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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1944, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1514020 No.1514020 [Reply] [Original]

how does this make you feel /lit/

>> No.1514032


she must like Shaun of the Dead (the poster)

>> No.1514075

*shrugs shoulders*

so- she doesn't like what i like, oh well.

>> No.1514080

She likes a bunch of shitty shit. So what?

>> No.1514084

Not terribly impressive, but it's getting there (the bookshelf).

>> No.1514088

Atonement is a decent book idgaf what you think.

>> No.1514120

>Jack Kereauc
>Clay Shirky
>Douglas Adams
pretty good authors. the rest? meh. is this supposed to be a troll thread or something?

>> No.1514129


>> No.1514226

You might think you don't care but cover up the book shelf with your hand and she suddenly becomes at least an 8!! OMG!

>> No.1514237
File: 24 KB, 594x498, do not.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I want to see your 10 if she's an 8.

>> No.1514252
File: 1.72 MB, 1879x2500, 1295980307500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1514260

So are we posting our bookshelves in this thread?

>> No.1514275

Why so reasonable? Someone cut /lit/s dick off.

>> No.1514278
File: 45 KB, 300x431, filipino-dating-sites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok just for you I photoshopped the book case out and look what happens!

I'd download that ISO so hard...

>> No.1514281

Who the fuck is Olivia Wild. Goddam she's hot.

>> No.1514283

oops links wrong way around... :-P

>> No.1514292

No one cares, it's post modern.
Also, ITT we post bookshelves with hot bitches who can't spell their name right but we don't care either.

>> No.1514295
File: 107 KB, 197x261, 1279533064589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she's got Bukowski
She's into rough stuff, guaranteed. It's a fact about women who like Chinaski's shit.

>> No.1514305
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x800, 1294891802788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.1514316
File: 8 KB, 317x223, Spaghetti_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the first book I see is Atlas Shrugged.
>mfw bukowski is a shitty writer

>> No.1514321

He get laid, at least. Do you?

>> No.1514342

>mfw when you just admitted he was a shitty writer.
>mfw he drank shitty beer and fucked trap looking women.
>mfw you try to use this as ammo
>mfw only a virgin uses sex as the ultimate goal in life.
>mfw I have a girlfriend

>> No.1514340 [DELETED] 

Who let in the sand nigger?

>> No.1514344 [DELETED] 

Niggette, you sexist pig.

>> No.1514350

Fat virgin.

>> No.1514360

lol that was my first post ITT
ima becum teh best troll evar!

>> No.1514361

Fap fap fap fap fap.

She's such a dirty commie.

>> No.1514385

Ok. Thanks, Google.
Megan Fox 2.0...
/lit/ iamdisappoint

>> No.1514387


>> No.1514390


And things could've been a disaster.

>> No.1514391

There shall be only one.

>> No.1514394

typical chick library of masturbatory works

speaking of masturba-

>> No.1514397

>typical chick library


>> No.1514404

BNP 3.0

>> No.1514409

Her library is no more "masturbatory" than the majority of bookshelves I see in bookshelf threads on /lit/.

>> No.1514414

She probably spends all her free time chasing fandoms and writing fan fiction.

>> No.1514415


I'd categorize my book by reading all of her call numbers, then finding the right spot for it...if you catch my drift

>> No.1514416

You could replace all her books with issues of Dolly, Sixteen and Cosmopolitan and it will have more intellectual depth.

>> No.1514419

>dat Brecht

>> No.1514424 [DELETED] 

You niggers are too picky.

If I found a reasonably attractive gal with a hobby, I would be perfectly willing to accept them as an acquaintance and possible friend, reserving judgment on her until I have been properly introduced and spent time enough with her to make an informed opinion on the compatibility of her personality with mine. I would, in fact, be open to the idea of a romantic relationship with an individual of that physical appearance, provided we had similar enough priorities and values to maintain a healthy, animosity free intercourse.

>> No.1514426

Nice blanket statement there, bro. Shakespeare's on there.

>> No.1514429

You are possibly the only sane person on /lit/.

>> No.1514431

well fuck. now he's gone.

>> No.1514446


Why was my post deleted? Was it because I was being to reasonable? Was it not hateful enough?

>> No.1514455

You FELLOWS are too picky.

If I found a reasonably attractive gal with a hobby, I would be perfectly willing to accept them as an acquaintance and possible friend, reserving judgment on her until I have been properly introduced and spent time enough with her to make an informed opinion on the compatibility of her personality with mine. I would, in fact, be open to the idea of a romantic relationship with an individual of that physical appearance, provided we had similar enough priorities and values to maintain a healthy, animosity free intercourse.

>> No.1514511

Well, looks like we got our janitor.

>> No.1514517

OK here is something you should understand:

There is the real world and there is the internet.

In the real world I'd totally date a girl who looked like that, and be happy.

But this is NOT the real world. This is the internet. We have the pick of any and all of the worlds most beautiful women, whatever your idea of beauty happens to be.

There is real world hot and there is internet hot.

There is real world meh, and there is internet close the tab.

There is real world maybe she's got personality and there is internet GTFO.

Real world hot lands some place around or slightly below "close the tab" in Internet scales.

>> No.1514520

She's a Muggle

>> No.1514554


I prefer the term away from keyboard. I, for myself, think the Internet is real.

>> No.1514584


Yo, dawg, why you so serious?

>> No.1514591


Never question the 3 "I"s!!

>> No.1514600


Yo, dawg, maybe you should stop taking the internet so seriously and act like a normal person, not some self-diagnosed 'sociopath' on the internet.

>> No.1514614

>implying the internet isn't more "real" than real life

>> No.1514623


>Implying you are not a teenager

>> No.1514665



Why does she have two copies of the same edition of War and Peace?

>> No.1514695
