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/lit/ - Literature

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15122588 No.15122588 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it make me angry when someone irl has read the same or more books than me?

>> No.15122595

Cuz you're a bitch boy faggot.

>> No.15122601

because you use reading books as part of your personal identity, and you want that identity to be unique and superior to others.

>> No.15122614

Stop reading 1984 and other high school books

>> No.15122641
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envyous little bitch who wants to feel superior or special in function of how many books you've had the content forgotten of.

>> No.15122664

it makes you aware of your inferiority

>> No.15122678

>because you use reading books as part of your personal identity, and you want that identity to be unique and superior to others.
So how do I overcome this? Do I pick up a new hobby or do I read more books?

>> No.15122787


Why do you think it's something that needs to be overcome? It's a natural part of young male psychology. What you want to do is harness it.

>> No.15122797

Realize its ok if youre not special

>> No.15122807

How do you meet these people? I haven't met anyone who reads in years.

>> No.15122810

idiot frog why care in the first place

>> No.15122811

Discuss the books when you find people that be read the same ones

>> No.15122814

Because all my women teachers say stuff like (>>15122797) and then reading about characters like Raskolnikov or the Bolshevik terror spooks me about what can happen if I don't mitigate unbridled arrogance

>> No.15122836

I wish I had friends who read Mishima and Krasznahorkai.

>> No.15122845

i just wanna meet someone who has read same books as me

>> No.15122847

Because you base your ego on the amount of books you've read, the fool that you are.

>> No.15123025

Studying humanities
I wished the same thing, but whenever I meet someone who has read the same things as me I get angry.

>> No.15123069

It's because you're using literature as a social capital and a fashion accessory. you know the answer stop larping and cut the shit.

>> No.15123082


>whenever I meet someone who has read the same things as me I get angry

The best thing is to meet someone who is READING something you've FINISHED.

That way your taste is validated but you maintain your vital sense of superiority.

BONUS POINTS: When she's a cute girl and sounds impressed by your erudition and asks you for more recommendations and bears your children.

>> No.15123112

If I had actual friends irl to discuss art and literature with I wouldn't even need to use this board at all.