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15148164 No.15148164 [Reply] [Original]

Books about inequality?

>> No.15148169
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>> No.15148206

Damn the hood looks pretty bad

>> No.15148262

the Bell Curve

>> No.15148290

Made me chuckle
I wish you hadn't done that

>> No.15148312

The Spirit Level
Capital in the 21st Century
The price of inequality

>> No.15148319


>> No.15148482

Racism and its Impact

>> No.15148496

The Conspiracy Against Human Race

>> No.15148511

On the Jews and their Lies by Martin Luther

>> No.15148513

One is full of passion and violence and the other safety, comfort, and blandness. There must be a middle ground somewhere in between.

>> No.15148515

Fake, inequality doesn’t exist. We all live under a secret communist world government that manipulates is to think that inequality does exist, but in reality, we are all payed and treated the same, and it’s bad.

>> No.15148518

Based centrist

It exists in the Joe Biden movement

>> No.15148524
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Both look shit compared to nature. The first pic is just shit built with better tools.

>> No.15148540

As we all know James Joyce's work Ulysses follows the thoughts and day of a member of the Jewish minority in Dublin, and also the relationship of Ireland to the British Empire.

However, maybe an even better example is Finnegans Wake, as Tim Finnegan, according to the source material song, went out into the world carrying a hod. A labouring man, who carries all of the world and its events on his back.

>> No.15148669

to be fair I wouldn't want to live in either

>> No.15148685

You don't want to live in the white utopia known as the suburbs?

>> No.15148701
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>> No.15148770

The inequality in this picture makes me sick. I feel sorry for the people living in an engineered neighborhood with no personality, no local lore, no possibility to develop true culture. An HOA dictating whether of not you're allowed to plant vegetables or keep chickens on your own land. Imagine trying to raise kids in that hell.

>> No.15148792
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>> No.15148814

both of you guys are faggots i hope you fucking get forced by life to endure the desperation and cruelty with the "passion" and "true culture" you know nothing about. america is wasted on americans

>> No.15148829

IQ and the wealth of nations
Hive Mind: How Your Nation’s IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own
The Bell Curve

>> No.15148833

I grew up in a suburb and it was fine. If you grow up in a comfortable neighborhood with tons of kids your age and all you do is have an existential because your houses look the same you're just a weak pussy

>> No.15148842
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>i hope you fucking get forced by life to endure the desperation and cruelty with the "passion" and "true culture"

Why thank you, friend.

>> No.15148846 [DELETED] 

Why Niggers Ruin Societies by Anonymous

>> No.15148855

>bottom pic

>> No.15148858

I would far prefer to live in the bottom picture

>> No.15148943

I was actually forced to read this when I was in high school and it was terrible.

>> No.15148949

"The White Rose" By B. Traven
"The Milagro bean field war"
Capital in the 21st Century
Das Kapital

idk there are so many good ones

>> No.15148962 [DELETED] 


>> No.15148968

The Dispossessed by La Guin?

>> No.15149013

The grass is always greener, m8. I understand the suffering that accompanies poverty, but there's also such a thing as spiritual poverty.

>> No.15149052
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Jack London's 'People of the Abyss' is good, and from a journalistic perspective is very interesting.

>"The Milagro bean field war"
Thanks for reminding me about that book.

>> No.15149699 [DELETED] 

Guess where depression and suicide is mpre rampant nigger

>> No.15149864


>> No.15150433

why dont poorfags just clean the trash up and organize it better? japs were poor as fuck before we opened their borders with our big yuuro cocks, they never lived like that. in america it's the same. there are the poorfags who take pride and keep their place clean and tidy and make the best of it, and their places are charming and nice but humble. and there's the TYPE who trash it and live like pigs and probably rip the copper out of their own walls and extinguish black and milds on their carpet.

being poor isn't a choice, but being a slob is.

>> No.15151476

go ahead, someone answer this. i've been poor as dirt but i was never a slob and was always presentable and respectable.

>> No.15152072

Ew, fucking zoomers are allowed to use my website. Mods please update the rules so that one may only access the site if they vividly remember 9/11.

>> No.15152099

Virgin Boise vs. Chad Detroit

>> No.15152137


>> No.15152144

They don't have anywhere to throw it, the state doesn't reach people who live in the slums. I mean it's a miracle some have water, electricity and roads. That's why they're slums.

>> No.15152255
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>> No.15152271

The above picture is almost creepy. is that normal in USA?

>> No.15152279

in my country, houses are much more unevenly spread and look very different from eachother.

>> No.15152319

It is

>> No.15152332

Capital in the 21st Century- Thomas Piketty
The Rich and the Rest of Us- Cornel West
The Condition of the Working Class in England- Fredrich Engels
The Theory of the Leisure Class- Thornstein Veblen

>> No.15152343

Garbage men operate everywhere in america

>> No.15152370

Housing developments will often look like that yes.

>> No.15152432

Le suburbs are creepy

>> No.15152596

Industrial Society & It's Future.

