>you are a bad leftist stop making leftists look bad
>"lmao nazi"


>imagine thinking Zionists have cartoonish level of power literally anywhere or not understanding that Israel is basically a puppet state of the US and not the other way around?

this is a gross mischaracterization, like i said i don't give a fuck what you think since you clearly are spitballing based on your gut hunches about geopolitics. every non-retarded leftist intellectual agrees with the "nazi" you're talking to, not with you.

you are not arguing history, you are arguing this artificial binary of "is israel a vassal or does they control the US ???" because you've reduced it to cartoon logical opposition when the reality is much closer to what the other guy is saying. that's the whole point of my initial post which you simply ignored, you are destroying subtlety by being so obsessed with rebuking a random rightwinger that all you care about is contradicting him

dumb as fuck, wikipedia brain

>> No.15153137
File: 37 KB, 246x369, MartinsBestBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some good back ground info from the Christian position. Listen to the audiobook too as its a difficult read for most

>> No.15153142

Right, you could argue it was posturing, but then you'd still expect the policy to change and not go ahead in opposition to the US visit, so this doesn't seem to hold up.

>> No.15153145

>the reality is much closer to what the other guy is saying.
except it's not though.

>> No.15153153

Just because you pretend to be a leftist doesn't mean people will believe you. I'm not your bro bud.

>> No.15153160

The Nazis pretended to be communist, thats how they came to power, Jews destroyed themselves

>> No.15153162

So you agree that they get all their billions of dollars from the US, and we both agree on the WHY we do that and it really isn't about "le subverting zionists in Congress" but more the historical precedent that the US doesn't want Putin fucking about in the ME, or any communist power...so how does it make sense to you that you still need to be beholden to a literal /pol/ talking point from earlier?

I'll say for a third time, if you owed me billions of dollars you are not in charge and you never were in charge and your apartment only exists because I made it.

>> No.15153165

>this is a gross mischaracterization
are you the faggot who quoted a book about medieval usury?

>> No.15153177
File: 34 KB, 300x504, Bad War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good basic review of history from 1880, very quick

>> No.15153184

Debt is vastly overemphasised as an issue in politics.
You should be able to go and read for yourself how the lobbying and MIC process works in the middle east. You accuse me of being /pol/ but it would be a good thing for more people to know how their money actually works when they fund wars. You seem to think that your money does something very different in the middle east than what it actually does, which is ultimately to move money around within the US and turn huge profits for a small number of people off blowing up Arabs.
I really have no hostility towards you here.

>> No.15153190
File: 51 KB, 490x634, Hitlers Revo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over view of ideology and its impact

>> No.15153191

The other guy was pushing the artificial binary just as hard though. Also for someone so concerned with artificial binaries you seem to care a lot about what other "leftists" believe in.

>> No.15153197

>I'll say for a third time, if you owed me billions of dollars you are not in charge and you never were in charge and your apartment only exists because I made it
Debt between countries isn't like debt between people.

>> No.15153200

>which is ultimately to move money around within the US and turn huge profits for a small number of people off blowing up Arabs.
everybody knows that already, though. You and I just disagree on who's to blame. You think it's the ((((jewish question))), I think it's the people who back Israel and prop it up in the ME, you know...like the United States does?
>debt is vastly overemphasized as an issue in politics
keking at this stupidity.

>> No.15153205
File: 30 KB, 424x641, Backdoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key history book here, lots of infor on how the french fucked Germany Weimar to secure loans.

>> No.15153214

>be Jews
>get displaced to fuck after WW2 and genocided
>West comes in (after saving the entire European continent from autismos)
>West says "let's make you a country"
>UK founds Israel
>US backs it for decades
>US creates the Israeli military
>US props up Israeli government officials that they help handpick after WW2
>US protects them
>US funnels billions of dollars a year to protect them further
>some faggot on the third lowest IQ board: "you know, I think the Jews have a very powerful lobby and are in control".

>> No.15153230

>You think it's the ((((jewish question))),
Oh do I? Thanks for letting me know, I wasn't aware I thought that.
>I think it's the people who back Israel and prop it up in the ME, you know...like the United States does
Right, and my entire point has been that you're misunderstanding why and how that support actually gets created in the first place, and you seem to not realise how indebted your senators actually become to these lobbyists. They're extremely aggressive about this point.
On the point relating to foreign debt, this should be basic economics.

>> No.15153246

>Oh do I? Thanks for letting me know, I wasn't aware I thought that.
you wouldn't be this assblasted otherwise, you aren't fooling me.
>US senators are indebted to lobbyist groups from a country that is funded by the US
do you need me to explain why this logic is fucking retarded?

>> No.15153258

>this should be basic economics
None of you have any grasp on basic macroeconomics, at all. This site is full of ANCAPS and lolbertarians and retards. Basic economics would dictate that the fucker with all the money and the biggest stick, is making the rules. Not some zionist in a movie production studio casting a black Achilles.

>> No.15153266

CNN Jeff Zucker
Facebook Mark Zuckerburg
Fox Bob Iger
Google Sergei Brin
Youtube Sergei Brin all jews

Jewish seven-bankers enslaved Russia and invade Chechnya

All Jews refuse to pay for marxism trotskyism and leninism all by jews

>> No.15153270
File: 177 KB, 890x892, 1585289670267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey retards, incase you didnt realise this is a LIT board, fuck off back to His/Re if you wanna chat about other stuff autistic tards

>> No.15153277
File: 1.14 MB, 1582x2896, 1468527081888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look, a handful of Jews and people married to them! This is a conspiracy
I wonder if you KNOW you're spreading disinfo or if you're this gullible.

>> No.15153278

The modern world is already this bad nvm ww1 and great depression

>> No.15153282

>Jewish seven-bankers enslaved Russia and invade Chechnya
Where are you getting this from? That's not a schizo meme I'm familiar with. What are your sources?

