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/lit/ - Literature

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15143221 No.15143221 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15143224
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>> No.15143260
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>> No.15143281

el chileANO

>> No.15143294

Posted here. I am 22.

>> No.15143319

so when's the mass shooting lad

>> No.15143338

>CK One

Nice choice.

>> No.15143349


>> No.15143374


I know that it's a meme fragrance
But I enjoy that smells clean just like after a good shower

>> No.15143379
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>> No.15143406

inb4 massacre

>> No.15143410

Nerve these books contain a wealth of knowledge
What in there leads you to think of such a heinous act

>> No.15143426

Which books point to that you cuck

>> No.15143451

You can tell what kind of person he is just by looking at his books

>> No.15143497

What type of person am I then?

>> No.15143548

Why do the French put the spine text upside down?

>> No.15143633
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26 years old


>> No.15143639

You've read just enough to develop a raging superiority complex, but not enough to stop yourself from thinking dogmatically. You come from an upper middle class family, and your parents are probably liberals. Your relationship with them isn't great but it's not that bad either. You've had exactly one girlfriend, and your relationship didn't last more than four months.
You're probably smart (not as much as you think) and definitely a bit autistic (not enough to start shooting people yet). And you really need to read Aristotle and Castoriadis and realise that there is no such thing as political "science".

Also, i'm taking the piss mate

>> No.15143648
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Coffee table books

>> No.15143651

Not him, but post your book shelve faggot

>> No.15143662


>> No.15143667

holy crap this is me
what do?

>> No.15143669

Beautiful aesthetic

>> No.15143674

although no, i had a 3 year girlfriend so you got that wrong anon (not that anon though)

>> No.15143680

Have you actually read the whole Cantos? The book looks used

>> No.15143694

Bought it a few months ago, partway through and loving it a lot. Challenging when he switches to other languages and references intensely obscure history that can’t be googled.

I’ve decided to read it for aesthetic value, to enjoy his use of the words themselves. They’re like songs.

Some beautiful stuff

>> No.15143696
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>> No.15143708


>> No.15143709

?? The books?

>> No.15143729

OP is an argentinian women probably feminist and a copypasted whore who studies literature
you're boring

>> No.15143752

no, you're boring

>> No.15143770

tell me I was wrong OP
I could make a dozen more guesses about you and I would probably be right
shit you people are truly copy pasted
wonder what you're doing here though instead of twitter, instagram or tumblr if they still use that thing

>> No.15143995


>> No.15144007

this is cringe

>> No.15144060

And how many of those have you read?

>> No.15144081
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>> No.15144088

he's right, you're boring

>> No.15144089

>tfw I lent my copy of Megahex to my psycho ex gf and never got it back

>> No.15144092
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do me!
cheap looking shitty looking shelves and why would you paint your walls that colour
very nice

>> No.15144264

because you're a faggot, that's why desu

>> No.15144280

you have like 4 books anon
there's nothing to say other than that you just started reading the other day

>> No.15144293

My other books are at my parent's house

>> No.15144329

Is England's Hidden Reverse any good? I'm a huge Current 93 fan

>> No.15144348

it shows
Eternally 14 in the worst way

>> No.15144373

I enjoyed it a lot, it's a very quick read actually very readable
I already knew everything there was to know about Coil but it gave me a great sense of where David Tibet is coming from as, and the book does a good job of chronicling that whole scene in the late '70s early '80s
Stephen Stapleton isn't that interesting a person though

>> No.15144400
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>> No.15144403


>> No.15144498
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>> No.15144618
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>> No.15144638
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>> No.15144789

Detecting a dangerous overload of meme books here

>> No.15144933


>> No.15145013

>Penguin al lado de Alianza y Acantilado
Sacrilegio, nunca lo vas a lograr.

>> No.15145055

>muh meme prestige
Those overrated Spanish publishers don't even offer annotations like Penguin kek overpriced books and shitty Spaniard-made translations. Penguin is unironically superior in every way.

