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15130615 No.15130615 [Reply] [Original]

What's the closest university major to wizardry?

>> No.15130617


>> No.15130619

Why would you still be in college at 30?

>> No.15130624


>> No.15130630

Do you still become a wizard at 30 if you fapped almost every day from 11 to 26?

>> No.15130651

>Defence Against the Dark Arts
Modern Philosophy

>> No.15131120


>> No.15132324

You have to grow up first anon

>> No.15132877
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>> No.15132932


>> No.15132933

philosophy (metaphysics) or theology, otherwise theoretical sciences

>> No.15132946

psychedelicc tulpic cosmos neuromanced larping

>> No.15132995
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Divinity degree (so you can be a priest) and conjure divinized bread and wine.


>> No.15133014

Gender studies.
Trans women are literally wizards, and they are going to be the ones to save us from Lord Voldemort (Trump). Remember to respect valid trans women because they are valid and deserve to exist

>> No.15133021

Except they buy it like every other sucker and have to do oogabooga handwaving charlatin shit to get money on their plate
Homeless people do better 'magic'
Math and hard sciences obviously, everything else is charlatanism

>> No.15133031

>A computational process is indeed much like a sorcerer's idea of a spirit. It cannot be seen or touched. It is not composed of matter at all. However, it is very real. It can perform intellectual work. It can answer questions. It can affect the world by disbursing money at a bank or by controlling a robot arm in a factory. The programs we use to conjure processes are like a sorcerer's spells. They are carefully composed from symbolic expressions in arcane and esoteric programming languages that prescribe the tasks we want our processes to perform.

>> No.15133049


>> No.15133854

Amsterdam has a Master’s in Western Esotericism program. I think it’s part of the theology school.

>> No.15133855

WOW scientific evidence of MIRACLES!
Next up!
Ancient Aliens and how they built the Pyramids!
How to recognize the Lizard People!

Thank you for proving my point

>> No.15133876

In all seriousness, science is magic
There is a direct evolution from alchemy and hermetic magic, through Newton and his generation, to actual modern physics

>> No.15134309

And go further. Where is there a direct evolution to alchemy and hermetic magic from?

>> No.15134380

Sometimes practicing law feels a bit like wizardry in a sense. You say the right magic incantations and large heaps of gold move around. Wouldn't recommend it though.


>> No.15134397

>How to recognize the Lizard People!
please don't be antisemitic here

>> No.15135262

Applied math

>> No.15135312

I don’t know if you knew this but in the Middle Ages people who practiced magic were often some sort of law clerk or had at least studied law They used to literally write grimoires and recite spells with law-speak to effectively negotiate with spirits. You can actually tells this from some grimoires if you read them today. They’re extremely specific. A lot of people don’t seem to know that the history of magic is closely tied to the history of religion and law.

>> No.15135350

>he was aldo then he was little piece of dirt
What is the boomer saying?

>> No.15135432

Modern philosophy IS the dark arts.

>> No.15135481

I seriously think electric engineering is fucking wizardry

>> No.15135501

Learn math from university, then at home apply numerology. Boom you're a wizard.

>> No.15135509


>> No.15135561

Chemistry if you wanna be an alchemist type
Acting if you wanna do "magic"
Economics dueled with poly sci if you wanna be an evil dark magic type
Psychology with an emphasis in animal behavior, or agriculture with an emphasis on animal hospitality, for work with familiars.
Medicine or organic chemistry for potions.
No, you lost too much essence.