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/lit/ - Literature

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15148503 No.15148503 [Reply] [Original]

/SpGT/ #13 -

>Welcome to the official thread for Spanish /lit/erature. Feel free to contribute with reviews on your favourite authors, books, fragments, own works (so we can criticize them :), new editions or publications, and the like...

>previous threads:

>Currently reading:
Lazarillo de Tormes (I guess)

>Galizian, Catalonian, Basque... speakers welcome.

>> No.15148539
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>Don Quijote de la Mancha: 32 votes, 11%
>Ficciones (Borges): 28 votes, 9%
>Pedro Páramo (Juan Rulfo): 24 votes, 8%
>El Aleph (Borges): 22 votes, 7%
>Antología (de Rubén Darío): 18 votes, 6%
>Cien años de soledad (García Márquez): 16 votes, 5%
>Cuentos completos (Julio Cortázar): 15 votes, 5%
>Concierto barroco (Alejo Carpentier): 14 votes, 5%
>El gaucho Martín Fierro (José Hernández): 14 votes, 5%
>Episodios Nacionales (Galdós): 13 votes, 4%
>Terra nostra (Fuentes): 12 votes, 4%
>El laberinto de la soledad (Octavio Paz): 12 votes, 4%
>Yo, el supremo (Augusto Roa Bastos): 12 votes, 4%
>Residencia en la Tierra (Neruda): 11 votes, 4%
>Confabulario (Arreola): 11 votes, 4%

>> No.15148577

t. Catalonian

>> No.15148588

hola muchachos espero no incomodar su hilo
para un latino que nunca a leido a su propia gente, por donde podria o deberia empezar?

>> No.15148590

is following Catalonian memers on IG ok, though?

>> No.15148642

Start with the greeks, then we talk.
And please, post in english.

Nah, just kidding, start with Horacio Quiroga and Borges.

>> No.15148710

works written in the 19th century that have the most beatiful prose and are good for expanding ones own vocabulary? No socialist/antimonarchy/Anti church/Anti catholic treatises please

>> No.15148735
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works written in the 19th century that have the most beatiful prose and are good for expanding ones own vocabulary? No socialist/antimonarchy/Anti church/Anti catholic treatises please

>> No.15148737

Pérez Galdós.

>> No.15148741

Mexican mestizo here
Can i marry one of your women?

>> No.15148768

Only if you don't vote independentist when you move to Catalonia.

>> No.15148878

Borges, Bolaño, Cortázar, Márquez, Llosa.

Ves-te'n a pixar estepes

>> No.15148908

catalan just sounds like spaniard's attempting and failing to speak french

>> No.15149090

García Márquez*, Vargas Llosa*

>> No.15149107

Como tu prefieras, cariño

>> No.15149223


>> No.15149239
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I wonder how chartanon is doing with improving the top 15, hope he edited in Canto general
bless his soul

>> No.15149252

hola mi henchez

>> No.15149260
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What are you reading in quarantine, morons?

>> No.15149262

Isn't this what Outis Lee did?

>> No.15149265

La Galatea by Cervantes

>> No.15149267

Puedes decir eso de casi cualquier lengua romance.

>> No.15149272

este hilo es para los hablantes del español o para los anons españoles?
Gran diferencia entre ambos.

>> No.15149288 [DELETED] 

El Quijote y Los griegos de Kitto. Ahora voy a empezar con una colección de cuentos en alemán.

Este hilo es para cualquiera al que le interese la literatura en español. Dicho esto


>> No.15149296

si, pero la literature del continente americano q habla español o la "literatura" de españa?

>> No.15149299

Except Italian, Spanish and French.

>> No.15149303

los dos

>> No.15149307

>t. autist

>> No.15149318
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El Tal te ching traducido por Gastón Soublette; anteriormente «Prisión verde» de Ramón Amaya Amador - luego planeo leer «El doncel de don Enrique el doliente» por Larra o, quizás, «Yo, el supremo».
Sino esos dos estoy entre «Concierto barroco» y «El estudiante de Salamanca». Ayudadme a decidir.

>> No.15149329

Vos no seras autista por un casual

>> No.15149340

>Portuguese just sounds like a frenchman attempting to speak Spanish
>Italian sounds like a catalan failing to speak Spanish

>> No.15149360

What about Spanish?

