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15139558 No.15139558 [Reply] [Original]

How to write a fighting scene ?
I need your help /lit/

>> No.15139584

Best fight scene I've ever read is located in The Orchard Keeper when Sylder kills Kenneth Ratner page 37-40.

>> No.15139586

Watch hella UFC and base it on tht

>> No.15139587



>> No.15139590

>Spinozafag vs. Guenonfag

>> No.15139595

Are you comparing Spinoza enthusiasts with rodents?
Pretty fair.

>> No.15139603

Ajax against Paris in the Illiad is pretty based

>> No.15139713

I hope a rat eats the eyeballs of whoever set this up

>> No.15139767
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I'm not opening up GIMP for this nonsense, so use your imaginations.

>> No.15139776


>> No.15139952
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Don't lie to yourself this is pure kino entertainment. To be honest . It would an interesting book the story of rat ( named kkk rat by /b/ tards ) fighting to survive in the chink blood sport . He gone against scorpion, lizards , centipedes, crabs and more .

>> No.15139966

Read the fight scene in Don Quixote near the start where he fights with the servant of the group of ladies.

>> No.15139980

I hate rats, got any where the rat dies?

>> No.15140021

>guess I have a pet rat now

>> No.15140029
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>> No.15140043

Rats are fucking vicious, that's crazy.

>> No.15140052
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/lit/ what can we add to this ?

>> No.15140063

>Hey buddy, I got a new friend for you to play with say hi to your new roomma– OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP

>> No.15140161
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Why not post more for research purpose

>> No.15140187

the gnostics were right

>> No.15140468

fucking hell

>> No.15140563

Why the fuck do they do this? What possible knowledge is there to be gained apart from "hurrr who would win in a fight"

>> No.15140591

that's a mouse dumbass

>> No.15140602
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Entertainment my dear fren

>> No.15140616
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>> No.15140628

wtf? did the croc have a heart attack?

>> No.15140650

The rat bite his eye and brains around :27 mark

>> No.15140682
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would agree

>> No.15140707
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I have seen an anon give his pet lobster(not peterson) Methamphetamines as an experiment on /sci/
Has lit ever matched such greatness?

>> No.15140710

The chink probably starves the rats before making them fight.

>> No.15140736

link/pic/vid plox?

>> No.15140765
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Also Mix with being paranoid because of constant fighting. If I had the power I would like to right a story of rat that was forced to fight. These fights seem interesting.

>> No.15140767

i hate chinks and I have reported OP for possible zoosadism to relevant authorities including international orgs.

>> No.15140786


>> No.15140850


Sadly the law don't care for rats or amphibians. YouTube freely only rat torture to exist on there site . Electrocution , drowning , starving and etc . Some even have 3 millions views .The only rule is no gore .

If it was doggo you may have a point

>> No.15140871

yeah but they check out activities of people such as OP and there's usually an abuse thread that can be followed. fingers crossed.

>> No.15140907

Why target a viewer and not the creator . As I said nobody cares about rat . There is no way he can average millions of views and keep his video up. if he was catching wild cats and drowning and electrocuted them

>> No.15140913

This is disgusting and /op/ is a sociopath

>> No.15140914

well its not just rats but fighting other animals

>> No.15140920

Guess its legally "pest control" or some shit

>> No.15140941

Read Lovecraft, he's an expert at fight scenes.

>> No.15140977

Some of his videos get worst . The webm are interesting because at least they have a mean to defend themself. This guy just catch and kill .

>> No.15141033
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this fucking place

>> No.15141078

its legally based.

moralfags get out.

>> No.15141120

the rat clearly weighs like 4 times as much as the croc and the lizard thing

>> No.15141209

think its missing some vids ,when the lobster is dancing high on meth

>> No.15141225

kek, i thought it might of ended abruptly cuz someone reported him

>> No.15141248

lol at you fags feeling bad about the fights

>> No.15141249

Look at the writings on the vid. The only thing that's missing is a bat fight

>> No.15141403

>tfw she keeps sucking after u nut

>> No.15141417

scorpions are so pointy, those two giant pincers and also the tail stinger

>> No.15141611

still looks like a mouse

>> No.15141722

>Rat literally starts using the "death roll"

>> No.15142214
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I'd like to read a Mishima story based on this little fracas

>> No.15143310

>thinking they do this for knowledge
Ever heard of cock fights or dog fights, you retard? People bet on this shit.

>> No.15143732

i have two examples of fight scenes ive written, one is very vague and presented from the fighter's adrenaline rushed perspective. i want fights like these to be trance-like or dreamlike
>The crooks spoke but Pete couldn’t make out what they said nor what their faces looked like, his ears plugged and his eyes in a haze. Two of them fell upon him and he stumbled against a brick wall his head ringing. But his wrists were big and his hands were big and in a muffled flurry of punches and strikes one fell into the street and retreated with two more in tow.
When Pete snapped out of his slur he found his mouth blabbering gibberish and drooling, his curled knuckle swollen and readied above the bloodied face of a boy below him.

this is a more vivid and heroic style of fighting i feature in a historical fiction:
>The Wako put sampans into the water and row out to meet the christians. They loose their yumi bows and fire their arquebi and a pirate peppers them with a chinese repeating crossbow. A burning arrow hits its mark in the Scotsman’s keg and the fire spreads quickly to the powder. But no high or lowlander tosses cabers like he and he lugs the keg at the leading sampan blowing it in two and sending the pirates into the air like a fountain of dismembered limbs and gore. The flanking boats capsize from the shockwave and the christians hurry to slaughter their pursuers. Samurai swings his kanabo with ease and Arjan fights his way forward with a dao plucked from a cold dead hand.

>> No.15143861
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I just want to know how fights work and see more badass rat shit, is that so much to ask without spooks running in here with their PETA bullshit? It's a rat fighting things it will likely end up eating who cares you can't save this rat, since it is likely already dead. Might as well see his win streak.

>> No.15143872

"all the pretty horses" has a great prison knife fight in it, mostly because the actual fight obvious is over in just a few seconds but the description stretches out to mimic how time would stop during that level of immediate stress