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/lit/ - Literature

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15140283 No.15140283 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts? 9x9 thread

>> No.15140298

There is no way you could have made it even more cursed

>> No.15140307

are you a bosnian?

>> No.15140312

That’s 3x3 you absolut mong

>> No.15140408
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>> No.15140431

Actually incredible how funny this is. Bravo.

>> No.15140432

schmitt - ??? - joyce
nabokov - ??? - churchill
??? - Machiavelli - ???

>> No.15140451


>> No.15140452

Mises, Leo Strauss, Hayek, Lloyd Shapley

>> No.15140570

You can hate the perpetrator of a genocide with out being part of the targeted group.
Also he freaks me out, because he looks way to goofy for the crimes he commited.

>> No.15140787


>> No.15140943
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I am the most based person here

>> No.15140973

??? - foucault - ??? - ???
deleuze - spengler- heidegger - jung
adorno - ??? - ernst jünger? - Nietzsche

>> No.15140982

lolberg retard

>> No.15141376


>> No.15141593

How's my meme list?

>> No.15142916

Cringe (because no pic attached)

>> No.15144151
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here's mine

>> No.15144158

mckenna is annoying. I cannot stand his voice

>> No.15144184

top pseud

>> No.15144199

Honestly that does seem rather based. but who are (1, 1), (1, 3), and (4, 2)?

>> No.15144210
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>> No.15144255

Marlborough is an incredible work

>> No.15144274

palindrome alert

>> No.15144295

why did this make me laugh, it's not even funny

>> No.15144309
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Like it or not, this is the new face of /lit/

>> No.15144340

I fucking love joseph farrell

>> No.15144353

Well then you're on the cutting edge, my friend. You're part of the /lit/erary avant garde, the coming elite of /lit/ posters. Together we will build a new board, better than the one that came before it.

>> No.15144354

where to start with Eliade?

>> No.15144380
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Any rec based on this?

>> No.15144448

not that poster but i would recommend starting with myth of the eternal return (also called cosmos and history, confusingly) which is where he basically gives his mission statement of what he thinks is wrong with modernity and how comparative religions can solve it. it's also short so you can read it pretty quick, although it's dense with references - i wouldn't worry overmuch with catching every single reference he's making, just try to get the gist and sense of the overall points he's making because he returns to them throughout every book.

from there you have multiple choices:
- there are a series of short books quite like Myth of the Eternal Return which he published in a flurry around the same time, like the forge and the crucible, so you could read one of those if they interest you. these will give you more a sense of what eliade is doing but still bite-sized and restricted to manageable domains (like alchemy or dreams).

- or you could read either Yoga or Shamanism (or both) if you're interested in what sort of person eliade thinks it is that comes into contact with the primordial/transcendent mythic realm, and implicitly what sort of person he thinks we ought to be becoming in order to restore this capacity (which exists for all of us potentially)

- if you want something more systematic, patterns of comparative religion is the big one where he outlines the overall scheme of the mythic structures he's identified in his researches, so you could read that right after Myth of the Eternal Return, but i would say only do it if you really loved that specific aspect of it (the revealing of the vegetal/cyclical myths etc)

- some people recommend starting with The Sacred and the Profane but i am not a huge fan of this, i just include this for fairness

other than that, his youth novels are worth reading if you're interested in right-wing modernism (gaudeamus + novel of the myopic adolescent). his short magical realist fiction is neat, and his big roman a clef novel The Forest Passage (or something like that) is good, but imho his best stuff is from the 1930s and hasn't been translated

>> No.15144474

>schmitt and mises
nigger what

>> No.15144492

probably a uchicago fundamentals major

>> No.15144525

many thanks anon, I'll check him out. Also I'm more of a novel kind of guy, do you think if I read The Night of St John without having a good background of Eliade most of the stuff will go over my head?

>> No.15144569


>> No.15144634
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>> No.15144642

who is that nigga on the top right? what a chad

>> No.15144809

William James

>> No.15144974
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>> No.15144980

middle row left?