>> No.15149369

Like an italian failing to speak Catalan. Most of these are interchangeable, all of them are very similar except Romanian and maybe French because of the phonology.

>> No.15149376

badly pronounced Latin
but this is true for all Romance languages

>> No.15149383

>Like an italian failing to speak Catalan.
But Catalan just "sounds like spaniard's attempting and failing to speak french", remember? So this makes no sense.

>> No.15149387

>this makes no sense.
That's exactly my point

>> No.15149390

Is French even Latin-based? It's the shittiest language I've ever heard.

>> No.15149392

Buenos dígitos.
Dale a los cuentos de Cortázar.

>> No.15149399

You got me good, mate.

>> No.15149406

Estoy en Holanda. Mi roomie normie me dio un libro de Isabel Allende, es lo único que podría leer y antes me suicido

>> No.15149412

>Mi roomie normie me dio un libro de Isabel Allende
lol where are you from?

>> No.15149413

>no tengo libros en casa
Parece tu culpa, pendejo. No le eches la culpa a tu compañero.

>> No.15149414

Yes. Under the Roman empire, the plebs mixed whatever regional dialect they used with the elegant Latin, which they did by ear.

>> No.15149433

Pues sí Anon. Vine a hacer un master de un año y preferí comprar aquí cosas en vez de traer mi biblioteca. Tendré que adaptarme a leer en pdf o a shitpostear en 4chan

>> No.15149445

Comprate un ereader que se paga a los 4 libros que leas. Además vas a leer en otros idiomas y tener un diccionario/traductor incorporado es la polla.

>> No.15149446

So that's why French is animal tier. Good to know, Anon.

>> No.15149466

Igual te crees que al resto de lenguas romances no les pasó lo mismo.

>> No.15149481

They aren't as fucked up, though. I guess the French Academy is also to blame for French sucking so much these days.

>> No.15149496

Gj shitting on french, glad i wasnt the only one that thought it sounded shitty

>> No.15149648

>Gj shitting on french
Qué nivel, Maribel.

>> No.15149677

Revenge of the Lawn, nice to read, and funny.

You are welcome either way.

>> No.15149689


>> No.15149791


>> No.15149850

A mi no me vuelvas a responder, namefag.

>> No.15149978

Ok, no problem :D

>> No.15149991

but, when do I start?

>> No.15149999


>> No.15150025

pls respond

>> No.15150035

>>15150025: >>15148737

>> No.15150040

stfu shitcano, people are bored about your nonsense.

>> No.15150075

fuck off.

>> No.15150286

Just ignore him.

>> No.15151073

Late night bomp

>> No.15151090


>> No.15151142
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Do you even read, bro

>> No.15151232


>> No.15151851

Un master acerca de qué? Que area estudias anon?

>> No.15151863


>> No.15152543
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ñ meme trilogy

>> No.15152545

too late, they forced me
cagon deu

>> No.15152710

I insist Los Sorias should be replaced by either Bolaño's 2666 or Cortázar's Rayuela.
2666 is a perfect memebook. And just fucking read Rayuela to make up your mind about its memehood.
That being said Terra Nostra is magnificent, Paradiso seems a good fit too.

>> No.15152965

Confirmo lo que dice este pendejo.
O poner los cinco, a la verga, cuesta solo unos minutos y cientos de KB.

>> No.15153143

What Porrua books do you recommend to buy? I'm a mexican poorfag thanks to Corona-chan and I like physical books.

>> No.15153161

Fiction? Non-fiction? Poetry? What are you into?

t. fellow Mexican

>> No.15153194
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>> No.15153215

Preferably anthologies, collections and fiction in general.

Note: I have "Antología del cuento hispanoamericano" and "Antología de cuentos de misterio y terror" 2 great anthos in my opinion both by Porrua.