>> No.15152718
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>> No.15152746

France is looking rough in the bottom pic

>> No.15152755


>> No.15152776

the ago rule doesnt mean anything, retard, its not like you have to xerox your drivers license before posting here

>> No.15152917

>both of you guys are faggots i hope you fucking get forced by life to endure the desperation and cruelty with the "passion" and "true culture" you know nothing about

it's always the people living in 98% white areas who think so highly of unlimited third world immigration

the truth is that they want the world to be like disneyland, where you can experience all sorts of weird and colorful characters, but safely, and when you're tired of them, you can just leave the park and go back to your hotel

they never invite that 20+ family of somalians to come live next door to them

>> No.15152935

Anon, throwing garbage everywhere and burning down their community infrastructure is part of their culture. Quit being such a bigot.

>> No.15153105
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>> No.15153435

A person casually eating for simple sustenance is different that a person eating for survival. I'm sure if we were both out in the wilderness with no food and then, magically, a plate of steak appeared before us we would lunge at it savage like. Tearing at it with great enthusiasm and desperation. We'd probably gnaw at it. Take large bites. Ripe the meat and slurp it down.

Would we eat meat like this under normal, civilized, casual circumstances? Absolute not. We're desperate. Through said desperation certain ethics go out the window as our priorities change.

>> No.15153596

That's because the more advanced the civilization is you live in, the more feminized the typical citizen is, since they depend on others more since people dedicate their lives to more and more specialized and menial tasks.

>> No.15153690

Soulless suburbia isn't precisely high class, you know?

>> No.15153717

came here to post this

>> No.15153871

So how does this explain being content with shitting in the street? You know they collectively choose to shit in the street right. They could choose to bury it somewhere or something.

>> No.15153874
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>> No.15153876

Books about duality

>> No.15154047

>Implying that the topic pic has better quality of life

>> No.15154054

Very little matters when you're living in poverty and misery. Not even human life is valued in such conditions.
Privileged people like us could never truly understand

>> No.15154125

>tfw your parents moved you from a neighborhood full of kids to suburb with only old people

>> No.15154259


>> No.15154265

A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

>> No.15154268

Bottom pic looks much comfier.

>> No.15154280


>> No.15154285

A tale of two cities
wurthering heights
gullivers travels
a modest proposal
conquest of bread
declaration of independance, and many of the "hit pieces" that came out before it.
bhagavad gita
Great gatsby
robin hood
fight club
on civil disobedience
theres prolly a few greek legends to throw in there about tempting fate, and the life of a slave.
Uncle toms cabin

>> No.15154289


>> No.15154290

How could i forget about lord of the flies?

>> No.15154305


No it fucking doesn't, fuck off.

>> No.15154309

Also confucianism

>> No.15154327
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Why do people shit on suburbia so much?

I would love having my own house and like a backyard, stability and peace is something so fucking rare in this world

>> No.15154355

>Americans think you either have to live in some cattle farm where no one talks to each other or in a slum hellhole

>> No.15154436
File: 2.81 MB, 2000x1091, gargiulo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>middle ground
Cities in countries that aren't in destitute poverty but they aren't rich either
They also are absolutely never part of the anglo world in design(the worst)

>> No.15154447

I grew up in a shithole third world city and I like it better than the majority of American cities because it at least did not make me want to kill myself and had a semblance of actual urban life

>> No.15154475

>I would love having my own house and like a back yard
You can have that without retarded suburbia, big garage, drive everywhere, connected by freeways and strip mall like urban design. Either live in actual rural areas or how every single small town America was before the car

>> No.15154491

cause it lacks life. The rough edges we pretend to dislike.

>> No.15154666

I actually dislike the rough edges, I just want to live in peace and not have to face black people everyday

>> No.15154678

Proof that ameritards will never know what proper human urbanism looks like

>> No.15154729

I unironically teach secondary and my pupils are to write a book review. One of the pupils has chosen this book. A female and a white/ME mulatto. What am I in for?
I remember the title but honestly the whole tabernacle with #blacklivesmatter already seems so distant, I'm finding it very hard to give a fuck.

>> No.15154798

>I would love having my own house and like a backyard, stability and peace is something so fucking rare in this world
Yes the fucking third. But enjoy living up and down snobbish philistines, their lives already being over and done so they're pouring their energy into their gardening beds, cunt children, and dumb pets instead. Enjoy the 'smooth edges'.

>> No.15155344

I'm guessing the people in such communities have others things to worry about other than how tidy ones place is.

>> No.15155978

Urban life is hellish, why do people want to be surrounded by endless superfluous flesh and concrete? There are only two races, metropolitans and human beings

>> No.15156105
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The above image is literally from a suburb built in the middle of the desert. That makes it a lot cooler imo, the triumph of man over nature.

>> No.15156524

based disillusioned teacher anon

>> No.15156600

Diversity and Inequality are the greatest things. Homogeneity and equality are abominations.

>> No.15156711

Wait until the first wind puts fucking dunes on the road lmao

>> No.15156781

>in america
Sure, but not everywhere is like America.

>> No.15157574

Sex and Character by Weininger

>> No.15157926

>Diversity and Inequality are the greatest things.
only for those who are at the top and benefit from it