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15120153 No.15120153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What comes after post-modernism?

>> No.15120156


>> No.15120157

God, I hate that twitter whore.

>> No.15120162

I would be ok with it if any of the traps looked like they do in anime. But thats just not the case. All of them look like mentally ill freaks, the kind you would see in a circus back in the day

>> No.15120171
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>> No.15120179

ah, a return to greek culture

>> No.15120186

How do you think she feels about the state babysitting all these niggers because their crack smoking moms got fucked to death?

>> No.15120297

>tfw you're a universalist, but for damnation

>> No.15120304

Reconciliation can take place after a period of damnation.

>> No.15120311

Goofy tiem

>> No.15120316

I think that's when we invent Nanobots and then we all become robots and then the moon becomes a giant robot brain.

>> No.15120317

Dick girls are the ultimate praxis.
Also the idea that something has to come after postmodernism is modernist ideology. You're missing the y. Think orthogonally

>> No.15120355

Egoism. No State, no Masters, no Slaves, only I.

>> No.15120358
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second religiousness

>> No.15120565

I'm betting on a revival of romanticism.

>> No.15120584

> he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

>> No.15120587


>> No.15121235

Sorry, but for My sake, I have to enslave you.

>> No.15121579


>> No.15121593

Traps aren’t trannies though, they’re cute twinks that crossdress
Twinks are based and understand that they’re actually boys, many of them grow up and become men eventually
Trannies are usually incels who see femininity as a possible source of positive attention

>> No.15121612

Based and Greekpilled.
Cute boys are good, mutilating your body is bad. Not really rocket science.

>> No.15121643

If every trap looked like they do in anime, there would nary be an issue.

>> No.15121682

anime traps have done nothing. it's just an internet fetish like furfags.

>> No.15121687

>Twinks are based and understand that they’re actually boys
if only this was true...
A lot of twinks get Dorian Gray-syndrome and begin obsessing over staying youthful, which inevitably leads to them to take hormones, which leads into trannydom.

>> No.15121882

Not sorry, but I'll kill you in return. Besides, I know you are likely too chickenshit to enslave anyone.

>> No.15121893

>A lot of twinks get Dorian Gray-syndrome and begin obsessing over staying youthful, which inevitably leads to them to take hormones, which leads into trannydom.
maybe I've become out of touch then, a primary draw for my statement on twinks was my own change from being a twink in my late teens to being more masculine in my very early twenties because I realised that aging is inevitable and to age gracefully there must be a strong aspect of masculinity in you.
I had heard similar stories at the time as well of cute boys growing out of it when they were in their twenties, David Bowie once said something to that effect about japanese boys.
Perhaps what you describe is the spread of trannydom encompassing and negatively affecting ither groups. It's a shame if true because twinks are very aesthetically pleasing, if that leads to aesthetically pleasing masculine adulthood thats good but there is nothing less aesthetically pleasing than trannies.

>> No.15122017

no one really knows. We're in uncharted territory here. the world is just full of "post-"s right now, and because a lot of this is relatively new stuff we're looking at and haven't had a chance to see the long term effects of how people develop and interact with it. I personally would like to believe some kind of collapse so we can have at least some semblance of a clean slate, but that really jut boils down to wishful thinking. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

>> No.15122033
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Saturn wills it

>> No.15122045

Continental romanticism is the only respectable position

>> No.15122058

being a trap and still becoming a man is ascended

>> No.15122085

The end

>> No.15122182
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popie rapie

>> No.15122189


>> No.15122296
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dafuq did I just read?

>> No.15122323

A globalist autocracy.

>> No.15122338

>All of them look like mentally ill freaks
I wonder why, it really makes you think...

>> No.15122382
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>> No.15122392

this is what was fundamentally wrong with contrapoints are traps gay video

>> No.15122988

who's the author of this comic ? It always cracks me up

>> No.15123017

really good comics

>> No.15123022

thanks they're prettay good

>> No.15123028

Nice, but he better be legal
>contrapoints are traps gay video
Could you summarise? I don’t watch the people who make up the philosophy equivalent of Channel Awesome

>> No.15123416

I hope for this too
Any contemporary writers who could be considered neo-romantic? Houellebecq maybe?
Feels to me like people nowadays are too cynical to sustain the kind of idealism (both the life attitude and in the metaphysical sense) that romanticism is based on - maybe a kind of ironic romanticism?

>> No.15123439

nope. romanticism is unsalvageable after fascism. you'd need a whole thing just to get it as an option

>> No.15123452

>draw a flat chest girl
>call it a boy

>> No.15123454

>look like

Yes, it's all coming together now...

>> No.15123469

aesthetic supremacism and misoginia, think mishima but with traps

>> No.15123472

Alan Kirby's arguments for Digimodernism have been more convincing than anything else I've seen. It's the only one that doesn't feel like reaching or overly self-congratulatory.

>> No.15123542


>> No.15123568


>> No.15123608

Traps were the next logical step up from futa.

>> No.15123853

i fell into this trap hook line and sinker

>> No.15123889

gang warfare

>> No.15123901

No one is "mentally ill" unless it is detrimental to living

>> No.15123910

Human-exceptionalist Christian OOO social epistemic acclelerationism, conservative optimism, morality imposed by society on the individual, historical alienation from non-Christians, and normative perfectionism.

>> No.15123930

They humiliate themselves in public and often seek to do permanent and massive damage to their bodies, it absolutely does hamper the quality of living. They need to become happy with the sex they have because it is literally impossible for them to have any other.

>> No.15123976

Damnit, Calvin

>> No.15124041

this isn't true though
some people might fap to 2d traps here but absolutely nobody respects them or thinks of them as anything else that sex objects
as it should be

>> No.15124529

Doesn't prove his point. One, that's most likely a parable and, two, that is before Jesus went down to preach to those imprisoned in the underworld

>> No.15124546

Sorry, I meant to say that doesn't disprove his point

>> No.15124645

the holy Vanguard, the absolute peak of art and literature since Renaissance.

>> No.15124909

Surrender and the singularity

>> No.15124916


>> No.15126085

Make up a word for it. It's not like this is anything new lmao

>> No.15126265
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The overwhelming amount of data means the craziest position can be validated by facts and logic. The paradigm that an increase in the amount of data leads to clarity is over, it now leads to darkness.
The average person will then turn to credible sources, which means those more commonly seen and better produced. Those made by men with money.
The Corona scandal is merely the beginning of a spiritual plutocracy. In metamodernism, money is credibility and credibility is truth. Thus rises the age of pluto.

>> No.15127631

Both of these are wonderful.

>> No.15128163

Repost-modernism. Now stop making this thread

>> No.15128174

People are reading Based Deleuze.

And it has the answers you seek.

>> No.15128178

>muh becoming-woman