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/lit/ - Literature

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15132101 No.15132101 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that there's literally no reason to read books beyond 100-150 in your lifetime if you aren't a writer who constantly needs to seek out different ways storytelling.
100 carefully picked books are enough to develop an individual worldview, and continuing to read beyond is as useless as adding water to an already full glass; the extra water will just trickle over the edge leaving the glass same as before.

>> No.15132154

>t. Some faggot who doesn't enjoy reading
Go to /out/ and tell them they only need to hike about a dozen trails, then tell /po/ knowing more than three origami animals is just excessive and they need to stop

>> No.15132189

Thanks for the tip on how to efficiently optimize the development of my individual worldview without wastefulness. Do you know of any Business Proces Modelling textbooks I can live my life after?

>> No.15132479

OP, I think what you’re getting at is the over-fetishizing of literature, particularly with a quantitative tilt, is probably unhealthy or at least, counterproductive. Surely, you see how narrowing in on a specific number is perpetuating that though. To each their own.

>> No.15132543

honestly based. We read because we enjoy it not to show off.

>> No.15132548

>reading to develop an "individual world view"
>thinking intellectual development should stop at an arbitrary number of books
If you only have the mental capacity to appreciate 100 books before you start forgetting street names or area codes, then yeah, you probably don't want to keep reading, just in case you push out more important knowledge, like how to breathe, for example.

>> No.15132559

reminder there is no need to breath because you will just die eventually anyway

>> No.15132647

>reading for enjoyment

>> No.15132661

Yeah bro real niggas read so we can look intelligent on the subway

>> No.15132688
File: 37 KB, 354x499, 51U4ptTsHgL._SX352_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, here's a recommendation to help you on your way to 100. Best of luck at the beginning of your long journey.

>> No.15132765

its infinitely better to pick a few a good books which are specific to you and reread them several times at different points in your life rather then picking meaningless new content which adds nothing to your life except trivial mental masturbation
based op

>> No.15132893

what grammar mistake has he made?

>> No.15133228

It's literally ESL nonsense, it reads like someone pasted some text into google translate. The punctuation is laughable. The first sentence is a run-on, there's redundant propositions, 'that there's,' and missing propositions, 'ways (of) storytelling. The syntax is even more pathetic
>read books beyond 100-150
Should be
>read more than one hundred to one hundred fifty books
And that's just the first sentence.
I hope that you're a non-native speaker.

>> No.15133270

Native english speaker here, caring about grammar on an australopithecan organ-harvesting blackboard is totally pointless, especially since none of the meaning was lost in whatever small errors the OP made. lrn2 information theory

>> No.15133325

Books 100-150 are you of recommending: who think you should choose? Like a flower without a stalk;

>> No.15133330


>> No.15133382

Based thread. Enjoying reading is escapism. I'm here to find the few books I could use and then get the fuck out and live my own life.

>> No.15133402

>Reminder that there's literally no reason to read books beyond 100-150 in your lifetime if you aren't a writer
I would extend that to any kind of artist, really. Bugmen, normies and plebs have no business reading more than 100-150 books in their lives, yes.

>> No.15133413

u have to go back

>> No.15133431


>> No.15133469

masturbation is fine

>> No.15133475



>> No.15133492
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4chan has so thoroughly fetishized contrarianism that it's the only place on the internet I've ever seen where people intentionally seek out small communities built around specific hobbies just to go tell them that the hobbies suck and they don't care about them

>> No.15133493

But books are better.

>> No.15133524

Yup. Sucks. Only hatred is valid, if you genuinely enjoy something your somehow the sucker.

>> No.15133579

you're mostly right, but why the goddamn hell would you actually type out
>one hundred to one hundred fifty
instead of just 100-150?

>> No.15133580

But my life is mine.

>> No.15133589

But no one gives a shit about your life.

>> No.15133781

>read books beyond 100-150
>read more than one hundred to one hundred fifty books
They're literally the same thing, why would you even pick one as the 'right' one?

>> No.15133788


>> No.15133795

Yea, your life is irrelevant.

>> No.15133801

They're not and there is, read a fucking book.

>> No.15133815


>> No.15133848

Then why do you care so much?

>> No.15133853

just saying 'they're not' isn't an evaluation faggot

>> No.15133875

Can you really say one "cares" for trash when one takes it out? Just a menial reflex. Same here.

>> No.15133881

It looks better in my opinion, and its more comfortable to type.

>> No.15133891

They're literally the same thing
>they're not

>> No.15133897

Yes. Why would they take it out if they didn't care?

>> No.15133907

>>15133228 answered >>15132893

>> No.15133921


>> No.15133940

>> I figured it out
>> Y'all nigglets ain't right

ITT Confirm my worldview

>> No.15134421

to the anon in the last thread saying it's a de chirico painting, it's not; it's a digital illustration imitating his style.

>> No.15134533
File: 34 KB, 552x552, jumpin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 carefully picked books are enough to develop an individual worldview

Oh yeah? How do you pick them?

>> No.15134600

I just pick the ones with the best covers.

>> No.15134638

even if this was true, you need to read hundreds and hundreds of books in order to be able to distinguish the 100 great ones in your life

>> No.15135335

what are goodreads ratings for

>> No.15135456

Discerning people's political opinions.

>> No.15135878

That, and phoneposting makes it tedious to do.