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/lit/ - Literature

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15150285 No.15150285 [Reply] [Original]

opinion on the meme trilogy?

>> No.15150305

never read, dont really want to
Enjoyed maybe 1/3 of it. Dont really care
>Infinite Jest
a long blogpost. fun

>> No.15150320
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Ain't nobody got time for these masturbatory fantasy prose in 2020 nigga. Gimme a concise book that gets straight to the point or fuck off with your self-congratulatory wordplay bullshit.

>> No.15150333

Not a meme, extremely enjoyable. Masterpiece
>Gravity's rainbow
Half meme. Missing weight in terms of narrative and characters
>Infintite jest
Meme. Over baked, over puffed; insuffrable writting style

>> No.15150541

GR > Ulysses > IJ

>> No.15150548

All are worth a read. Ulysses is a must read.

>> No.15150556

shoo, nigger.

>> No.15150560

ulysses is good. The rest are just memes

>> No.15150574

All I hear is fap fap fap fap...

>> No.15150583
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Why not the meme dozen?


>> No.15150584

then stop fapping, faggot.

>> No.15150597

>The Stranger
kek nice one, where's this from? 2014?

>> No.15150599

Ulysses > GR > IJ

>> No.15150627

>he didn't read the spreadsheet

>> No.15150801

Out of the three witch one should be titled the “dark souls” of literature?

>> No.15150837

None, that would be Samuel Beckett's Trilogy + How It Is

Mason & Dixon is infinitely superior to Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses is great, DFW does not deserve to be in the same category as the other authors whatsoever

>> No.15150873

The "Dark Souls" of literature is Finnegans Wake.

>> No.15150882

>Mason & Dixon is infinitely superior to Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses is great, DFW does not deserve to be in the same category as the other authors whatsoever

Re: DFW, yes. When I finished Infinite Jest, my reaction was, ok pretty decent book. Decidedly not great. When I finished Gravity's Rainbow my reaction was, wow this is a great book. I read Ulysses annually and come to it with an almost religious (in Joyce's sense of the mingling of aesthetics and religion) reverence for its force.
Re: Mason and Dixon > GR. Hard to say. I want to agree. I've finished MD more recently so it's fresher in my mind than GR... it notably has more compassion, even tenderness than GR and is a technical feat beyond GR in many ways. However, I think GR is conceptually more rich...

>> No.15150929

Dropped after 200 pages due to no interest whatsoever. These 200 paged contained about 10 pages of sheer linguistic brilliance interspliced by schizo garbage, so I deemed it not worth it
One of favourite books
Very stupid and very dull, dropped at 150 or so mark (after the movies list part). Unlike GR there wasn't even a spark of goodness to hang on

>> No.15150956
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>> No.15150968

stop talking aboiut joyce until the irish government stop astroturfing the board

>> No.15150976

Maybe I was a little harsh on GR, but I think there are two elements in which M&D really excells: Narrative (particularly the value of the oratory frame) and prose. GR is stuffed full of ideas but I think the convoluted plotlines and sheer heft of some of the concepts (scientific and philosophical) means the language suffers at times. M&D still wants to talk about similar things (it is the Age of Reason, after all), but the simplicity of the framing technique, for me at least, holds everything together so much more cleanly, and the narrative is one (much like the MD line itself) that I can follow directly, without having to go away and draw an insanely complex mind map just to figure everything out. Maybe I'm just retarded idk

>> No.15151003

Damn your right I’ve tried reading that thing twice and still have no clue what the fuck is going on

>> No.15151006

But have you seen how IJ uses footnotes? The footnotes have footnotes lol, take that academia!

>> No.15151022
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hey what about finnegans wake

>> No.15151072
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>> No.15151122

IJ is actually good

>> No.15151132

>Gravity's Rainbow
Never read it. To be honest it doesn't look that interesting to me. I just don't think I'd like Pynchon's style of humor
I read it because of /lit/ and it's the best novel I've ever read. Starts off slow but the last three chapters are the peak of all literature to me.
>Infinite Jest
also read this cuz of /lit/ and it has some kino asfuck chapters but a lot of it was a slog. His editor should have been harder on him and trimmed it down to 700 pages or so. But I go back and reread the parts that I enjoyed sometimes because they're really really good.