>> No.15153284

let me guess, degeneracy and le interracial marriage and lack of Jesus or something?

>> No.15153291

>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

>> No.15153302

I think I sound like the calm one here.
Re the senators: where the money buying off the policymakers comes from is ultimately irrelevant. When the money changes hands, when it comes from a Zionist and MIC lobby, the policymakers go with those interests. They don't care whether it came from the US or Israeli taxpayer.
>with all the money and the biggest stick, is making the rules.
The US generally does, hence the point of lobbying in the first place. The Israelis have a narrower set of aims in the region than the US. I never claimed they dictate the entire US government.
This also has nothing to do with why foreign debt isn't as critical an issue as people here seem to think, by the way.

I still have yet to hear a specific response rather than more strawman stuff and random "jokes" like your whatever about some TV show I haven't watched, and when I explain how you guys don't actually understand both lobbying and debt, as well as how foreign policy actually works, it seems to be just the same few sentences repeated in total denial or completely dropping the topic.
I'm sure you've got another witty response lined up, so go ahead, but I'll let other people decide which of our posts sounds more reasonable here from here on out.

>> No.15153307

>where the money buying off the policymakers comes from is ultimately irrelevant.

>> No.15153315

>I still have yet to hear a specific response rather than more strawman stuff
You got one, multiple times; that the moneyflow between the US and Israel has ONE very obvious direction and relationship and it doesn't play into this earlier narrative that seems popular with /pol/fags and /lit/fags, which indicates that Israel is not really as powerful as you believe.

>> No.15153384

>curtail the rise of communism

All Soviet Leaders had jewish descent/descendanta: Trotsky, Lenin, Marx, Stalin etc.

>> No.15153433

No, all race-based hatred is wrong.

>> No.15153451

Look up the Jewish Seven-Bankers or "Semibankirshina" 6/7 were Jewish. The non-Jew was their front in Russian Government as the Deputy Prime Minister.

Also rival Bush neocons financed alqaeda in chechnya so there is a conspiracy if those terrorist attacks are not reported

>> No.15153467

Lots of repetition. Hitler likes to repeat himself over and over again. Most of it is essentially the same tirade written over and over in slightly different sentences.

>> No.15153478

How many times do you have to make a list of Jewish media and economic control?

>> No.15153497

>muh Soviet leaders were Jewish

>> No.15153499

Just give me a credible source that isn't a /pol/ infographic, retard.

>> No.15153511

Depends on how many times you can be proven wrong about it and still not get it through your thick skull that it's disinfo?

>> No.15153518


Soviet Jews: Bela Kun Hungary, 1918 German Revolution, Jewish Seven-Bankers

All banks from Jews originate from Rothschilds Oppenheimers Strauss bank kuhn loen co. Bank , Seligmann bank Paul Warburg Fed. Reserve

Jewish media control Mark Zuckerberg facebook insta sergei brin google youtube cbs sumner rothstwin cnn jeff zucker fox bob iger disney bob iger dreamworks spielberg katzenberg mgm metro GOLDwyn meyer miramax films weinstein brothers nbc brian l. roberts all jews

Jewish seven-Bankers took over Russia after the coldwar

Music: Scott Braun owns most music celebs

>> No.15153532


Look at each seven-banker 6/7 were jewish. The 7th was a deputy PM front

>> No.15153542


The communist leaders were mostly jewish^

Marx Lenin Trotsky BelaKun all Jews - Killed hundreds of millions

>> No.15153567
File: 70 KB, 640x392, 676667676767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it's the truth. even now. the world is infested with these rats

>> No.15153586

The Hebrew Bible even says Jews get what they deserve. God made a covenant with them

>> No.15153688


>> No.15153835

a genius who cared for the wellbeing of the Deutsche Volk

>> No.15153836

No one is going to convince anyone of anything in this thread.
Precious brain cells that could have been brought to purposes more useful died, wasted in reading this terrible thread and also now posting in it. Did OP really expect a reasonable response?
Just read the fucking thing. It is a book. It is inanimate. I will allow that there is danger of papercut, yes. People forget how annoying that injury can be since it's usually on your hand or fingers. Cardboard ones are worse. That is not important right now. If you find you agree with the sentiments therein it either says something about you or about the rest of the world. This board is full of treasonous communist agitators and also homosexuals, often both at the same time. You'll get no useful answers to your curiosity here, and certainly not from me.

>> No.15153850

He talks about how the Jews were turning South German against the North, just like in America today

>> No.15154281

>the communist leaders were mostly jewish
No they weren't, Adolf.

>> No.15154286

Being schizoid sounds like suffering.

>> No.15154291

>le commies and homosexuals ahhh!
Why are there so many Muslims on 4chan?

>> No.15154304

>imagine thinking Zionists have cartoonish level of power literally anywhere or not understanding that Israel is basically a puppet state of the US and not the other way around?
Did you miss the part in the last year where a Mossad connected person was running a vast sexual blackmail network that had ensnared two presidents, captains of industry, scientists, media workers, and various others?

>> No.15154311


This, and also


>> No.15154313

I must have missed that clearly happening thing that's obviously the fault of le Jews.

>> No.15154316

I legit don't understand where you get this from. Looked at your link, not sure how you came to that conclusion. Also, Russians aren't too keen on Jews either so how would this magically be in the benefit of Jews...you know what? Not worth it. You're ill..

>> No.15154331

>Lenin and Trotsky were Jews

>> No.15154682

How is it even possible for a subject to be THIS divisive. Its the most biased subject matter ever. Unfathomably so. I can not make heads or tails of it. No other subject matter is simply made illegal to hold certain opinions on.

>> No.15154703

Yes, Ulyanov and Bronstein were both Jews - hence the pseudonyms.

>> No.15154714

You forgot the essential part about lebensraum and the need to be at war with basically everyone.

