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15120111 No.15120111 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on absurdism?

>> No.15120115

t. camus grandson
go back you croissant munching faggot

>> No.15120120

cope, suicide is a solution

>> No.15121067
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i think its very good

>> No.15121079


>> No.15121089

suicide is the only truth to life.
everything else is a cope.

>> No.15121094

Pretty rational haha get it

>he says still breathing
Y so bitch ass ?

>> No.15121103

Emotions are cope, and that includes your depression

>> No.15121107


>> No.15121117

where did i said that im not coping?
im a pussy, a lair who cannot face the only truth of life.

>> No.15121145

Sounds like you're coping with your cope anon. Maybe try smiling, just because death is inevitable don't mean you have to shiver at the thought of it

Idk go smoke some crack or something unironically

>> No.15121166

if you look at death from a high vantage point everything seems useless.

>> No.15121167

A needless nothing, a pet theory. Bunk.

>> No.15121173

Even Death hahaha

>> No.15121198

i am not telling you "the objective truth" or something. this is my subjective experience after living 30 years on this planet.
if you're are optimistic about life then that's good for you.

>> No.15121204

All life is sustained by coping, coping is a form of play, an act we put on to entertain the mind of God

>> No.15121221

Destroying yr nation's economy over the flu is pretty absurd...

>> No.15121233

considering yourself be a part of "nation" is absurd too.

>> No.15121237
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>> No.15121249

> absurdism
> posts camus
kys retard

>> No.15121257

underestimating the deadliness of the virus because of a superficial similarity to another virus is pretty stupid

>> No.15121258
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here, better now?

>> No.15121266

much better.

>> No.15121286

>dying is the only truth to life

>> No.15121300
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Camus never coined the word
actually nobody ever coined the word for themselves
what is it supposed to mean?

>> No.15121304

It can be useful to create a path out of nihilism.

>> No.15121312


I would ashamed if I wrote Myth of Sisyphus, but we can only imagine he was happy with it.

>> No.15121316

If the virus is real, there's not much you can do to prevent it from spreading. People die, death is absolute

>> No.15121328

it is another retarded word for existentialism.
existentialism (including postmodernism, destructuralism, and such garbage) truely is the lowest point ever reached by the european civilization. truely the lowest of the lowest.

>> No.15121329

wrt Camus it obviously means his take that existence is fundamentally absurd because of the conflict between the human desire for meaning and the impossibility of it existing, in the world, or in our own creation.

>> No.15121338

flatten the curve.
also economy was fucked way before this virus.

>> No.15121339

i meant deconstruction

>> No.15121345

how so?

>> No.15121349

what are you ashamed of?

>> No.15121356

the economy isn't fucked, we are
the economy will endure

>> No.15121374

the economy doesnt exist without people

>> No.15121385

there're no energy alternatives(unless some miracle happens). and fossil fuel industry is running out of its resources. this economy is fated to collapse.

>> No.15121394

What good is an economy if it doesn't serve the people

>> No.15121400

It is not the same as existentialism, which holds that meaning can be created by the individual. Camus thought that was impossible.

>> No.15121431

he doesn't say it's impossible, he just says anything you do to deal with the absurd is either pholosophical suicide (ie the abandonment of rationality) or what we'd call cope ie being a happy sissypuss

>> No.15121432


I can't wait until the bankers, landlords, debt-collectors of the world demand we all pay up and we just say "no".
Collapsing the world's economies to protect vunerable old boomers, to then be harassed by said boomers for money, since they're the ones clinging onto houses and industry like it's going to fit in their coffin, will be the final straw.

Not remotely a commie but things are going to change.

>> No.15121447

He absolutely says it's impossible. His solution was to consciously 'rebel' against this state of affairs, to act as though meaning were possible anyway.

>> No.15121456

absurdism is a meaningless tag that groups together camus, an heir of the french 18th century, and breton or ionesco, two mystics or dadaists or whatever that shit is called. which is a typically existentialist procedure, of a typically existentialist histrionic obtuseness.

>> No.15121459

well yes I agree we were just thinking of different meanings of the word impossible

>> No.15121478

true rebelling against absurdity is meaning in itself.

>> No.15121492

the real problem isn't that we're stopping to deal with this situation, it's the fact that our economy is so corrupted and founded on such putrid foundations that not doing anything for a bit completely brings it to a collapse
what kind of economy is this, where you must consume things constantly in order for it to keep going

>> No.15121527

The concept of money is a mass hallucination

>> No.15121564

I can't imagine being so egotistical you think 30 years on earth is enough time to have it figured out

>> No.15121576

agree, which is why I (>>15121394) wondered what good caring about the economy is if it doesn't serve the people.

