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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 1180x663, _methode_sundaytimes_prod_web_bin_6d2748d2-a52f-11e8-9e1c-57196c7826b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15123944 No.15123944 [Reply] [Original]

>Her debut novel, Conversations with Friends, was subject to a seven-party auction for the publishing rights. Rights were eventually sold in 12 countries.

umm, what? how could the publishing rights for someone's DEBUT novel be fought over by seven parties? She wasn't even published before.

>> No.15123950

She is that good. Now cope.

>> No.15123971

it's not WHAT you know...

>> No.15123987

It's all about optics. She's a she, she's Irish, she went to Trinity College Dublin (where famous writers such as Beckett, Stoker, and WIlde went), she's a liberal progressive, and she can be marketed as a young sensation.

An author's image is incredibly important.

>> No.15123995
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she just sniffed her way to success

>> No.15123996

That honker tho

>> No.15124007

>tfw born in the same year as her
fucking hell.

>> No.15124015

Debut is first widely published, not first written.

>> No.15124039


Pynchon, besides looking like a goofy Bugs bunny, has developed an amazing cult of personality and his mysterious biography contributes a great deal to his success (not saying he isn't good). Reading about his background just makes him more interesting.

If you don't have a pedigree as an author, start doing crazy shit and living on the fringes of society, become a rebel.

>> No.15124047

yall salty cuz her writing resonates w ppl and yours never will

>> No.15124058

>white people
baka senpai

>> No.15124090

>Her debut novel, Conversations with Friends, was subject to a seven-party auction for the publishing rights. Rights were eventually sold in 12 countries.
>umm, what? how could the publishing rights for someone's DEBUT novel be fought over by seven parties? She wasn't even published before.

*begins looking to see if she's a kike or not*

>> No.15124124

books, like any other form of entertainment are backed up by a marketing team. Besides, manuscripts are always thrown around between editors. If the publishers like it they push for it to create the narrative or sold the rights to avoid loses.

>> No.15124149

cope more talentless incels

>> No.15124153

get raped pig.

>> No.15124154

So, anyone here that has read her book can tell me if it's actually good?

>> No.15124159

>time for my daily 4chan tourism, i know i'll mass quote people i don't like and say "lol no"

Great use of your day.

>> No.15124165

She will be remembered as our generation's Joyce

>> No.15124166

truth hurts :^)

>> No.15124173

None of them said anything substantial thus my reply matched their effort. Now cope more incel.

>> No.15124182

it's good if you are a in your 20's and you don't like Friends or Seinfield

>> No.15124186

>manuscripts are always thrown around between editors

>> No.15124201

I honestly don't get it.
Her books are so dull.

>> No.15124202

Enjoy me being the only person for the next several hours of your wasted life who actually responds to you as if you are a human being and not white noise. Hope your "cope" "um no ur cope" "nh ur cope" conversations are good today, zoomer retard. Put the phone down once in a while.

>> No.15124205

Didn't read CwF, but did read Normal People. It was OK. Language wasn't anything special, but on the whole it was fine and I thought it captured the emptiness and degeneracy of the millennial generation pretty well.

Kind of Houllebecqian in that sense, though she was way more sympathetic to her characters (especially the women) than Michel ever was.

>> No.15124209
File: 3 KB, 112x125, 1581997037657s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Put the phone down once in a while.

>> No.15124259

a lot of young authors fit into that description and yet face serial rejections

>> No.15124260

From her book "Conversations with Friends".

>"I had no plans as to my future financial sustainability: I never wanted to earn money for doing anything. [...] I'd felt that my disinterest in wealth was ideologically healthy. I'd checked what the average yearly income would be if the gross world product were evenly divided among everyone, and according to Wikipedia it would be $16, 100. I saw no reason, political or financial, ever to make more money than that."

This is the point of view you're supposed to sympathize with.

>> No.15124272

>the contributions of a soijack phoneposter


Thanks for being social media white noise.

>> No.15124286
File: 6 KB, 210x240, 84974456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for being social media white noise.

>> No.15124291
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>tfw i'm older than her but she looks 10 years older than me

>> No.15124303


>> No.15124313

does it really?
does what she writes really resonates with anyone?

>> No.15124370

>character says something
Petitewit detected.

>> No.15124381

Why do you type like this? Whether you're doing it ironically or not, it's stupid.

>> No.15124392

why do you write like a nigger?
you need to go back

>> No.15124417

discord e-thots and rich "woke" girls with twitters like to type like a n*****(note: i didnt asterisk because im afraid to say n***** i just fucking hate n***** so much i dont even want to see the word n*****) online because they think it will make men think they have a quirky hip personality

>> No.15124433

she's fuckin busted for 29.

>> No.15124434

>attacks how it was written
>ignores the content that BTFOS all incels

>> No.15124439

yes. and keep in mind there's a difference between liking something and having it resonate with you. try widening your horizons
haters keep seething

>> No.15124471


What a genius.

>> No.15124519

God damn, look at that almighty schnoz.

>> No.15124548

She's 29? Holy fuck.. Let this be a warning to women about the wall

>> No.15124553

>$16, 100.
does this mean 16,100?