>> No.15151150

>ITT: fags who got pleb filtered

>> No.15151172

>going on /lit/ and pretending to be a more rigorous reader than everyone else while you don't actually read
Why do this? At least reply to someone and tell them why they're wrong.

>> No.15151201

It’s not worth it it’s so easy to shit on a book like IJ and say shit like is over baked or a blogpost. It’s fine not liking it but saying shit like that shows they haven’t put the time in to appreciate it and have blown it off because they can’t be bothered and is plain disrespectful and lazy

>> No.15151220


>> No.15151230

If a shitpost exists, there's a reason for it.
I have no idea why IJ is regarded by some the way it is, but shitposters are usually on the right side of things so... what do?

>> No.15151240

>put the time in to appreciate it
Not him but I read it. There were moments that were good, like the Eschaton scene and I thought a lot of the parts with Don Gately were incredibly moving. But its still a bad book, as a narrative it is functionally disjointed and incoherent in a way that the other two aren't. You can posture about "plebs being filtered" but neither Ulysses or GR had the same glaring flaws that IJ suffered from. You're not even capable of defending why its good, so it sounds like you haven't read it either.

>> No.15151290

>the karamazov brothers instead of the brothers karamazov

>> No.15151490

>not even capable of defending why its good

uncalled for really I wasn't asked to and you're seemingly agreeing with me which as well which is strange.
Also I don't see the disjointedness as a flaw, it was obviously intentional and maybe to the sacrifice of the reader experience but it shows the fragmentation of modern society and on the surface level it being a mundane book about a tennis academy and AA class is structured in an amazingly complex narrative

>> No.15151562

Notes from Underground is also a poorly translated title. Should be something more along the lines of Notes from Under the Floorboards (referencing the mouse in chapter 3)

>> No.15151616

>"no dude you don't get it, it was intended to be bad!"
Gravity's Rainbow had an incredibly convoluted plot and potentially more lines to follow, and yet that one felt structurally sound. And arguably the theme of "fragmentation" is even more manifest in the structure of that text, since we see Slothrop's very mind and identity disintegrating as we approach the impact of the rocket. I don't care about whether or not IJ "reflects the fragmentation of modern society", if the text itself suffers because of poor design choices, then it doesn't matter if it was meant to be that way or not.

>> No.15152479

Man this thread is making me nostalgic. I miss /lit/ from like a year and a half ago. Too much Guenon fag now.

>> No.15152691

I like how people in this thread are shitting on IJ for being a gratuitous display of liberal arts ed when Ulysses was 10x worse in this respect

>> No.15152742

Alright Nabokov.

>> No.15152790

Circe is one of the greatest achievments in english literature
Joyces makes me go from admiring a man, to being deeply disgusted by his very existence, to feeling immense pity for his situation, to admiring him even more than before

>> No.15152806

I like Ulysses but I still lol'd at the Riddler.

>> No.15152863

it's not incoherent baby you just didn't put in the work. novel is necessarily confluential because incandenza's film IJ 4 or 5 or whatever is the culmination of his phase of anticonfluential art, and since IJ the film has no faith and DFW purports his book to be 100% faith, he had to make it the converse of anticonfluential and meaningless

>> No.15152957

Finnegans Wake is actually hard. The Dark Souls of literature would be a book that people only think is hard because all they've ever read is Harry Potter. So like House of Leaves or Ducks, Newburyport or something.

>> No.15153033

Your post is almost as incoherent as the book. Keep posturing, but if I can read GR and come away satisfied, my issues with IJ are not going to be simply because I "didn't get it". Why am I not allowed an opinion on the matter that is different to yours? And why are you incapable of making an argument that doesn't appeal to DFW's intelligence? Idolatry is weak.

>> No.15153117

drama is literature. Why not including Goethe's Faust?