>> No.15154722

>Hitler likes to repeat himself over and over again.
You did not read the preface, did you? It is repetitious because it was written as a series of speeches. Much of the material would necessarily repeat from speech to speech, but some content was tailored to each specific audience.

>> No.15154752

You're an insane person, Lenin isn't fucking Jewish.

>> No.15154757

Nobody has ever been arrested for just having Nazi opinions.

>> No.15154768

>abloo abloo.

>> No.15154770

He did not like Slavics and he did not like Jews.

>> No.15154793

Do Jews intentionally misspell "usury" because it is a holy word to them that is not to be written or uttered?

>> No.15154800

The affectation does not universally apply to that segment, but it is a good indicator.

>> No.15154818

>a good indicator
It really isn't.

>> No.15154821

> Ilya married Maria Alexandrovna Blank in mid-1863.[4] Well educated, she was the daughter of a wealthy German–Swedish Lutheran mother, and a Russian Jewish father who had converted to Christianity and worked as a physician.[5]
He was a crypto. His family still followed the Jewish traditions while pretending to be Christian. How about Bronstein? Do you concede him?

>> No.15154822

You're brain is so fucked you think there are Jews intentionally misspelling a word. You should stop posting.

>> No.15154825

>he married a half Jew
Jesus, it's always one drop rule with you paranoids.

>> No.15154828

Do you concede Bronstein?

>> No.15154836

It was a joke, retard.

>> No.15154837

>Marries a half Jew
>converts to Christianity
How do you not see that you are an insane person? "He's a secret Jew" is astronomical cope.

>> No.15154839

>they merely pretended to be Christian

>> No.15154845

>I was pretending to be retarded in a Naziboo thread

>> No.15154856

He had to flee his country for being a jew and killed himself because he couldn't take the toll of WWII anymore, in exile, in Brazil.

Maybe you should read his memoir, "The world of Yesterday - memories of a european" before spouting such nonsense. Zweig hated hitler and the nazi regime.

>> No.15154866

>is astronomical cope
This example is from a different geographical area, but they have done the same elsewhere:

>> No.15154871

This is such a reach and you know it. It's like you're running out of the usual /pol/ gas

>> No.15154875

It's an example from an entirely different time period you fucking idiot. You desperately want to label them as Jews that you'd go as far as to pretend they are secret crypto-Jews. It's time to just stop.

>> No.15154877

>that joke stings so much that I cannot stop thinking about it
Maybe there was an ounce of truth to it, then.

>> No.15154881

Literally makes no sense.

>> No.15154884

>This is such a reach
That Jews will pretend to be others when openly being Jewish is inconvenient?

>> No.15154888

It's actually a pretty interesting book. The first half where he talks about his life and his take on recent German history is way more interesting than the latter half where he talks about his ideology.

He also doesn't talk about the Jews as much as you would probably expect. I remember him spending way more time bitching about communists or Poland than about the Jews.

>> No.15154897

That if they don't have any evidence of directly being your meme version of Jewish, you have to invent elaborate conspiracies pretending they are cryptic Jews.

Occam's Razor, retard.

>> No.15154934
File: 120 KB, 718x1024, 1560312097559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder.

>> No.15154952

Why do you people post things that are so easy to verify as bullshit?

>> No.15154956

Not true, people get arrested for holocaust denial and very loosely defined 'hate speech'.

>> No.15154957

uh, based?

>> No.15154963

Aight, prove it then.

>> No.15154975

You know that jews have been influencing U.S. gov. policy since 1911 at the latest, right?

>> No.15154982

No, they really don't. Especially not in the US. Mostly these are fine cases in the UK, and they are never arrested. The last person to be arrested was a 90 year old former Nazi party member who was antagonistic to her neighbors and giving out Nazi pamphlets. She still never went to prison.

You done with this victim narrative?

>> No.15154989

You think there were hundreds of thousands of slave owners? All of which, were Jewish? Do you know how many people 40 percent of the population is?

>> No.15154998

You mean when we were closing borders to Jewish immigrants? Or the second time in the 30s also, when we were closing the border to Jewish immigrants escaping Europe?

You realize you're gullible, right?

>> No.15155004

I'm not sure, I wasn't alive in the US in 1860 to know myself. But he has sources for his proposition and you don't have sources to the contrary.

>> No.15155011

The premise is fucking stupid and ahistorical, there were never "hundreds of thousands" of slave owners anywhere, ever in the American chattel system. Why are you people so gullible? Really, what is it? Low IQ? Look at the sources he provided.

>> No.15155017

One of his sources is just the fucking Census

>> No.15155021

when you're referring to craziness, i.e
Opinion disregarded ignorant faggot

>> No.15155027

Hitler wasn't a schizo? Really?

>> No.15155034

Imagine being a semantic faggot? They are both memes.

>> No.15155035

>but you know, fact are bad
I feel the redditor snark and sheer fucking faggotry emanating from my screen, just kill yourself cunt

>> No.15155044

>Reddit Reddit Reddit
Pretty sure Reddit is older than /lit/, newfaggot. But okay. They were never fucking pigs and dogs in Berlin, and I'm not a moralfag who thinks sex and drugs are bad.

>> No.15155051

40% of the jewish pop. in 1860 would've been around 50,000. The sources are in the pic, check them out. 1860 census reports just shy of 400,000 slave owners.

Seems like you're very uninformed, anon.

>> No.15155056

Anon, there were never 50 thousand fucking slave owners in total, in 1860. Are you actually retarded?

>> No.15155064

> there were never "hundreds of thousands" of slave owners anywhere, ever in the American chattel system.
Cool but that's not what he said. He said 78% of slave owners were Jewish, that's not equivalent to asserting that there's hundreds of thousands of slave owners (dunno where you got that from).

> Look at the sources he provided.
Haven't found any claims of hundreds of thousands of slave owners. Which one are you talking about?

