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15148141 No.15148141 [Reply] [Original]

Schopenhauer is cancelled.

>> No.15148148

wow, very problematic, there's a lot to unpack here.

>> No.15148156

Nietzsche and Aristotle too.

>> No.15148168

why are all the "great" writers in the western canon misogynistic, anti-semitic, or racist?

>> No.15148172

>Rejecting a philosopher because of his character >not because of his theorems
Leftard roastie detected

>> No.15148182

On Nietzsche's alleged 'misogyny', consider the following:

>[…] when the application of a Fräulein Rubinstein from Leipzig to enrol for a Ph.D. programme brought the question of admitting women to the university before the committee of Basel's combined faculties on July 10, 1874, Nietzsche was among the four members who voted for their admission. Because, after a two-hour discussion, six faculty members (including Burckhardt) voted against admission, the motion was lost. But Nietzsche and the other three supporters of the motion must have been upset by the result, because they requested that their dissenting view be explicitly recorded.
(From Friedrich Nietzsche: A Philosophical Biography)

In reply to a friend that suggested Nietzsche should edit a passage which appeared misogynistic:

>Many thanks for picking me up on that. I do not wish to present the appearance of diminishing women and have cut out the whole passage. What is true is that, originally, only men were held to be human beings...the recognition of women as human beings was a great moral advance. My – or our – view of women should not be brought into contact with the word ‘domestic animal’. – I was judging according to [the travel writer, Sir Henry Veel] Huntley's description of the situation of women in primitive tribes.
(KGB 11.5 900)

>> No.15148186

the first quote sounds reasonable. You could reverse the genders and it would still be true.
>most people are attracted to the hottest portion of the opposite sex
No shit

>> No.15148197

but anon, women are supposed to be pure angels with no earthly desires how could you dare to imply that they are in anyway similar to men who are just driven by animalistic desires

>> No.15148219

So these two dubiously sourced quotes are supposed to refute all the things that Nietzsche wrote which denigrated women?
Yeah I don't know about that

>> No.15148230

Do people unironically believe that this word has any meaning or significance?

>> No.15148245

You mean as opposed to "racism" and "anti-semitism"? Cringe.

>> No.15148273

all of these words are just pathetic manipulation tactics

>> No.15148306

the sole purpose of white male incels in compiling the western so-called canon was to weaponize their phallic privilege against women of judaism and african-american africans

>> No.15148320

everyone who is not a simp or cuck is a misogynist

>> No.15148337

so you still subscribe to the world view where having the wrong opinion about a group of people is a thought crime thus you need to identify yourself with the "bad guys" as defined by your opposition

>> No.15148348

Pretty hot, ngl

>> No.15148381

what a simp

>> No.15148410

It is as if all of history's geniuses, having a certain level of insight and intelligence, are again and again brought to the same inescable conclusions...

>> No.15148465

yeah, too bad the blackies are slowly waking up to judaism and who enslaved them in the first place

>> No.15148468

based schoppy pleb filtering normalfaggot scum 160 years later

>> No.15148479

Yeah because there are actual people who hate women, do you feel outed or something? What's going on? Do you feel indicted by the mere fact that this word exists? Hmhh...

>> No.15148488

>But Nietzsche and the other three supporters of the motion must have been upset by the result, because they requested that their dissenting view be explicitly recorded.
LMAOOO so literally the same performative lib virtue signalling shit that goes on today. What a huge fag. "Please tell everybody I was nice to the whore! Otherwise what will the point have been?"

>> No.15148535
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>i have a negative opinion of women
>>so you are a misogynist
>>but i just defined you in a negitive way and also tried to insinuate that you have a low social status, this thus means that your opinion is wrong and shouldn't be taken seriously

>> No.15148584
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>> No.15148591

Fuck women tho

>> No.15148605

>Yeah because there are actual people who hate women,
yeah but we already have several words for those people.
Based, Chad, etc.

>> No.15148619

Why indeed. Perhaps it tells us something about women.

