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15125749 No.15125749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I eat something, someone has to go without food. If I am rich, then someone has to be poor.

How can I live, thinking that this is just?

>> No.15125784

You fundamentally presuppose food is scarce. It is not. The rich you speak of use their influence to perpetuate profit instead of solving the logistics of ending world hunger. I'd suggest you go read the Conquest of Bread.

>> No.15125785

(citation needed)

>> No.15125792

t. retard

>> No.15125803

>The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said 'This is mine', and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.

>—Rousseau 1754

>> No.15125824

fuck the other guy he deserves nothing

>> No.15125828
File: 234 KB, 1200x1335, Christchan+comp+before+i+forget_2617ca_7004162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you die you're going to turn into a pile of dust just like the poor people who starved to death. The difference between your situation and theirs is that they're being liberated from the burden of life earlier and won't have to suffer hunger or pain any longer whilst you'll have to slave your life away and torture your mind these ridiculous questions to keep yourself awake at night until the day you'll finally croak. In the end you get the short end of the stick.

>> No.15125838

*with these ridiculous questions

>> No.15125846

Help the poor, help your fellow man, dedicate your life to the benefit of others and have a truly loving Life. And if that is your belief know also that if you make others suffer from your benefit, the same must also be true that your suffering is the benefit of others. Know also that the cause and the effect are not separate from each other but are always rooted in each other. Thus all amounts to being fine

>> No.15125859

underage retard

>> No.15125883

what is the point of studying, of working, of being under pressure your whole life, working to death (till you get old and die) for an injust system which is also completely impossible to change as history has shown, and for a world and a planet that is falling apart? i rather fucking kill myself in my 20's at most.

>> No.15125887

Inequality is the nature of our world. There is simply not enough for everyone, though perhaps in the future there will be. The sooner you accept this fact the better things will be for you. Enjoy and be thankful for the nice things.

>> No.15125895

The strong and lucky survive cuck kill yourself so I can use all your resources if you don’t like it

>> No.15125909

Dumb animeposter

>> No.15125914

Leaving your mark for posterity will ensure that you'll forever live in the minds of the pseuds who will read your works.

>> No.15125939
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i don't give a shit about leaving a mark for posterity, i just want a stress free life, with no burden attached to me, with no wagecucking for 8 hours a day for a miserable salary, while some people literally just have to born in the right family to have their whole lifes solved and not have to work or in general do anything they don't want to do to survive, unlike 99% of the people. i wish i was a fucking neet.

>> No.15125954

>waaaaa I don't want to work

>> No.15125983

t. not a wagecuck

>> No.15125986

The problem is that even if you spend trillions to solve world hunger and feed everyone, the animalistic masses will continue to mindless reproduce exponentially until we once more our present system will be unable to support the population.

>> No.15126007

fuck em lol

>> No.15126020

Yes, that's what he said. His dream is not to work.

>> No.15126037

t. too afraid to be commit terrorism

>> No.15126062

But our rate of production is higher than the rate of reproduction?

>> No.15126098

What the fuck did you just say to me? I'm talking about the world as a whole under a hypothetical.

>> No.15126121

how would terrorism solve anything you retard?

>> No.15126196

id kill u then fuck ur mom and cum on her face

>> No.15126225

too bad you're a weak manlet

>> No.15126238

nice try but i'm 5'10 and bench at least 135 lbs

>> No.15126246

Just living in the first world is enough. Everything you do and buy is predicated on the exploitation and oppression of the Global South. Nothing ethical can be done in such a context.

>> No.15126254

nah you're some delusional effeminate faggot on tranny pills

>> No.15126266

nice try but i'm 5'11 and bench at least 140 lbs

>> No.15126295

sissy tier

>> No.15126336

you don't get a (you) either then faggot

>> No.15126345

ok sissy

>> No.15126358


>> No.15126369

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 135 bench get a load of this guy

>> No.15126394

consider that reincarnation exists and you will reincarnate as those misfortunate people

>> No.15127047

And what if not?

>> No.15127142

>the animalistic masses will continue to mindless reproduce
You mean the niggers and shitskins right?
Why won’t leftist nihilistic fights just admit it? There is no issue with overpopulation of whites/East Asians. It’s shitskins and niggers fucking like rabbits. If we eradicated all of Africa/India/the Middle East we could live in a utopian society free of issues from overpopulation.

>> No.15127286

economy is not a zero-sum game

>> No.15127355

>If I eat something, someone has to go without food.
How does this make any sense? Food is not a finite resource, we can always grow more. A huge amount of food goes to waste, anyway.
>If I am rich, then someone has to be poor.
This is an outdated mercantalist idea, especially if you produce wealth rather than just move it around.

>> No.15127405

Kill yourself to give someone else life. There y'go.

>> No.15127659

Then don´t work and accept your fate as a hobbo

>> No.15127836
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>Zero sum economics
Look at this retard

>> No.15127847

Become a monk

>> No.15127862

But this is not true, you retard

A doesn't imply B

>> No.15127929

indeed, the existence of richfaggots is akin to mass murder on an industrial scale. we must drag all richfaggots from their homes and string them up from lampposts. imagine how many people kim kardashian alone is responsible for killing. tsk tsk.

everyone with an annual income over 200k should immediately be gutted like a fish and left to bleed out on the concrete under a flock of hungry crows.