>> No.15153849 [DELETED] 

Laputan colourcaster proving ground, oddly Christianoid, nonconventionally confidential, unfain, periegetic temulentive, piercingly switched on, annectant, reminiscer, hound, fastigium ex negativo, pearling logodaedaly, bughouse chess betting shop, thisclose, framboise, ens reale, makable midmovie, detort, vanna, pucker sinistrously, byrunning redundantant, heatedly, prosperingly, unthirsty sirvente, misère, mamuque, Gurmukhi, dere, executory, unoccluded egocaste, full-size IASP carve-up coup-de-maître, barberpole, Stoke Mandeville, golden staph, superdistribution, neofascism, business administration, operating probe-and-drogue spacecraft rite, tobaccoless, buggersome chuffy delphinid, neurodifferentiated, cack-handed interop refuelling, drably, time-independent dexiotropic puntilion, miserere makhorka, marasmoid kilosample, sweven, intimation toploading, nonportfolio magus, unnational inspector general, ascripitous, ampelographic, viator, barbering, code-switching dispositively, personating synalepha, squirearchy blandisher infangthief, scolecoid, sesquipedalianism, opisthotonos, cytococcus, pleopodal, pornocracy, physicotheology, replication fork, scortation, acrotomophilia, anodontia, noodleburger, amorce, glacis, AM pop, idempotentated, poorly, shaffler, stoneman, echoist, transactionalist, manumission, legionnaire, drive time, calendar day, stealth, Forest Brother, bruin, hastish, massive retaliation, emboly, adenosclerosis, ultrahazardous activity, understrapper, underwrite, uncopywriteable, indignatio, disincorporation, rooinek, Geraldine, peakish, in a cleft stick, staree, carder, ff., TNF, ring theoretic, skin group, under-represented nonzonal, thair, oppugnant, andragogic, imprecation, porriginous precipitin, conatus, diphosgene, overture, wike, prodromal, aum

>> No.15153858

>Laputan colourcaster proving ground, oddly Christianoid, nonconventionally confidential, unfain, periegetic temulentive, piercingly switched on, annectant, reminiscer, hound, fastigium ex negativo, pearling logodaedaly, bughouse chess betting shop, thisclose, framboise, ens reale, makable midmovie, detort, vanna, pucker sinistrously, byrunning redundantant, heatedly, prosperingly, unthirsty sirvente, misère, mamuque, Gurmukhi, dere, executory, unoccluded egocaste, full-size IASP carve-up coup-de-maître, barberpole, Stoke Mandeville, golden staph, superdistribution, neofascism, business administration, operating probe-and-drogue spacecraft rite, tobaccoless, buggersome chuffy delphinid, neurodifferentiated, cack-handed interop refuelling, drably, time-independent dexiotropic puntilion, miserere makhorka, marasmoid kilosample, sweven, intimation toploading, nonportfolio magus, unnational inspector general, ascripitous, ampelographic, viator, barbering, code-switching dispositively, personating synalepha, squirearchy blandisher infangthief, scolecoid, sesquipedalianism, opisthotonos, cytococcus, pleopodal, pornocracy, physicotheology, replication fork, scortation, acrotomophilia, anodontia, noodleburger, amorce, glacis, AM pop, idempotentated, poorly, shaffler, stoneman, echoist, transactionalist, manumission, legionnaire, drive time, calendar day, stealth, Forest Brother, bruin, hastish, massive retaliation, emboly, adenosclerosis, ultrahazardous activity, understrapper, underwrite, uncopywriteable, indignatio, disincorporation, rooinek, Geraldine, peakish, in a cleft stick, staree, carder, ff., TNF, ring theoretic, skin group, under-represented nonzonal, thair, oppugnant, andragogic, imprecation, porriginous precipitin, conatus, diphosgene, overture, wike, prodromal, aum

