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15147114 No.15147114 [Reply] [Original]

Any books or writers that talk about why people have such strong feelings against perversions yet it seems like perversions are actually incredibly normal?

Like it seems like once you get down to it everyone has weird sexual shit going on in their head that they probably actualise in some way. Virtually every girl under the age of 30 seems to have bizarre brutal daddy dom fetishes but for most of history seem to have been pretending to be modest religious folk?

So what's going on?
Are people naturally perverts and just historically repressed by social institutions?
Or are people naturally more sexually restrained and industrial society is just making people go crazy again?

>> No.15147136

>Narrow permissible sexuality to guarantee inheritance
>Narrow permissible sexuality to gain social control over community through shared moral structure
>Permissible sexuality explodes with free market, destabilization of society through war; identity politics rise amid conflict between people confined by old-world identity and people who fear that no one will be made to act, in sex, with deference to them

For good or ill OP, it is all "natural" in that it is a natural inclination
People were always this way, there is nothing new under the sun

>> No.15147238

One of the premises behind Mere Christianity

>> No.15147254

Historically, you had multiple groups repressing sexual activities such as the Puritans, mainstream Christians, etc. This repression prevented sexual perversions from being publicly discussed or mentioned, even though it's likely many people still partook in them. Then, with more sexual freedom from the sexual revolution, people became more confident to speak about exactly what they were in to. Now you have people who want to get fucked by a nigger in a bunny suit and everyone pretends it's absolutely fine when really it's nowhere near.

>> No.15147279

I'm sceptical of the narrative that people were always like they are now, only repressed by the church. It just seems really far-fetched that there was a far reaching global conspiracy for over a thousand years to brainwash people that being a furry is gross.

What I'm more interested in is what's going on psychologically with that impulse of disgust towards alien perversions. It seems like there's more to it than just social conditioning.

>> No.15147380

If you're talking about shit like Furries some people will always have immediate fear and distrust of something outside of the world they understand. That is not restricted to sex, that's simply ingroup/outgroup mentality and general fear commensurate with ignorance. There are two distinct if interrelated phenomena around sex outside of normal decency (affair, homosexuality, premarital sex, etc) and extreme sexual fetish. There are also many people who feel that some more extreme form of sexuality brings more extreme forms of pleasure even if they aren't actually into it in practice.

>> No.15147395

Society gets worse when it has access to more resources because the most defective people are allowed to survive. Look at Germans for example, they're either very Noble and Puritan or very degenerate Weimar people

>> No.15147424

Furries is just an example for a typically weird fetish. What I'm talking about is why people pretend they're not perverts.

Like if you're a furry usually you don't want people to know you're a furry, you want to keep that shit private. Most people aren't furries, but virtually everyone has something going on sexually in their psyche that they wouldn't normally tell anybody. Like at this point a double digit percentage of young women probably have a secret e-thot account.

It seems like it's like this in every country on the planet. People are perverts, but they pretend that they're not and the ones who get punished are the ones that don't pretend. I'm looking for analysis of this phenomenon.

>> No.15147449

A community needs a way of disseminating among its members some notion that everyone is working toward a common goal, and not going to undercut the collective. Sexual repression helps fulfill this end, as one's commitment to their community can be measured in shorthand by a compliance to this rule. The problem with analyses of this phenomenon are they generally run along two strains:
- Critical theorists like Foucault and sex-positive feminists, who feel that this trend is authoritarian
- Social conservatives (in the West, generally Christian or Muslim) who feel that this is inherently necessary and who pretend that this restriction follows some adherence to how man is supposed to behave teleologically. (They also deny, generally, that perversion as you define it is a common phenomenon)

I would have to recommend the former group for pure function, though I feel there are legitimate and useful reasons for restrictions of this kind and they, for the most part, label it a violation.

>> No.15148194

Mom can't pick you up because she died from putting foreign bodies into her tits and then ignoring her doctor's advice.

>> No.15148205

>a nigger in a bunny suit
Are you describing a furry or more of a Playboy thing?

>> No.15148716

Without the internet it wouldn't be a 1 100th of the level it is today. Same but to a lesser extent with books. Media makes people perverts. Monkeys don't have """Fetishes"""""

>> No.15149128

Just drop it anon, your degeneracy is not ‘good’.