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15134630 No.15134630 [Reply] [Original]

Is communism even possible bros? Is there any chance that people will remove capitalism on a global scale in the next 1000 year.

Don't let me succumb to liberalism bros.

>> No.15134635

communism only works for ants and bees

>> No.15134645

beyond cringe

>> No.15134693

marx was wrong that socialism will replace capitalism and will then lead to communism. Capitalism will be overthrown by both fascism and socialism, and their battle for supremacy will be the last stage of history

>> No.15134722

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.

>> No.15134737

Capitalism will end, but it is doubtfull that it will be followed by a socialist and then communist stage. It is more likely that technological development takes us down a path that has not yet become clear to anyone at this point.

>> No.15134742

We will go full Eusocial.

>> No.15134753
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>> No.15134770

fascists are just limp wristed twinks in red neck shit holes with no education that are too pussy to say anything outside the internet. or at most they are just another bored privileged suburbanite with 0 problems in their life that is just looking to dress up/larp as an ideology i.e. Nick Fuentes. they are a non-entity.

>> No.15134774

Retard, Reddit loves communism. Fuck off chapo

>> No.15134777

Capitalism will end some day, but capital will not. Human beings as we know them will always need a unit of value to communicate with each other -- what's a financial transaction but a conversation with a pricetag?

You can say God, the State, a personality, or some other item will replace capital, but as long as things need funding, as long as value needs to be exchanged, capital will exist, and therefore so will some latent form of capitalism.

>> No.15134809

Marx ruined socialism. Marxists are the ones who fight tooth and nail against any other form of socialism, and tell the proletariat that capitalism MUST be lived through and that it's guaranteed to collapse.

Every attempt at implementing Marxist theory has only resulted in state capitalism run by an intellectual bourgeois class, yet they have the AUDACITY to critique non-Marxist forms of socialism as bourgeois compromises.

The sooner the left abandons Marx, the better.

>> No.15134811

Soviet communism is already underway in the United States. We've already seen corporations get closer to the government. They won't be completely state owned, but they have no other choice to turn to the government. This (stimulus, trumpbux) combined with the amount of "bullshit jobs" that people won't return to after quarantine (think HR, people that corporations can do without) is going to result in a very strange synthesis of Soviet communism and welfare capitalism. Expect freedoms to continue to be restricted, we're already hearing plans of surveillance and "voluntary" tracking. Not to mention the Bill Gates chip implant project.

>> No.15134824

fascism is capitalism

>> No.15134825

the chapo people are socdems

>> No.15134832

Please tell me you don't seriously believe this. The takeover of government by corporate interests is more equatable to fascism if anything. The government exists to serve the corporations. Market stimulus are effectively an expression of forfeiture of state autonomy to corporations, implicitly implying the hegemony of international capital over statehood.

>> No.15134854

>marx was wrong that socialism will replace capitalism and will then lead to communism.
Marx never said that.

If reddit knew what communism actually was, it would hate it. I agree that it loves pretend-communism.

>> No.15134885

>The takeover of government by corporate interests is more equatable to fascism if anything.
The government was always taken over by corporate interests. The entire idea of a state exists to propagate capital. This is a basic marxist idea. But now what we're seeing is that the corporations are becoming more and more *dependent* on the government.
>Market stimulus are effectively an expression of forfeiture of state autonomy to corporations, implicitly implying the hegemony of international capital over statehood.
Yeah lmao. But more like the other way around.

>> No.15134899

It's a pipe dream from a Jew mind.

>> No.15134914
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kek nice try, nerds but Caesarism is the next stage

>> No.15134925
File: 17 KB, 225x346, zero marginal costs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a decent point. There were many variants of socialism before marxism became the dominant force. This is reflective of the injection of power politics into marxist ideology. It was "chosen" as the vehicle of global revolution because it was the first socialism to advocate it, leaving the door open as it were.

>is communism possible
An unspoken assumption of communist evolution is the development of automation. Marx could scarcely fathom the replacement of labor by automation and the resultant critical contradiction inherent in capitalism. If nothing costs anything to produce and there is no need for labor, the only consequence under the rule of capital accumulation is the build up of a superfluous workforce which, unable to feed and supply itself, turns toward revolutionary causes. The alternative is the dissolution of private property into the nexus of automation. The value of money is negated if the value of each product is disconnected from its production cost.

We see this for instance in the phenomenon of open source software. It is essentially communistic in design. Because there is no marginal cost in the production of software save for its labor cost because the means of production are so evolved, a communal social production overtakes traditional market forces and the inherent limitations of proprietary property rights. The Linux distribution outperforms proprietary software such as Windows because its sources of production input are provided globally (communistically) rather than through a closed market presence in competition with its opponents. Digital economics is inherently socialistic unless forcefully and intrusively marketized.

