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15128798 No.15128798 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I hire a writer?

The problem with gig sites like fiverr is that most of them don't have a portfolio and if you ask to see their work they show you a tiny sample.

Also if you're interested in doing a VN post your contact info.

>> No.15128979

What's your VN?
basic renpy garbage?

>> No.15129063

In short yes. But if I do find a talented writer and artists for a reasonable price I think I could make some money.

>> No.15129078

What kind of art are you looking for? Moege or something else?

>> No.15129103

I don't really care about the genre, I just want quality. Something that looks off won't sell. It's really easy to tell when the art is garbage.

>> No.15129105

You're a writer.

>> No.15129124


Oh man, I would Fucking LOVE to work on a VN with someone, I’d even do it for free. Just the idea of working on a project like that is a dream of mine. Wish I had some kind of portfolio to give you, but I don’t think I’m expected enough yet ether. Such a shame, because I love writing so much.

>> No.15129189

Can you tell me more about this project?

>> No.15129213

Not OP but I'm really into art and always wanted to work on a VN of sorts.

What kind of VN would you like to write? Romance? Mystery? Horror? Mindfuck?

>> No.15129240

Anything really, I feel like I could write for all of them, or maybe even a combination. As for a story of my own? I have a few ideas.

>> No.15129287

I'd pay you to design the story and characters. The theme and setting should be something hip like cyberpunk + crime. Then I'd pay other people for the art. I'll rig everything up in a VN engine and take care of the music, sound effects and other miscellaneous tasks.

I can go into more detail if you're interested but you need to show me your portfolio and/or past work.