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File: 96 KB, 800x458, spinoza-opere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15125966 No.15125966 [Reply] [Original]

>It often happens that in different books we read histories in themselves similar, but which we judge very differently, according to the opinions we have formed of the authors.
>I remember once to have read in some book that a man named Orlando Furioso used to drive a kind of winged monster through the air, fly over any countries he liked, kill unaided vast numbers of men and giants, and such like fancies, which from the point of view of reason are obviously absurd.
>A very similar story I read in Ovid of Perseus, and also in the books of Judges and Kings of Samson, who alone and unarmed killed thousands of men, and of Elijah, who flew through the air, said at last went up to heaven in a chariot of fire, with horses of fire.
>All these stories are obviously alike, but we judge them very differently.
>The first only sought to amuse, the second had a political object, the third a religious object.
>We gather this simply from the opinions we had previously formed of the authors.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15126026

>a man named Orlando Furioso
Furioso isn't his last name
>used to drive a kind of winged monster through the air, fly over any countries he liked,
That's Ruggiero or Astolfo, i don't recall Orlando ever flying anywhere. I think he wrote this a long time after reading Ariosto and mixed up the characters or just skimmed the text without paying close attention. Anyway he's ridiculously wrong.

>> No.15126028
File: 284 KB, 1200x1394, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a couple of post modernists wrote and entire book about this. Maybe you've heard of it... It's called Difference and Repetition.

>> No.15126997

Getting the characters' names wrong doesn't make his point wrong

>> No.15127048
File: 192 KB, 900x1209, 5f1e35b45e352a33c31623d4da316c39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism is nothing more than a modern permutation of Jewish obstinance. How many modern famous atheists, if you prod them, come from Jewish backgrounds, or were raised ethnically and even culturally Jewish?

Judaism predisposes itself towards atheism because it's the ultimate conclusion of their rejection of the New Covenant. It was easy to deny Christ was the Messiah when Christianity was small, and weak before the might of Rome. But as Christianity has grown, and conquered, and become the dominant religion on the face of the Earth, fulfilling all the promises Jesus made at the end of the Gospels when He ascended to Heaven, the Jews have been cornered, and have had nowhere to run.

So they've turned to the only option left that allows them to continue denying Christ: they have rejected the divine altogether. Their hatred of Christ Crucified has led to them spitting in the face of their own Rabbinic tradition, which has more than its fair share of miracles and strange happenings. But if that's what it takes to continue denying that Christ is the Messiah, then it's a price they're willing to pay. It's very pitiful. We should pray for them.

>> No.15127061

I'm catholic and the point of this thread does not seem to be the jews.

>> No.15127094

>How many modern famous atheists, if you prod them, come from Jewish backgrounds, or were raised ethnically and even culturally Jewish?
Not a lot?

>> No.15127133

I meant he totally fucked up and described the wrong character without even bothering to correct it later.
Kike on a stick

>> No.15127180

lol how cucked by ideology do you have to be to start seething at the mere mention of Spinoza

Anyways I guess you could say that he's anticipating hermeneutic theory yadda yadda. Definitely seems like a prescient observation, but this board isn't capable of discussing things except in terms of ideology

>> No.15128767

Spinoza is a nonentity, read Leibniz who actually brings something to the table.

>> No.15129033

Now that's peak Christian cope.

>> No.15129076

>Spinoza was an Ariosto fan
How based can one man be?
Seething schizo