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File: 267 KB, 1024x691, MrT_kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1511986 No.1511986 [Reply] [Original]

what is /lit/'s opinion on kierkegaard?

>> No.1511991

Kierkegaard fag here.
I actually appreciate his philosophy and views a lot. A very refreshing alternative to hegal.

>> No.1511998

i will like to hear a comparation betwean hegel and kirkegaard

>> No.1512001

I plan on reading some of his work soon, but I've been listening to some related stuff from iTunes U. The whole teleological suspension of the ethical thing rubs me the wrong way, though. It's too easy a justification.

>> No.1512002

>It's too easy a justification.


>> No.1512003


>> No.1512005

"I might have done the wrong thing, but it was in the service of God."

That just doesn't seem to hold water in 2011. That being said, I know absolutely nothing about Kierkegaard's philosophy save for what I've gleaned from a few podcasts, so this might be a huge misinterpretation.

>> No.1512007

The end justifies the means.

>> No.1512008

Hegel's all like "hey man, maybe we can work shit out with dialectics"


Wittgenstein all be like "that shit's deep."

>> No.1512009

i dunno

>> No.1512011

tl;dr Kierkegaard/Wittgenstein: I DON'T LIKE THIS BOX

>> No.1512014
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misunderstanding everywhere

>> No.1512015


Elucidation nowhere.

>> No.1512053

occasional bump

>> No.1512062

Søren Kierkegaard is Friedrich Nietzsche without the facial hair, but Søren is the ON

>> No.1512068
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>> No.1512075

not gonna lie, everytime I try reading him my eyes just sort of glaze over and everything sounds greek to me. I want to read him and get a better understanding of his philosophy but its so damn incomprehensible to me.

Tried reading the wiki on him thinking it might be a dummy downed version of his views and that didn't help either, if anything made it worse.

I've read some quotes from him that I liked but thats about the best I can do ;_;

"If there were no eternal consciousness in a man, if at the bottom of everything there were only a wild ferment, a power that twisting in dark passions produced everything great or inconsequential; if an unfathomable, insatiable emptiness lay hid beneath everything, what would life be but despair?"

>> No.1512077

Kierkgegaard is not Nietzche.

Teleological suspension of the ethical is a really complicated idea. Don't be fooled into thinking its religious mania. I had to write my PhD on Kierkegaard's leap of faith and suspension of the ethical.

Also, I would love to go into Hegal and Kierkegaard, but not on here. Too long to write, but maybe we can chat and develop a conversation and debate on MSN fou_lu_the_wizard@hotmail.com add me and we can talk >>1511991

>> No.1512081

tru to read him like it was poetry

>> No.1512088


>> No.1512091
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>> No.1512092
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>> No.1512093

How about talking about his here instead? This place could really benefit from commentary from somebody actually in the field of philosophy. Also, what do you mean by teleological suspension of the ethical? Is it related to the existentialist idea that while pleasure may be the goal of ethics, it's not the origin or structure, which is determined by meaning?

>> No.1512098

have you ever bumped a thread in a pale moon

>> No.1512112

come on, this thread was getting awesome

>> No.1512113

The teleological suspension of the ethical is like the story of Abraham and his son. God commanded Abraham to kill Isaac, which is typically a no-no, but Abraham was going to do it because it was the commandment of God.

>> No.1512537

>>1512113 - poster is not the philosophy guy
>>1512093 - well to outline the idea of the teleological suspension it would look like our friend's crude description of the story of Abraham in Kierkegaard's Fear and trembling (in the middle east...not really, but I can never help myself when I hear the title).

However, our friend has failed to mention how "stages on life's way" come into it. Kierkegaard's ideas on this suspension are inextricably tied up with the notion of spheres of existence that determine our personal and group moralities.

See, a terrorist would find it very hard to justify his manic position through Kierkegaard's philosophy. Kierkegaard doesn't really say morality = nothing if God determines it so huuuurrrrrr.
No. That would be a gross misreading. He actually wants us to realise that, through a spiritual growth, the burden of a secular moranlity, a Greek-type model, is too hard to bear. Once we develop into the higher stages of moral and spirtual awareness, we suspend the ideas of material morality for the sake of a higher, less known conceptual model. We become Knights of Faith, as the Old Boy puts it. It's really deontological principles taken to their universal/spiritual extreme.