>> No.15155065

Sure it's proportionally rare, but it happens. Here in leafland there have been about a half-dozen jail sentences for 'hate speech', with James Sears probably being the most prominent.

I guess when opinions take pamphlet-form, that's crossing the line huh?

It's not a victim narrative, I'm not even the anon you were originally replying to, I'm just saying that your assertion was factually incorrect.

>> No.15155070

Fortunately the US did a census that year so there's no need to speculate, there was slightly under 400,000.

>> No.15155071

This is unmitigated autism, truly is. There is only record of a single Jewish slave company. That's not 40 percent of all American Jews in 1860...

Jesus fuck how do you get this stupid? What needs to happen?

>> No.15155074

Ok so... Can you explain why the official U.S. Census would be so grossly inaccurate? It reports a total of near 400,000 slave owners, not 50,000 (that's the jews).

>> No.15155081

>I guess when opinions take pamphlet-form, that's crossing the line huh?
She was harassing neighbors and leaving Nazi pamphlets on their property and when she was told she'd be fined unless she stopped, she didn't. What she was charged for was failure to show up to court.

Maybe you should get your head out of /pol/'s crusty asshole?

>> No.15155084

>and they are never arrested.
They are though, a guy got arrested just for teaching his dog to hail Hitler and then fined £800.

For teaching a fucking dog trick.

>> No.15155089

You people cite that all the time, he wasn't arrested. He was only fined.

>> No.15155094

You realise you don't need to be the owner of a slave company to own a slave?

>> No.15155097

That's fine, if she was trespassing/harassing etc. then it's deserved. You brought up her specific example, not me.

>> No.15155098

I can't find that corroborated anywhere outside of that image.

>> No.15155104

Because she's one of the only examples of an actual "hate speech" related arrest, you overblow the amount of times this happens for (completely no reason at all).

>> No.15155108

You realize that owning slaves was expensive and that not many people individually owned slaves? It was companies, plantations and wealthy elites that owned the majority of slaves....and they were all mostly not Jews.

>> No.15155123

Do you know what the word "arrested" means. It's not incarceration. Anytime you're legally apprehended by the cops you're being arrested, and that's what happened to him.
>The video was watched more than 3 million times on the video sharing platform. Meechan was arrested after sharing the footage in April 2016.
And then after they arrested him, they took him to court and then the judge's verdict was that he be fined £800. Which is completely draconian, that's like two months rent in Scotland.

How the fuck is that okay?

>> No.15155133

According to the sources almost as many as 400,000 people owned slaves and most of them were Jews tho?

You just keep insisting up and down
But so far you've summoned exactly zero evidence to the contrary and just turn your nose up to any possible citations, including actual firsthand US government data from the period. Where's your argument, dude?

>> No.15155139

Now post what happened after?

>> No.15155145

>and most of them were Jews tho?
They weren't, you are exceptionally gullible.

>> No.15155146

What happened after?

>> No.15155148

>They weren't

>> No.15155150

Case was thrown out and he never saw any actual jail time and they formerly apologized.

>> No.15155153

When you look up the actual Census from that year instead of believing a link from. /pol/tard?

>> No.15155157

What an extremely dumb response.

>> No.15155162

Well you didn't source anything

>> No.15155165

But the image doesn't link you to a census? It just directs you to "US census 1860" so I visited the one on census.gov

>> No.15155169

>I need to retrofit the Jews into virtually every evil thing in history no matter how strong the evidence
I just want you to admit you are obsessed.

>> No.15155174

>In August 2018, Meechan announced that his request for an appeal had been denied by a member of the Sheriff Appeal Court, who also accused Meechan's lawyer of contempt. The letter stated that the appeal was "not arguable" due to the nature of the "deeply unpleasant offence". Meechan stated that he plans to contest the matter with the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission.[41] Meechan's lawyer Dorothy Bain subsequently petitioned the High Court of Justiciary to hear the case. Senior judge Lord Carloway opined that the High Court did not have the power to grant an appeal denied by the Sheriff Court.[42] In March 2019, the £800 was seized from Meechan's bank account under an arrestment order.[16]

>> No.15155176



>> No.15155182

So is this part of the great Jewish cabal since the only reason it's brought up, is to make a list of shit to convince yourself that this is all the work of Jews, right?

>> No.15155186


Go to census page 223, the following pages list slaveholder totals by county and state, add the numbers yourself if you want.

>> No.15155190

No, I'm not. You said it doesn't happen at all (which you're back-pedalling from), I'm saying you're wrong. End of story.

>> No.15155192

The majority of them are literally not Jews...

>> No.15155195

So the Jews are behind hate speech cases in the UK? I know you don't bring it up in a vacuum, it's all to construct the large narrative.

>> No.15155196

No, it's not that most slave owners were jews, it's that they are disproportionately over-represented (to a huge extent) in slave ownership.

>> No.15155200

>muh overrepresented

>> No.15155203

I brought it up because you were peddling the bullshit narrative that "hate speech" laws are actually harmless and never lead to any arrests when this is one piece of evidence that shows that's flagrantly untrue.

Or are you some kind of goldfish that can't remember your own posts?

>> No.15155208

I never said they were, nor did my pic. I'm saying they are disprortionately overrepresented in slaveholding.

>> No.15155212

You have a case of one faggot teaching his dog a Nazi salute and he's still dealing with a court battle but he's not in jail, and another who is a literal Nazi who refused to show up in court. I'd concede to it happening ONCE, then. There you go.

Hardly the work of a cabal.

>> No.15155213


The original claim, you braindead idiot, was:

(1) Zionists don't control America and have a low level of power.

There are various ways to respond to (1). Pointing out the neoconservative network for one and its influence on the wars against Israel's enemies across the Middle East and nearby, but the post above responded with:

(2) Epstein and Maxwell being connected to a sexual blackmail network that includes very influential people, including two separate presidents of two different parties.