>> No.15121607

it's just a convenient tool to facilitate exchange of goods. Or it was. Money now is some sort of elaborate con to a degree

>> No.15121639

from 20,000 years humans haven't figured it out because there's nothing to figure out. just experience things on your own and go with the conclusions. it's a jungle and you have to find your way on your own.
the things i know now, i knew them at 20. just ten more years of confirmation through experience.

>> No.15121670

I like Camus c:

>> No.15121672

We all like Camus, anon.

>> No.15121676

I like Camus a lot c:

>> No.15121690

speak for yourself faggot

>> No.15121699

go back to congo and never dare coming back in the west again, nigger.

>> No.15121728

you talk like "west" is your personal property.
and again speak for yourself, faggot

>> No.15121808

no, you like Camus too.

>> No.15121815

A very weak cope for depressed atheists, if you seriously haven’t studied religion or metaphysics and you jump straight to this, you are another member of the thoughtless herd.

>> No.15121849

> you are another member of the thoughtless herd

Anon, I...

>> No.15121863

how it is a weak cope? and how do you know that it is for "depressed" people?

>> No.15121873

if you got something to say, then say it, or did you think you were intelligent because you are a member of the “nihilist” herd and you think you found “the truth”, which is just a projection of your own weakness and depression onto the meaning of life. Begone weak faggot!

>> No.15121878


>> No.15121883

I mean, all I had to do was scroll down a few posts and everyone is already arguing about suicide. Doesn’t really sound like something a healthy person talks about, does it? I don’t mean to offend your ideology though ;)

>> No.15121884

being needlessly toxic and rude isn't part of Christian ethics

>> No.15121898

Go cry elsewhere if you can’t handle a bit of force, otherwise stick to discussing the topic. Are you a Christian? I’m not

>> No.15121899

so "healthy people" don't discuss suicide?

>> No.15121907

irl people don't like toxic and rude people.

>> No.15121927

No “healthy people” don’t, you retard. Healthy people have life-affirming sentiments, and the fact that you don’t share these sentiments is because you are in a dark place right now. You think you have found “the truth”, but you just found an ideology that aligns well with your depression so now you can permanently stagnate and never change. Why should you change? You have the truth! LOL

>> No.15121935

You sound like a fucking LARPing incel. So you're not a Christian but you think you're enlightened because you've interpreted religious texts in a certain way. Right, sounds like you found your own meaning, retard.

>> No.15121938

You’re a fucking child, and I would never encounter a 4channer IRL because you guys are busy discussing suicide from the confines of your parent’s house. Why are you acting so childish though? Are you another self-proclaimed nihilist?

>> No.15121955

lmao at this "enlightened" being

>> No.15121958

it's pretty stupid of them desu.
suicide is a very common phenomenon in almost every community around the world. are they afraid to talk about it?
also im not an absurdist, i never said i was.

>> No.15121972

More projection. Looks like I hit a nerve too. I never said I was “enlightened” I just don’t want to fucking KILL MYSELF like you faggots, and when I was in a darker place, people like you are literally carrying an IDEOLOGY that serves to drag everyone else down with you. Religious texts have enough wisdom in them to cure you of your nihilism and depression, but only if you are receptive to them. Otherwise they will be a waste of time.

>> No.15121991

lol so you know it's true but you keep lying to yourself with religion as a little comfort blanket. Ohhh is baby scared of death? Are you scared of dying little baby? But you've only just been born! Aww little baby, one day you will learn how your desperate effort to brainwash yourself means next to nothing. Pathetic little baby.

>> No.15121996

suicide and nihilism are very common subjects in literature and philosophy and in real life. why should people not discuss it on a literature board or wherever they want to?
also i have never seen children discussing suicide.

>> No.15122127

>so now you can permanently stagnate and never change.
the most retarded clause live on /lit/ right now, I won't say the board because you've probably posted much stupider shit in the past

>> No.15122143

>I just don’t want to fucking KILL MYSELF like you faggots
well I stand corrected, actually this is the most retarded one, not >>15122127

>> No.15122147

Massive cope for faggots
"Yeah life sucks but you gotta just be happy lol"
Exactly what therapists always say, useless pieces of shit.

>> No.15122150

>Religious texts have enough wisdom
what you wisdom by one religion, it's considered lies and trash by other religions. it's all comes down to your subjective experience.
i would rather believe in God for what he is than expecting good shit in life just because i believe like a larping selfish and greedy fool.