Any questions? Let me know. I can suggest reading material etc. Interesting topic, but as I said I am BRIEFLY discussing this. I originally said we could chat on MSN because I'm a writer and my work load is huge. I will contribute when I can as long as the thread is alive.

>> No.1512563

>>1512113 In terms of pleasure related to the goals and constructs of morality and ethics, I would have to say pleasure has little to do with the teleological suspension.

It is not so much a theoretical model for morality, like Kant's catagorical imperative or Mill's utilitarianism, but rather its more of a guide to spiritual awareness. We actually discard material notions of morality and ethicals and embrace something altogether higher, something that cannot be put into words, nor debated.

But there is the underlying idea throughout Kierkegaard's work that this transformotion is a painful process.

>> No.1512688

>my PhD
>Hegal with an 'a'


>> No.1512862

good morning bump

>> No.1512947

Only just learnt to spell Nietzche too - I hope to God I've got that right...

>> No.1512998

haha, professional philosophy right here

>> No.1513001
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Hegel came up with a dialectic. In this dialectic he states that throughout history, different civilizations have influenced one another, and evolved, through an almost Darwinian series of events. According to Hegel, this series of events led to Hegel's civilization, which he believed was the most advanced form of civilization. Hegel saw freedom and philosophy as mutually dependent, as well as the ideal.

Kierkegaard devised a dialectic in response to Hegel's claim that "philosophy is du hurp!". He developed three modes of existence: the aesthetic, the ethic, and the religious.

The aesthetic mode deals with a very hedonistic approach to life. The individual moves away from society in a daemonic fashion (much like the Romantics) and pursues the pleasures of life. Eventually, this leads to loneliness and despair.
For Kierkegaard, the ethical mode (emphasis on community, eventual, and disclosure) is sought be the aesthete when he wants to "settle down" (for the path of the aesthete is a lonely one).

The religious mode of existence is basically the same as the aesthetic mode. However, it differs based on the individuals relationship with God (hence Kierkegaard following the Lutheran religion).
Basically, Kierkegaard believed an individual goes through these modes of living. The trick is living in all three at the same time.

>> No.1513002
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Right......because Nietzsche was a Christian.

>> No.1513005
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that's how we do.

>> No.1513008

Camus! Nice to see you in this thread.

>> No.1513024

Well done, sir!

>> No.1513027


>> No.1513028

omgz i love harry pottor!

>> No.1513275

Nietzsche and Kierkegaard criticized the same things about Christians like Hegel. They say practically the same against the christian institution. Nietzsche had nothing against the kind of Christianity that Kierkegaard talks about.

>> No.1513653

modes of existence is wrong. Specifically spheres, because they cross one into another. There are also mini-spheres within the sheres that work as inbetweens.

I am being pedantic, but the use of the word "modes" is a poor reflection on Kierkegaard's concept of human development.

>> No.1513666

No, you fucking idiot.

>> No.1513982
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then hele wrote about masses and civilization and kirkegaard about the individual?

>> No.1514005
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not quite but keep trying!
you can have your spheres.

>> No.1514011

You, sir, are the devil.

>> No.1514022

Kierkegaard didn't want to marry Regine Olsen. So he spent the rest of his life explaining why he broke off their engagement. This is the root of his philosophy: he didn't know when to shut the fuck up.

>> No.1514029
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>mfw people are taking the stages/spheres and teleological suspension of the ethical as if they were ideas directly attributable to Kierkegaard, and not concepts placed within the broader machine of his pseudonymous project

Guys, guys. Slow down a minute here.

>> No.1514036

I have Either/Or sitting on my shelf. Haven't read it yet (except the first chapter of aphorisms). I think thisbook might not be the best way to get into his philosopher, am I right?

>> No.1514039

Works of Love, the Upbuilding Discourses, the Present Age and Philosophical Fragments/Concluding Unscientific Postscript are not explicable by his break-up with Regine. Sounds like someone only read Fear and Trembling, Repetition and Either/Or.

>> No.1514048

Either/Or is a perfectly good place to begin with Kierkegaard.

>> No.1514053


>> No.1514054


>> No.1514183

philosphy doesnt give two shits about the psychology behind the philosoph. The philosophy must be judged on its own merit.

you sir are a fucking idiot

>> No.1514205

Because the drawing was teleported here from 1999 when Mr. T references were cool.

>> No.1514221

>implying we are not supposed to *think* about what the *thinkers* we are *thinking* about were *thinking* about while considering their *thoughts*

* -things you don't do

>> No.1514257

Why the fuck would Mr T have been cool in 1999?
Did I miss an alternate reality? Who's the president?

