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File: 60 KB, 800x781, 1272920763073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1513811 No.1513811 [Reply] [Original]

My university is shut down for two days do to an ice storm.
Since going outside is dangerous, all I get to do is stay home and read.

Are you mad?

>> No.1513817

yes, because you are in college and can't differentiate "do" and "due"

>> No.1513819

>do to an ice storm
looks like you could use a little library time eh?

>> No.1513828

Not really. Three months of no work or study.

>> No.1513826

so mad

>> No.1513844
File: 19 KB, 400x500, high-five-bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op my university are shut down doo two snowstorm to

>> No.1513853
File: 87 KB, 755x1255, 1290561765320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this small comic has actually gotten so little a use out of me

sort of disappointing

>> No.1513856

Go be gay somewhere else.

>> No.1513857

have fun

>> No.1513875

No, I live in Texas and even my university is shut down.

>> No.1513885

op goes to UNT

>> No.1513895

No, I live in the Midwest.

>> No.1513896

if that you op? you're kinda cute.

>> No.1513897

That's nice. Why not use the time to study?

>> No.1513904

Because studying is for faggots.

>> No.1513908

Enjoy behind two days behind in all your classes! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA SUCKER!!!!

Meanwhile I'm going to continue going to my classes at a prestigious university, in a city that doesn't completely shutdown because of a little bit of snow. MMM...Gonna savour those days of learning and staying on top of shit.

>> No.1513915

This snow. it sounds like rain.

>> No.1513916

study is depressing no one really likes school. they would rather be with friends if they had some or here.

>> No.1513927

Says the dumbest kid on this board who also happens to make a thread every two days whining about his lack of friends.

>> No.1514001
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>> No.1514049

Masturbate. This is an order.

>> No.1514057

You in Dallas too OP?

>> No.1514087

No. You won't get laid.

>> No.1514098
File: 720 KB, 2560x1920, Nakedgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you bro.

>> No.1514101

>implying all I wanted was sex, not merely the possibility of a friend who shares interests

>> No.1514103
File: 80 KB, 492x559, 1246190894562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do to an ice storm

>> No.1514112

Seriously, OP?

>> No.1514115
File: 96 KB, 480x380, Roman-Polanski1_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, another person is mad.

>> No.1514130

Holy shit. I dry heaved like 5 times. This is the most disgusting picture ever. Remind me never to take of the girlfriend after fucking her for a long while with the lights on and the flash on. Jesus.

>> No.1514178
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But no one would fuck you.

>> No.1514191
File: 17 KB, 493x402, yourgayIknowyourlookingatthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the girlfriend, you lonely man-child.

>> No.1514192

What kind of school shuts down because of snow? I'd ask for my money back. the University of Minnesota would never shut down

>> No.1514190

What a fucking faggot. I'd lick that forever.

>> No.1514197

It isn't snow, it's ice. Everything is covered in inches of ice.

>> No.1514199

Mostly southern ones, I think. Snow doesn't happen that often, and when it does, everyone freaks the fuck out. In Texas, at least.

>> No.1514202
File: 76 KB, 526x720, I became a cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go right ahead, I'm not stopping you.

>> No.1514206

Why don't you tell it to your girlfriend yourself?

>> No.1514207


>> No.1514208

Ice is great for sledding really fast. You should go outside and play.

>> No.1514212

Not to fuck me? She would laugh. She likes sex too much.

>> No.1514228


True, but for good reason. In Texas, you usually get rain that transitions to snow. That means you have a thick ass layer of ice beneath the snow. UNT fag here.

>> No.1514243

So why are you posting here? Go fuck her, dumbass. Or is it my turn this week?

>> No.1514249

Wow, sound more like a virgin, please.

>> No.1514256

You haven't slept with a woman, have you...

>> No.1514263

Funny thing is I'm married.
Reality can be strange, huh?

>> No.1514271
File: 76 KB, 1024x691, How-Everything-Has-Changed-But-Nothing-is-New-PA09.001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when I'm unemployed and don't go to school

>> No.1514276
File: 26 KB, 465x291, Dostoyevsky_1662791c_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1514290

I really don't think so with the comment you made. I would guess 15.

I hope, if not, please get laid...

>> No.1514299

>implying computers are made by pixie dust.

>> No.1514312

33. Married. French. 3 years old daughter.
Lot of fun trolling the interwebz when I'm bored.

>> No.1514324
File: 29 KB, 349x642, Jokes on them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1514335

gonna take a stab in the dark and say zf is in this thread

>> No.1514351

That's it. I'm a retard. But I'm a retard who knows what is a tasty looking sweaty lady. Do you, clever mature guy who has a girlfriend who likes sex so much but keep on posting anyway?

>> No.1514365

I didn't say she was a nympho.

>I'm a retard.
Well, I guess case closed then.

>> No.1514373

Agreed, case closed.
Also, your unfunny as a sandbag.

>> No.1514377

>Also, you're as funny as a sandbag.

fixed that for you.

>> No.1514389

I'm a retard. Remember?

>> No.1514615

Man, global warming is terrible isn't it?