>> No.15145199

I would get penguin over alianza anyday. Alianza's covers age like shit and they are overpriced. Only good Alianza, which are even more expensive. are the 13/20 collection. The thing is Alianza has a more complete selection of philosophy and literature so I end up buying them anyway. Acantilado is good but it's also overpriced. Penguin and Debolsillo have good content but they're ugly, I don't really care about that anymore though.

>> No.15145311

Good to see Tragedy & Hope on the shelf. Have you had a chance to read it?

>> No.15145384

the equivalent of "my girlfriend studies in another school"

>> No.15145397

I think this is a good library for a 19 year old.

>> No.15145405

La traduccion de Meridiano de Sangre es buena?

>> No.15145422
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>> No.15145424

getting ready to ice the classmates huh kiddo

>> No.15145448

Is esoteric hollywood any good? I don’t dislike Jay but I saw a couple of videos with him and he strikes me a little bit like a well-read pseud.

>> No.15145483

I've read half of Tragedy and Hope. There's good information in it but Quigley focuses heavily on economic policy so it''s quite dry and parts of it are a bit of a chore to get through.

>> No.15145491

Because reading ought to be fun

>> No.15145506
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>> No.15145513
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These pics are a little outdated because I had to leave my dorm because of quarantine.

>> No.15145516
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>> No.15145518

Kek I remember this post. This needs to posted in shelf threads more often

>> No.15145526
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>> No.15145537


>> No.15145542


>> No.15145561
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I exclusively read terrible Nip LN's while occasionally skimming through whatever the pseuds on here shill.

>> No.15145563

lugging a bunch of sin-ugly Wordsworth Classics around with you from home to school?...yeah I'm thinking that's based

>> No.15145583

I can imagine it being a chore to get through considering its 1300 pages long. The contents of the book I imagine would be very valuable to anyone studying politics and history. I'm hoping to read it after I have finished The Anglo-American Establishment.
Best of luck

>> No.15145602

You have a nice collection, anon. No-nonsense, but with some fun.

>> No.15145620

not attracting women with your natural smell not gonna make it

>> No.15145634

I know you’re 18, but Jesus Christ, try to read things that aren’t school-assignment-core.

Also you’ve read nearly none of those

>> No.15145803

Are these all of y'all's books? I'm 23 and I have roughly 450+ books. I buy 2/week about and have done so for the past 5 years. Am I autistic or?

>> No.15145854

>Spanish language novels
>raw issues of Shounen Jump
>unopened bottles of perfume
>a perfectly intact, untouched copy of Watchmen
Is this literally me?

>> No.15145879

I'm 21 and have read hundreds of books, but most of them were either loaned from the library or downloaded from Project Gutenberg/elsewhere
I mostly own copies of classics I think I might wanna re-read some day (like Shakespeare's plays or The Iliad)

>> No.15145883

Most posters on this board haven't even read regularly for a single year.

>> No.15145924

all its missing is the buttplugs and dragon dildo ROFLMAO

>> No.15145929

I used to be a huge pseud back when I was 12 years old, and boasted about reading Charles Dickens and Leo Tolstoy's complete works, but later on grew fond of shitty LNs like これはゾンビですか?and お兄ちゃんだけど愛さえあれば関係ないよねっ.
I don't own a single physical LN tho.

>> No.15145950

Do you any of you guys keep a separate shelf for literary works and manga/LNs?

>> No.15145958
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>Paying for a book

>> No.15145972

My dad pays for my stuff.

>> No.15145982
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I take it your favorite texts are those by Philosophers inspired by Marx?

>> No.15145994

No, I don't feel the need to keep a separate shelf for trashy formats that I don't interface with.

>> No.15146015

I'm a Stirnerist, not a Marxist.

>> No.15146106
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>> No.15146156

oh boy

>> No.15146332

They were cheap and literally all my local bookshop had unless I wanted to pay 30+ bucks per book. I'm using them as copies to annotate, eventually I might buy nice copies.
I mean I'm working through them. Yeah I haven't read much of them but really I only just started and I read slowly.
Most of the stuff in the second image that's all highschool-core are just books I acquired for free, they aren't really on my reading list.
I've mostly only been acquiring classics and essentials because I haven't read them yet.