>> No.15148658

Lol, so you admit you're just upset that you are being indicted by the mere existence of the word. I don't think you are "above and beyond" the criticism you receive by your cultural peers... I think you are operating on some kind of Nietzschen slave-revolt, because you are tired of feeling guilty for hating women. Sad!

>> No.15148675

sorry, can't understand you with all the cock in your mouth

>> No.15148706

>upset that you are being indicted by the mere existence of the word
what i'm saying is that i consider that word as the equivalent of calling someone a "poopoohead"

>> No.15148714

Ony because you are terrified of being called that, so you want the word eradicated. Very sad!

>> No.15148715

You want a word of advice from a lurker?
You need to get rid of your twitter woke whore ethics. embrace the 4chan post-modern contrarian nihilistic faggot ethics or else you'll get called out every single time. learn to fit in stupid faggot.

>> No.15148726

Top kek, been here since 2009, dishonest faggots will remain dishonest faggots worthy of calling out.

>> No.15148727

>the 4chan post-modern contrarian nihilistic faggot ethics
uh this is a board of naive empathic moralism sweatie

>> No.15148745

>post-modern contrarian nihilistic faggot ethics
but this way people will call you a plebbit tips fedora

>> No.15148746
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>Tetragamy adjusted marriage into an institution that would make life better for men and women, Schopenhauer theorized, because it accommodated the natural sexual and reproductive capacities of humans in ways in which monogamy did not. It also addressed the material and financial needs of all parties in a more rational way. Two young men should marry a young woman, and when she outgrew her reproductive ability, and thereby lost her attractiveness to her husbands, the two men should marry another young woman who would "last until the two young men were old."
Schoppy advocated for wife sharing and cuckoldry; he was a massive cuck faggot.

>> No.15148777

i'm saying that i don't understand why others take it as some form of objection, reread my initial post sweetie

>> No.15148780

Nothing he said was wrong though

>> No.15148805

Personally, I can't wait for the final sexual revolution when women will fornicate with whomever they want while impregnating themselves solely with turkey basters and the sperm of fit >6'0" males. Porn will be pervasive, Incels will gradually go extinct due to their inviability, and the race will progress toward a beautiful and tall utopian future. In order to achieve sexual egalitarianism, we must not stoop to the filth, but rise to the ideal. Schopenhauer, as a bitter and resentful beta, will naturally fall by the wayside.

>> No.15148819

>Do people unironically believe that this word has any meaning or significance?
It obviously has meaning, as it is a word with a use, and no one will believe you are genuinely surprised that people don't want to tolerate people who hate women categorically. Stop acting dense you dumb dishonest nigger.

>> No.15148830


oh no, the tumber feministas have completely abandoned their readings of Schoppenhauer

>> No.15148834
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>i don't understand why others take it as some form of objection
you have to be over 18 to post

>> No.15148841

>you and your bro running through milfs
sounds kinda based

>> No.15148865

it is based as long as you're not marrying and financially supporting the sluts that you and your bro bang

>> No.15148877

What if i called you a witch?
It obviously has a meaning, as it's a word with use, and in the past people would have taken that accusation very seriously even though neither witches nor witchcraft were never real.
Would you consider being called a witch as a valid objection of any of your actions or opinions? What would you think of the people who take this accusation seriously?

>> No.15148900

So again, you are denying that some people hate women? Are you fucking retarded? Are you either claiming a) the word doesn't reference any real objects (dishonest retard take) or b) it's emotionally and politically charged, which is true, but you're being a retarded faggot for acting surprised about this.


>> No.15148917

The person you're quoting is an unfunny faggot arguing in bad faith, there will be no concession or real interaction with your point. It is likely a tranny poster

>> No.15148923

>you are denying that some people hate women?
No, i'm saying that calling someone a "wiman hater" has no impact on the truth value of his claims.
Is it clear now?
Why would you keep using this word? Are you hoping that this will somehow help you to fit in here?

