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15139090 No.15139090 [Reply] [Original]

Is 23 too young to become anti-fragile? In the talebian sense.

>> No.15139111

Stop posting this image and stop being 23

>> No.15139115

once all my questions are answered

>> No.15139459

No. Perfect age.

>> No.15139491

No it's not. Nobody likes you when you're 23.

>> No.15139497

Shut the fuck up blink-182poster

>> No.15139527

How is it perfect age?

I think like I'm at the time where I dont have enough experience to evaluate which heuristics really work and which don't.

>> No.15139636

You're at a pivotal point. If you don't learn from mistakes and failures now, or at least start to learn how to learn from failures; you're fucked.

To be anti-fragile is to develop coping skills such that you can channel negative energy (not gay hippy energy) into something productive. "Let that shit drive you" it what anti-fragility is about in the popular context. Also, if you're not taking risks right now you'll never be anti-fragile.

>> No.15139659

I think I'm actually a naturally risk taking person because I don't really feel risk aversion much and I prefer action to inaction.

But it also feels very limited because a lot of my decisions aren't motivated by purely by pay offs but also by like comfort of life while taking those decisions.

I'm also easily able to act after failure but I have a hard time evaluating what exactly lead to any given failure and so I find it tricky to learn from them.

Do you think I'm at a reasonable path towards anti-fragility or should I reconsider some element of how I think about stuff.

>> No.15139719

>But it also feels very limited because a lot of my decisions aren't motivated by purely by pay offs but also by like comfort of life while taking those decisions.

This is laziness. Laziness isn't anti-fragile, you're not getting better as a result of your mistakes or failures, you're just accepting them. This is a part of being anti-fragile (understanding that failure is not the end of the world), but you also need to establish an attitude where you act in a better manner than previously rather than accepting your mistakes for what they are.

>> No.15140012

Is a 23-year-old too young to join taleban? Not at all

>> No.15140033

You’re not to young to being able to decipher anything at all and you’re old enough to interact with the world and your life in an examined way. It’s the perfect age to start building a worldview and/or taking action. You’re asking this question for a reason. You’re standing on the door step.

>> No.15140082

you sound like a fag. taleb is a retired financier who sells middle brow books to bitcoiners and the right wing side of silicon valley

>> No.15140256

have sex femcel

>> No.15140261

I didnt get any (You)s in your last thread so dont expect any help from me, mister

>> No.15140299

i wish i could

here's one for the future

thanks :)

>> No.15140457
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