>> No.15146354
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bless you

>> No.15146396

L'étagère conforama qu'on a tous eue dans notre piaule d'étudiant

>> No.15146404

Bc that 's actually a better way to present them ?

>> No.15146503

I don't get it. What points to killer?

>> No.15146510
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>> No.15146522
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18, in the last 2 years I've only added BAM and Mike Ma tho

>> No.15146557

lol all these people claiming to be 19 with all this shit on their bookcases
when i was 19 my bookcase was full of james herbert and sven hassel
how did you all get to be such old men so young

>> No.15146571

is that system of the antichrist by charles upton in the back? if so, based

>> No.15146589

der eternal christcuck
where is the Satanic Bible?
maybe it's time to retire shonen jump if you're 26
OK. but you have Machiavelli in there so solid.
>Mike Ma

>> No.15146594

Yeah the cover business with Alianza sucks ass but they have the smoothest translations that I've seen, so I'm willing to put up with it. Same goes for the extra money. Thank God my parents made me learn three of the most useful languages so on the rare occasions that I need to read translated material, I see no point in reading middling translations if I can afford the better quality ones.

>> No.15146630
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Moved without being able to take my ~100 books with me so started a new shelf at my new place

>> No.15146864


Do they not let you have more than one book in the nursing home?

>> No.15146908
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Did you like the 1939 and how did it compare to Scheil's Fünf plus Zwei? I liked that one but it was a little dry at times. Also, nice little kaplaken stack.

>> No.15146928

Fucking yikes dude

>> No.15146952

All the fashy ones, which is at least half of them

Accompanied with nitezsche whos clealry not fascist but fascists love him.

Plus the selfish gene shows how up urself u are

Plus the way you just responded to that comment.

>> No.15146988

Sorry, I forgot to add my age - 24

>> No.15146991
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>> No.15147027

Go back to /pol/

>> No.15147054
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My Burger Corona-chan stack.

>> No.15147059
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An here's my Spic Corona-chan stack.

>> No.15147070

eww that edition of the greek myths should definitely be in the next "worst cover" thread

>> No.15147073

>implying anyone in this thread reads, or on /lit/ generally

>> No.15147079

Shitty cover, great content.

>> No.15147163
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>> No.15147191

why do you spread all your stuff out on several shelves in a way that has most of your books twisted or under strain instead of just putting them all on one shelf, but packed tightly so they dont get damaged. what the fuck is this, why would you even do this, jesus fucking christ, and that used and half-crumbled facemask on top of the books, how does it even end up there, why is it even close to your books this is fucking disgusting kys cleanyourfuckingroomman.jpg

>> No.15147195

Incredibly shit
Shit. The fact that you're 26 is the most concerning thing here.
Medium shit
Medium good
Medium shit. You seem boring.
Good but you have lacan.
Medium shit

>> No.15147509
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I don't have a bookshelf so i keep them on top of my wardrobe
I'm 25
Currently re-reading The Revolt of the Masses

>> No.15147756

>having more than one evola book
How do you bring yourself to do it anon? I want to acquire such powers as to continue so persistently through such absolute bullshit.

>> No.15147764

what's that manga, m8?

>> No.15147790

>The Soul of China
Based. Just finished this actually.
You're probably the anon who recommended it in one of the Spengler threads.

>> No.15147834

Also btw, is The Coming Caesars worth reading?
Is it insightful?

>> No.15147904

What a surprise /lit/ is full of children who don't own any academic books...

>> No.15147918

I'm not an academic gook. Your an academic gook

>> No.15147921

Post bookshelf

>> No.15147934

Don't forget to live stream the shooting.

>> No.15147948

so this is the power of redbrowns...