>> No.15148928

Fucking finally. I was tired of the Schopenhauer meme

>> No.15148932

t. 4'11'' womanlet with uneven tits and a flat ass

>> No.15148946

To make it even more simple:
Person A makes claim B
Calling person A a "stinky poo poo head" =/= proving claim B wrong

>> No.15148952

You're a nigger because you are a legitimate sub 100-IQ retard who has never read a book, just like your nigger parents probably.
Just stop lying you dishonest N I G G E R.
The quote chain will lead you to your very first post where you are suggesting "misogynist" is devoid of meaning, not that it's not an argument. Those are different stances. You are directly replying to someone who was saying something like:
>Why were all philosophers racist, sexist, anti-semitic etc.?
Responding with "lol do people really think misogny even means anything?", again, either denying there are people who hate women or that it's really outlandish that misogyny is a term people like to use.

You are engaging in some serious goalpost moving right now.

>> No.15148963
File: 34 KB, 680x510, thisfuckinguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Au contraire, mon frere. Calling someone a woman hater diagnoses the source of his hysteria, for in denouncing woman, he adopts the very same irrationality and genital-thinking that he claims to identify so discerningly--a classic case of self-loathing projected onto the other.

>> No.15148969

even such a woman holds more power than you in the new hegemony

>> No.15149057
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>Those are different stances.
Not really, because it is merely a tautology. If a philosopher has a negative opinion on women, calling him a misogynist i.e. someone who has a negative opinion of women doesn't prove that the opinion in question is incorrect.
Thus calling someone a "misogynist" is both meaningless and not an argument.

>self-loathing projected
Using insults to "prove someone wrong" is a very feminine way of doing. Saying that someone is projecting isn't a valid argument, you could instead use available data on the subject to prove him wrong but the data the we have doesn't seem to contradict his claims.

>> No.15149058

>than you in the new hegemony
lmao being ass raped by niggers and sandniggers is your future

>> No.15149060

Women and their fantasies, how cute

>> No.15149138

Data does not fully comprehend reality. Data reflects the bias of the surveyor and the bias of the surveilled. For example, Wald and survivorship bias. Statistics 101.

>> No.15149158

Keep in mind that all of this happened before he left academia and actually wrote anything worth remembering. And based on his later writings, his views on women (and almost every other topic) most likely changed

>> No.15149165

>Data does not fully comprehend reality
Not saying that it does, but what else are you going to rely on? Personal preferences? Public opinion? Faith?

>> No.15149249

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE

>> No.15149348

No, that's more indicative of rightwingers.

>> No.15149403

Yeah schopenhauerr is an extremely pathetic figure. I can't understand his appeal. Nietzsche's character is also a little pathetic.
If someone is writing on life and beauty, their character plays a central role in it.

>> No.15149434
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>Why, yes, I plowed through actresses during the flower of my youth and still wrote The World as Will and Representation at 30

>> No.15149455

>I can't understand his appeal
He's a philosopher, have you read any of his actual philosophy or just his shitposts about random stuff?

>> No.15149473

Because a genius recognizes truth

>> No.15149480

No, u.

>> No.15149492

> african-american africans

>> No.15149505

No, and you're a fag

>> No.15149521

It doesn’t matter if you’re an incel or a man who had a lot of sex. In both cases, men think women should be submissive. Muhammad had nine wives and still thought women must follow men. Also he said this

‘Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler’ [al Bukhari].

This is the nature of men and the real red pill to take for all women.

>> No.15149529

I didn't know Islam was this based....

>> No.15149557

discord . gg/tmecPqx

>> No.15149574

I think about not looking like a dope while they grind up on me.

>> No.15149582

>And based on his later writings, his views on women (and almost every other topic) most likely changed
Not in the way you imply.

>> No.15149681

Sadly jews brainwashed wymyn to act like men.

>> No.15149692
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What's the common denominator here? Makes ya think, doesn't it... FUCK ROASTIES

>> No.15149721

high pattern recognition

>> No.15149725

Glad somebody else caught that. Fucking sheep.

>> No.15149896


>> No.15149915

not him but being called a poopoohead has no value or meaning. why would that word scare me? its like being called avjyfshhssfjjugd. it has no weight