The aforementioned events in (2) are a matter of public record, as is Maxwell's connections to her father (who was an actual Mossad agent). So two things here: Firstly, considered by itself the counter-claim in (2) is a fairly knockdown take of (1). They seem to have a lot of power, and plausibly have some level of control. Along with the fact with the claim in (1) was about ZIONISTS, not "le jews" in your strawman take. Secondly, given that is a matter of public knowledge to the average person following the case, requesting a source for common knowledge has nothing to do with any rational support for your post. Therefore, a very dumb response.

It's amazing you've been here for hours btw.

>> No.15155217

That's really never been a coherent argument though.

>> No.15155220

Lot of links here, /pol/cel

>> No.15155225

I love how you think this shit is really an argument.

>> No.15155228

Explain to me how it isn't.

>> No.15155232

No, at this point the anti-white narrative pushed by liberals, minorities, feminists, jews (basically any groups that thought they could gain by usurping white men) is so entrenched that it has become internalized by whites (leading us to do it to ourselves). Jews have certainly been influential in this social conditioning, but they're not the only ones.

Although... The recent passing of that anti-semitism bill in Florida really makes ya think.

>> No.15155235

Because it doesn't prove anything? You're just assuming things are true and then connecting them with loose associations because you have a very clear narrative about Jews. The actual redpill is that they have never had the power you pretend they have, which is backed by the actual history of recent geopolitics and if you ask some very simple questions, the entire narrative falls apart.

>> No.15155236

A. The legal battle is over, his appeal was denied and the £800 forcefully removed from his bank. According to the British justice system you're a criminal if you teach your dog to do a little wave when you say "Heil Hitler".
B. No one asserted he went to jail, that's you trying to shift the goal posts.
B.And they tried to put her on trial for being a Nazi. Is having an opinion a crime? Yes, actually it is - as this case is evidence of.

>Hardly the work of a cabal.
Why does it have to be the work of a Satanic cabal? Even if I did believe that why is it relevant?
Hate speech laws are completely totalitarian and unjust. Is that not something you can agree with?

>> No.15155240

What does that mean? That they went into slaveholding due to their "Jewishness"? What value does "le disproportionate" even give you? Unless the assumption is that their lack of/amount of being Jewish, somehow correlates to being a slaveowner? Otherwise so fucking what?

>> No.15155244


>> No.15155249

>B.And they tried to put her on trial for being a Nazi. Is having an opinion a crime?
First off, yes. Being a card carrying literal Nazi is a crime. Not sure why that is controversial, she was literal member of the party in the 30s and never denounced her involvement. But to clarify, she wasn't arrested for that. She was arrested for failure to show up in court, for a harassment charge.

>> No.15155256

>Because it doesn't prove anything?
How doesn't it prove anything? Do you know what a counterexample is? Explain how (2) doesn't above serve as a counter-example to the original claim in (1)?
>You're just assuming things are true
Which things have I assumed are true?
>and then connecting them with loose associations
Which loose associations? And how does the alleged assumptions connected to these associations?
>because you have a very clear narrative about Jews.
How do you know this?
>The actual redpill is that they have never had the power you pretend they have,
You're just repeating what you said above and can be knocked down with simple counterexamples.
> which is backed by the actual history of recent geopolitics and if you ask some very simple questions, the entire narrative falls apart.

>> No.15155262

Why did zionists allow for US involvement in Afghanistan which increased tensions between Israel and Islamic terrorist organizations? Which displaced hostile Muslims?

>> No.15155265

This is all just word salad to pretend you're smarter than you are, you have an agenda to push.

>> No.15155271

Why don't zionists elect a Jewish President?

If Zionists run the media, why do they shit on the only openly Jewish candidate?

Why do zionists who run American media, produce conservative talk radio and christcuck movies?

>> No.15155275

>Being a card carrying literal Nazi is a crime. Not sure why that is controversial,
How can you justify having the wrong thoughts to be a crime?

>But to clarify, she wasn't arrested for that. She was arrested for failure to show up in court, for a harassment charge.
So far no one's linked anything about this so I went to look it up and I believe this is the story. If so she was arrested for exactly her beliefs, multiple times throughout her life and she did show up to court - what she received an extra charge for was not showing up to prison.


>> No.15155276

It's pretty coherent in dispelling the the common notion of "jews dindu nuffin dey jus po' scapegoated angels".

Jews have been unscrupulous and subversive throughout history, so while you may sympathize with their plight in Nazi Germany, please don't pretend the resentment just came out of nowhere. We should also be a little more skeptical about the narratives that jews perpetuate, and understand their interests may indeed be inimical to our own.

>> No.15155283

>How can you justify having the wrong thoughts to be a crime?
Again, she wasn't arrested for "being a Nazi"...

>> No.15155289
File: 79 KB, 900x493, 248116_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did.

>> No.15155291

>Jews have been unscrupulous and subversive throughout history
because you're a gullible faggot who falls for this sort of low IQ shit.

>> No.15155293

She was arrested for denying the holocaust.

>> No.15155296

>when you prod him enough, he's just a tiresome /pol/nigger
nobody is ever going to get through to you.

>> No.15155303

Except she wasnt, you even linked the story. To remind everyone in the thread, we are talking about a literal (not figurative) Nazi.

>> No.15155312

So in your mind, should I throw autistic shitfits about them and blame them for all the world's ills? And cartoonishly lump every Jew in fucking history together as some sort of existential boogeyman?

>> No.15155313


>'Nazi Grandma,' sentenced for denying Holocaust, goes to prison
>Haverbeck was sentenced for incitement by denying the mass murder of millions of Jews during the Nazi era in Germany.
>Haverbeck, who German media often refers to as the "Nazi Grandma," has never spent time in prison despite several previous convictions for denying the Holocaust
>Under German law, denying the Holocaust constitutes incitement to hatred and can carry a prison sentence of up to five years.