>> No.15147950

>academic books
name 10 worthwhile academic books that will be remembered in 100 years

>> No.15147956

Is there anyone out there who collects penguin classics? Wordsworth translations seem stilted especially Stendhal's. Oxford classics are usually abridged. I know that everymans library is owned by penguin. Maybe I'm just a midwit but penguin history books are good and the classics have nice covers. Is there any other good seller for books in the UK?

>> No.15147998
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I have far too many books here is a cross-section.

>> No.15148012
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top shelf is backlog, everything else is read


yeah I have a lot of them, a good few of the really old penguins that have purple covers and shit from the mid 90's

>> No.15148024

>posts on /lit/
>is mostly into /g/ and /biz/ stuff
normalfags please fuck off

>> No.15148029

fucking cringe, mate

>> No.15148061

>three of the most useful languages
English, Spanish, and Chinese?

>> No.15148074

>whines about academic books
>posts japfever and mediocre theory
like pottery

>> No.15148076


I'd already read the Western canon by the time I was an adult, don't tell me you only know English as well?

>> No.15148097

The fact I could read the titles of your books should be an indication that I can understand Japanese. I’ve read much of the Western Canon too, by the way, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna go buy shitty books on economic history since I’ve already read through the greats.

>> No.15148133


You really know Japanese? Ok now I am interested in your life story.

>> No.15148181

>tfw good

>> No.15148193

fpbp; it matters not what is upon your shelves, anons. Only that you have read what is there and taken something away from the experience.

>> No.15148223

I learned it through anime and eroge, nothing to be too proud of. I’ve never actually interacted with real Japanese people, so I’m not sure I could actually handle holding a conversation in it.
I’ve tried learning several other languages, including French, German, Chinese, and Russian, but never felt motivated enough to make much progress in them.
Also, I’ve never really been a sociable person and have had a variety of other interests (like playing guitar, painting, biking, cooking, coding, reading philosophy, writing fiction, etc.), each one of which I was into for a few months but ended up either never becoming that good at or mastering a few basics and then feeling like there was nothing interesting left for me to do.

>> No.15148253

English, Spanish and French.

>> No.15148257


You remind me a lot of myself before I went to college and had to focus on my subject for 4 years.

>> No.15148266

What did you end up majoring in?

>> No.15148278


>> No.15148281


Japanese Studies, then I did a masters in CS. I'm not American though.

>> No.15148331

>how did you all get to be such old men so young

This. I was/am the same. I think its the internet.

>> No.15148333


Really bad post

>> No.15148354

>being a teenager

>> No.15148366
File: 2.37 MB, 2318x1440, 20200418_130324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 18.

>> No.15148369

Might as well be a jihadi my dude

>> No.15148380

based "I'm 18" Flannery poster

>> No.15148388

The shonen jumps are from the weeks i was in Japan, just souvenirs really

>> No.15148599

Why don't you read Nietzsche in German?

>> No.15148656

I do, the English book was an unfortunate gift

>> No.15148677

>having 2 bilingual dictionaries but not a single book in a language other than English
Nice decorations

>> No.15148687
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The rest of my shelf. I know aho girl seems put of place, but it’s too tall to fit in the manga shelf.

>> No.15148725

based weeb with dozens of localized manga and Latin/Greek dictionaries despite only having the Bible in those languages

>> No.15148806
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>> No.15148916

I'm currently making an attempt to become at least partially fluent in both languages as I am planning to travel to both Russia and Bolivia sometime in the future.

>> No.15148972

Why are english editions so weird? Each book is a different shape and color

>> No.15149002

Which books? I imagine they do it to help them sell the book, to make it stand out among other books or to be more recognizable?

>> No.15149078
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22, spent most my life playing video games so still pretty pseud

>> No.15149220

That's commercial publishing for you

>> No.15149229

based nichijou connoisseur

>> No.15149382

Expensive, i use my college library for those

>> No.15149401

ok acceptable answer. you shall pass

>> No.15149405
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>> No.15149484


>> No.15149506

Did you really pay for Aniplex's Kill la Kill?

