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File: 153 KB, 750x901, D4056E37-06DB-4F7B-9E32-862A13F7C6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15147281 No.15147281 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women do this?

>> No.15147285

wtf how are those books floating

>> No.15147294

How did she affix them to the wall? And is it permanent?
I mean, it appears that they were all fantasy young adult novels, so nothing of value would be lost. But still...

>> No.15147298

Why are you so obsessed with women?

>> No.15147306

clever. presumably the bottom book in each stack is actually a fake which is covering a shelf or something?

same reason a suffocating person would be obsessed with oxygen

>> No.15147312

>same reason a suffocating person would be obsessed with oxygen
woah OP BTFO and likely brain damaged due to lack of puss

>> No.15147322

Well, I am not going to marry myself or have children with myself.
Also, they smell nice.

>> No.15147333

The ledge goes above the back cover of the lowest book, and there's a little notch to keep cover in place.

>> No.15147345

its because she hasn't fulfilled her biological function yet, she didn't have a baby or babies to tuck in and stack.

>> No.15147347

Oh, very clever.

>> No.15147350

fuck i love women,
i wish i could shrink to size of a toy figurine and live inside a vagina forever

>> No.15147354

>This is how bugmen think
repulsive, you will be digested by the yeast and bacteria inside her vagina, get a grip, faggot.

>> No.15147371

surely she would let me have mini vacation in another vagina until she is clean of yeast, and bacteria are too small to bother me

>> No.15147381

based simp

>> No.15147387

> surely she would let me
there is no hope for you

>> No.15147427

I'm only inches tall i can't discipline her with my pimp hand as i normally would with these broads, and what other recourse is there for discipline, where is my leverage? Alas i live inside a vagina and am at the whim of mine own goddess -- my sweet girl

>> No.15147438

This is more coomer than simp

>> No.15147442

Good job.
Simply ebin.

>> No.15147454

> what other recourse is there for discipline
bite and tear the inside of her vagina?

>> No.15147466
File: 351 KB, 505x505, 1586852205399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proudly displaying your YA fantasy
you're meant to pirate those and never mention them to anyone

>> No.15147496

I guess. biting is just like a mosquito bite to her, but if i did it persistently it might irritate her enough ... I've never tried "tearing," i don't know my strength and i'm afraid i might succeed in tearing a hole in the walls ...
Plus I lover her! we have a functional relationship and i wouldn't want to jeopardize that might by forcing her to keep me in her yeast infected vagina, not that i think she would anyway

>> No.15147502

that by*

>> No.15147558


>> No.15147722

the fuck is this word ?

>> No.15147731

Because they like to be surrounded by pretty things. That´s one of the less annoying behaviours of human females.

>> No.15147741

>Why do women do this?
the real question is HOW do women do this??

>> No.15147748

Absurdly based

>> No.15147749

men do this too to a certain extant i mean just go to a battlestaion thread

>> No.15147757


>> No.15147760

>ethots that larp about witchcraft on social media are literal witches
time to sharpen those pitchforks fellas and put your best drownin' boots on

>> No.15147761

i prefer an orderly bookshelf but thats pretty cool

>> No.15147786

double dubs bro try typing it into google.com

>> No.15147793

Based post.

>> No.15147800

This is it, this is peak female creativity. A stash of worthless YA trash amounting to countless hours of miserable escapism whose sole purpose is becoming the newest break time topic of gossip within the circle of dissatisfied roasties whining endlessly about the oppression they suffer at the hands of their toxic male bosses during ignominious hours of work in an office. Even in rape, women manage to find a sliver of pleasure, and they seek delight in being used as mere objects by the licentious fuckboys whom they pretend to despise. I find that the reading of YA garbage bears a close resemblance to rape, and lo, I am no longer in awe about the godawful taste of women.

>> No.15147801

Go outside and talk to a real woman you fucking loser

>> No.15147814

>This is it, this is peak female creativity
so like a tripcode?

>> No.15147825
File: 230 KB, 716x716, 291143BA-202B-43B0-8199-36366B9E7C8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious cure to heresy is violence.

>> No.15147901

Kys fucking cucks

>> No.15147910
File: 221 KB, 1600x1200, 1585541331710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is it, this is peak female creativity. A stash of worthless YA trash amounting to countless hours of miserable escapism whose sole purpose is becoming the newest break time topic of gossip within the circle of dissatisfied roasties whining endlessly about the oppression they suffer at the hands of their toxic male bosses during ignominious hours of work in an office. Even in rape, women manage to find a sliver of pleasure, and they seek delight in being used as mere objects by the licentious fuckboys whom they pretend to despise. I find that the reading of YA garbage bears a close resemblance to rape, and lo, I am no longer in awe about the godawful taste of women.

>> No.15147932

But he had someone other take the picture.
I do not understand.

>> No.15147938

why are there so many roastie threads about muh soggy knees? can you fuck off to /pol/ or some shit?

>> No.15147959

Secretly based

>> No.15147983

>what are camera timers

>> No.15148051

>glueing books to the wall
Why are women like that

>> No.15148070

when i brush right up against them on public transportation they are soft and aromatic.

>> No.15148128

Very based

I love it when women joggers run past me and their sweaty scent hits me

>> No.15148136

I hate women so much

>> No.15148211

I love women so much

>> No.15148284
File: 5 KB, 208x243, Young Adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after thousands of years of epigenetic conditioning in the patriarchal society, women (and this includes, by and large, even the most "liberated" ones) have a great propensity, indeed a need to recuperate the power that they lack in reality with the illusion of power granted by the arbitrary manipulation of their domestic space. Now, this manipulation is least of all meaningful in the post-industrial society, seeing that every single constituent of the space has been predetermined by the mechanisms of mass production and distribution.

The conceptual order behind the individual woman's manipulation turns out to be subject to the forces of mass production as well, as exhibited by the dependence of the concrete act of manipulation upon the mass social medium as both its formal and its final cause. The dialectic of empowerment and enslavement in "home organization" is above all demonstrated in the case of Marie Kondo's method, which holds out the promise of a liberation (however limited) from the chaos of domestic materiality, only at the expense of a veritable enslavement to the very same mass-produced and -reproducible "method."