>> No.15155316

It's terribly written, truly terrible.

>> No.15155325

40% pop. vs. let's say 2% just to err on the side of generosity, that's a pretty massive difference (in other words, yes being jewish obviously correlated to being a slaveowner). It shows the absurdity of framing whites as uniquely oppessive/evil and jews as the innocent victims of historical persecution. It's also not a history they're forthright about, while they demand contrition from whites for everything (which casts their general propensity for intellectual honesty in doubt). This isn't even getting into their participation in the MENA slave trade, which was also over-represented.

>> No.15155326

Abloo abloo, retard. The reason they went after her later was her refusal to show up to court, they never threw her in prison and you keep leaving out parts of the story, like how it was other things on top of it.

I couldn't give less of a shit about some old Nazi cunt. I'm not some apologist.

>> No.15155334

>yes being jewish obviously correlated to being a slaveowner
It...doesn't though? That's not a real correlation? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.15155345

So again, the assumption is that "Jewishness" correlates to "likelihood to own slaves"? Because that's the only assertion that would be an attempt at a causal relationship, which by itself is absurd. It would be absurd with any comparison.

Does this get through to you at all?

>> No.15155356

>I don't know what correlations are
Every day, I'm reminded how mentally ill you types of posters are.

>> No.15155362

Damn, been skimming over this thread and it's some crazy shit. The slaveholder/census thing was the most egregious. The guy fought tooth and nail to claim something wasn't true, people conveniently had hard sources to blow him the fuck out, and he didn't even bat an eye. Didn't apologize for being so vehement about something he was totally wrong on. Nothing. Just went right into the next thing.

This is pilpul, isn't it? I thought it was a joke.

By the way, relevant quote from the book:
"The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day."

>> No.15155363

>This is all just word salad to pretend you're smarter than you are
I asked you a set of fairly simple questions that require you to justify your claims in the posts relevant to the original discussion. You responded by calling such questions "word salad" then proceed to ask a set of unrelated questions to the original argument, which is why I laughed. It's you who is a dumb ass here. Only a dumb ass would slime away from the original discussion when pressed on his arguments.

As to your dumb questions:
>Why did zionists allow for US involvement in Afghanistan which increased tensions between Israel and Islamic terrorist organizations? Which displaced hostile Muslims?
Why are you assuming that Israel is hostile to Islamic terror groups? You realize you can google Hamas+Mossad and there are various good sources out there showing that Mossad created Hamas. If your dumb assumptions are true, why would they do that? If they've helped one extremist group, why not others?
>Why don't zionists elect a Jewish President?
Things seem to be working out fine with AIPAC, Neocons, the media, the pedo blackmail networks, etc. Wouldn't it look obvious if they did that?
>If Zionists run the media, why do they shit on the only openly Jewish candidate?
LOL, here's your zionist and "ur saying its da DA JOOS" equivocation again.
>Why do zionists who run American media, produce conservative talk radio and christcuck movies?
Go read about the creation of evangelical networks. It was mostly created by Zionists.

>> No.15155377

You're kidding right? Zionists are massive war-hawks. They don't care about 'tensions', they want excuses for them and their U.S. buddies to bomb the shit out of potential ideological/ethnic enemies to keep them technologically and materially suppressed.

>> No.15155381

>The reason they went after her later was her refusal to show up to court,
She did go to court
"During her trial, Haverbeck spoke of an "Auschwitz lie," claiming it was not an extermination camp, but merely a labor camp."
> they never threw her in prison
They did throw her in prison.
>"After the convict failed to report to the relevant penal institution within the deadline, prosecutors in Verden on May 4, 2018 issued an order to execute the sentence and have charged police with its implementation," prosecutors said. Police found Haverbeck at her home on Monday and transferred her to prison to begin her two-year term.
> and you keep leaving out parts of the story
Literally every single detail you offer about the story is wrong. You say she got charged for not showing up at court when what actually happened was she refused to show up to prison when she already had a trial. You say they never threw her in prison when the article is literally about how she was taken to prison. You say she was charged for harassment when really she was charged for denying the holocaust. Either you have not read this story ever and only know of it through a Chinese whispers chain of internet comments or you are trying to fudge the truth whenever possible in the hopes no one bothers to read the link. Why? What's your problem?

>> No.15155386

>Jews are creating Evangelical networks
>Israel is friendly to Islam

>> No.15155391

How the fuck are the Nazis seeming like the reasonable ones ITT?

>> No.15155394

Seems like you're the one tossing salad anon, he's just calling you out on your vague aspersions. Also, doesn't everyone have an agenda? There's nothing wrong with that... What you really mean is "You have an agenda I don't like."

>> No.15155398

Because they aren't, it's the typical gishgallup infodump shit they do to exhaust anyone in the thread.

>> No.15155406

Why do you care what happens to a 90 year old Nazi bitch?

>> No.15155413

Hijacking this shitty thread for actual content about nazism. I recently watched a conference by Johann Chapoutot, a French scholar of Nazism about the intellectual roots of national-socialism not merely as a party but as a nationwide conservative revolution (title of the conference is "The nazi cultural revolution").

It was very good. Link is below for those who understand French :


I can give bullet points for those interested.

>> No.15155414

Not the anon you're replying to, but he said she was arrested for something and his interlocutor said she wasn't. She was, so his interlocutor was wrong. Who cares why he cares? His interlocutor is a disingenuous faggot for dragging it out and systematically lying.

No, there are at least 3 distinct arguments ITT where the anti-Naziboo poster comes across like such a lying disingenuous idiot that it borders on performance art because no one could seriously be that stupid.

>> No.15155415

You ever considered that maybe you are regurgitating propaganda or nah?