>> No.15122223

why would the knowledge that death is not the end scare me? or do you believe that the lights shut out forever when you die xD. That is as far as the materialist can think I believe, barely past their own nose which is why they cling to ideology like a poor man clings to his blanket. You are a literal child in comparison to me. I won’t say have sex, but I believe falling in love would be good for you. Stop worrying about philosophy and fall in love, then we can talk :)

>> No.15122234

>"Yeah life sucks but you gotta just be happy lol"
Yeah cause it's fucking absurd to lose your entire shit over the fact

>> No.15122361
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>You are a literal child in comparison to me

>> No.15122388

bitter toxic piece shit now all of sudden preaching "love"
stop larping as a religious person because every religion preach compassion, love, kindness and you have nothing to do with those values. throw away this mask cunt.

>> No.15122400

thanks guys. will I learn anything else than what you just said if I read Camus' essays?

>> No.15122445

Absurdism, nihilism, and existentialism are basically true.

However, I think their shortcoming is that they don't take into account how people are hardwired to value certain things.

Existentialism says we create our own meaning. Nihilism says it's pointless because there is no meaning, so creating it is delusional, but that creates freedom to do what we want. Absurdism agrees that we'll see through artificial meaning we construct, but there's great value in the work itself.

The issue with this all is, we do have some desires that lead to fulfillment. One is creative achievement - that can mean professionally, artistically, or whatever. Another is relationships - we find great value in our connection with people. Another is novel experiences - we like going interesting places, tasting good things, etc.

Camus is a great writer. But honestly, I find zen a lot more valuable than existentialism or its offshoots - it has a lot of the same ideas and perspectives, but it makes them more actionable.

>> No.15122468

>people are hardwired to value certain things.
as in genetically? evopsych?

>> No.15122548

Technically yes, though while that term's technically accurate, I wouldn't use it here because usually when people talk about things being genetic, they mean some people inherit it and some don't. Whereas I would say all people are hardwired to value those things on a very primal, instinctive, survival level, except for people with certain mental illnesses, like certain kinds of anti-social personality disorder.

>> No.15122570

I'd say that you probably have a distribution of these traits in the population, but that's being a bit pedantic, I agree with you.

>> No.15122578

you should read the myth of sissypuss, at least the first few chapters before he goes into examples with don quixote, then it's mainly examples of absurdist characters iirc (may be wrong)
also he introduces the thoughts of other philosophers to compare them with their own which is nice for someone not already into philosophy

>> No.15122596

You like Camus.

>> No.15122606

I think human consciousness is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware. Nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself. We are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feelings, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody's nobody. I think the honorable thing for our species to do is to deny our programming. Stop reproducing. Walk hand in hand into extinction. One last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal.

>> No.15122611

Jesus this thread is so awfully wrong on so many aspects of existentialism. OP look for answers somewhere else, this thread you’ve created is mostly full of erroneous and parochial misconceptions of the topic. I really shouldn’t be even wasting my time responding or bumping this any further. But please heed my warning, you are threading in very polluted faux-intellectual waters; it can’t be good for a developing mind such as yours.

>> No.15122625

If you're brilliant and have all the answers, then you should write them down instead of just insulting strangers.

>> No.15122642

i like the stranger,
thats when you sit on your hand until it gets numb and then kill a man in algeria

>> No.15122652


>> No.15122662


>> No.15122676

the thread isn't about existentialism at all

>> No.15122689

My last respond before I repose. But, why should I waste my time trying to correct of a bunch of HS schoolboys who will probably go play video games shortly after. And the fact that you think these answers can be succinctly answered one a short cute little post just shows how little you known. Night.

>> No.15122713

>before I repose.

>> No.15122723

I have a master's, though not in philosophy. No one is asking you to explain all of existentialism in a post. Rather, one would hope you could write your basic thoughts down. If you're unable to boil things down to their essence, then it's because you don't understand them well enough. And frankly, existential philosophy isn't physics. I think you're full of hot air, and you know a lot less than you like to pretend you do. We get a lot of people like you on here, always with some secret knowledge they won't tell anyone.

>> No.15122758

Ah, you see, and once more, you’ve humiliated yourself.

>believing essence comes before existence

Masters in what, wumbology? Don’t do yourself like that buddy.

>> No.15122767

this is 100% bait

>> No.15122770

You are very far up your own arse.

It's in international relations/foreign policy.

>> No.15122782

leave that fucker. i have seen this similar pattern in other threads. an "intellectual" larper complains about how everybody in that thread are high school teenagers and they don't know shit about the topic while he contributes nothing to discussion. don't know if that's one person or more.

>> No.15122790

Yup. You memed too close to the sun on that one. And just like icarus, you have fallen to humiliating laugh of hundreds.

>> No.15122816
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we are legion and we are many

>> No.15122831

im not schizophrenic