>> No.1514266

sorry Mr T and Mr T references have always been, are now, and will always be cool

>> No.1514272
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i also understand that hegel though that life was a system but kirkegaard though that life was passion

are there other diferences that i should aware of?

>> No.1514323


Actually bro, that is not true. Nietzche thought Christianity was inherently worthless. Kierkegaard's brand, the Church's brand, the Bible's brand. He disliked especially the hypocrites - the apostate Church, but he also disagreed with the pure, ascetic, original Christianity that Kierkegaard espoused.

>> No.1514413

Ok. I get it. But who's this president?

>> No.1514480

I really wish Nietzsche had a chance to read Kierkegaard. Dostoevsky apparently made a big impact on him, and Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky had a lot in common.

>> No.1514513

rufus jones

>> No.1514541

I fucking LOVE kierkegaard. Sartre gets way to much credit for existentialism when all he really did was flesh it out a bit more and make it popular. Kierkegaard is also very lulzy because even though he was a christfag and a moralfag he still trolled the living shit out of hegel

>> No.1514565

>problem hegelfags?

kier confirmed for god tier

>> No.1514599

This, for example, is part of the critique that kierkegaard gave of one of hegel's books
>If Hegel had written the whole of his logic and then said, in the preface or some other place, that it was merely an experiment in thought in which he had even begged the question in many places, then he would certainly have been the greatest thinker who had ever lived. As it is, he is merely comic.

Kierkegaard would also write books that were a line by line trashing of books by Hegel (made more epic by the fact that kierkegaard was also a humorist)

In essence, Kierkegaard invented the theory of lulz because he believed that everything was meaningless until you find something to give it meaning (lulz) and that the only thing that matters in this world is getting satisfaction from doing what you believe (doing it for the lulz)
Godtier indeed

>> No.1514613

nietzche was kinda pretentious becaus nihilism really believes that 'because it's commonly accepted/part of society, it's inherently dumb.' being contradictory for the sake of it and then establishing that as the new norm does not make you into some kind of 'superman'

>> No.1514638
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>> No.1514645

herp doubles makes it awesome der

...but seriously, it actually is awesome

>> No.1514650


>> No.1514672

Hegelianism vs existentialism as explained by Evangelion

Hegel/Seele is all like "fuck individuality, let's all join as one for the benefit of mankind. the Synthesis is SO cash" and then Shinji is like "I'm a total bitch and all that matter is that people care about me because I pilot Eva (bad faith)" and then shinji's like "Wow, I'm a loser peice of shit faggot (anxiety/angst/despair/dread); but if I man the fuck up and accept that, then I can be a good person who does his best to be and Individual and not so much of a faggot, because Instrumentality(hegelianism) licks a hairy asshole"

>> No.1514706
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>> No.1514708


>> No.1514775

You have to view Kierkegaard's writings through the context of what pen name he was using. He basically wrote as characters with different views. Irony was a huge part of his method. He wrote his doctoral thesis on Socratic irony. The people that have said he invented lulz are more or less right.

If you really want the real man and his real thoughts, I'd say read his journals, or his Christian writings.

>> No.1514807

Unfortunately I've only really skimmed thru those. 'Concept of Dread' was more my speed

>> No.1514855
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>> No.1514964

this thread is epic, i suggest archive

>> No.1515030

bumped for archive

>> No.1515031
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>> No.1515038
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>> No.1515088

nah, still does not reach the legend

>> No.1515139
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>> No.1515178


>> No.1515833

goodmorning bump

>> No.1516167
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>> No.1516273

rise from your grave

>> No.1516419

I want to dispel some ideas about Hegel that are being tossed around in this thread.

One poster described Hegel's dialectics as a form of evolution, or the influence of cultures on each other, as if cultures were to breed. This might be an entirely accurate viewpoint, but its not what Hegel thought history and culture were. One of the best ways to explain Hegel's bat shit wacko teleology and theory of history is to look at the title of of one of his essays (which I'm unable to find as a convenient pdf or html for you all, sorry)

History as the Self-Realization of Spirit

This sentence sums up Hegel. History is Spirit continually refreshing itself through time. He means this in an Idealist sense, which is odd as Ideals are usually unchanging (In the classical Platonic idealist sense). Hegel would still say that Spirit is unchanging, but that at any given moment we only see a fraction of The Human Spirit, namely the present and what we know of the past.