>> No.15153452

From a quick search:
Cuentos (Horacio Quiroga)
Vidas imaginarias - La cruzada de los niños (Marcel Schwob)
La guerra de los mundos -La máquina del tiempo (H.G. Wells)
Gog - El libro negro (Giovanni Papini)
La isla del tesoro - Cuentos de los mares del sur (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Gargantua y Pantagruel (François Rabelais)
Sin novedad en el frente (Erich Maria Remarque)
Niebla (Miguel de Unamuno)
Moby Dick o la ballena blanca (Herman Melville)
Bola de sebo - Mademoiselle Fifí - Las hermanas Rondoli (Guy de Maupassant)
El llamado de la selva - Colmillo blanco (Jack London)
Narraciones extraordinarias (Edgar Allan Poe)

>> No.15153493

Cuentos rusos (Varios)
Cuentos escogidos (Anton Chéjov)
Cuentos escogidos (Leo Tolstoi)
Cuentos romanos (Alberto Moravia)

>> No.15153597
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I let this here, both,the videos' list and the book were interesting for me because I like history, I wanted to know more deeply Spain besides knowing and selecting well literary material and being a good approach and introduction to Spanish literature


>> No.15153633

>not Don Quixote
>not "100 años de soledad"
is 'meme' a lie?

>> No.15153651

Those aren't memes.

>> No.15153661

so memes are lies?

>> No.15153673

Do you really want a meme trilogy with Don Quixote and 100 años de soledad?

>> No.15153678

>A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture—often with the aim of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme, or meaning represented by the meme.[

>> No.15153687

no. I just don't understand the meaning you are giving to meme

>> No.15153695
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>tfw the translation is cheaper than the original book
Fucking Spanish publishers, why are they such fucking Jews?

>> No.15153705

kek that's too formal, we're talking Urban Dictionary tier definition of "meme" here.

>> No.15153715

Don't worry, I'm a meme expert, leave this to the pros.

>> No.15153724
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>> No.15153726

>why is an 800 page long book printed in Spain more expensive than a 400 page long book printed in America
Sorey but this is how dumb you sound.

>> No.15153741

what is the master piece of the LatAm literature? say the top 2 or top 3 titles

>> No.15153755

is it right, mostly right, in between or mostly wrong?


>> No.15153759

One Hundred Years of Solitude - Marquez
Pedro Paramo - Rulfo
Ficciones - Borges

>> No.15153760

but what's the meaning of the word meme here?

>> No.15153781

a partir de ahora meme tiene una acepción de bulo, mentira. Gracias 4chan

>> No.15153791


>> No.15153797

Yea, that's about right.

García Márquez* btw

>> No.15153805

It's 653 pages vs 466 pages. And lots of it has to do with Cátedra printing their shit in small as fuck pages, like the fucking Jews they are.

>> No.15153830

>printing their shit in (an entirely different continent)
You forgot the most important aspect

>> No.15153831

How is op still reading a 100 pg novella jajajajaja

>> No.15153887

Pedro Páramo
>trata temas como la muerte, la ruralidad, y la pérdida de esperanzas tras la Revolución Mexicana.

One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Temas centrales: la soledad, el realismo mágico, el incesto

>fuente: wikipedia

A primera vista la literatura latinoamericana parece aburrida, pero no lo es. Me da la impresión de que le falta empuje, visión, ilusión y es melancólica. Pero supongo que es buena y trata temas universales no?

>> No.15153908

It still costs 14.20 USD in Spain vs 15.38 USD here. That's not that big a difference. But overall Cátedra is relatively less expensive than giga Jews like Acantilado. I wonder how they justify their insane prices. They must be printing a very small amount of books and/or be deep in debts.

>> No.15153911

La muerte y la soledad son temas muy universales.

>> No.15153913

lolololol OP BTFO

>> No.15153951

Durante muchos años preferi la lit rusa, francesa, japonesa, etc. Tenía un prejuicio contra a lit hispana y latinoamericana porque lo poco que conocía me resultaba aburrido (gracias secundaria) y bastante localista (casi las mismas miserias de donde vivo, pero con un acento y un tufillo de gente marrón que seguramente hablaba con una tonada estúpida). Borges era mi ídolo y Cortázar me gustaba bastante, ambos elegantemente europeos y no le hubiera dado una chance a otro latino por nada del mundo. Sábato tenía sus cosas buenas. El otro gran exponente, según mi ignorancia, podría ser García Marquez, que francamente me resultó un gran meh.
Bolaño fue el segundo paso (bastante europeo, casi Borgeano pero con un setting moderno y latino). El siguiente paso, que realmente despertó mi curiosidad, fue Rulfo y algún día leeré al Roa Bastos, Carlos Funes, otra chance para García Marquez, etc.

