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/lit/ - Literature

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15126706 No.15126706 [Reply] [Original]

I am tired of the endless threads debating the same old things which my zoomer brain prefer over reading my books. I am leaving this place and quitting media until I get my shit together. Please dear anons, post your best reading guides. Which are, truly, the most essential philosophy books and fiction books? Post charts.

>> No.15126726

My diary, desu

>> No.15126742

>quitting media
>post your best reading guides

>> No.15126761

Just imagine biting into those thighs. Imagine tucking her brains out while she hits a joint. Imagine how she says “David who?” when you’re out to dinner and asked her opinion on Hume. Imagine how she talks about bath bombs and skin products to her girlfriends on the phone while you try to fondle her breasts. Imagine how she would start blowing you when she didn’t get what she wants. Imagine how she wouldn’t know how to cook anything and just eats 1/4th of food she orders out posts on Instagram and throws it away. Imagine how lose she got after fucking chads for years old to decide that you were okay enough and provided stability after her peak years were over. But just imagine biting into those thighs.

>> No.15126765

I need to have a list of quality books to read so that I have no need to come here.
I originally came here to seek out new books (the board has a good taste...most of the time) but now I just lurk all day.

>> No.15126982

this prose is better than the thread

>> No.15126984

My ideology is whatever kills people like in OP pic

>> No.15126999

shes dressed fairly modest for a festival or whatever
look in background, chick wearing panties

>> No.15127003
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>4chan is why I can't focus or read let me not being a cumbrain

>> No.15127008


kill yourself retard they're all disgusting whores

>> No.15127012
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1536345019426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his brain doesn't automatically filter spam threads
hahahaha, it's like you haven't been here for so long that your eyes just slide over these threads without registering anything. It's like you haven't be so conditioned by years and years of bait that your mind has become better at picking them up and reacting subconsciously than all the social ques that you miss because you spend all your time on image boards rather than building social relationships. It's like the very core of your being hasn't been shaped by the unending decline of the board turning and turning in a widening gyre towards theoretical zero points you didn't even think possible, busting your conception of modality beyond repair and throwing the ragged corpse of your mind into a swirling abyss of nihilism and schizophrenia that makes you regret waking up in the morning.
heh, feel sorry for you kid...

>> No.15127021

Relativist scum.

>> No.15127057

she's hot as shit homminahommina

>> No.15127093
File: 2.58 MB, 2000x4045, 049F67E7-96AA-424B-BA21-A3E9AE5004E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donno what you’re into. Happy trails.

>> No.15127124

Cute girls who like sex and pot? Why?

>> No.15127424


>> No.15127796

>zoomers and their need to announce every few weeks to social media that they're quitting social media like the thousandth fake breakup with a person they always run back to