>> No.15155422

Because we have laws like this in my country too and it greatly worries me not just that you can be a criminal for believing the wrong thing but also that most people think this is okay.

This is literally medieval behaviour and it's absurd for a society that calls itself "free" to punish people like this.

>> No.15155424

Meant for >>15155363

>> No.15155427

But again, she is an actual Nazi. It's not like she just said Nazi-things, she is/was a party member.

>> No.15155430

They don't need to. AIPAC is bi-partisan, they have their fingers in every pie. As for Sanders, they probably think he's less viable or possibly a little too economically off-plan.

I don't know if you've noticed, by Western media is very anti-conservative, anti-illiberal in nature. Pointing to niche exceptions only proves the rule.

>> No.15155434

All I'm regurgitating is what's written in the article, if you think that's unreliable an alternative account is welcome.

>> No.15155437

Because you're an idiot?

>> No.15155442

>Western media is "anti-conservative" as long as you ignore how most successful films are made by Christcucks

>> No.15155448

I think you overstate how liberal the media is.

>> No.15155451

Hahah, I'm the gullible one. Oh you're so precious.

Feeling is mutual, you feminized worm.

Did I blame them for all the world's ills? Who is being cartoonish here?

>> No.15155456

Very interesting, thanks. I can't understand spoken French without squinting and rewinding a lot but I can read it and the subtitles are good enough. I wouldn't mind your bullet points for a brief summary of what you think Chapoutot is about, but don't go to too much trouble on my account.

The French have a few surprisingly good scholars of the Conservative Revolution. Thomas Rohkramer on the German side is very interesting lately.

>> No.15155457

And so what? Is she gonna cause a crime against humanity by radiating bad vibes into the atmosphere?

I don't see how her and her old nazi buddies getting together to deny the holocaust is anymore my business than gay people having sex is.

>> No.15155466

Yes you sound gullible with "baby's first /pol/ argument about Jews".

>> No.15155468

Threads about to get locked, but I'm interested in bullet points. Been reading a lot of the right-leaning but non-nazi philosophical anthropologists of the Weimar era in the last few months.

>> No.15155472

So we shouldn't prosecute old Nazi party members who were married to members of the Ministry of Propaganda? Who worked in radio broadcasting?

>> No.15155477

Yes. Why would you?

>> No.15155498

Why would I want all Nazis rooted the fuck out and either ostracized or put in front of a judge to see if they were criminals?

>> No.15155500

It's like 13% of the population comitting 50% of the violent crimes. It shows a genetic predisposition towards an outcome. You can argue that the specific mechanisms involved in this correlation aren't well understood, but the link between genetic collective and frequency of outcome isn't refutable in this case.

>> No.15155510

same tired autism every day with you faggots.

>> No.15155515
File: 33 KB, 435x370, 1585918043458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are genetically predisposed to be slave owners

>> No.15155519

Yes, exactly. Why should it be a crime just to be a Nazi? Not to have hurt anyone or anything, but just to ideologically be one.

I've been asking you this for a while and you have yet to really respond, you seem to think it's just self-evident that we should burn heretics.

>> No.15155523

Because it's extremely likely that her husband was involved with the murder of Jewish Germans.

>> No.15155528

You are honestly a certified idiot if you think there is a correlation rooted in genetics between "being Jewish" and "owning slaves". That's so fucking absurd.

>> No.15155534

Yeah quick rundown would be great, thanks.

>> No.15155536

>why should it be a crime to be a Nazi
Welcome to /lit/ everyone, the /pol/ colony.

>> No.15155541

And she's not responsible for her husband. It doesn't matter if he personally killed every single Jew in Europe that's still not something she can be held accountable for.

>> No.15155545

She worked in broadcasting with him, anon. But sure. Whatever you say.

>> No.15155561

Ah, so not only is it okay to punish people for having the wrong beliefs. It's also okay to retroactively punish people for broadcasting them even when it was completely legal and protected by the government of the time.

Very free society, 10/10.

>> No.15155563

I don't see how it's possible to do so. Any meaningfully illiberal outlets are being flagged, de-platformed and demonized by MSM. Portrayals and positions which would've been considered liberal only a couple of decades ago are now 'conservative'.

>> No.15155568

Are you legit defending people who worked for the Ministry of Propaganda?

>> No.15155575

The most successful media companies are run by conservatives, the Christian film market is also a fucking goldmine. Most watched and listened to news outlet is run by a conservative megacorp and lobbyist group. This is a 60 year old "le libruh media" boomerfag meme.

>> No.15155580

>muh deplatforming meme
You mean private companies choosing who they associate their brands with, commie?

>> No.15155586

Just dumping some links I've read in the last few weeks to piss off the idiot in the thread and for other anons to use in the future.


>> No.15155595
File: 323 KB, 600x615, CEBL6m2LSYy7-zeS5jedPJ5WCxybCOyFWMzoK-mEcs4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you come up with an argument that isn't an incredulously toned rhetorical question?

I'm saying it's completely tyrannical to punish people for their beliefs and even more tyrannical to retroactively apply such laws to criminalise acts that happened long before any such law existed. Where is your counter-argument?

>> No.15155603

The counter argument is that she was a card carrying Nazi who worked in broadcasting for the Ministry and that there is no protection she deserves after the Nazi regime fell?

>> No.15155604

emphasis on skeptical quotation marks

Come on, you're so full of shit. It's like you've never heard of the overton window.

>> No.15155609

This isn't an argument, Rush.

>> No.15155610

yes there is, learn history you fucking moron, it was called denazification and every allied government openly decided only to prosecute/persecute specific egregious offenders

once again you just shoot from the hip and humiliate yourself every time

>> No.15155614

Thanks anon, saved for future reference.

>> No.15155618

So in your mind, were we just too cruel to punish Nazis in various trials who were "just following orders?"

