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/lit/ - Literature

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15134164 No.15134164 [Reply] [Original]

so /lit/ lied to me?
his videos are actually very good.

>> No.15134251

Oh /lit/ lied to you allright. But you mostly lied to yourself for following the advice of strangers on the internet, instead of trying it out for yourself. If you get value out of videos in this case, it does not matter what other people think about them. What works for you might not work for them, and vice versa.

>> No.15134288

I feel very mixed. I watched pretty much all his videos in its early years, and it's a good primer on philosophy. However, he also says a lot of things I disagree with, and the problem is he sometimes fails to distinguish between what is philosophical canon, and what his personal takes are. That's why I stopped following him. Also, I've studied Buddhism and Taoism a bit, and he gets Asian philosophy so wrong it's stunning sometimes, so obviously his focus is western.

At least that's all as of a couple years ago. I don't know what his newer videos are like.

>> No.15134454

the video on foucault is laughable. "marxist anarchist utopia"

>> No.15134463

he was being ironic when he posted that, right?

>> No.15134474

I guess because saying "ritualised suicide fuck party" would get him demonitised

>> No.15134498

Deserves to be relentlessly mocked.
I would kill the author of this garbage given the chance.

>> No.15134864

Good, now cough up a grand or two and buy his philosopher's shirt or whatever.

>> No.15134904

I'd rather pay 2 million for an hour in the 'life house'

>> No.15134988
File: 230 KB, 620x1193, bad philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never watched it, but according to this interview in Brazil:

He claimed that Seneca said "one of the bad points about anger is that it will make you have sex less often with your wife". Seneca may be softer than the other Stoics, but he still was a Stoic.
His take on how Plato said you should accept your fetishes is weird to me. Plato said that the love for physical beauty could eventually morph in something higher. He didn't say you should accept your fetishes.

>> No.15135012

The issue of second hand interpretation is that those palatable word-bits are only made possible by mowing down the ambiguity of the source material. Ambiguity, few realize, is not the failure of communication, but rather the sticky, amorphous, and necessary yolk any egg required to gestate something more complicated, rich, and meaningful.

>> No.15135106

I saw a video where he said Plato was pro-democracy and then immediately shut it off.

>> No.15135122

>I saw a video where he said Plato was pro-democracy

>> No.15135142

He basically says at the end "he didn't hate all democracy, just the ones where uneducated people vote."


>> No.15135284

>given the chance

What are you, poor? You have the chance, you're not gonna anywayn

>> No.15135374
File: 262 KB, 1044x869, 1571715034812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was way worse than what it could'be been
>you want to have sex with their minds

>> No.15135576

I'm no /lit/ regular but I like Academy of Ideas for philosophy content

>> No.15135601

that channel is significantly better. more content, less pretentious cocksucking

>> No.15135613

That was hot

>> No.15135620

>his videos are actually very good
Are you, by any chance, a coomer?

>> No.15135654

Yes, somehow every philosopher, if this bald asshole is to be believed, was actually just offering trite advice on how to escape the human condition with a knowing smirk in the grocery line.

Aside from the fact that he gets crucial things wrong about philosophers who he really should know, he has the most irritating habit of stretching concepts to the point of absurdity just to make them "practical", which means, relatable to someone as boring as he is. This would be bad enough, but the fact that he uses these videos as a hook to lure you in to his porn collection and overpriced soap shop is the final insult. Fuck this pretentious neurotic dickhead, fuck OP, and fuck this thread.

>> No.15135702
File: 100 KB, 677x833, 1581155026009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"philosophy content"
kek, more like glorified self help muh Nietzsche/Jung/Stoicism redux #143

>> No.15135712

He straight up didn't understand Hegel and makes the meme claim that he was an obscurantist

>> No.15135740


>> No.15135784

omg how can i unwatch this

>> No.15135849
File: 27 KB, 791x545, disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. So-and-so was a 1800 Danish proponent of the Neo-Kantian movement
>(4 minutes later)
>And this is why, during sex, we think about our partner getting fucked by other men

School of life in a nutshell.
The basic (justified) criticisms are
1) That he tried to shill psychological life-advice into whatever popular philosopher he talks about (he'll find Dating advice in Hegels historicism, if you let him)
2) That he projects his sexual insecurities on his viewers
3) That he sells stuff (the least problematic one on the list)

>> No.15136086
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This is like people who write flattering entries for their names of Urban Dictionary.

>> No.15136112

You are just dumb, that's all.

>> No.15136326

No, it's actually one of the cases where /lit/ is absolutely right. His videos on religious thinkers are particularly laughable, as well as his video on Heidegger where, if I remember correctly, he denied his affiliation with nazism.

>> No.15136395

What do you mean by good here OP?

>> No.15136417

The video on Nietzche's Birth of Tragedy was not even a simplified explanation, it flat out missed the whole mark. I think she interprets Dionysian to mean a lush. Still, the chick in it was hot, so my coomer brain still enjoyed the video.

>> No.15136472

I liked the video on Schopenhauer and the animations are cool but that's about it.

>> No.15136566
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>> No.15136919

based then
rest is just incel cope

>> No.15137393