Creo que a muchos le pasa algo parecido. Malos recuerdos y prejuicios por lecturas obligadas y aburridas, o un desprecio por lo muy familiar.

>> No.15153953

pero no va más allà? Hay algún rollo filosófico? Revelador? Catarsis? Que hace con esos temas? Porqué por si solos que tienen de interesante(?)

>> No.15153976

cringe and based

>> No.15153990
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Best latinamerican lit. No contest.
Not even joking, tho.

>> No.15154006

No solo tratan de eso, ¿sí has leído una novela me imagino? Una novela es trama, personajes, estilo, ambientación, etc. Para ver si te gustan o no, habrá que leerlas.

>> No.15154014
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>Así es, El libro vaquero es mi obra literaria en español favorita, ¿cómo lo supo, compadre?

>> No.15154018

Estilisticamente Pedro Paramo fue una influencia enorme en el realismo magico. Era de los libros favoritos de Borges y Garcia Marquez. Rulfo basicamente importo el modernismo literario a latinoamerica con ese libro. La atmosfera de estancacion fisica y espiritual que crea es increible. Es algo asi como un viaje al inframundo surreal en un pueblillo mexicano. Te paso uno de mis fragmentos favoritos:

>-¿Y tu alma? ¿Dónde crees que haya ido?
>-Debe andar vagando por la tierra como tantas otras; buscando vivos que recen por ella. Tal vez me odie por el mal trato que le di; pero eso ya no me preocupa. He descansado del vicio de sus remordimientos. Me amargaba hasta lo poco que comía, y me hacía insoportables las noches llenándomelas de pensamientos intranquilos con figuras de condenados y cosas de ésas. Cuando me senté a morir, ella me rogó que me levantara y que siguiera arrastrando la vida, como si esperara todavía algún milagro que me limpiara de culpas. Ni siquiera hice el intento: "Aquí se acaba el camino -le dije-. Ya no me quedan fuerzas para más." Y abrí la boca para que se fuera. Y se fue. Sentí cuando cayó en mis manos el hilito de sangre con que estaba amarrada a mi corazón

>> No.15154080

Reminder: Speak in English or we will end again in /int/ like idiots.

>> No.15154090

Chad Libro Vaquero is better than Virgin Vargas Llosa.

>> No.15154104

Vale vale, ya creo que pillo el punto... Interesante. Es verdad, se me olvidava la trama, pero es que las tramas ficticias sin más no se que tienen de interesante, creo que lo que me pasa es por mi autismo xD

>> No.15154175

I didn't know that

>> No.15154219

Maybe he's reading the sequel
>Capítulo III
>Cómo Lázaro de Tormes hecho atún salió de la cueva, y cómo le tomaron las centinelas de los atunes y lo llevaron ante el general.

>> No.15154226
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Daily reminder que no lean traducciones de traductores españoles y mucho menos de Anagrama.

>> No.15154230

>best novels of the century
>about 1/3 of them don't even have a wik page

>> No.15154239

Out of curiosity, are there any swashbuckling, adventure or even fantasy series that primarily draw on hispanic as opposed to anglo-saxon imagery? I know about Capitan Alatriste but there's got to be more.

>> No.15154273
File: 294 KB, 1280x597, 1280px-Francisco_Pradilla_y_Ortiz_-_Cortejo_del_bautizo_del_Príncipe_Don_Juan,_hijo_de_los_Reyes_Católicos,_por_las_calles_de_Sevilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpeando esto

>> No.15154275

Zalacaín the Adventurer

>> No.15154278
File: 2.39 MB, 2857x2105, El_vaso_de_agua,_de_José_Moreno_Carbonero_(Museo_del_Prado).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hispanic æsthetic is truly underrated

>> No.15154283

based barojaposter

>> No.15154372
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>> No.15154380
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this could be your waifu

>> No.15154388
File: 2.61 MB, 1665x2100, P1080752_Louvre_Raphael_Portrait_de_Dona_Isabel_de_Requesens_INV612_rwk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i claim her

>> No.15154390

I already fucked her, bro.

>> No.15154412

Great choices and tastes anon! thanks so much for your recommendations, this will help me to make well informed and thoughtful choices.

>> No.15154424

No problem, paisano. Take care.

>> No.15154481

A joke, a lie, a trolling, a shitty or low quality thing, a popular or overrated (onions, normie or incel-tier) thing, a stupid or retarded thing, etc.