>> No.15145001

It is more that Schmitt was right about a lot of things and that is the problem. Liberalism eats itself hiding and failing to distinguish πολέμιος, from either friend or ἐχϑρός. Depoliticization will lead to fewer attempts at greatness. Mises is broadly correct about the non categorical nature of human action. Attempts to achieve enough information to central plan will generally fail. This is not necessarily the case in the Emergency. There are periods where we need an imperfect, but energetic power to deal with a disaster (Siege, War, Plague). The wielder of this power should not be permanent or even sovereign himself. I believe that though the present conception of liberalism was always doomed to fail we can still attempt to address the issues that Schmitt reveals even if it is unlikely that we will succeed. (Hayek and Mises both recognized huge potential problems for the culture and mores of a liberal society, in fact Hayek said that the decline of liberalism began with Mill's On Liberty and his rejection of moral coercion).

>> No.15145032
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Rate and Give me book recommendations (philosophy or not, doesn’t matter)

>> No.15145139
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Lloyd P. Gerson
the floor sweeper

>> No.15145158

have you actually read abhinavagupta

>> No.15145177
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excuse me

>> No.15145189

>nietzsche and platonists together

>> No.15145215

*inserts Guenon in attempt to astroturf his 'popularity' in this board
cringe, go find a new hobby you creepy schizo

>> No.15145220


>> No.15145225


Yep, I consider his work and the work of kukai to be my major tantric influences. In my own ontology I use his conceptions of the relations of vimarsa and prakasa to more or less radically expand beyond kabbalistic Kether

>> No.15145247
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>> No.15145254

>Nagarjuna, Whitehead and Wittgenstein in the same room together

>> No.15145262

i have no idea what that means but it sounds legit

>> No.15145326


Give the Triadic heart of shiva a read as a primer to his work.

>> No.15145350

>the Triadic heart of shiva
Ok but how did you go to draw a connection from that to the kabbalistic kether? what does kether signify in that context?

>> No.15145393


Links incoming to my work, it would take a lot of spamming In here to explain my model.

Begin here tinyurl,com/yab4krsp

At the end of that one I have a little glossary of terms, read it first. Then continue with this.


Theres a lot of other articles which I’ve written which further build upon and expand outwards but the above two will give you the basics of my model.

>> No.15145403

whoa thanks man

>> No.15145420

btw do you have an email you are readily reachable at if i want to discuss your ideas with you?

>> No.15145428
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Read him again.
>Oh, those Greeks! They knew how to live: what is needed for that is to stop bravely at the surface, the fold, the skin; to worship appearance, to believe in shapes, tones, words - in the whole Olympus of appearance! Those Greeks were superficial - out of profundity! And is not this precisely what we are coming back to, we daredevils of the spirit who have climbed the highest and most dangerous peak of current thought and looked around from up there, looked down from up there? Are we not just in this respect - Greeks? Worshippers of shapes, tones, words? And therefore - artists?

>> No.15145429


None that I really check honestly, I’m on /lit/ though and always use the name. Either that or I use discord if you have it.

>> No.15145441

>I use discord if you have it.
i don't but now that i think of it i can just leave comments on your wordpress, and i guess you can respond to me there?

>> No.15145453



>> No.15146150
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>> No.15146159

Are you that Ape guy?

>> No.15146235


Nope, I know him though. We’re pretty different. K’s Group would classify me as possessed by the devil/333 but unironically, since I work so much grantian material and don’t bend the knee, I’m also heavily Christian which doesn’t blend well with their stuff.

>> No.15146247

Lmao is Witty twice for both of his stages

>> No.15146251

Cool, I hope your final anime battle has good music.

>> No.15146257

addendum: I didn't mean this in a mocking way except light-heartedly, I actually thought what you said sounded pretty cool, and I secretly hope anime is or becomes real.

>> No.15146260

schoppy looks cute