This is not a view of how things can truly change, or mutate, in the evolutionary sense. An evolutionary sense of history would admit that history and cultures could break down and destroy themselves. Or that certain cultures are better suited to certain enviornments. It would also admit that history is not finished, that its still being written.

Hegel, being Christian, would never believe the possibility of different outcomes, of enviornmental or temporal adaptation, or that History did not have a deffinitive outcome. Hegel certainly believed in the Christian eschatology and the second coming of Christ.


>> No.1516425
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While Hegel wrote History as the Self-Realization of Spirit, Napoleon was conquering Europe. Napoleon is what Hegel called a World Historical Figure, that is in Hegel's day Napoleon represented the epitome of humanity, spirituality and knowledge. If he didn't represent those things, he would not have been conquering Europe. On the other side, Hegel saw Asians and Blacks as subhuman. They were being eradicated by the Self-Realization of Spirit (History). This is the European narrative of progress; racial superiority, technological superiority and spiritual superiority. When ever you see post-modern thinkers talking about the end of history, or the end of grand narratives they are referring to Hegel's theory of history, and the many people he influenced (especially Marx, but also democratic writers like Rousseau).

Hegel's idea of the dialectic is not how we often think of dialectics today. Usually, dialectics describe 2 entities in opposition that must either compromise or stay in opposition. Hegel saw dialectics as certain, that certain things would oppose each other and eventually create a synthesis (or concrete as he called it). This was not a possibility of synthesis, but an inevitability.

tl;dr Hegel was an insane racist.

>> No.1516466

i love the guy's philosophy; he saved my christianity

in very short;
kierkegaard's either/or was his synthesis... he opposed hegel's 'absolute' by claiming faith to be more absolute.

see: fear and trembling

(i might be wrong, im sort of autodidactic with philosophy and have a pretty limited knowledge of hegel)

kierkegaard still has a certain place in my heart, but im coming to love wittgenstein as well

>> No.1516804
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JESUS CHRIST!!! this thread is still going for over 24 hours?

Can somebody pleased archive this shit!

minor edit. While Kierkegaard did indeed troll the shit out of hegel, he did not write line by line books that thrashed Hegel. I was mixing this up with John Locke, who did that to one of his pro-monarchist contemporaries (Kierkegaard, Locke, and St Augustine were the three philosophers that I had to study intimately for my philosophy coursse)

this is not merely fanwank conjecture, either. many of the episodes are named after existential concepts (ie. The Sickness Unto Death) and during one of the mindfuck scenes, shinji consciousness tells himself that he can't relive all of his good experiences like some kind of rosary, which is a very exact description of how Sartre described 'Bad Faith'

>> No.1516808

Patriarcha by Robert Filmer... you idiot... shit this thread is full of ignorance

>> No.1516813

this has actually been one of the better threads in a while

>> No.1516818

butthurt betafag spends his life apologising for his betafaggotry

>> No.1516856

Kierkegaard would've been proud.

>> No.1516864
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>> No.1516867

Didn't read any of the thread. Can someone recommend which of his works to read first?

>> No.1516876

either/or was mentioned as a good introduction

>> No.1516885
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I started on Fear and Trembling.
It's also where I ended.
Kierkegaard rages on christian poserfags

>> No.1516890
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>> No.1516896


Semi-good posts, except that I didn't like your conclusion, and the fact that you write

>Hegel's theory of history, and the many people he influenced (especially Marx, but also democratic writers like Rousseau).

I think you might be trolling. Hegel was only about 9 yrs old when Rousseau died, so I think his influence on the great JJ is to be overlooked.

Also, to whoever said that Hegel is all about the world Spirit, this is only half the truth. The center of the Phenomenology of the spirit, the dialectics of recognition (or the master- slave dialectics) is not just a question of the world spirit, though it is indeed an aspect. But moreso is it a method, however idealistic, of aprroching truth, in both our individual recognition of our selves, the social negatiation between individuals, and the course of history. The aim of (post-Kantian, and mainly german) idealism, is not to gain knowledge of truth, but to gain ever more insight -> infinnity. As one of the overlooked representatives of german idealism explained it with an analogy, truth is like the root of 2, where we can uncover the nature of the number forever, without ever gaining true knowledge of the whole.

>> No.1516912

Out dated, there is no "God" post industrial revolution, just profit margins.

>> No.1516918

austrian much?