I presume you're a newfag, aren't you? Welcome to 4ch, come I'll show you the place, you can sleep here, anon, we will leave at first hour in the morning I will show you the city and all its pleasantries, peculiarities and its dark, ominous side too. Sleep well anon, this gonna be a hell of a ride!

>> No.15154510

El libro vaquero < Las chambeadoras. I'm so sorry anon, no contest here.

>> No.15154689

He's taking his time

>> No.15155025

Does anyone know what's the best Spanish translation of The Count of Monte-Cristo?

>> No.15155723

It's more of a communal thing. I haven't even started it, though. I don't feel like it. Idk if somebody else did after we voted for it.
traps are gay, anon

>> No.15156155

Funny how Spaniard literature is barely represented in this thread, specially from Siglo de Oro and onwards. Just sayin'

>> No.15156260
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Finally got around to fix the top 15 chart. Opinions?
>Why is X not there?
Wasn't in the top 15 voted. Blame democracy.

>> No.15156628

Read Trainspotting in Anagrama and it was shitte.

>> No.15156629

Perfect. Thanks chart anón

>> No.15156643

Aramburu's Patria, boils my blood.

>> No.15156655

How is it? Why does it rustle your jimmies?

>> No.15156678

It's quite good, it uses multiple perspectives, from the widow of an honest businessman killed by ETA to the mother of a ETA killer, among all the members of these two families, who used to be close friends.

>> No.15156697

NIce. I was wandering if I wanted to read it, but I had just finished a 750-pages book, so I didn't feel like starting another "brick". It's in my to-read list, nonetheless.

>> No.15156713

I'm reading D. Quixote right now
It's an absolute masterpiece, i really should have picked it up sooner if i were to know it would be this good

>> No.15156757

I deeply enjoyed Augustin Fernandez Mallo's Nocilla trilogy a while back. Some interesting narrative techniques and a bizarre awesome third book.

>> No.15156772

>Está compuesto por 113 fragmentos, capítulos cortos, pequeñas historias que se cruzan, algunas de ellas cortadas sin resolución y que crean, al final, un panorama de toda la obra.
>Algunos temas recurrentes de Nocilla Dream son el US50 y el árbol de zapatos, que sirven para conectar a los personajes

>> No.15156782

It's quite nice to read, it's all 4-5 pages chapters, I also had had it on my backlog for a couple years, but I really wanted to read it before the netflix series came out.

>> No.15156796


>> No.15156806

spanish just sounds like the catalan attempt of sepaking portuguese

>> No.15156882
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>> No.15156895

Me parece bien si sos tontito y necesitas a alguien que te diga que tienes que limpiar tu cuarto. Pero te pediría que no postees sus memes de mierda en este thread cuando /lit/ ya tiene al menos 4 o 5 hilos activos sobre este subnormal.

>> No.15156939
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>> No.15156964

Era perfecto sin Vargas Llosa.
Gracias, chartanon.

Y si, es racismo contra los peruanos.

>> No.15157084

Ese libro se tiene que leer en el original. Welsh mezcla dialectos británicos, escoceses e incluso Scots con un montón de jerga callejera. Se me hace poco traducible al castellano, al menos sin pérdida de lo que lo hace único.

>> No.15157094

Por dar una de cal y otra de arena: cuál es vuestro libro favorito de Vargas Llosa? Solo me he leído La casa verde pero me dejó con ganas de mas.

>> No.15157167


>> No.15157184

Bugger off, snitch.

>> No.15157187

"La ciudad y los perros" is nice

>> No.15157343

Vete a leer el Lazarillo y deja de dar por culo

>> No.15157538

this is not literature, bro

>> No.15158098

Oupi previously asked for images for the General Thread's OP picture, pardon.
So this is our official meme trilogy?

>> No.15158112

im reading cien años de soledad and loving the insanity that is Macondo but i cant stand the fact that all the male characters are called Arcadio or Aureliano i swear i will flip this book there is like 21 Aurelianos in total.

>> No.15158140
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That is the point, anon. It is quite normal in more conservative hispanophone areas to still do this, my father's firstborn is named after him, as was his father and his father's father.
It's a way to critque how identity transcends words, however also how the burden of lineage remains: one Aureliano might lose thirty two wars, the other's intento is to vindicate that one. It's an interesting way to make abstract the inhabitants of Macondo, and further create a broad-brushed portrait of the latin american experience.