>> No.15134947

>Now, however, the development of big industry has ushered in a new period. Capital and the forces of production have been expanded to an unprecedented extent, and the means are at hand to multiply them without limit in the near future. Moreover, the forces of production have been concentrated in the hands of a few bourgeois, while the great mass of the people are more and more falling into the proletariat, their situation becoming more wretched and intolerable in proportion to the increase of wealth of the bourgeoisie. And finally, these mighty and easily extended forces of production have so far outgrown private property and the bourgeoisie, that they threaten at any moment to unleash the most violent disturbances of the social order. Now, under these conditions, the abolition of private property has become not only possible but absolutely necessary.
>In all probability, the proletarian revolution will transform existing society gradually and will be able to abolish private property only when the means of production are available in sufficient quantity.

The increasing gap in quality of life between bourgeois and proletariat will necessarily bring about such intense conflict between the two such that the latter will rise up and overthrow the former. Socialism is the lower stage of communism that institutes the policies that will set the stage for the eventual abolition of private property, which is communism.

>> No.15134962

Reddit despises communism. They're proud liberals and libertarians.

>> No.15135014

For the MILLIONTH time, no. Feudalism has a better chance making a come back than communism.

>> No.15135347

>the lower stage of communism institutes policies that will set the stage for communism
Based retard. Also, a lower stage of communism already has no private property. The only distinction between it and a higher stage is that consumption is rationed.

>> No.15135445

> build up of a superfluous workforce which, unable to feed and supply itself, turns toward revolutionary causes.
No, what's likely going to happen is that Universal Basic Income will be instituted, once automation kicks off, to appease the rising unemployed population.

>> No.15135452

Capitalism will end when humanity as we have known it ends, which will be soon. Then it'll be the age of the Overmen.

>> No.15135457

no it doesn't. The lower stage of communism is the transitional period

>> No.15135464

The corporate feudalist future looks awesome

>> No.15135478

UBI is fundamentally a pseudo-socialistic measure. It is a bridge toward full automated communism.

>> No.15135578

I doubt it. I more likely see the future being the average person living on a UBI while a few billionaires control capital and automated labour. There wouldn't be any push to change the system if the average person is happy with the UBI he has.

>> No.15135583

Yeah, it's possible. Boomers hear communist ideas and think it's the "oldschool democratic party". Internet communities are over-represented by shithead NEETS. It it wasn't for this we could clearly see that people love the idea. I work. You work. It just works.
Ain't shit gonna happen though. Maintenence is much easier than change and the oppposition has much more resources at their disposal.

>> No.15135762

>but as long as things need funding, as long as value needs to be exchanged
That's exactly the point. It doesn't. Need to be exchanged.

>> No.15135802

Derrida makes a decent point that the ideals of communism may be more significant than it's practice. The value is the continued belief in egalitarian structures that can escape capitals erosion of meaning. I think it has value as a means of critique to let us know a better world should be aimed for.

>> No.15135821
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Its inebitable. global capitalism is doing to the world what german capitalism did to germany, and this time we have the worlds largest economy on our side.

Do not fret.

>> No.15135824

>egalitarian structures

200 years of revolution have gone by and we're no more egalitarian than we were at the start of the 19th century. We have just as much hierarchy as we did back then. A small amount of people control the vast majority of the wealth and power, just as they did back then. There IS no egalitarianism.

>> No.15135834

>Derrida makes a decent point that the ideals of communism may be more significant than it's practice.
Where does he talk about this? Spectres of Marx? Does he also analyze why is it the case that such a situation is possibile (believeing in communism without trying to put it into practice)?

>> No.15135909

Reddit is just whatever 4chan hates at the moment

>> No.15136550

>the country that just royally fucked themselves straight out of the global economy because they can't maintain proper sanitation practices is going to successfully stage a revolution against capitalism
Uh huh.

>> No.15137073

The real redpill is that communism CAN work, but only on a small scale and with a preferably religious grounding, as studies have shown that religious intentional communities outlast secular ones by a large amount in most cases. In a society like that of Hutterite communes they branch off around 100-150 people, which is incidentally close to the amount of people can you know at any one time on a personal level. In such a small community there is no need for a state apparatus and everyone has a reason to and social pressure to participate, so it works and has been working for centuries.

>> No.15137082

No, because of the economic calculation problem.

>> No.15137219

Talking about the US?

>> No.15137312

How on earth is the US close to dropping out of the global economy, when Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and the UK are all getting hit hard with this virus as well?

>New York infection rate
>having anything to do with a lack of sanitation
You are a genuine moron.