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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 800x1067, Allen_Ginsberg_1979_-_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15141148 No.15141148 [Reply] [Original]

Why did we glorify this group of writers? Everyone one of them was a fucking degenerate. They weren't "counter-culture," they were just perverts. None of them enlightened us to anything important, they just normalized depravity. Ginsberg was a pederast. Burroughs was a spoiled child who turned into a drug dealer and murderer. Perhaps worst of all, Kerouac was a chad. And why were three-quarters of the people involved in the movement seemingly in competition to see how much gay sex they could have?

I could excuse it all if the writing was any good, but it's not.

>> No.15141176

nobody cares whether they were degenerate or not. only their quality matters, which btw was really bad.

>> No.15141255

Ginsberg was a great poet. Kerouac and Burroughs are overrated.

>> No.15141421

Agreed, Ginsberg was a great poet and one of my favourites growing up. When I found out he was a mega paedo, I had to stop reading his work. I know you're meant to separate the art from the artist but my god, not kids, anything but kids.

>> No.15141429

also I felt fucking pissed off that nobody had told me about any of his associations with the paedo groups prior. Why isn't it mentioned anywhere that applauds his work? It is mainly hidden away and I felt angry that the world had decided to hide that from me.

>> No.15141436

They all sucked dick (some even literally), but Burroughs was the only decent of the bunch.

>> No.15141439

lol kerouac was such a fucking chad

>> No.15141449

A chad that got fucked arsewise by Gore Vidal.

>> No.15141467

Source? Google turned nothing up.

>> No.15141474

Burroughs was good but overrated. I liked the beats growing up but realised its because I was lazy, and like them, trying to cop out. I blame them for that god awful slam poetry trend that took off around the early 2010s when every prick and their dog was sharing this shit;


>> No.15141480

Literally, first result dangerousminds.net/comments/that_time_gore_vidal_porked_jack_kerouac

>> No.15141495

>I blame them for that god awful slam poetry trend that took off around the early 2010s when every prick and their dog was sharing this shit;
Why? they have almost no connection apart from the fact that "beat" and "slam" are similar words.

Also, don't shit on that dude, I think that one was quite sweet. There's so much worse slam poetry you could've picked on than this

>> No.15141506

What the fuck is "slam poetry"? Why are burgers this cringe? lol Is this a negro thing?

>> No.15141530

Get off my fucking board. You haven't mentioned a single thing about their writing, their approach to langue, their philosphy. You just talked about your shitty, Christian-American morals. Go fuck yourself with a bible since books and literature are clearly too much for you.

>> No.15141533

It's just some dumb college thing where people get on stage and rant about a subject really really fast because everyone knows it makes you sound smarter and more impressive when you speak really fast

>> No.15141537

>I could excuse it all if the writing was any good, but it's not.
Pretty much this

>> No.15141541

Honestly, I'm glad I didn't know. I read Howl without knowing that stuff, and because of that I was able to appreciate it as an amazing work. Same for some of his other poems. If I'd known about the NAMBLA stuff beforehand, whether I like it or not it would've affected my perception of the work to some degree.

>> No.15141601
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Completely agree. Can't say it didn't tarnish my whole view of him since though. Seeing how close he was with such prolific figures like Dylan etc. makes my brain hurt a bit. How could everyone around him be okay with his fondness for children? Or maybe they weren't, who knows.

>> No.15141646

>Why? they have almost no connection apart from the fact that "beat" and "slam" are similar words.

Wrong, have you actually ever read any fucking beat poetry? You'd see the similarities. I'm going to use an excerpt from a Ginsberg poem below;

Communism's flopped
Let's help the Soviet millions
Sell 'em our Coffin-Nails
& make a couple billions
Big Bucks Big Bucks bucks bucks
bucks bucks smoke smoke smoke smoke
smoke Bucks smoke bucks Dope bucks big
Dope Bucks Dig Big Dope Bucks Big Dope
Bucks dont smoke big dope bucks
Dig big Pig dope bucks

Nine billion bucks a year
a Southern Industry
Buys Senator Jesse Fear who pushes Tobacco subsidy
In the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Dope smokes dope smokes dont smoke dont smoke
Cloak cloak cloak room cloak & dagger
smoke room cloak room dope cloak
cloak room dope cloak room dope dont smoke

If you can't see how that style of poetry played a huge influence on slam poetry and the idiots with their stupid, lost-bet, haircuts clucking around on an open mic poetry stage like a headless chicken, then you are a spastic.

>> No.15141650

Based anon telling OP what I am very tired of telling faggot OPs

>> No.15141679 [DELETED] 


>> No.15141693
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost-bet haircuts

>> No.15141716

Does this burger seriously think I wrote it, or that I'm defending it? Fuck slam poetry and fuck beat poetry.

>> No.15141727

burroughs had some cool ideas.

