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15129521 No.15129521 [Reply] [Original]

List the nonsense strawmen christcucks use to justify their cucked faith

>Christianity brought peace to the west
>The ancients were degenerate homosexuals with no morality
>Christianity eliminated slavery
>The thirty year war wasn't about religion
>If you don't believe in my jew you're a gaytheist
>modern jews have nothing to do with ancient jews
>the bible prophecies are all accurate
>Christianity is real because bilions of people are christians

>> No.15129531
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Jesus not being a jew, while hating jews

>> No.15129555

>the messiah is supposed to die and get sacrificed for your own sins
>someone else is responsible for your sins
this kills the christcuck

Ezekiel 18:20
The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.

>> No.15129617

>>The thirty year war wasn't about religion
It wasn't, it was a looting operation by nobility. IIRC France, the Catholic giant, fought on Prottie side.

>> No.15130105

Never seen any christian use these arguments, get a grip.

>> No.15130122

But that's because they're french and the austrians were for pro-catholic

>> No.15130129

Then you don't talk a lot to christians online
>modern jews have nothing to do with ancient jews
Something something synagogue of Satan

>> No.15130159


Go talk to a real Christian and not a larping 4chan poster.

>> No.15130335

The thing about prophecies is even worse than most atheists think. It's not that Old Testament prophecies weren't fulfilled, it's that New Testament authors take a snippet of a verse totally out of context and apply it to some totally unrelated context, claiming it's a fulfilled prophecy.

An example is Paul quoting Isaiah in Romans. He claims that "it is written" that jews are reviled by the nations because they break their own law

Romans 2:23-24
>You who boast of the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? For, as it is written, “Because of you the name of God is reviled among the Gentiles.”

He is quoting the the Old Testament, but in the original context it is explictly addressed at the foreign nations, blaming them for making the jews suffer for no reason!

Isaiah 52:4-5
>Now therefore, what am I doing here, says the LORD, seeing that my people are taken away without cause? Their rulers howl, says the LORD, and continually, all day long, my name is despised.

Paul has twisted his own scripture to pretend it says the opposite of what it actually does.

>> No.15130351

It started about religion but got morphed into wider politics. almost every war ever changed in motives. WW2 started to curb German aggression in Europe and ended by nuking an island on the other side of the planet

>> No.15130381

>>Christianity brought peace to the west
There will never be peace on this earth because we are all sinners.
>>The ancients were degenerate homosexuals with no morality
The first part of that is true to an extent.
>>Christianity eliminated slavery
Slavery per se is not wrong according to biblical law, though there are restrictions upon how it may be conducted.
>>The thirty year war wasn't about religion
This has nothing to do with whether Christianity is true or not.
>>If you don't believe in my jew you're a gaytheist
You're going to hell at least.
>>modern jews have nothing to do with ancient jews
Also irrelevant.
>>the bible prophecies are all accurate
They are.
>>Christianity is real because bilions of people are christians
Narrow is the gate.

>> No.15130392

>They are.
Utter fucking cope lol

>> No.15130394

>Listen to my atheist interpretation of these things.
No thanks. You have no say in what any of this means.

>> No.15130402
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>You must believe in my kikeshit to prove these bogus prophecies

>> No.15130417

I'm simply telling you that your opinion does not matter. Biblical interpretation is the domain of those to whom the Bible belongs, which is not you.

>> No.15130419

Honest question, why do anons' here LARP as religious people?

>> No.15130420

No Christian believes that Christ is responsible for his sin or guilty of his sin.

>> No.15130433

so Jesus didn't die for my sins?

>> No.15130435

>Christianity brought peace to the west
>The ancients were degenerate homosex
true, but not all
>Christianity eliminated slavery
true, atleast eventually
>The thirty year war wasn't about religion
>If you don't believe in my jew you're a gaytheist
>modern jews have nothing to do with ancient jews
>the bible prophecies are all accurate
>Christianity is real because bilions of people are christians

>> No.15130437
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>only jews can read my sacred book
A kike through and through

>> No.15130439

Christ and the Christian are mystically united into the same body.
The sins of the elect are imputed to Christ, yes.
You can read it all your want. Feel free.

>> No.15130441

Millions of people are hindus too

>> No.15130451
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Was Jesus Black?

>> No.15130452

> Christ and the Christian are mystically united into the same body
>christcuck contradicts christian theology in a desperate attempt to prove that prophecy is fulfilled

>> No.15130500

Eph. 5:29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

1 Cor. 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. ...
27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

>> No.15130576

I'm saying that God is not responsible for sin as He is not the primary cause of it, is not to be blamed for it, and is not obligated to do anything about it, which is what responsibility usually entails. That's all. That He did something about it anyways, for our sake, is another matter we all have to reckon with.

>> No.15130586

Penal substitionary atonement states that human sins were *imputed* to Christ, which means they were accounted to him in a forensic manner; they were not infused into him, i.e. he did not become a sinner in himself.

>> No.15130655

I should have qualified "Christian" in a manner that excluded heretics.

>> No.15132111

>God is not responsible for sin
God is responsible for everything. What kind of cope is that?

>lol God actually isn't in charge checkmate atheists