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15147712 No.15147712 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else an atheist but starting to think some kind of higher being is plausible? What got me thinking on it is reading up on the simulation hypothesis, plus Nick Land's and others' observation that everything trends towards a higher negentropy and higher entropy at the same time - i.e. systems that survive are the most efficient in terms of thermodynamics, be they living or not. As a computer scientist this state of affairs seems consistent with someone running a simulation to solve a pre-determined problem.

>> No.15147937
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>Anyone else an atheist
No because I’m not mentally retarded
>do you believe in a higher power?
If you consider the God underlying all forms and concepts (as well as the material world as modes of God)
>le simulation universe
Pic related

>> No.15147961
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Yeah I view atheism as a transitory phase for younger minds. In the end the atheist ironically shares much with the religious mind in that his beliefs in nothing require equal certainty in the immaterial.

>> No.15147968

Retards detected.

>> No.15147978

>No because I’m not mentally retarded
>Yeah I view atheism as a transitory phase for younger minds
>uh oh the hat meme didn't make people believe in god again, better think up some new insults

>> No.15148090

Yeah, simulation is a possibility, but then you have to apply regression to it... So what may be a 'higher being' relative to us is not necessarily the highest being, and the highest being is not necessarily the creator of existence itself. I don't find current arguments for simulation compelling really, and if I did it still wouldn't be a good argument for god.

As for persistence of thermodynamically efficient systems, that just seems like a consequence of physics. I don't see any obvious indication that the activity in our universe is geared towards problem solving. Of course, the motivation for a simulation doesn't have to be problem solving — it could be for entertainment or simply for the sake of creation itself.

>> No.15148187

What does it mean if I never went through a real atheist phase. I just had a phase where I stopped believing in my formal religion but still wished for there to be a higher power and even prayed to it, hoping it would respond but knowing that it wouldn’t.

>> No.15148368

I'd say I'm an agnostic atheist, but its not something that I have much investment in.
Honestly I just figure if I keep doing psychedelics I'll come out the other side with some concept of god, just not in the way that people who follow organized religion do

>> No.15148491

You’re normal. Everybody’s looking for answers, some more than others.