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File: 72 KB, 815x361, mark-fisher-david-foster-wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15147445 No.15147445 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they kill themselves?

>> No.15147447

Because life sucks

>> No.15147452

Because it's an era of Capitalist Realism with a sea of pessimistic future.

>> No.15147455

foresaw /lit/

>> No.15147457

brain chemistry

>> No.15147460

Because white men are pussies

>> No.15147461

Both were midwits imposters who bullshitted their way into status and felt they didn't deserve what they had.
Fisher was definitely a repressing tranny.

>> No.15147467

wanna add some more buzzwords? maybe "psuedo-nihilist-consumerist"?

>> No.15147473

For the same reason as Debord and Deleuze.

>> No.15147522

This is the way
Step inside
This is the way
Step inside

>> No.15147579

>Fisher was definitely a repressing tranny.

If thats true transphobes have a lot to answer for

>> No.15147626


>> No.15147653

I feel it closing in
I feel it closing in
Day in, day out
Day in, day out

>> No.15147662

>Tfw there are no suicide booths.

>> No.15147733

because they were without Christ, and one in hard times without Christ is weak, bound to give in to despair
pray for their souls

>> No.15147787

Silicon Valley doesn't tolerate dissenting intellectuals

>> No.15147806

DFW was a churchgoer though he rarely talked about it.
Not sure if he was 'born again'

>> No.15148326

>average white people that can't take any challenging information about the world and see a world of dispair while refusing to use coping mechanisms
sad white niggers

>> No.15148427

This is the room, the start of it all
No portrait so fine, only sheets on the wall
I've seen the nights, filled with bloodsport and pain
And the bodies obtained, the bodies obtained

>> No.15148445

DFW was too good for this world, /lit/ is too insecure to accept this fact

>> No.15148452

they be weak as fuck n shiet

>> No.15148455

You're free to either kill yourself, or be killed by God

>> No.15148463

who are they?

>> No.15148466

Because they read the perfection that is Finnegans Wake, the greatest work to ever be dreamt of by that mad Irishman himself Jame Joyce. However, it was not out of inadequacy that they had taken such drastic action, but upon learning that Joyce had the shame of not being buried in the soil he was birthed from. How many more artists will this injustice claim?

>> No.15148469

Based high IQ post

>> No.15148484

How did Mark Fisher kill himself? There is no information on the web as far as I could see, do you think he blew his brains out or went out ass a pussy and used a lot of meds?

>> No.15148497

Hang on...

>> No.15148512

>t. Doesn't understand an anon commenting about capitalist realism in a Mark Fisher thread

>> No.15148519

Mark Fisher and David Foster Wallace. Lurk more.

>> No.15148526

because they were retarded libtards and commies

>> No.15148529


>> No.15148536


>> No.15148597

David: Wanting to raise a family but feared that he couldn't because he'd be like Himself
Mark: Because no one made jungle music anymore

>> No.15148602

I love jungle :(

>> No.15148606

Smart, it a sufficient long fall hanging is by far the best suicide method.

>> No.15148611

Mark Fisher wrote a book called Capitalism Realism where he decried the faggot reality we live in

>> No.15148786

what kinda church did he go to?
I don't believe in the "born again" nonsense, unless you're referring to baptism

>> No.15148955

Both had attempted suicide before they started seriously writing and thinking. They were just depressed people.

>> No.15150063

A better question would be why hasn't Nick Land killed himself?

>> No.15150596
File: 215 KB, 600x455, bird-blue-crying-drawing-gemstone-tears-illustration-Favim.com-76827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this induced a panic attack thinking about how shitty the world is and that smart people just fuckin' end it.

>> No.15150613

Wicked wicked.

>> No.15150617

Because their brains were wired in a way that allowed “the world sucks” to spiral out of control, and they were too smart to stop reading about how much the world fuckin sucks.

>> No.15150623

you have to be 18 to post on 4chan dumb faggot.

>> No.15150647

DFW was an insane stalker who tried to kill Mary Karr

>> No.15150669

But what was the source of their depression

>> No.15150924

Not really (well i don't know about debord), but didn't deleuze kill himself over chronic physical pain? Not the reason why fisher of dfw did it

>> No.15150980

capitalist realism

>> No.15150985


>> No.15150992

he's not wrong faggot
every single retarded subhuman is an optimist

>> No.15151042


>> No.15151184

Why are the best books written by people who killed themselves?

>> No.15151188

Because existence & life are malignantly useless & they grasped the truth that is the horror at the heart of human nature.

>> No.15151226

Persuasion & rhetoric by Carlo Michelstaedter

>> No.15151227

the world is a machine which has countless levers to influence it, but non of them are connected. you're already dead, you didn't realize it.

>> No.15151249


>> No.15151499

Alright, why haven't you killed yourself?

>> No.15151541
File: 88 KB, 976x622, 812405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do if this is literally your diary desu?

>> No.15151566

Cringe philosophy brings cringe outcomes

>> No.15151589

They realized their fan base was retards.

>> No.15151607

Pavillon d'Or

>> No.15151687
File: 23 KB, 596x739, 0d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should try living life on hard mode (being black) it's tough man, but it makes you not want to take your life because the toughness makes you realize how precious life is.

>> No.15151728


>> No.15152842


>> No.15152937

being black is easy af. the government pays for your food, your housing, and your healthcare. you can get into schools for just being black, even if you're functionally illiterate.
i grew up in an affluent urban school district. i never once saw a black kid read a book or do actually do schoolwork. rather they were always on their phones, talking, literally gambling with dice (sometimes hundreds of dollars), or not there. yet every year they somehow managed to move up a grade. by a miracle they would graduate unless they were suspended 6 times for fighting or likewise.
if i was black i would milk the shit out of all this. move to ny or seattle for maximum welfare. sure, the police might hate me, but i could always get an aclu and milk the shit out of a lawsuit.

>> No.15153026

obligatory nigger

>> No.15153042

Dfw was the high priest of neoliberalism