>> No.15124568

wow..so this is the power of /lit/

>> No.15124576


>> No.15124590

In general you're right that you shouldn't infer an author's opinions from a character's thoughts. But Rooney is a died-in-the-wool Marxist who believes that inequal distribution of wealth is immoral.

>> No.15124697

>I'd felt that my disinterest in wealth was ideologically healthy
It's like Stephen Daedalus was beaten retarded with a fixie.

>> No.15124782

It happens, its not rare. Thing is, Conversations of Freinds didn nothing new and isnt that good. It sells because of the current political climate, western feminism and the easy subject matter

>> No.15124798

what the FUCK does $16, 100 mean?

>> No.15124824

It means sixteen thousand and one hundred pesos

>> No.15125244

i read the goodreads description and the new yorker piece on it basically its typical white women being white women

>> No.15125627

Cock carousel.

>> No.15125659

it's JEW you know

>> No.15125663

imagine actually reading something this shamelessly and cynically over-promoted
do people like that just have no soul?

>> No.15125710

Rich Anglos are so brain fucked and neutered by capitalism that all they do is passively wait for others around them in their gay little country club social circles to start pretentiously mentioning the latest "author one should know about" so that they can get in on each one before it becomes too widely known, sort of like a pyramid scheme where they suck the cock of the guy who told it to them so that they can get their cock sucked a little less vigorously by the person they now get to tell "mmm ah yes, hmm, quite, I'm rather enjoying Sebald recently.. ah yes I also went to Rice and now work at my father's company as management over the actual employees despite having no qualifications and a degree in Journalism.."

At the top of the cock suck chain are the actual worthless braindead faggots who ACTUALLY READ shit like The New Yorker or the London Review of Books, and the ultimate cocksuckers are the academics who scramble to be the latest guy in a Romance Languages Studies Department to "discover" another "acquisition" for the cock suck pyramid

>> No.15125942

who hurt you?

>> No.15126006

have sex sweety

>> No.15126051


He's probably a failed artist, heavy metal listener.

The contemporary art world (including the world of contemporary lit) is basically a scam that creates artificial mysticism by locking away credibility behind US$ 300,000.00 certifications. It's for and by rich people. In fact, it's a game rich people play. Read Brad Troemel if you want to know more.

>> No.15126061

Except the author a full blown leftist who has publicly stated that she holds this ideology, you retard.

>> No.15126352

>Brad Troemel

which book?

>> No.15126357
File: 380 KB, 620x877, 1586836533021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all need Sincerity and Jesus, what a shitty thread

>> No.15126385
File: 360 KB, 620x877, 1586836687639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Participating in this thread is shameful

>> No.15126750

So you’re saying I should kill Ronald Reagan?

>> No.15126800

based n*****poster

>> No.15126865

Is there anything more embarrassing than leftie faggots trying to talk like niggers?

>> No.15126876


just letting you know, i stared at these images for 30 seconds at least and my dick didn't even twitch

>> No.15126878

White boys from the suburbs saying nigger on 4chan

>> No.15126890

>saying nigger


>> No.15126902

thots patrolled

>> No.15128433

bump for rooney

>> No.15128455

i think you meant dump for rooney. as in she needs to be put in the garbage dump because she's well past her "best before" date

>> No.15128465

Speak for yourself. I'd take what I can get

>> No.15128471

No one said she couldn't write?

>> No.15128536

Bruh i want to be a literary sensation too. I'm black so I think I'll get a bit of a boost but what topics should I tackle. *I don't want to write about race because there are other black authors who do it way better than me* I'm thinking pandering shit like Black Panther mixed with vague political bullshit.

>> No.15128573

Everyone I've spoken to who has read Normal People, who have all been women, have told me it is boring

>> No.15128588

probably does. but they're all npcs.

>> No.15128602

28 or less since the article pic is at least a year old.

>> No.15128939

>tfw born poor and have thought similar to this since i was a child though without the self-aggrandising ideology. anyone speaking about money, especially scheming to make it, makes me feel disgusted. never asked my family for anything because i didn't want to burden them.
for practical reasons, how do stop feeling disgusted over acquiring and pursuing the god-number? i don't really have the luxury of thinking like this.

>> No.15129596

A sense of self interest and preservation
Security for future family if you are into that
Ego is part of us all, don't be ashamed by it
Don't fall into the trap of valuing faceless strangers above yourself

>> No.15129693

it's not that. i just don't want my mind to be dominated by thoughts of money and material expression, my being repurposed/subjugated by the economy or worse yet an abstract and meaningless number. but i don't know what alternative there could be that wouldn't end up being essentially the same. it's hard to accept that this is the sum of life. i want to make a family so i'll try focus on that. i can't think of any other reason to live or debase myself for. so far i've gotten along on contempt.

>> No.15129771

What purpose did you have before?
Family is a good motivator, but remember that to be a good father, you need more than just capital. Money is not the only aim; earning a living does not mean you can't improve your being

>> No.15129802

>I'm thinking pandering shit like Black Panther mixed with vague political bullshit.
Take a deep breath. Reread Derek Walcott.