>> No.15155628

So, there is some evidence that her husband was directly responsible for the deaths of many Germans and she worked alongside him...for the Ministry...in broadcasting and you think it's too meanie poo poo to give her a fucking fine for acting like a Nazi cunt?

>> No.15155635

Crying about the liberal media is so oldhat that it's older than most nazilarping zoomies on here.

>> No.15155636

Wow, what is it with jews and child disappearances/kiddy fiddling?

>> No.15155649

>It's like 13% of the population comitting 50% of the violent crimes. It shows a genetic predisposition towards an outcome
What pure coincidence you aren't a fan of Jewish people.

>> No.15155651

Yes, obviously every single last person who had any affiliation to the Nazi regime should be hunted down and murdered by any means necessary, even if it was in a completely civilian capacity like in broadcasting.

That is literally nonsense, it does not make sense. Not least of all because she wasn't convicted for anything to do with that IRL, you just seem to believe she should be and have yet to explain why.
Hate speech is a real crime in Germany. Being a former member of the NSDAP or government worker for the regime is not, if it was there wouldn't be any old people left.

>> No.15155654

Because retards will bend it into idea that there is some evil jewish genes that will give you ability to conspire through telepathy.
But WHY do i have to defend my nation?
>no one can ever be held accountable
There is a paper trail, therefore they can be acountable
>why is it illigal to call for genocide?

>> No.15155666

>completely civilian capacity like in broadcasting.

>> No.15155681
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1508277659277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like this turn me towards the right wing, the spastics in this thread are beyond disgusting and they all act completely identically. I don't even hate jews ffs

>> No.15155694

>it's someone else's fault I'm gullible enough for right wing propaganda

>> No.15155703

No, punishing people that were directly complicit in the execution of the holocaust is one thing. Though obviously it's true that those higher in the chain of command are more responsible than their subordinates, even if they are all ultimately responsible.

Civilian workers for the government are a completely different matter altogether. Should we prosecute the carpenters that put the doors in Auschwitz? Should we prosecute Hitler's chauffeur? Should we prosecute Heidegger? Should we prosecute the Hitler Youth members that were literally children during the war? Where would the madness stop?

>> No.15155708

How is that not civilian?

>> No.15155736

we are

>> No.15156323
File: 136 KB, 331x449, kshatriya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is divinely inspired to protect Aryan Kshatriya from the demonic jews until the satya yuga where we will bring in the new golden age and destroy these demonic creatures

The Wotan Awakens The Aryan Spirit

>> No.15156333
File: 349 KB, 850x446, kikeArgument.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they are paid too, this is their job and they know they can't win on arguments so all they can do is act spastic and retarded to try and disrupt any kind of intellectual conversation

>> No.15156339
File: 166 KB, 902x1024, kikery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing shlomo, you sound like a real objective source

>> No.15156351
File: 40 KB, 850x400, TeslaJewQuote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15156380

An exposition of an illiberal worldview for mass-consumption. Some parts are very "for its time" so if you're not interested in history, you might get bored at his analysis of geopolitics, or you might think the ideas he draws from the pre-exsting Volkisch movement are schizobabble. It's not all incoherent screeching about jews and black people, but I suppose there are enough remarks about jews and "negroes" to convince the average midwit that that's all the book is, since his mind is certainly going to remember those parts the most.

There are basically two reactions to Mein Kampf that people have. Reaction one is that they hate it, they hate the writing, and find it all boring and stupid. Reaction two is the reader having an epiphany and saying "Oh my God, he's saying all the things I've felt but could never put into words!" My dad, for instance, tried reading it because he likes history and military-related things, and he thought it was extremely boring and gave up. To like Mein Kampf, you can't be some dilettante who "just want's to see what these extremist thinks, so I'll read Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto." It also won't do much good if you already have a fairly advanced illiberal worldview. The people who like it the most are non-liberal, non-intellectuals.

>> No.15156414

>nobody can make arguments against Nazis

>> No.15156430
File: 233 KB, 504x450, schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell your matzo stank and bloody baby cock breath from here Moshe

>> No.15156437
File: 118 KB, 762x1078, GoebbelsTheJew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Very free society

>> No.15156465

>I have no argument so I will greentext and act like these two things are somehow mutually exclusive
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days, I wish I was a fly on the wall at yours all meetings planning new strategies for each level of the awakening. I see in /his/ they stopped trying to outright deny anymore and instead are now trying to push the IQ meme really hard who made that call? Happened about a week ago did you get the memo? Hell it might even be you do you guys have boards you are assigned to or do you scan multiple boards for threads to shill?

Be honest in your response, as you can see I am an empath and there isn't much you can hide from me.

>> No.15156477


>> No.15156500

RE: IQ meme. If you mean the "jews are just smarter than you" explanation that they tend to make, then that has never made sense as an explanation and has an easy counter explanation. Just look at the base population rates compared to base IQ rates. The number of high IQ whites should still dwarf the number of high IQ jews in the west because of comparative populations. They make up 2% of the population so the 120IQ+ white population is still going to dwarf the number of jews in the west based purely on the probability distribution. Their high numbers in various parts of society has to be some other mechanism apart from high IQ, otherwise you'd see representative numbers of whites in similar jobs. It's likely nepotism as the mechanism, but that will never be studied by academia due to "anti-semitism".

>> No.15156501
File: 55 KB, 480x276, NiggaWut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasted 7's

>> No.15156521
File: 3.30 MB, 2500x4000, media2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed mate, take this offering and praise Krishna


>> No.15156532
File: 1.16 MB, 316x200, joker2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they stopped responding which means they are busy little bees trying to report posts to try and shut it down and get people banned kek

>> No.15156552

>imagine posting this unironically

>> No.15156578
File: 84 KB, 287x431, kalki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silence demon, you will bow before the avatar

>> No.15156582

People just end up getting exhausted with you.

>> No.15156608


>> No.15156636
