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15145692 No.15145692 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15145706

ive never read it and im tired of people irl recommending me to read it "because u like books lol". people think of me as "the book guy" and this leads to them thinking ill just read any old tripe they suggest like harari or whatever

>> No.15145734

It’s a popular book and has been publicly recommended by many of the world’s elites, which is why normal people who don’t read can name it. That being said, I did read it and found the pre-Neolithic history portion fascinating. Everything else smacks too much of Harari pushing his own views.

>> No.15145866

I’ve read about half of it. I’ve been reading about early society stuff a lot the past two years and a lot of this is introductory review for me, with occasional interesting bits I havent read elsewhere. Put it down cause I wanted something with more info that was new to me.

If you have an interest in anthropology or early societies in general then I’d say this book is a good introduction.

>> No.15145896

If /lit/ wasn't so contrarian and Harari was a lesser known writer to normies, then they'd love it. Perfect level of dumbed-down explanations and hackneyed insights on par with writers like Ted, Guenon, and Dugin. Just enough to get through the thick skull of the average poster here and make him feel real smug about himself.

>> No.15145898

all our institutions are built on collective hallucinations, without which we could never work together

>> No.15146002

Book written by a fag for fags

>> No.15146345

My mum wanted to have this book for some reason so I had to buy this for birthday present

>> No.15146491

written by an israeli
all i need to know

>> No.15146657

This is honestly a decent summary.

I think we have an evolutionary desire/need to work together though, and without these hallucinations we’d just make different ones in their place.

I used the word ‘though’, but I guess this doesnt really contradict anything in the book.

>> No.15146672

You probably dress like a book guy faggot

>> No.15146673

>pushing his own views
Thats why people write books, genius.

>> No.15146680

This is a political treatise, acting under the guise of SCIENCE! After it tells you that you''re merely a product a mixture of mud and that you're a wandering, slab of meat on a rock, it says accept liberalism and globalism goyim because that's all there is.

>> No.15146831
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A hack; worse than Pinker.

>> No.15147969

Mind boggingly based

>> No.15148017

The author said we should avoid genetic improvement because that would make Hitler right. He is evil.

>> No.15148080

It became unreadable after about a hundred pages for me. It has been a long time since I read it, but in the way I remember it he just kind of “summarized” entire fields of research by picking the view that fitted neatly with his quite narrow, twitter-able worldview. I found the whole of it paradoxically anti-intellectual, as if Harari was just skimming trough all kinds of research (far and far outside of his expertise) to find just about anything that would support his pre-determined worldview, ignoring the rest and then calling it “science”. I can forgive popular science books for being dumbed-down, I do not mind it actually, it is kind of the point, but when the author (who makes a living of talking about hurr durr science in the media) seems to know about two hours of ‘research’ more than the reader, who he has lured in with the promise of being able to pretend to be smart on “everything”, I find it hard to continue reading.

Then again, thousands of those smarter than me claim to like this book so make up your own mind.

>> No.15148103

Based. How does Ol Jolly Nick manage to be so right all the time?

>> No.15148109

It's okay. He uses the idea of intersubjective realities (basically the concept that humans are able to construct things that are neither objectively real nor merely subjective, like religion, money, nations, blablabla) to its full explanatory potential. And it works pretty well while he's still talking about prehistoric and very early historic times, but once he reaches areas of history where more detail is known it starts to seem facile and reductionist, because it is.

>> No.15148119

wow, so 18th century pre-romantic fatalism with a le science bent? there truly is nothing new under the sun

>> No.15148121


Any book claiming to provide a history of anything is carrying an agenda.

>> No.15148138

It's got NY Times bestseller on the front cover though. How can it be bad?

>> No.15148145

What about if I wrote a book on about the history of faggots with just a picture of (you) on every page?

>> No.15148185

Very broad definition of "best".

>> No.15148359

That's it, we must kill all historians an burn all history books. I always knew classists were up to no good

>> No.15148361

Wouldn't it be very strict definition of best? The subset of all books that are a NYT best seller is very small, after all

>> No.15149379

It is "pseud the book". Most of what he writes in that book is either wrong or just gibberish. There was a good response by a professor on the book who more or less ripped the book apart. https://www.newenglishreview.org/C_R_Hallpike/A_Response_to_Yuval_Harari%27s_%27Sapiens%3A_A_Brief_History_of_Humankind%27/

>> No.15149438

Best is typically a singular category and extremely rarefied.