>> No.15153863

Ducks, Newburyport is hard because its a pile of trash though

>> No.15153881


>> No.15153910

Laputan colourcaster proving ground, oddly, Christianoid, nonconventionally confidential, unfain, periegetic temulentive, piercingly switched on, annectant, reminiscer, hound, fastigium ex negativo, pearling logodaedaly, bughouse chess betting shop, thisclose, framboise, ens reale, makable midmovie, detort, vanna, pucker sinistrously, byrunning, redundantant, heatedly, prosperingly, unthirsty sirvente, misère, mamuque, Gurmukhi, dere, executory, unoccluded egocaste, full-size IASP carve-up coup-de-maître, barberpole, Stoke Mandeville, golden staph, superdistribution, neofascism, business administration, operating probe-and-drogue spacecraft rite, tobaccoless, buggersome chuffy delphinid, neurodifferentiated, cack-handed interop refuelling, drably, time-independent dexiotropic puntilion, miserere makhorka, marasmoid kilosample, sweven, intimation toploading, nonportfolio magus, unnational inspector general, ascripitous, viator, barbering, code-switching dispositively, personating synalepha, ampelographic squirearchy blandisher infangthief, scolecoid, sesquipedalianism, opisthotonos, cytococcus, pleopodal, pornocracy, physicotheology, scortation, acrotomophilia, anodontia, noodleburger, amorce, glacis, AM pop, ascripitous, idempotentated, poorly, shaffler, stoneman, echoist, transactionalist, manumission, legionnaire, drive time, calendar day, stealth, Forest Brother, bruin, hastish, massive retaliation, emboly, adenosclerosis, ultrahazardous activity, underwrite, understrapper, uncopywriteable, indignatio, disincorporation, rooinek, Geraldine, peakish, staree, carder, ff., TNF, ring theoretic, skin group, under-represented nonzonal, thair, oppugnant, andragogic, imprecation, porriginous precipitin, conatus, diphosgene, overture, wike, prodromal, aum

>> No.15154019


>> No.15154456

no, man. Slothrop's journey through the Zone and how artfully he moves from the Elect to the Preterite and slowly loses his mind and scatters is near-immaculate.

>> No.15154465

I haven't read Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15154530

Ulysses and GR are monuments in the history of literature and absolutely not memes. IJ is not a bad book, I'm glad I read it, but it only really captures the bored upper-middle-class American life and doesn't do it in the most inventive of ways. I related to it and enjoyed a lot of its humor and felt a lot of emotion reading it, but I could tell that if I was born poor or not American or if I didn't grow up in the 21st century, it wouldn't be nearly as moving.
Basically, anyone shitting on the first two is a confirmed pleb and has legitimately been filtered. Shitting on IJ can be justified, it really doesn't belong with them.

>> No.15154574

I'm 20% of the way through GR and 90% of my enjoyment has come from Pynchon making fun of the British

>> No.15154578

The books themselves are good, but the meme itself is just pretentious.

>> No.15154606

Best Take

>> No.15154623

Ulysses is both a great contribution to literature and a meme. For fuck sakes, you don't get the one without the other. Joyce's book is literally a spoof of the Odysseia in which the hero goes on his journey home to fight of men who want to fuck his wife and then live with his wife a normal wife after war. Ulysses is a joke based on that premise with the hero being utterly KEKED. This novel IS as memey as they come.

>> No.15154672

How do I get ready for Ulysses and GR? I've read IJ and barely felt like å got what I should from it. Any books I should read first?

>> No.15154692

Dubliners and Portrait for Ulysses and Crying of Lot 49 and V. for Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15154736
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If you haven't read all nine, don't even fucking pretend to be literate.

>> No.15154765

>a new meme ennealogy
justify these choice

>> No.15155251
File: 43 KB, 270x388, 94469446-A178-4886-94BB-B75456A8A149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoyed all three.
Infinite Jest is definitely the weakest though. Should be replaced by this bad boy.

>> No.15155286

If you wanted actual modernist masterpieces, the trilogy should be The Man Without Qualities, The Sleepwalkers and Ferdydurke

>> No.15155370

Got me into reading, a great place to start.

>> No.15155428
File: 43 KB, 450x300, NejroN161200023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the wikipedia entry. sounds unreadable and the author wants the reader to do the author's job while reading. that's gonna be an official yikes from my chair of the armchair owners club.

>> No.15155730

uhh... gay department?

>> No.15155854

Reading right now. amazing and seems timeless and predictive. Hilarious too. As good or better than people would have you believe
Worth more than the hype, a feat of the English language. Probably overlooked a lot of cultural things of the times.
>Infinite Jest
Used to be my favorite book before I read a lot. A bit "much" and seems dated now, but a fun read with some good but not revolutionary insights

>> No.15155993

filtered by a wikipedia entry on a book. rethink your life.

>> No.15156012

just read the first, like, 9 pages dude

>> No.15156018

Ive only tried infinite jest and it was so bad I had to drop it. Hopefully the others aren’t like that

>> No.15156023

>rethink your life.
that's all I ever do.

>> No.15156027

I will. already put it on my inner to-read-list. but I have to get through some other tomes first.

>> No.15156497

Gravity's Rainbow is a goofy, depressive fever romp with crazy sex humor.

