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15142004 No.15142004 [Reply] [Original]

We are finite expressions of the infinite substance.

>> No.15142036
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There is only one substance, God. PBUH!

>> No.15142048

How will they ever refute this?

>> No.15142079

damn... pbuh

>> No.15142791

The human species is a superorganism with a collective function. There’s no cave for you to escape.


>> No.15142814

Why do human beings think they're special? We know that the Earth is not the only planet, that other species exist, it's only logical to conclude that there has been, is, and will be other species which are more sentient and enlightened than us. Humanity is the existential equivalent of the awkward stage of growing out your hair, why would we be anything else?

>> No.15143398

Please don't make Spinoza the new Guenon

>> No.15143428

last i checked, spinoza was retroactively born approximately 252 years before guenon

>> No.15143472

I mean the pbuh meme.

>> No.15143492

>he doesn’t wish peace upon spinoza (pbuh)

>> No.15144066

>Why do human beings think they're special?
We have literally no evidence to the contrary.
>We know that the Earth is not the only planet, that other species exist, it's only logical to conclude that there has been, is, and will be other species which are more sentient and enlightened than us.
What's logical about it? You don't have a foundation to base this belief on.

>> No.15144078


>> No.15144328


Nice. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of that channel.

>> No.15145804
File: 84 KB, 147x170, SPURDO_DancingDemiurge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true name of the Demiurge is David Duke

>> No.15145839

Inshallah, brother, and pbuy.

>> No.15146844

Ohhh I'm gonna AXIOOOM!!!

>> No.15146856

>it's only logical to conclude that there has been, is, and will be other species which are more sentient and enlightened than us.
It isn't, from both a scientific and statistical standpoint

>> No.15147067

well it's not like the stones will be getting any such notions into their heads. the rabbits are busy running from the foxes. the fish are all caught in nets. who but us are left to daydream in our tractors tilling the fields?