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15142171 No.15142171 [Reply] [Original]

stop using numbers

>> No.15142179

You start

>> No.15142199
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Lots of people go through life without math. What good would that do?
Primitivism is so reactionary

>> No.15142416
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Words are for chumps, I think only in pure undifferentiated qualia

>> No.15142432

I have to use numbers for my job and I promise you would miss the things you would lose if I stopped.

>> No.15142518

the eternal stemlord

>> No.15142607

I never went to college.

>> No.15142690

I miss the things humanity lost when we invented symbolic thought.

>> No.15142704

>Lots of people go through life without math. What good would that do?
Immense good.

>> No.15142710

and anarcho-syndicalism won't ever work because no one wants direct democracy. Protip: people like to be ruled, get over yourself tranny

>> No.15142722

What would we lose? Promises don't mean shit unless I know what is at stake.

>> No.15142787

Like what?
Heavy machinery parts and stuff. Some things might be better, but I don't think we'd be eating as much as we do.

>> No.15142816

That's okay a lot of people could do with losing some weight, no biggie. Time to shut it down

>> No.15142851

Roll call
My name is zeno
I approach one
I reach half way there
I'm never done

>> No.15142884


>> No.15142972

If we take excess calories away from the fatasses then we'd take it away from the swole too and I won't stand for it.

>> No.15142993

Being swole is just as indicative of a society of excess as being fat, face facts. Be naturally ripped without all that processed creatine senpai

>> No.15143189

>Being swole is just as indicative of a society of excess as being fat, face facts.
I understand that. I like living in excess. It looks good on and does well for me unlike the fatties.
>Be naturally ripped without all that processed creatine senpai
My only supplements are meat.

>> No.15143205

Based. Numbers are gay.

>> No.15143218

>I like living in excess
t. consoomer

>My only supplements are meat.
Okay peterson, when civil society crashes and industrial-farmed cattle are no longer available, you can use those big ol' muscles to hunt your own meat. Don't worry about it

>> No.15143299
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>> No.15143405

You're right. I've become a consumer. I' not watching star wars or anything, but I have adapted to (coped with) this society by enjoying the cheap meat. In the event of a collapse I'll eat other consumers so you're welcome.

>> No.15143448

Prove it. I'll establish my monarchy in which power is totally transparent and accountable, and you can establish your hippie commune cult next door where power is diffused throughout the entire population, and we'll see who's able to thrive better. I'm sure the sheer amount of bureaucracy, bickering and impotency involved in the latter won't drive your cultists into my kingdom, no siree