>> No.1516921

The Game

>> No.1516941
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>> No.1517214
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>> No.1517223

kierkegaard was a whore. a dirty, filthy whore.

>> No.1517244
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>> No.1517284

troll harder nigger

>> No.1517333

Archive this tread, pl0x!

>> No.1517427

>implying i'm trolling
he wrote Fear and Trembling about his obsession with seducing bitches in college.

Kierkegaard was alpha bro

>> No.1517455

Kierkegaard was a total beta bitch, bitch.

>> No.1517490

not sure if trolling,


archive this shit

>> No.1517494
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Yo, dog, cool the racial slurs.
Ya dig, homeboy?

>> No.1517510

come on now think about it: would you fuck Kierkegaard?

>> No.1517540


>> No.1517551
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You mad, brother?

>> No.1517560

samefag everywhere

>> No.1517705

namefag everywhere

>> No.1517725

Kierkegaardian Christians are the only acceptable form of Christian.

>> No.1517728

Well I stand corrected about the Rousseau-Hegel Connection. To be fair, I'm no expert on Rousseau and other democratic revolutionary thinkers. What I grasped my philosophy course in which we discussed Hegel was that his ideas on Dialectics proved useful to both socialism and democracy.

>> No.1517735

>JESUS CHRIST!!! this thread is still going for over 24 hours?
>Can somebody pleased archive this shit!

You have no clue how /lit/ works do you? Its a slow enough board that it doesn't take much to keep a thread alive for a week.

>> No.1517738

What about Tolstoyan Christians?

>> No.1517742

Nope still crap.

>> No.1517764
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but this thread is legendary, thats why ir should be archived


>> No.1517796

christians are okay as long as they understand that metaphysics is below ethics and don't worship natural law etc silliness.

>> No.1517876

>ethics below metaphysics


>> No.1517894

it's the other way around. and no i don't think it's possible for someone to have a really really good ethical system while still committed to religious beliefs about the world (metaphysics), but it should be good enough.

however, the idea of an all powerful god who has the right to give death and life is a great reactionary force in the service of hierarchy and authoritarian barbarism, just fyi

>> No.1517929

>blah blah incomprehensible banter
..oh..ok, dude.

>> No.1517948
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>can't comprehend basic ideas
>cry about it

>> No.1517973
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>> No.1518018

>painful to read
>uses poor punctuation
>should have payed attention in grade school

but it's probably just 2deep4me.jpg

>> No.1518028

A Kierkegaard thread, and no mention of Sartre? That is impressive.

>> No.1518045

yea im not writing very well, because i am slightly drunk and sleepy. deal with it bro

>> No.1518058

I didn't realize Sartre had anything to do with Kierkegaard.

>> No.1518068
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>> No.1518133
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>> No.1518171
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>> No.1518630

goodmorning bump

>> No.1518825

i occasionaly bump threads

>> No.1518855

archive this thread already


>> No.1518876


>> No.1518913


>> No.1519221

that's because Sartre was a hypocrite who only made existentialism popular.
>Sartre claimed that you always have free will, so if you say I can't join the Resistance because I could be killed, then you are a loser. However, Sartre served the military only as a meteorologist and when he joined the resistance he pussed out by writing books (none of which were antinazi enough to be censored) instead of putting his life on the line.
>talked about the importance of not becoming your role in the crowd, yet supported comunism
>called everything he didn't like 'the bourgoisie' in much the same way that the nazi card is used. doubly ironic considering he was an upper class individual, and the bourgoisie where the people that philosophy was naturaly popular with
>was french

>> No.1519252

One thing about existentialism I've always wondered:

Does existentialim believe that the universe is objectively real simmilar to the view of Ayn Randian Objectivists?

>> No.1519271
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Really? archive?
This thread is like listening to a conversation of college students after one too many glasses of franzia

>> No.1519599
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>> No.1519604
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>> No.1519628

no, srsly

>> No.1519631 [DELETED] 

Kierkegaard drove me to minimalistic despair, and I haven't crawled out of that hole yet.

A+++ would recommend

>> No.1519640

We drink whiskey here, bro.

>> No.1519642

Kierkegaard drove me to minimalistic despair, and I haven't crawled out of that hole yet.

A+++ would buy again

>> No.1519644

fu, this is the best philosophical exposition there's been in some time.

>> No.1519646
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I was drinking pabst.
>mfw dissapointed in your assumption.

captcha - n**ger from (whut??)