>> No.15141730

They were pederasts and pederasts control the establishment, gubbmint et Al.

>> No.15141731

lol deleted your reply, here it is so everyone else can still laugh at it

>> No.15141742
File: 151 KB, 640x799, 1571420528605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just talked about your shitty, Christian-American morals. Go fuck yourself with a bible since books and literature are clearly too much for you.

>> No.15141752

>Why did (((we))) glorify this group of writers?
Not my kind of 'we', kemosabe.

>> No.15141776

what makes slam poetry "slam" is not the style, its the context of performance, and the way it is written for that performed context. Just because you think you can see similarities doesn't mean they're actually there.

>> No.15141780

kek I'm not the guy who talks, it's from an old thread, you can look it up in the archive. Just wanted to use it because it's a nice rant. And this was aimed at Ginsberg, not you.

>> No.15141790

I don't know how you can listen to this and not see it as a clear as day influence towards slam poetry.

>> No.15141791

Dylan was also a massive douchebag.

>> No.15141856

Because jazz clubs are not college campus safe spaces. And I guarantee you most slam poets aren't going to feel much affinity to a group of white males, one of whom was a known pedophile. You keep saying "it's clear as day!", when if you knew what you were talking about you would have an awareness of all the other factors beyond "they talk really fast so it must be the same!!". Even that poem you posted about
communism and tobacco or whatever doesn't read as evangelical or moralising in the way that slam poets are, its more just silly and cognitively playful.

>> No.15141870

Ginsber was Semitic, not white. And plenty of liberals like pedophile figures.

>> No.15141903

>(((white))) males

>> No.15141911

What else would you expect from a kike. Physiognomy is real. That guy looks like a rat camel crossbreed nothing good was ever going to come from him

>> No.15141923

Ok kike keep shifting the blame for your demented race onto europeans. You sick perverted fucks

>> No.15141952

That's why I like him. My dad said he went to see him live once and he just performed with his back to the crowd the whole time, that is serious chad behaviour.

>> No.15141964

Can't tell if you're pro-beats, pro-slam or both.

>> No.15141979

>using "degenerate" unironically as criticism
>worst of all, Kerouac was a chad
t. seething incels

kekked to the max

>> No.15141989

the beats still suck whether OP is seething or not, though.

>> No.15142016

yep so does Neoclassicism, Romanticism, American Transcendentalism and Realism

>> No.15142082

Just do heroine bro like your heros lmfao why read them when you can get high and drunk instead lmfao

>> No.15142108
File: 33 KB, 739x742, baited-8344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care for the beats at all, just showing you how stupid it is to shun an entire literary movement. Also your bait is whack af, dude.

>> No.15142119

thats pretentious kike behavior.

>> No.15142135

Sounds like you come from a family of losers lmao

>> No.15142165

Gary Snyder is based. Kerouac is a retard. Ginsberg is worthless. Burroughs was ahead of his time in many ways.

>> No.15142181

ahead in what regard? ahead of all the others in line to the needle? yeah probably

>> No.15142186

Burroughs is a BTEC Kafka.

>> No.15142571

>he was a mega paedo
dat ist Basëischreiben und Richtgepiltwer

>> No.15142606

Neither, you fucking spaz. I just think its retarded to make bold statements like "I blame the beats for slam poetry" and then be unable to provide an argument, instead just sharing links to beat poetry and going "LOOK ITS THE SAME THING". That is weak as fuck

jews, white people, I don't give a shit. If you just want to make a comment in order to confirm your retarded conspiratorial biases, I could care less. beats and slam both suck, but they suck for different reasons, though the beats suck considerably less, and are not directly responsible for slam poetry as that original poster claimed.

>> No.15142615

Kafka is a BTEC borges.

>> No.15142637

>I could care less
Then care less, faggot.

>> No.15142654

What a retard lmao. Muh conspiracy HAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.15142669

bukowski wrote pretty well, i guess.

most beat poets were drunks or drug users

>> No.15142682

>>/pol/ is thataway, friendos. If you want to play cheap "gotcha, kike!" games, you'll get more of an audience for it there. /lit/ is an intellectual board (or about as intellectual as 4chan(nel) gets)

>> No.15142862

>“Hot night. Jack was manic. Sea captain’s hat. T-shirt. Like Marlon Brando in Streetcar. Drinking beer. Burroughs looked like a traveling salesman who had traveled too far in a wrinkled gray suit. He had published a good novel, Junkie under the name William Lee....Bill was quiet. Jack was loud. I suppose he was drunk.” Instead of letting Burroughs make a pass at Vidal, Kerouac started flirting with Vidal himself.

>Vidal noted that almost everything that happened that night, except for graphic descriptions of sex, were described almost word for word in Kerouac’s novelThe Subterraneans.

>> No.15142875

>uses phrases like "I could care less"
you must be mentally retarded

>> No.15142954

Because they're all disgusting Jews.
Anything Ashkenazi get involved in I try to avoid. Everything they got involved in has ulterior purposes to undermine the goy. They never encourage virtue or stabilizing society.