>> No.15158168

I never understood this pleb complaint since I had no problem telling them apart.

>> No.15158251

It is not a lot about telling them apart because in the book there are changes in the writing that helps with that. The point is more about the way the use of the names makes every aureliano and arcadio molds of each other to the point that makes me uncomfortable like there is a loss of individuality. >>15158140 anon thanks i did not know latin families reused the names, and now that you wrote that i can see how much of it is intentional....even if its annoying as hell.

>> No.15158368

>latin families reused the names
>Alexandre Dumas père
>Alexandre Dumas fils
>Paul Sr.
>Paul Jr.
>William Gates III

>> No.15158392

No voy a seguir creando ni manteniendo estos hilos. Sencillamente he perdido el intereés tras 13 hilos, sobre todo tras completar el top-15.

Falta literatura de España y moderna, a mi gusto. Lo cual no es malo en sí. Senciallmente no me interesa mí.

El hilo puede seguir, de todas maneras. Tampoco es que me vaya de /lit/ o del Internet...

>> No.15158427

Spaniards don't even know fucking English, thar's why their shit isn't voted here and not included in their charts. Furthermore, Spaniards fell for the realism meme and their shit is soulless and dull in the 20th century (besides some exceptions).

>> No.15158460

what is up with this guppy character? is it an intricate shitpost or is he truly delusional

>> No.15159043

I have no favourite book of Vargas Llosa because it's shit.
I've read la ciudad y los perros, el sueño del celta, la fiesta del chivo y la guerra del fin del mundo.
None of them are good.

>> No.15159124

>Tampoco es que me vaya de /lit/ o del Internet...
Sí, por desgracia no caerá esa breva

>> No.15159514

Good riddance

>> No.15159735

Por mi no vuelvas, Manolo.

>> No.15159776

guerra del fin del mundo = conversacion en la catedral > casa verde > ciudad y los perros > (orgia perpetua >) fiesta del chivo > pantaleon y las visitadoras > tia julia

>> No.15159787


>> No.15159802
File: 65 KB, 474x639, 97D5385F-C233-4BCC-819F-8E95F26AF6E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into long books like The Magic Mountain, The Man Without Qualities, War and Peace, The Brothers Karamazov. Any recommendation based on that?

Also what is Paradiso about?

>> No.15159840

2666, Don Quijote, Terra Nostra

>> No.15160081

>Falta literatura de España
True, but no one really suggests shit.
Modern literature is trash.

>> No.15160271

Decidí leer el Enquiridion pero ya casi termino, porfavor ayudadme con mi siguiente libro.

>> No.15160649

Yeah. Sod off and never come back.

>> No.15160727
File: 149 KB, 1280x960, IMG-20190418-WA0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's understandable, thanks for setting all of this in motion OP

>pic unrelated

>> No.15161024
File: 38 KB, 622x644, FB942C45E0E2AD453ED7277A27FFA7DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me lit why anything that is in good intention dies on this board.

>> No.15161959

Chartanon, if you still here, thank you.
And don't forget the Introduction to Borges pls.

>> No.15161966 [DELETED] 

I mate the chart 2 years ago, newfag.

>> No.15161985

I made that chart 2 years ago, faggot. Your recent Laiseca memeing is irrelevant

>> No.15162696

bump from pg8

>> No.15162714

>he doesn't use the Chad Catalog view
You fucking Virgin Pager.

>> No.15162775
File: 4 KB, 375x137, fucking newfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me teach you your new thing for the day, you absolute retard.

>> No.15162801

wow a thing that shows where this shit thread is in the Page view. Enjoy your cutting-edge innovating feature and keep bumping this dead thread.

>> No.15162938

Este thread estará muerto mañana, le dedico un tanka.

Espera la noche
a que el alba se asome,
para así, huir.
Vendrá una noche nueva,
más no una nueva espera.

>> No.15163283

You're making it worse.

>> No.15163300

it was never good

>> No.15163965

Any thoughts about Fortunata y Jacinta?

>> No.15164215

Bump chicka bamp bamp

>> No.15164358

use another name, faggot

>> No.15164427

I thought you were gone so I decided to take your place as the acting retard