Infinite Jest reveals an understanding of how entertainment functions but w/o Deleuze so pretty basic meme

Ulysses fkn slaps tho.
Seriously. It's really the only novel. Ever. Molly's soliloquy brings me to tears man.

>> No.15156519

ij doesn't belong

>> No.15156530


>> No.15156549

My calling it a blogpost was a compliment

>> No.15156571
File: 16 KB, 650x450, 00001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read homestuck instead it's a more entertaining read and is even longer, in page and word count

>> No.15156769

is just Joyce being the autistic man he is

>> No.15156774

Anyone can write like DFW. Shit, I can write like DFW except without the pretentiousness
>So let me tell you about life OK? If you're a degenerate junkie piece of shit you'll go to rehab and realize a few things kid, some people are really good, like REALLY fucking good but make no mistake, that kindness can be manipulated too OK? Smoke weed you squares, oh and die for Israel

>> No.15156818

That was a DFW quote retard

>> No.15156824

Problem sleuth is far better

>> No.15156862

based armchair book reviewer

>> No.15157306

No, that's the gist of it though

>> No.15157446

You're an absolute nerd virgin

>> No.15157559

I don't disagree, the way Slothrop's character dissolves into this ghostly apparition that haunts the last hundred pages or so is phenomenal. But that isn't the entire book, and I think somewhere between GR and M&D Pynchon's approach to narrative got only more refined as time went on. M&D just felt like more of a well-oiled machine to me.

>> No.15157581

>Molly's soliloquy brings me to tears man.
I took a specialist course on james Joyce and we had a lot of seminars on just Ulysses alone. In the last one my tutor asked me to read out the last section of Molly's soliloquy and I literally choked up halfway through, was embarrassing as fuck but it just goes to show you how meaningful it really is. maybe I'm just a bitch tho idk

>> No.15157589

Why would you start with what is unanimously agreed on to be the worst of the three?

>> No.15157593

Why not replace Ducks with The Lost Scrapbook. It's also one long sentence, half the length, and 10x as impactful

>> No.15157604

that cunt Aunt May

>> No.15157815

It's the books spammed here by 3 to 4 dedicated schizos who regularly post the same 10 threads on /lit/ for the past 8 years.

>> No.15158290

Goddamn I can't wait to read M&D. I finished GR about a month ago and it's one of the most amazing books I've ever touched.

>> No.15158295

Ulysses: 10/10
Gravity’s Rainbow: 5/10
Infinite Jest: 2/10

Used to like GR a lot but eventually realized that it was written for the same people who now watch Rick & Morty

>> No.15158313

Nobody who watches adult cartoons has the attention span to read a 900 page pomo doorstopper, you retard

>> No.15158376 [DELETED] 

I know, I know, it’s hard to swallow the truth that Pynchon’s sensibility is basically that of a redditor, I resisted for a long time myself. But give it time, once you see it you can’t unsee it.

>> No.15158396

I know, I know, it’s hard to swallow the truth that Pynchon’s sensibility is basically that of a redditor, I resisted it for a long time myself. But give it time, once you see it you can’t unsee it.

>> No.15158434

If you’re such an expert on reddit why don’t you explain what you mean for the rest of us?

>> No.15158449

If you need someone else to explain it to you you will never “get” it

>> No.15158489

I’ve never read Pynchon. Explain it to me in brief summary as you would to a neutral observer.

>> No.15158521

>post a very wacky and strange take
>pseud down talking post about how he finally got it and other people just need to give it time
>post is again down talking and further demonstrates that the poster has such a unique take that it people won’t “get” it if he was to explain it even slightly
I hope a raging retard comes and bashes your head in one day while you’re walking down the street, fucking faggot

>> No.15158522


>> No.15158572

Dark Souls is not that hard anon. Finnegans Wake is borderline fucking nonsense.

>> No.15158618

I abandoned after the movie list part too

>> No.15158644

Struck a nerve?

>> No.15158661

>I need other men to tell me what to think about and how to think about it

True redpill is never reading a single book as to preserve your orginality of thought

>> No.15158671

Obtusely based

>> No.15158686
File: 69 KB, 1234x284, 9A57B248-5EEC-43D1-B2D9-A2E2CAA58B7B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude weed lmao
>dude science lmao
>*holds up spork*

>> No.15158691


>> No.15158707

American nonsense

>Infinite Jest
American nonsense

Just a dude having fun with references and subtle jokes, you retards take it way too seriously. Good book.

