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/lit/ - Literature

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15129733 No.15129733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many so󠛡ycucks on /lit/?

>> No.15129737

there are all kinds of cucks here, christcucks being the more common ones

>> No.15129748

rent free

>> No.15129759

Shitlibs are repeatedly told by the media they are smarter than everyone and that smart people have "smart" hobbies. So they come here to larp and partake in the "smartness" and ingroup circlejerking. Notice however none of them really read literature (including poetry, unless it is NPR or New Yorker approved poetry). See the "theory" threads for evidence of this.

>> No.15129782

Yeah, they should real literature like Nick Land and Bronze Age Pervert.

>> No.15129809

Rejecting 2000 years of the tradition of your ancestors is the pinnacle of soi.

>> No.15129815

>So they come here to larp and partake in the "smartness" and ingroup circlejerking
>implying this is an issue with just shitlibs and not the board as a whole
I'm sure you're so much more cultured than the rest of us yessir

>> No.15129817

They haven't read and studied UG Krishnamurti that's why

>> No.15129819

muh ancestors weren't christian for 2000 years, go shill for Rabbi Yeshua somewhere else

>> No.15129865

kek based

>> No.15129879

That's not what he meant retard

>> No.15129900

Basedcuck here. AMA

>> No.15129901

Only the dead have seen the end of cuckoldry

>> No.15129904

what country you live?

>> No.15129910


>> No.15129917

Go to 8kun then.

>> No.15129924


>> No.15129935


>> No.15129994

Of course it is, 2020 anno domini

now kys for being stupid

>> No.15130007

why are you so based, cuck?

>> No.15130016

I am not based actually, I am s.o.y but it's filtered. So I'm much more cringe (and bluepilled) than based.

>> No.15130057

>Rejecting 2000 years of the tradition of your ancestors is the pinnacle of soi.
Be Frisian, ancestors get converted around the year 1000, its basically Greek philosophy with a Christian veneer, 500 years later North Europeans create own Germanic version of Christianity, 150 years later Age of Reason.

So which is my tradition? Frisian paganism, Catholicism. Protestantism, the Enlightenment?

>> No.15130081

so you're a half breed mestizo? lmao

>> No.15130084

I think there was an influx recently (last few months) there must’ve been some leftist e-celeb they follow that mentioned here. S0ys tend to be more interested in reading than most people (I say “interested in” because they seldom engage properly with art) even if they’ll read mostly genre fiction followed by the most basic philosophy for which they will have read none of the background material
Zoomer larping Christians are very annoying but they’re preferable to the people around here who unironically watch contrapoints and the other sophists who make up the Channel Awesome of philosophy. There are Christians here who are well read and carry an interesting discussion (I had one a week or two ago about God being personal or impersonal) but the zoomer larpers chimp out whenever who say something critical of Christianity, they don’t read anything, and they seem to only use their faith as a way to get off on the idea of people they don’t like suffering forever.

>> No.15130094


>> No.15130099

Because generally speaking, the populations intelligent enough to be interested in this highfalutin cesspit are also the most feminized.

Strong & INTELLIGENT men create good times, good times create weak men (who lose control of their women and ultimately society as a whole). Wealthy civilizations really do become victims of their own success.

>> No.15130101
File: 36 KB, 420x665, 499b5eaedcb5ea468271fcc9e5d30be1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not from south or north america, so pls dont project onto me, mutterino

>> No.15130107

reading inoculates you from the /pol/onavirus

>> No.15130109

Not that anon, do you have evidence of animistic practices among your elder relatives? I heard the Frisian stayed close to their oldest religious roots in some places.

>> No.15130114

On /pol/ I had one person who actually had a valid criticism of paganism, he said that a pagan society would see the return of blood revenge and honour killings and that this was the main reason paganism would not work in a modern society.

This was something I could not refute.

All the other criticism was basically hur dur pagan gay, jewish, degenerate

>> No.15130120

Blindly accepting the philosophy of people 2000 years ago as an unquestionable first principle just because your dad also did it is the pinnacle of soi

>> No.15130124

Apologies. When I try to send the link, it just thinks I am sending spam.

>> No.15130126

>from france
Pick one

>> No.15130130

>Not that anon, do you have evidence of animistic practices among your elder relatives? I heard the Frisian stayed close to their oldest religious roots in some places.
I am from the city, dont have many relatives in the country side, but there is a strong pagan undercurrent in both Frisian and Saxon area's of the Netherlands.

For example, two old runic signs are still used very often on houses, thats the Rune Hagal, or the thunderbroom, which is used as a protective charm, the rune Othala is still used on houses to signify its inherited property.

>> No.15130133

just look at Rome

>> No.15130137

My ancestors were converted 700–800 years ago but continued to worship pagan deities in secret when the authorities weren't around. Some of my kin, the Mari to be exact, remain pagans to this day.

>> No.15130149

Contrapoints and leftie cucks are at least honest and try to engage.
Christcucks on this board are all weasel trolls. Never actually engaging, always low-quality shitposting. Very annoying and low-IQ.

>> No.15130183
File: 100 KB, 767x1024, 1567829458999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause they try to pretend that they are """"smart"""", seeing and knowing that they got no appeal of physical, mental or even financial.
so they think that being """""smart"""" will get that purple haired land whale that they dreamed of getting cucked by.

>> No.15130208


>> No.15130227


>> No.15130253

we're well read

>> No.15130265

is this 2016 again?

>> No.15130270

trannies too

>> No.15130288

Interesting, those things are apparently more widespread than one would believe. I once met an historian who told me about that time French inquisitors found a village populated by frisian-speaking peasants who still intensively practiced shamanism.