>> No.15149545

Thanks bud

>> No.15149651
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>> No.15149679

Textbooks are very expensive Anon.

>> No.15149713

>bottles of smelly good

>> No.15149957
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>the sheer amount of amermutts ITT
desgusting desu

>> No.15149979

How have you acquired so many books so young? I'm 18 and my self feels tiny

>> No.15150020

Gravity defying shit right here

>> No.15150028

I remember reading Joyce (Ulysses, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man), Plato's Republic back when I was 12, and Borges' El Aleph back when I was 15, so this might unironically be true.

>> No.15150070

Someone r8 pls

>> No.15150081

good shit

>> No.15150095

Dang, you have the Farrenkopf biography too. Nice. A real Spengler scholar.

>> No.15150096

Top kek

>> No.15150123

Based and ironpilled

>> No.15150145

This is my main bookshelf.
I'm 19

>> No.15150159
File: 3.71 MB, 2582x3427, 20200420_134435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic lmao

>> No.15150283

How do you afford all these books

>> No.15150319

Hello my fellow bilingual. What’s your favorite Shounen Jump manga? xdd

>> No.15150353

By being employed?

>> No.15150385

You have to start young, many of my (low-tier) books are from like age 10
Moderate autism is also required

>> No.15150398

>one bookshelf
>all these books
Is /lit/ the worst hobby board at its respective hobby?

>> No.15150582

If you want to aspire to become fluent in any language, you’d probably have to read at least 50 books in one language.
On the other hand, if you want to travel and do regular tourist stuff in other countries, you probably wouldn’t need much besides Duolingo or those FSI courses.

>> No.15150605

Reading is the least effective way to get fluent. Speaking is where it's at. One hour of speaking the language with someone that can correct you is as efficient as 5 or 6 hours of reading

>> No.15150621


>> No.15150682

Speaking is the result of having acquired an ability to interpret a language, not a way of learning.

>> No.15150688

Checks out.

>> No.15150690


All decent but super entry-tier. Not a bad thing but definitely transitional from fantasy/sci-fi types

>> No.15150955

Some were gifts, some were books I've been buying to read over the years, a few were my parent's and many I bought used. I also keep an eye for sales on some bookstores, just got some good new books from an independent bookstore from my country very cheaply.
I don't really read manga, I've only read punpun and I still have some chapters left to read, not many though. I've been thinking of starting The flowers of evil, but I don't know if I'll do it soon.

>> No.15151080

based soviet display cabinet

>> No.15151160
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>> No.15151464

>tfw half your books are bookmarked about a quarter of the way in
Glad to know I'm not the only one

>> No.15151674

Yes, unfortunately.

>> No.15151899

lmao firdt post to make me genuinely laugh in a long time

>> No.15152446

welcome to not being communist kiddo

>> No.15152892

>Kaufmann translations of Nietzsche
yup that's a yikes from me dawg

>> No.15152989

Did you ever stop to think “Maybe I should finish these books before filling my shelf up with other books”?

>> No.15153169

>stopped reading as soon as it gets boring

As Taleb echos from Eco, the best way to read is to read until you get bored and then move on

>> No.15153548

Most based shelf I've seen out of all these in this and past threads

>> No.15153579

I thought Kaufmann was the definitive translator for Nietzsche?

>> No.15153605

Kaufmann is sanitized as fuck and offers the basic bitch Liberal interpretation of N

>> No.15153614

Are the cambridge ones any good?

>> No.15153640

Nah man, try Ludovici.

>> No.15153655

Hollingdale and Cambridge are both better than Kaufmann but I think stanford is the best, but they haven't finished his all of his works

>> No.15154035
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>> No.15154057

>that Zola collection
Oh, I'm jelly

>> No.15154243

Something is holding me back from getting The bright side of life and The Dream. After reading 17 of them I dont want it to end. I'm really hoping for a translation of the last book though. I've always been interested by the doctor character

>> No.15154256

good eye