>> No.15158716

You can reduce literally any book you down to sound ridiculous in a sentence
>Dude whales lmao
>Dude hell lmao
>Dude Dublin lmao
Haha ebin, all those books confirmed reddit and btfo forever

>> No.15158837
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>> No.15158966

Finnegans Wake is the Dwarf Fortress of literature

>> No.15158988
File: 229 KB, 859x960, GigaChad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read any of them.

>> No.15158993


>> No.15159001


>> No.15159065

You have never played Dwarf Fortress if you think it's even remotely "hard" in any sense of that word. Tedious is more apt, and even then that's not as true if you use the LNP.

>> No.15159130

This post reeked of condescending redditor so bad I actually shuddered when reading it.

>> No.15159141

>Just a dude having fun with references and subtle jokes, you retards take it way too seriously.
Joyce himself took it seriously, read his letters

>> No.15159170

bottom row sucks

>> No.15159468

Is Ulysses more or less difficult than GR? I'm close to finishing it (and have loved most of it) but I'd say it's pretty much the limit of what I'm able to wrap my brain around.

>> No.15159481

But ulysses isn't that hard to understand, literally everything you need to know is in circe

>> No.15159532

It's great, anon. After reading GR it'll feel like a walk in the park relatively speaking, and you can just soak in the richness of the prose, which is a parodic 18th century style that is simply gorgeous.

>> No.15159722
File: 428 KB, 1296x968, 3C663E78-EB6F-4DF8-AD26-5E031DCC6EAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ESL, which one is easier GR or Ulysses? I feel like reading one of them this year. I'm currently reading Portrait which is surprisingly easier than I expected and I read TCoL49 some weeks ago and enjoyed that too. Also if there's any particular edition with good footnotes that you could recommend

>> No.15160940

probably infinite jest

>> No.15161103

kind of mirrors gnossos pappadapoulis' decay from 'immune' to what ever he is at the end it Been Down So Long it Feels like Up to me (evidence that Gnossos = Pynchon)

>> No.15162284

MFW fan of books, MFW on this board, MFW keep hearing to read IJ. Get to it last year, takes me the first 4 months of the year, some nights stayed up till 4 am reading.

I hear all critiques and agree with most, but the joys of reading that tome.
MFW I could relate, MFW played tennis and related to those sections, MFW the canucks chasing the guy who slit dog necks, MFW drug use and the dredges of bad trips, MFW madame psychosis, MFW kid's and their banters and games, good times reading the novel hope anyone who picks it gets to enjoy the absurdity of it all.

>> No.15162331

If you think me threatening him with a ridiculous scenario and cussing in my sentence is me being mad then you should get off the computer because you’re late for school

>> No.15162498

Holy fuck what an insuffrable post, stop typing like a faggot

>> No.15162711

>Anna Karenina ranked higher than War and Peace
There's hope for this board

>> No.15162811

GR feels more relevant than ever, that's for sure

>> No.15162812

take your meds already

>> No.15162824

to be fair, you should start with Lot49

>> No.15163203

I remember that video

>> No.15163296

based and brevitypilled

>> No.15163307

why is moby sick always up there but I literally never see anyone or any thread about it until the next year's poll

>> No.15163315
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lmao @ jim jam joyce description

>> No.15163327

men and transvestites sorry

>> No.15163344

FW was made by the retard supreme himself sitting in room surrounded by 10 language dictionaries and interview notes with random folk peoples from around the world just so he write a CRAAAAZZYYY book!

Its so needlessly complex some fucking society sits down and deciphers a few pages word by work over hours of debate every fucking week and theyre not even in the last third of the monstrosity.

I bought it with Ulysses after I finished dublineers and The portrait and I can say its probably the most useless book on my self other than some random meme shit

>> No.15163347

itt: an illiterate

>> No.15164677

based retard

>> No.15164699

You don't have to read V.. It's good, but Simpsons S1 good

>> No.15164701

>hahaha bro why would I ever need the skeleton key it's just a book bro hahaha

>> No.15164746

I'm penis Rick!

>> No.15165114

Plebs get filtered by whale trivia