>> No.1519653
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seriously? Really? Are you sure? Is /lit/ so bad that threads like this become relationally good?

>> No.1519655

you're welcome.

>> No.1519667

because tripfags drive away anyone who could actually contribute

'fabulous' is the most cancerous faggot to every grace the threads of /lit/

>> No.1519696
File: 22 KB, 300x244, 1290379739301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put your meter away, pull up a chair
im getting something, cant contribute due to insufficient reading

P.s. please dont die thread

>> No.1519711

Hey, guys, I'm new here. Is this a worthy thread, or is it useless? I thought it was fairly informative. Can you give me an honest response.

Thanks, pals!

>> No.1519713

gotta have faith bitches!

>> No.1519714

Whoops: I forgot "?".

>> No.1519749

bumping for interest.

>> No.1519752
File: 21 KB, 289x185, 1282703040705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1519895

Oh no's!

>> No.1520041


>> No.1520043

Fucking stop bumping this dead thread.

>> No.1520082


U Mad?

>> No.1520087


>> No.1520089
File: 60 KB, 300x450, The Essential Kierkegaard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this recently. I have no clue how readable it'll be, be here goes nothing.

>> No.1520116

It's interesting that someone (much) earlier said to read Kierkegaard like poetry... I find him very quotable, but pretty incomprehensible on the whole. He has little pieces of insight, but his overall views seem very inconsistent.
The whole teleological suspension of the ethical, the way I read it, isn't so much a justification for wrongdoing, but a reaction to religion without sacrifice (with the Abraham example being kind of a weak analogy, since it ended up being generally understood as justification). He believed that faith didn't mean anything if it didn't require anything from you, not that you should claim God made you act badly.
I don't know, he just seems like a tragically fucked up individual, but his ponderings occasionally touch upon something that seems to go deeper

>> No.1520127

existentialism is really difficult to compare to any other philosophy, because it's very fluid.
I suppose there could be some 'Randians' who try to adapt some of its concepts, but it seems like some of it would be mutually exclusive, mostly because I find most who adhere to her beliefs to be relatively self-ignorant, and the whole idea of an individual being in constant development and striving is contradictory

>> No.1520138

In the sense that objectivism claims that this reality IS reality and you can't pussyfoot your way out of it.
Existentialism posits that we must accept reality and stop living in some sort of precontrived role
That's what I meant

>> No.1520147

I may not have a full understanding of the basic ideas, then, but I don't see that there is a solid definition of reality that is central to existentialism. Just as different existentialists had different opinions about the existence or nonexistence of God, I believe they also had different understandings of what constitutes reality. But I may be wrong about that

>> No.1520185

>Since my earliest childhood a barb of sorrow has lodged in my heart. As long as it stays I am ironic — if it is pulled out I shall die.
>People understand me so little that they do not even understand when I complain of being misunderstood.
>I have just now come from a party where I was its life and soul; witticisms streamed from my lips, everyone laughed and admired me, but I went away — yes, the dash should be as long as the radius of the earth's orbit ——————————— and wanted to shoot myself.

Seems pretty fucked up and angsty to me

>> No.1520248


He seems inconsistent because he was writing under a different pen names. The different characters he wrote as had different views. He didn't publish much under his own name while he was alive.

>> No.1520265

very true, but hardly the basis for something that can be identified as a philosophy

>> No.1520316

what has to be taken into acount is that Kierkegaard trolled hegel relentlessly, and some of the pseudonyms he wrote under were parody of hegel

>> No.1520635

bumping for pleasure.

>> No.1520643

rumping for morality

>> No.1521040
File: 120 KB, 460x340, wintelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know much about his philosophy besides the near Islamic level of transcendence attributed to God and his thoughts on boredom being the cause of all pointless human activity (which seemed to be pretty much everything.)

Anyways, OP, I love that picture. u got any background info on it?


>>this pic is for you guys...

>> No.1521058

Can anyone recommend me some books on Hegel and dialectics?

>> No.1521072

Isn't Hegel and the Dialectics some prog rock band?

There are plenty of books that look at Kant, Hegel and Fichte and the Hegelian Dialectic. I don't know one that's massively better than the others.

>> No.1521096

okay, thanks

>> No.1521438

>thanks, bro

>> No.1521466

i just imagegoogle kirkegaard and lookid for lolzy pic

>> No.1521921

one last bump

>> No.1522214

one last, last bump