>> No.15142979

Less mentally retarded than someone who doesn't see why the JQ is a huge fucking inductive leap that only matters to people who have to think about which side of their mouth they're gonna drool out of.

>> No.15143018

the best poetry of the 20th century was before the 60's, anon.

>> No.15143019

I've seen quite a few Dylan interviews and I think he just doesn't give a shit, not that he's a douchebag. I would say he has a semi-solipsistic worldview, something a lot of people here might idolize.

>> No.15143053

Plenty of intellectuals like Schopenhauer believed in the JQ:
"many great and illustrious nations with which this pettifogging little nation cannot possibly be compared, such as the Assyrians, Medes, Persians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Etruscans and others have passed to eternal rest and entirely disappeared. And even so today, this gens extorris [refugee race], this John Lackland among the nations, is to be found all over the globe, nowhere at home and nowhere strangers. Moreover it asserts its nationality with unprecedented obstinacy and, mindful of Abraham who dwelt in Canaan as a stranger but who gradually became master of the whole land, as his God had promised him (Genesis 17:8), it would like to set foot somewhere and take root in order to arrive once more at a country, without which, of course, a people is like a ball floating in air. Till then, it lives parasitically on other nations and their soil; but yet it is inspired with the liveliest patriotism for its own nation. This is seen in the very firm way in which Jews stick together on the principle of each for all and all for each, so that this patriotism sine patria inspires greater enthusiasm than does any other. The rest of the Jews are the fatherland of the Jew; and so he fights for them as he would pro ara et focis [for hearth and home], and no community on earth sticks so firmly together as does this."

Summary: "As a formidably cohesive group whose loyalty to their ethnic kindred vastly outstrips their loyalty to the non-Jewish nations within which they dwell, Jews should absolutely never, Schopenhauer affirmed, be allowed to play any role whatsoever in the governance of these nations."

His criticism of Islam was good too.

>> No.15143084


>> No.15143111

TL;DR. All that quote, and you didn't see an
>appeal to authority
coming? I miss it when you guys weren't just retards who parroted other people's opinions.

>> No.15143121

You claimed that /lit/ is an intellectual board, and I referenced an intellectual who believed in the JQ. Plenty of intellectuals have historically disliked Jews and Muslims. One can be an intellectual while hating kikes and Mudslimes. No problem with that.

>> No.15143144

So? Why is this even relevant? This is a literature board. You want to talk about the JQ, or constantly disrupt threads with posts like (((white))), go do it on fucking /pol/ where they belong. I told you I don't give a shit, why are you still persisting?

>> No.15143162 [DELETED] 

I mainly talk about literature, but I like to occasionally damn Jews and call for their ethnic genocide because it is very wise and sagacious. There is a literary tradition of extolling virtue and there is nothing more virtuous than slaughtering every single last Jew, you included, disgusting vermin.

>> No.15143174 [DELETED] 

Lmao jew mad. I hate you sick fucks go drink bleach kike. You belong nowhere, not even on this board.

>> No.15143188
File: 219 KB, 1400x2101, 1C16EE40-569B-4165-A170-BBFE37C9355A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based!

>> No.15143247

This is just standard late 19th century rhetoric though. Schopenhauer was merely voicing a common opinion ofnhis time here (which is becoming again a common opinion in our time since we've been stuck repeating 19th century memes in various forms for the past 200 years).

>> No.15143300

Yea your point jude?

>> No.15143328

Why is it such a huge leap that members of an ethnoreligion, which explicitly defines itself in terms of in-group preference & out-group exclusion, and is openly nepotistic, acts as a single cohesive force? Especially when gross over representation of said ethnoreligion occurs in all areas of influence, from politics to media to finance to academia. Just think of it as a form of intersectionality.

>> No.15143518
File: 60 KB, 388x285, c964e-this-metzitzah-bpeh (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being surprised that a Jew is a pedophile

>> No.15143806

Bob Dylan likened himself to William Blake and Poe in the song he released this week. How does that make you feel, anon?

>> No.15143828
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 2423423234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your vacation ;)

>> No.15143839

>They weren't "counter-culture," they were just perverts
So... are you claiming perversion is just cultural?

But shit and animals are still ok... right?

>> No.15143902

See, if you were talking about actual practising jews you might have a point, but the ones in power are inevitably part of the diaspora and have very little attachments to actual "jewishness". This is why I find the idea so ridiculous, you take a few legitimately true facts about jews– they have positions in government, media, press, banks, etc. –and then you collate them together in service of a lie. "jews hold positions of power" is not the same thing as "jews are collectively enacting a plot to destabilise western civilisation" is just silly. The jewish caricature you're drawing on in your post is so unbelievably dated, its almost like the last 100 years didn't happen for you.